sensors393.v 46.7 KB
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 * <b>Module:</b>sensors393
 * @file sensors393.v
 * @date 2015-07-12  
 * @author Andrey Filippov     
 * @brief 4-channel sensor subsystem
8 9
 *  Uniform, assuming the same sensors/multiplexers, common pixel clock
10 11 12 13
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015 Elphel, Inc .
 * <b>License:</b>
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
 * sensors393.v is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 *  sensors393.v is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <> .
26 27 28 29 30 31
 * Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7:
 * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it
 * with independent modules provided by the FPGA vendor only (this permission
 * does not extend to any 3-rd party modules, "soft cores" or macros) under
 * different license terms solely for the purpose of generating binary "bitstream"
 * files and/or simulating the code, the copyright holders of this Program give
33 34
 * you the right to distribute the covered work without those independent modules
 * as long as the source code for them is available from the FPGA vendor free of
Andrey Filippov's avatar
Andrey Filippov committed
 * charge, and there is no dependence on any encrypted modules for simulating of
36 37 38
 * the combined code. This permission applies to you if the distributed code
 * contains all the components and scripts required to completely simulate it
 * with at least one of the Free Software programs.
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
`timescale 1ns/1ps

module  sensors393 #(
    // parameters, individual to sensor channels and those likely to be modified
    parameter SENSOR_GROUP_ADDR =         'h400, // sensor registers base address
    parameter SENSOR_BASE_INC =           'h040, // increment for sesor channel
    parameter HIST_SAXI_ADDR_REL =         'h100, // histograms control addresses (16 locations) relative to SENSOR_GROUP_ADDR
    parameter HIST_SAXI_MODE_ADDR_REL =    'h110, // histograms mode address (1 locations) relative to SENSOR_GROUP_ADDR
50 51
    // Sesnors use 8 status registers, 'h20..'h27
    parameter SENSI2C_STATUS_REG_BASE =   'h20,  // 4 locations" x20, x22, x24, x26
    parameter SENSI2C_STATUS_REG_INC =    2,     // increment to the next sensor
53 54
    parameter SENSI2C_STATUS_REG_REL =    0,     // 4 locations" 'h20, 'h22, 'h24, 'h26
    parameter SENSIO_STATUS_REG_REL =     1,     // 4 locations" 'h21, 'h23, 'h25, 'h27
    parameter SENSOR_NUM_HISTOGRAM=       3,     // number of histogram channels
    parameter HISTOGRAM_RAM_MODE =        "BUF32", // "NOBUF", // valid: "NOBUF" (32-bits, no buffering), "BUF18", "BUF32"
    parameter SENS_NUM_SUBCHN =           3,     // number of subchannels for his sensor ports (1..4)
58 59 60 61 62 63
    parameter SENS_GAMMA_BUFFER =         0,     // 1 - use "shadow" table for clean switching, 0 - single table per channel
    // parameters defining address map
    parameter SENSOR_CTRL_RADDR =         0, // relative to SENSOR_GROUP_ADDR 
    parameter SENSOR_CTRL_ADDR_MASK =    'h7ff, //
        // bits of the SENSOR mode register
64 65 66 67 68
        parameter SENSOR_MODE_WIDTH =     10,
        parameter SENSOR_HIST_EN_BITS =    0,  // 0..3 1 - enable histogram modules, disable after processing the started frame
        parameter SENSOR_HIST_NRST_BITS =  4,  // 0 - immediately reset all histogram modules 
        parameter SENSOR_CHN_EN_BIT =      8,  // 1 - this enable channel
        parameter SENSOR_16BIT_BIT =       9, // 0 - 8 bpp mode, 1 - 16 bpp (bypass gamma). Gamma-processed data is still used for histograms
69 70 71 72 73
    parameter SENSI2C_CTRL_RADDR =        2, // 302..'h303
    parameter SENSI2C_CTRL_MASK =     'h7fe,
      // sensor_i2c_io relative control register addresses
      parameter SENSI2C_CTRL =          'h0,
    // Control register bits
Andrey Filippov's avatar
Andrey Filippov committed
75 76
        parameter SENSI2C_CMD_TABLE =       29, // [29]: 1 - write to translation table (ignore any other fields), 0 - write other fields
        parameter SENSI2C_CMD_TAND =        28, // [28]: 1 - write table address (8 bits), 0 - write table data (28 bits)
77 78 79
        parameter SENSI2C_CMD_RESET =       14, // [14]   reset all FIFO (takes 16 clock pulses), also - stops i2c until run command
        parameter SENSI2C_CMD_RUN =         13, // [13:12]3 - run i2c, 2 - stop i2c (needed before software i2c), 1,0 - no change to run state
        parameter SENSI2C_CMD_RUN_PBITS =    1,
80 81
        parameter SENSI2C_CMD_SOFT_SDA =     6, // [7:6] - SDA software control: 0 - nop, 1 - low, 2 - active high, 3 - float
        parameter SENSI2C_CMD_SOFT_SCL =     4, // [5:4] - SCL software control: 0 - nop, 1 - low, 2 - active high, 3 - float
        parameter SENSI2C_CMD_FIFO_RD =      3, // advance I2C read data FIFO by 1  
Andrey Filippov's avatar
Andrey Filippov committed
83 84 85 86
        parameter SENSI2C_CMD_ACIVE =        2, // [2] - SENSI2C_CMD_ACIVE_EARLY0, SENSI2C_CMD_ACIVE_SDA
        parameter SENSI2C_CMD_ACIVE_EARLY0 = 1, // release SDA==0 early if next bit ==1
        parameter SENSI2C_CMD_ACIVE_SDA =    0,  // drive SDA=1 during the second half of SCL=1

87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
    //i2c page table bit fields
        parameter SENSI2C_TBL_RAH =          0, // high byte of the register address 
        parameter SENSI2C_TBL_RAH_BITS =     8,
        parameter SENSI2C_TBL_RNWREG =       8, // read register (when 0 - write register
        parameter SENSI2C_TBL_SA =           9, // Slave address in write mode
        parameter SENSI2C_TBL_SA_BITS =      7,
        parameter SENSI2C_TBL_NBWR =        16, // number of bytes to write (1..10)
        parameter SENSI2C_TBL_NBWR_BITS =    4,
        parameter SENSI2C_TBL_NBRD =        16, // number of bytes to read (1 - 8) "0" means "8"
        parameter SENSI2C_TBL_NBRD_BITS =    3,
        parameter SENSI2C_TBL_NABRD =       19, // number of address bytes for read (0 - 1 byte, 1 - 2 bytes)
        parameter SENSI2C_TBL_DLY =         20, // bit delay (number of mclk periods in 1/4 of SCL period)
        parameter SENSI2C_TBL_DLY_BITS=      8,

101 102
      parameter SENSI2C_STATUS =        'h1,
103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
    parameter SENS_SYNC_RADDR  =        'h4,
    parameter SENS_SYNC_MASK  =         'h7fc,
      // 2 locations reserved for control/status (if they will be needed)
      parameter SENS_SYNC_MULT  =       'h2,   // relative register address to write number of frames to combine in one (minus 1, '0' - each farme)
      parameter SENS_SYNC_LATE  =       'h3,    // number of lines to delay late frame sync
    parameter SENS_GAMMA_RADDR =        'h38, // 'h38..'h3b was 4,
112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125
    parameter SENS_GAMMA_ADDR_MASK =   'h7fc,
      // sens_gamma registers
      parameter SENS_GAMMA_CTRL =        'h0,
      parameter SENS_GAMMA_ADDR_DATA =   'h1, // bit 20 ==1 - table address, bit 20==0 - table data (18 bits)
      parameter SENS_GAMMA_HEIGHT01 =    'h2, // bits [15:0] - height minus 1 of image 0, [31:16] - height-1 of image1
      parameter SENS_GAMMA_HEIGHT2 =     'h3, // bits [15:0] - height minus 1 of image 2 ( no need for image 3)
        // bits of the SENS_GAMMA_CTRL mode register
        parameter SENS_GAMMA_MODE_WIDTH =  5, // does not include trig
        parameter SENS_GAMMA_MODE_BAYER =  0,
        parameter SENS_GAMMA_MODE_PAGE =   2,
        parameter SENS_GAMMA_MODE_EN =     3,
        parameter SENS_GAMMA_MODE_REPET =  4,
        parameter SENS_GAMMA_MODE_TRIG =   5,
126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150
// Vignetting correction / pixel value scaling - controlled via single data word (same as in 252), some of bits [23:16]
// are used to select register, bits 25:24 - select sub-frame
    parameter SENS_LENS_RADDR =             'h3c, 
    parameter SENS_LENS_ADDR_MASK =         'h7fc,
    parameter SENS_LENS_COEFF =             'h3, // set vignetting/scale coefficients (
      parameter SENS_LENS_AX =              'h00, // 00000...
      parameter SENS_LENS_AX_MASK =         'hf8,
      parameter SENS_LENS_AY =              'h08, // 00001...
      parameter SENS_LENS_AY_MASK =         'hf8,
      parameter SENS_LENS_C =               'h10, // 00010...
      parameter SENS_LENS_C_MASK =          'hf8,
      parameter SENS_LENS_BX =              'h20, // 001.....
      parameter SENS_LENS_BX_MASK =         'he0,
      parameter SENS_LENS_BY =              'h40, // 010.....
      parameter SENS_LENS_BY_MASK =         'he0,
      parameter SENS_LENS_SCALES =          'h60, // 01100...
      parameter SENS_LENS_SCALES_MASK =     'hf8,
      parameter SENS_LENS_FAT0_IN =         'h68, // 01101000
      parameter SENS_LENS_FAT0_IN_MASK =    'hff,
      parameter SENS_LENS_FAT0_OUT =        'h69, // 01101001
      parameter SENS_LENS_FAT0_OUT_MASK =   'hff,
      parameter SENS_LENS_POST_SCALE =      'h6a, // 01101010
      parameter SENS_LENS_POST_SCALE_MASK = 'hff,

    parameter SENSIO_RADDR =          8,  //'h408  .. 'h40f
151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158
    parameter SENSIO_ADDR_MASK =      'h7f8,
      // sens_parallel12 registers
      parameter SENSIO_CTRL =           'h0,
        // SENSIO_CTRL register bits
        parameter SENS_CTRL_MRST =        0,  //  1: 0
        parameter SENS_CTRL_ARST =        2,  //  3: 2
        parameter SENS_CTRL_ARO =         4,  //  5: 4
        parameter SENS_CTRL_RST_MMCM =    6,  //  7: 6
159 160 161
`ifdef HISPI
        parameter SENS_CTRL_IGNORE_EMBED =8,  //  9: 8
        parameter SENS_CTRL_EXT_CLK =     8,  //  9: 8
        parameter SENS_CTRL_LD_DLY =     10,  // 10
165 166 167 168
`ifdef HISPI
        parameter SENS_CTRL_GP0=      12,  // 13:12
        parameter SENS_CTRL_GP1=      14,  // 15:14
        parameter SENS_CTRL_QUADRANTS =  12,  // 17:12, enable - 20
170 171
        parameter SENS_CTRL_QUADRANTS_WIDTH = 6,
        parameter SENS_CTRL_QUADRANTS_EN =   20,  // 17:12, enable - 20 (2 bits reserved)
173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
      parameter SENSIO_STATUS =         'h1,
      parameter SENSIO_JTAG =           'h2,
        // SENSIO_JTAG register bits
        parameter SENS_JTAG_PGMEN =       8,
        parameter SENS_JTAG_PROG =        6,
        parameter SENS_JTAG_TCK =         4,
        parameter SENS_JTAG_TMS =         2,
        parameter SENS_JTAG_TDI =         0,
`ifndef HISPI
      parameter SENSIO_WIDTH =          'h3, // 1.. 2^16, 0 - use HACT
184 185 186
      parameter SENSIO_DELAYS =         'h4, // 'h4..'h7
        // 4 of 8-bit delays per register
    // sensor_i2c_io command/data write registers s (relative to SENSOR_GROUP_ADDR)
187 188
    parameter SENSI2C_ABS_RADDR =       'h10, // 'h410..'h41f
    parameter SENSI2C_REL_RADDR =       'h20, // 'h420..'h42f
189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205
    parameter SENSI2C_ADDR_MASK =       'h7f0, // both for SENSI2C_ABS_ADDR and SENSI2C_REL_ADDR

    // sens_hist registers (relative to SENSOR_GROUP_ADDR)
    parameter HISTOGRAM_RADDR0 =        'h30, //
    parameter HISTOGRAM_RADDR1 =        'h32, //
    parameter HISTOGRAM_RADDR2 =        'h34, //
    parameter HISTOGRAM_RADDR3 =        'h36, //
    parameter HISTOGRAM_ADDR_MASK =     'h7fe, // for each channel
      // sens_hist registers
      parameter HISTOGRAM_LEFT_TOP =     'h0,
      parameter HISTOGRAM_WIDTH_HEIGHT = 'h1, // 1.. 2^16, 0 - use HACT
    //sensor_i2c_io other parameters
    parameter integer SENSI2C_DRIVE=     12,
    parameter SENSI2C_IBUF_LOW_PWR=      "TRUE",
    parameter SENSI2C_SLEW =             "SLOW",
`ifndef HISPI
    //sensor_fifo parameters
208 209
    parameter SENSOR_DATA_WIDTH =      12,
    parameter SENSOR_FIFO_2DEPTH =     4,
    parameter [3:0] SENSOR_FIFO_DELAY =      5, // 7,
212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222
    // other parameters for histogram_saxi module
    parameter HIST_SAXI_ADDR_MASK =      'h7f0,
      parameter HIST_SAXI_MODE_WIDTH =   8,
      parameter HIST_SAXI_EN =           0,
      parameter HIST_SAXI_NRESET =       1,
      parameter HIST_CONFIRM_WRITE =     2, // wait write confirmation for each block
      parameter HIST_SAXI_AWCACHE =      4'h3, //..7 cache mode (4 bits, default 4'h3)
    parameter HIST_SAXI_MODE_ADDR_MASK = 'h7ff,
    parameter NUM_FRAME_BITS =           4, // number of bits use for frame number 
223 224 225 226 227 228 229
    // Other parameters
    parameter SENS_SYNC_FBITS =          16,    // number of bits in a frame counter for linescan mode
    parameter SENS_SYNC_LBITS =          16,    // number of bits in a line counter for sof_late output (limited by eof) 
    parameter SENS_SYNC_LATE_DFLT =      15,    // number of lines to delay late frame sync
    parameter SENS_SYNC_MINBITS =        8,    // number of bits to enforce minimal frame period 
    parameter SENS_SYNC_MINPER =         130,    // minimal frame period (in pclk/mclk?) 
230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237
    // sens_parallel12 other parameters
//    parameter IODELAY_GRP ="IODELAY_SENSOR", // may need different for different channels?
    parameter integer IDELAY_VALUE =     0,
    parameter integer PXD_DRIVE =        12,
    parameter PXD_IBUF_LOW_PWR =         "TRUE",
    parameter PXD_SLEW =                 "SLOW",
238 239
    parameter real SENS_REFCLK_FREQUENCY =    300.0,
240 241 242 243 244
`ifdef HISPI
    parameter PXD_CAPACITANCE =          "DONT_CARE",
    parameter PXD_CLK_DIV =              10, // 220MHz -> 22MHz
    parameter PXD_CLK_DIV_BITS =          4,
245 246 247
    parameter SENS_PHASE_WIDTH=           8,      // number of bits for te phase counter (depends on divisors)
//    parameter SENS_PCLK_PERIOD =          10.000,  // input period in ns, 0..100.000 - MANDATORY, resolution down to 1 ps
    parameter SENS_BANDWIDTH =            "OPTIMIZED",  //"OPTIMIZED", "HIGH","LOW"

249 250 251 252 253 254 255
    // parameters for the sensor-synchronous clock PLL
`ifdef HISPI    
    parameter CLKIN_PERIOD_SENSOR =      3.000,  // input period in ns, 0..100.000 - MANDATORY, resolution down to 1 ps
    parameter CLKFBOUT_MULT_SENSOR =     3,      // 330 MHz --> 990 MHz
    parameter CLKFBOUT_PHASE_SENSOR =    0.000,  // CLOCK FEEDBACK phase in degrees (3 significant digits, -360.000...+360.000)
    parameter IPCLK_PHASE =              0.000,
    parameter IPCLK2X_PHASE =            0.000,
256 257
    parameter PXD_IOSTANDARD =           "LVCMOS18",
    parameter SENSI2C_IOSTANDARD =       "LVCMOS18",
258 259 260
    parameter CLKIN_PERIOD_SENSOR =      10.000, // input period in ns, 0..100.000 - MANDATORY, resolution down to 1 ps
    parameter CLKFBOUT_MULT_SENSOR =     8,      // 100 MHz --> 800 MHz
261 262 263
    parameter CLKFBOUT_PHASE_SENSOR =    0.000,  // CLOCK FEEDBACK phase in degrees (3 significant digits, -360.000...+360.000)
    parameter IPCLK_PHASE =              0.000,
    parameter IPCLK2X_PHASE =            0.000,
264 265
    parameter PXD_IOSTANDARD =           "LVCMOS25",
    parameter SENSI2C_IOSTANDARD =       "LVCMOS25",
267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279
//    parameter BUF_IPCLK =                "BUFR",
//    parameter BUF_IPCLK2X =              "BUFR",  
    parameter BUF_IPCLK_SENS0 =          "BUFR", //G", // "BUFR", // BUFR fails for both clocks for sensors1 and 3
    parameter BUF_IPCLK2X_SENS0 =        "BUFR", //G", // "BUFR",  

    parameter BUF_IPCLK_SENS1 =          "BUFG", // "BUFR", // BUFR fails for both clocks for sensors1 and 3
    parameter BUF_IPCLK2X_SENS1 =        "BUFG", // "BUFR",  

    parameter BUF_IPCLK_SENS2 =          "BUFR", //G", // "BUFR", // BUFR fails for both clocks for sensors1 and 3
    parameter BUF_IPCLK2X_SENS2 =        "BUFR", //G", // "BUFR",  

    parameter BUF_IPCLK_SENS3 =          "BUFG", // "BUFR", // BUFR fails for both clocks for sensors1 and 3
    parameter BUF_IPCLK2X_SENS3 =        "BUFG", // "BUFR",  
280 281

    parameter SENS_DIVCLK_DIVIDE =       1,            // Integer 1..106. Divides all outputs with respect to CLKIN
Andrey Filippov's avatar
Andrey Filippov committed
    parameter SENS_REF_JITTER1   =       0.010,        // Expected jitter on CLKIN1 (0.000..0.999)
284 285 286 287
    parameter SENS_REF_JITTER2   =       0.010,
    parameter SENS_SS_EN         =       "FALSE",      // Enables Spread Spectrum mode
    parameter SENS_SS_MOD_PERIOD =       10000        // integer 4000-40000 - SS modulation period in ns
288 289 290
`ifdef HISPI
   ,parameter HISPI_MSB_FIRST =            0,
    parameter HISPI_NUMLANES =             4,
291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298
    parameter HISPI_DELAY_CLK0=           "FALSE",      
    parameter HISPI_DELAY_CLK1=           "FALSE",      
    parameter HISPI_DELAY_CLK2=           "FALSE",      
    parameter HISPI_DELAY_CLK3=           "FALSE",      
    parameter HISPI_MMCM0 =               "TRUE",
    parameter HISPI_MMCM1 =               "TRUE",
    parameter HISPI_MMCM2 =               "TRUE",
    parameter HISPI_MMCM3 =               "TRUE",
299 300 301 302
    parameter HISPI_KEEP_IRST =           5,   // number of cycles to keep irst on after release of prst (small number - use 1 hot)
    parameter HISPI_WAIT_ALL_LANES =      4'h8, // number of output pixel cycles to wait after the earliest lane
    parameter HISPI_FIFO_DEPTH =          4,
    parameter HISPI_FIFO_START =          7,
303 304
    parameter HISPI_CAPACITANCE =         "DONT_CARE",
    parameter HISPI_DIFF_TERM =           "TRUE",
    parameter HISPI_UNTUNED_SPLIT =       "FALSE", // Very power-hungry
306 307 308 309
    parameter HISPI_DQS_BIAS =            "TRUE",
    parameter HISPI_IBUF_DELAY_VALUE =    "0",
    parameter HISPI_IBUF_LOW_PWR =        "TRUE",
    parameter HISPI_IFD_DELAY_VALUE =     "AUTO",
    parameter HISPI_IOSTANDARD =          "DIFF_SSTL18_I" //"DIFF_SSTL18_II" for high current (13.4mA vs 8mA)
311 312
313 314 315
        ,parameter DEBUG_CMD_LATENCY = 2 
316 317
) (
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Andrey Filippov committed
//    input         rst,
// will generate it here
Andrey Filippov's avatar
Andrey Filippov committed
    input         pclk,    // global clock input, pixel rate (96MHz for MT9P006)
`ifdef USE_PCLK2X    
Andrey Filippov's avatar
Andrey Filippov committed
    input         pclk2x,  // global clock input, double pixel rate (192MHz for MT9P006)
324 325
    input         ref_clk, // IODELAY calibration 
    input         dly_rst,       
Andrey Filippov's avatar
Andrey Filippov committed
326 327 328
    input         mrst,      // @posedge mclk, sync reset
    input         prst,      // @posedge pclk, sync reset
    input         arst,      // @posedge aclk, sync reset
329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338
    // programming interface
    input         mclk,     // global clock, half DDR3 clock, synchronizes all I/O through the command port
    input   [7:0] cmd_ad_in,      // byte-serial command address/data (up to 6 bytes: AL-AH-D0-D1-D2-D3 
    input         cmd_stb_in,     // strobe (with first byte) for the command a/d
    output  [7:0] status_ad,   // status address/data - up to 5 bytes: A - {seq,status[1:0]} - status[2:9] - status[10:17] - status[18:25]
    output        status_rq,   // input request to send status downstream
    input         status_start, // Acknowledge of the first status packet byte (address)
    // I/O pads, pin names match circuit diagram (each sensor)
`ifdef HISPI    
340 341
    input  [15:0] sns_dp,
    input  [15:0] sns_dn,
342 343
    inout  [15:0] sns_dp74, // SuppressThisWarning all - unused yet
    inout  [15:0] sns_dn74, // SuppressThisWarning all - unused yet
344 345
    input   [3:0] sns_clkp, // SuppressThisWarning all - input-only in HiSPi mode
    input   [3:0] sns_clkn, // SuppressThisWarning all - input-only in HiSPi mode
347 348
    inout  [31:0] sns_dp,
    inout  [31:0] sns_dn,
349 350
    inout   [3:0] sns_clkp,
    inout   [3:0] sns_clkn,
352 353
    inout   [3:0] sns_scl,
    inout   [3:0] sns_sda,
354 355 356 357
`ifdef HISPI    
    inout   [3:0] sns_ctl, // SuppressThisWarning all - output-only in HiSPi mode
    inout   [3:0] sns_ctl,
    inout   [3:0] sns_pg,
    // Memory interface (4 channels)
    input    [3:0] frame_run_mclk, // input [3:0] - enable sensor data to memory buffer
364 365
    input    [3:0] rpage_set,    // set internal read page to rpage_in (reset pointers)
    input    [3:0] rpage_next,   // advance to next page (and reset lower bits to 0)
    input    [3:0] buf_rd,       // read buffer to memory, increment read address (register enable will be delayed)
    output [255:0] buf_dout,     // data out 
    output   [3:0] page_written, // single mclk pulse: buffer page (full or partial) is written to the memory buffer 
369 370
    // Lower bits of frame numbers to use with the histograms, get from the sequencers
371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379
    // trigger inputs
    input         trigger_mode, // common to all sensors - running in triggered mode (0 - free running mode)
    input   [3:0] trig_in,      // per-sensor trigger input
    output  [3:0] sof_out_pclk, // @ pclk start of frame 
    output  [3:0] eof_out_pclk, // @ pclk end of frame
    output  [3:0] sof_out_mclk, // @ mclk start of frame - use to run sequencer, so register writes should be before compressor start
    output  [3:0] sof_late_mclk,// @ mclk start of frame, delayed (use to start compressor and interrupts)
380 381 382 383 384
    input  [NUM_FRAME_BITS-1:0] frame_num0,
    input  [NUM_FRAME_BITS-1:0] frame_num1, 
    input  [NUM_FRAME_BITS-1:0] frame_num2, 
    input  [NUM_FRAME_BITS-1:0] frame_num3, 
385 386
    output                     idelay_rdy, // need to connect outputs to prevent optimizing out
387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412
    // S_AXI interface write only (histograms out)
    // write address
    input                      aclk,                   // global clock for S_AXI0 (150 MHz)    
    output              [31:0] saxi_awaddr,            // AXI PS Slave GP0 AWADDR[31:0], input
    output                     saxi_awvalid,           // AXI PS Slave GP0 AWVALID, input
    input                      saxi_awready,           // AXI PS Slave GP0 AWREADY, output
    output               [5:0] saxi_awid,              // AXI PS Slave GP0 AWID[5:0], input
    output               [1:0] saxi_awlock,            // AXI PS Slave GP0 AWLOCK[1:0], input
    output              [ 3:0] saxi_awcache,           // AXI PS Slave GP0 AWCACHE[3:0], input
    output              [ 2:0] saxi_awprot,            // AXI PS Slave GP0 AWPROT[2:0], input
    output              [ 3:0] saxi_awlen,             // AXI PS Slave GP0 AWLEN[3:0], input
    output              [ 1:0] saxi_awsize,            // AXI PS Slave GP0 AWSIZE[1:0], input
    output              [ 1:0] saxi_awburst,           // AXI PS Slave GP0 AWBURST[1:0], input
    output              [ 3:0] saxi_awqos,             // AXI PS Slave GP0 AWQOS[3:0], input
    // write data
    output              [31:0] saxi_wdata,             // AXI PS Slave GP0 WDATA[31:0], input
    output                     saxi_wvalid,            // AXI PS Slave GP0 WVALID, input
    input                      saxi_wready,            // AXI PS Slave GP0 WREADY, output
    output              [ 5:0] saxi_wid,               // AXI PS Slave GP0 WID[5:0], input
    output                     saxi_wlast,             // AXI PS Slave GP0 WLAST, input
    output              [ 3:0] saxi_wstrb,             // AXI PS Slave GP0 WSTRB[3:0], input
    // write response
    input                      saxi_bvalid,            // AXI PS Slave GP0 BVALID, output
    output                     saxi_bready,            // AXI PS Slave GP0 BREADY, input
    input               [ 5:0] saxi_bid,               // AXI PS Slave GP0 BID[5:0], output
    input               [ 1:0] saxi_bresp              // AXI PS Slave GP0 BRESP[1:0], output
413 414 415 416 417
    ,output [2 * 4 - 1 : 0] dbg_rpage   
    ,output [2 * 4 - 1 : 0] dbg_wpage   
418 419 420 421 422
`ifdef DEBUG_RING       
    ,output                       debug_do, // output to the debug ring
     input                        debug_sl, // 0 - idle, (1,0) - shift, (1,1) - load
     input                        debug_di  // input from the debug ring
423 424
425 426

    localparam DEBUG_RING_LENGTH = 5;
428 429 430 431 432 433
    wire [DEBUG_RING_LENGTH:0] debug_ring; // TODO: adjust number of bits
    assign debug_do = debug_ring[0];
    assign debug_ring[DEBUG_RING_LENGTH] = debug_di;

434 435
    wire               [1:0] idelay_ctrl_rdy;   // need to connect outputs to prevent optimizing out
    assign idelay_rdy = &idelay_ctrl_rdy;
436 437
    reg              [7:0] cmd_ad;    
    reg                    cmd_stb;
    wire            [31:0] status_ad_chn;
439 440 441
    wire             [3:0] status_rq_chn;
    wire             [3:0] status_start_chn;

    wire            [63:0] px_data;
443 444 445 446
    wire             [3:0] px_valid;
    wire             [3:0] last_in_line;
    wire             [3:0] hist_request;
    wire             [3:0] hist_grant;
    wire             [7:0] hist_chn; 
    wire             [3:0] hist_dvalid;
449 450 451 452
    wire           [127:0] hist_data;
    wire  [4*NUM_FRAME_BITS-1:0] frame_num = {frame_num3, frame_num2, frame_num1, frame_num0};
453 454
455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462
    always @ (posedge mclk) begin
        cmd_ad <= cmd_ad_in;
        cmd_stb <= cmd_stb_in;

        genvar i;
        for (i=0; i < 4; i=i+1) begin: sensor_channel_block
464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471
            sensor_channel #(
                .SENSOR_NUMBER                 (i),
                .SENSOR_GROUP_ADDR             (SENSOR_GROUP_ADDR),
                .SENSOR_BASE_INC               (SENSOR_BASE_INC),
                .SENSI2C_STATUS_REG_INC        (SENSI2C_STATUS_REG_INC),
                .SENSI2C_STATUS_REG_REL        (SENSI2C_STATUS_REG_REL),
472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480
                .SENS_SYNC_RADDR               (SENS_SYNC_RADDR),
                .SENS_SYNC_MASK                (SENS_SYNC_MASK),
                .SENS_SYNC_MULT                (SENS_SYNC_MULT),
                .SENS_SYNC_LATE                (SENS_SYNC_LATE),
                .SENS_SYNC_FBITS               (SENS_SYNC_FBITS),
                .SENS_SYNC_LBITS               (SENS_SYNC_LBITS),
                .SENS_SYNC_LATE_DFLT           (SENS_SYNC_LATE_DFLT),
                .SENS_SYNC_MINBITS             (SENS_SYNC_MINBITS),
                .SENS_SYNC_MINPER              (SENS_SYNC_MINPER),
481 482
                .HISTOGRAM_RAM_MODE            (HISTOGRAM_RAM_MODE),
Andrey Filippov's avatar
Andrey Filippov committed
                .SENS_NUM_SUBCHN               (SENS_NUM_SUBCHN),
484 485 486 487
                .SENS_GAMMA_BUFFER             (SENS_GAMMA_BUFFER),
                .SENSOR_CTRL_RADDR             (SENSOR_CTRL_RADDR),
                .SENSOR_MODE_WIDTH             (SENSOR_MODE_WIDTH),
488 489 490
                .SENSOR_CHN_EN_BIT             (SENSOR_CHN_EN_BIT),
                .SENSOR_HIST_EN_BITS           (SENSOR_HIST_EN_BITS),
491 492 493 494
                .SENSOR_16BIT_BIT              (SENSOR_16BIT_BIT),
                .SENSI2C_CTRL_RADDR            (SENSI2C_CTRL_RADDR),
                .SENSI2C_CTRL_MASK             (SENSI2C_CTRL_MASK),
                .SENSI2C_CTRL                  (SENSI2C_CTRL),
Andrey Filippov's avatar
Andrey Filippov committed
495 496
                .SENSI2C_CMD_TABLE             (SENSI2C_CMD_TABLE),
                .SENSI2C_CMD_TAND              (SENSI2C_CMD_TAND),
497 498 499
                .SENSI2C_CMD_RESET             (SENSI2C_CMD_RESET),
                .SENSI2C_CMD_RUN               (SENSI2C_CMD_RUN),
                .SENSI2C_CMD_RUN_PBITS         (SENSI2C_CMD_RUN_PBITS),
500 501
                .SENSI2C_CMD_SOFT_SDA          (SENSI2C_CMD_SOFT_SDA),
                .SENSI2C_CMD_SOFT_SCL          (SENSI2C_CMD_SOFT_SCL),
Andrey Filippov's avatar
Andrey Filippov committed
502 503 504 505
                .SENSI2C_CMD_FIFO_RD           (SENSI2C_CMD_FIFO_RD),
                .SENSI2C_CMD_ACIVE             (SENSI2C_CMD_ACIVE),
                .SENSI2C_CMD_ACIVE_SDA         (SENSI2C_CMD_ACIVE_SDA),
506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517
                .SENSI2C_TBL_RAH               (SENSI2C_TBL_RAH), // high byte of the register address 
                .SENSI2C_TBL_RAH_BITS          (SENSI2C_TBL_RAH_BITS),
                .SENSI2C_TBL_RNWREG            (SENSI2C_TBL_RNWREG), // read register (when 0 - write register
                .SENSI2C_TBL_SA                (SENSI2C_TBL_SA), // Slave address in write mode
                .SENSI2C_TBL_SA_BITS           (SENSI2C_TBL_SA_BITS),
                .SENSI2C_TBL_NBWR              (SENSI2C_TBL_NBWR), // number of bytes to write (1..10)
                .SENSI2C_TBL_NBWR_BITS         (SENSI2C_TBL_NBWR_BITS),
                .SENSI2C_TBL_NBRD              (SENSI2C_TBL_NBRD), // number of bytes to read (1 - 8) "0" means "8"
                .SENSI2C_TBL_NBRD_BITS         (SENSI2C_TBL_NBRD_BITS),
                .SENSI2C_TBL_NABRD             (SENSI2C_TBL_NABRD), // number of address bytes for read (0 - 1 byte, 1 - 2 bytes)
                .SENSI2C_TBL_DLY               (SENSI2C_TBL_DLY),   // bit delay (number of mclk periods in 1/4 of SCL period)
                .SENSI2C_TBL_DLY_BITS          (SENSI2C_TBL_DLY_BITS),
518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530
                .SENSI2C_STATUS                (SENSI2C_STATUS),
                .SENS_GAMMA_RADDR              (SENS_GAMMA_RADDR),
                .SENS_GAMMA_ADDR_MASK          (SENS_GAMMA_ADDR_MASK),
                .SENS_GAMMA_CTRL               (SENS_GAMMA_CTRL),
                .SENS_GAMMA_ADDR_DATA          (SENS_GAMMA_ADDR_DATA),
                .SENS_GAMMA_HEIGHT01           (SENS_GAMMA_HEIGHT01),
                .SENS_GAMMA_HEIGHT2            (SENS_GAMMA_HEIGHT2),
                .SENS_GAMMA_MODE_PAGE          (SENS_GAMMA_MODE_PAGE),
                .SENS_GAMMA_MODE_EN            (SENS_GAMMA_MODE_EN),
                .SENS_GAMMA_MODE_TRIG          (SENS_GAMMA_MODE_TRIG),
531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551
                .SENS_LENS_RADDR               (SENS_LENS_RADDR),
                .SENS_LENS_ADDR_MASK           (SENS_LENS_ADDR_MASK),
                .SENS_LENS_COEFF               (SENS_LENS_COEFF),
                .SENS_LENS_AX                  (SENS_LENS_AX),
                .SENS_LENS_AX_MASK             (SENS_LENS_AX_MASK),
                .SENS_LENS_AY                  (SENS_LENS_AY),
                .SENS_LENS_AY_MASK             (SENS_LENS_AY_MASK),
                .SENS_LENS_C                   (SENS_LENS_C),
                .SENS_LENS_C_MASK              (SENS_LENS_C_MASK),
                .SENS_LENS_BX                  (SENS_LENS_BX),
                .SENS_LENS_BX_MASK             (SENS_LENS_BX_MASK),
                .SENS_LENS_BY                  (SENS_LENS_BY),
                .SENS_LENS_BY_MASK             (SENS_LENS_BY_MASK),
                .SENS_LENS_SCALES              (SENS_LENS_SCALES),
                .SENS_LENS_FAT0_IN             (SENS_LENS_FAT0_IN),
                .SENS_LENS_FAT0_IN_MASK        (SENS_LENS_FAT0_IN_MASK),
                .SENS_LENS_FAT0_OUT            (SENS_LENS_FAT0_OUT),
                .SENS_LENS_FAT0_OUT_MASK       (SENS_LENS_FAT0_OUT_MASK),
                .SENS_LENS_POST_SCALE          (SENS_LENS_POST_SCALE),
552 553 554 555 556 557 558
                .SENSIO_RADDR                  (SENSIO_RADDR),
                .SENSIO_ADDR_MASK              (SENSIO_ADDR_MASK),
                .SENSIO_CTRL                   (SENSIO_CTRL),
                .SENS_CTRL_MRST                (SENS_CTRL_MRST),
                .SENS_CTRL_ARST                (SENS_CTRL_ARST),
                .SENS_CTRL_ARO                 (SENS_CTRL_ARO),
                .SENS_CTRL_RST_MMCM            (SENS_CTRL_RST_MMCM),
559 560 561
`ifdef HISPI                
                .SENS_CTRL_EXT_CLK             (SENS_CTRL_EXT_CLK),
                .SENS_CTRL_LD_DLY              (SENS_CTRL_LD_DLY),
565 566 567 568
`ifdef HISPI
                .SENS_CTRL_GP0                 (SENS_CTRL_GP0),
                .SENS_CTRL_GP1                 (SENS_CTRL_GP1),
                .SENS_CTRL_QUADRANTS           (SENS_CTRL_QUADRANTS),
570 571
573 574 575 576 577 578 579
                .SENSIO_STATUS                 (SENSIO_STATUS),
                .SENSIO_JTAG                   (SENSIO_JTAG),
                .SENS_JTAG_PGMEN               (SENS_JTAG_PGMEN),
                .SENS_JTAG_PROG                (SENS_JTAG_PROG),
                .SENS_JTAG_TCK                 (SENS_JTAG_TCK),
                .SENS_JTAG_TMS                 (SENS_JTAG_TMS),
                .SENS_JTAG_TDI                 (SENS_JTAG_TDI),
`ifndef HISPI
                .SENSIO_WIDTH                  (SENSIO_WIDTH),
583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597
                .SENSIO_DELAYS                 (SENSIO_DELAYS),
                .SENSI2C_ABS_RADDR             (SENSI2C_ABS_RADDR),
                .SENSI2C_REL_RADDR             (SENSI2C_REL_RADDR),
                .SENSI2C_ADDR_MASK             (SENSI2C_ADDR_MASK),
                .HISTOGRAM_RADDR0              (HISTOGRAM_RADDR0),
                .HISTOGRAM_RADDR1              (HISTOGRAM_RADDR1),
                .HISTOGRAM_RADDR2              (HISTOGRAM_RADDR2),
                .HISTOGRAM_RADDR3              (HISTOGRAM_RADDR3),
                .HISTOGRAM_ADDR_MASK           (HISTOGRAM_ADDR_MASK),
                .HISTOGRAM_LEFT_TOP            (HISTOGRAM_LEFT_TOP),
                .SENSI2C_DRIVE                 (SENSI2C_DRIVE),
                .SENSI2C_IBUF_LOW_PWR          (SENSI2C_IBUF_LOW_PWR),
                .SENSI2C_IOSTANDARD            (SENSI2C_IOSTANDARD),
                .SENSI2C_SLEW                  (SENSI2C_SLEW),
                .NUM_FRAME_BITS                (NUM_FRAME_BITS),
`ifndef HISPI
600 601 602
                .SENSOR_DATA_WIDTH             (SENSOR_DATA_WIDTH),
                .SENSOR_FIFO_2DEPTH            (SENSOR_FIFO_2DEPTH),
                .SENSOR_FIFO_DELAY             (SENSOR_FIFO_DELAY),
                .IODELAY_GRP                   ((i & 2)?"IODELAY_SENSOR_34":"IODELAY_SENSOR_12"),
605 606 607 608 609
                .IDELAY_VALUE                  (IDELAY_VALUE),
                .PXD_DRIVE                     (PXD_DRIVE),
                .PXD_IBUF_LOW_PWR              (PXD_IBUF_LOW_PWR),
                .PXD_IOSTANDARD                (PXD_IOSTANDARD),
                .PXD_SLEW                      (PXD_SLEW),
610 611
612 613 614 615 616
`ifdef HISPI
                .PXD_CAPACITANCE               (PXD_CAPACITANCE),
                .PXD_CLK_DIV                   (PXD_CLK_DIV),
                .PXD_CLK_DIV_BITS              (PXD_CLK_DIV_BITS),
                .SENS_PHASE_WIDTH              (SENS_PHASE_WIDTH),
//                .SENS_PCLK_PERIOD              (SENS_PCLK_PERIOD),
                .SENS_BANDWIDTH                (SENS_BANDWIDTH),
621 622 623 624
                .IPCLK_PHASE                   (IPCLK_PHASE),
                .IPCLK2X_PHASE                 (IPCLK2X_PHASE),
625 626
                .BUF_IPCLK                     ((i & 2) ? ((i & 1) ? BUF_IPCLK_SENS3 :   BUF_IPCLK_SENS2)   : ((i & 1) ?BUF_IPCLK_SENS1   :BUF_IPCLK_SENS0 )),
                .BUF_IPCLK2X                   ((i & 2) ? ((i & 1) ? BUF_IPCLK2X_SENS3 : BUF_IPCLK2X_SENS2) : ((i & 1) ?BUF_IPCLK2X_SENS1 :BUF_IPCLK2X_SENS0 )),
627 628 629 630 631 632
                .SENS_DIVCLK_DIVIDE            (SENS_DIVCLK_DIVIDE),
                .SENS_REF_JITTER1              (SENS_REF_JITTER1),
                .SENS_REF_JITTER2              (SENS_REF_JITTER2),
                .SENS_SS_EN                    (SENS_SS_EN),
                .SENS_SS_MODE                  (SENS_SS_MODE),
                .SENS_SS_MOD_PERIOD            (SENS_SS_MOD_PERIOD)
633 634 635
`ifdef HISPI
               ,.HISPI_MSB_FIRST               (HISPI_MSB_FIRST),
                .HISPI_NUMLANES                (HISPI_NUMLANES),
636 637 638

                .HISPI_DELAY_CLK               ((i & 2) ? ((i & 1) ? HISPI_DELAY_CLK3 : HISPI_DELAY_CLK2) : ((i & 1) ?HISPI_DELAY_CLK1 : HISPI_DELAY_CLK0 )),
                .HISPI_MMCM                    ((i & 2) ? ((i & 1) ? HISPI_MMCM3 :      HISPI_MMCM2) :      ((i & 1) ?HISPI_MMCM1 :      HISPI_MMCM0 )),
639 640 641 642
                .HISPI_KEEP_IRST               (HISPI_KEEP_IRST),
                .HISPI_WAIT_ALL_LANES          (HISPI_WAIT_ALL_LANES),
                .HISPI_FIFO_DEPTH              (HISPI_FIFO_DEPTH),
                .HISPI_FIFO_START              (HISPI_FIFO_START),
643 644
                .HISPI_CAPACITANCE             (HISPI_CAPACITANCE),
                .HISPI_DIFF_TERM               (HISPI_DIFF_TERM),
                .HISPI_UNTUNED_SPLIT           (HISPI_UNTUNED_SPLIT),        
646 647 648 649 650 651 652
                .HISPI_DQS_BIAS                (HISPI_DQS_BIAS),
                .HISPI_IBUF_LOW_PWR            (HISPI_IBUF_LOW_PWR),
                .HISPI_IOSTANDARD              (HISPI_IOSTANDARD)
653 654 655
            ) sensor_channel_i (
Andrey Filippov's avatar
Andrey Filippov committed
                .pclk         (pclk),                  // input
`ifdef USE_PCLK2X    
Andrey Filippov's avatar
Andrey Filippov committed
                .pclk2x       (pclk2x),                // input
Andrey Filippov's avatar
Andrey Filippov committed
661 662
                .mrst         (mrst),                  // input
                .prst         (prst),                  // input
663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670
`ifdef HISPI
                .sns_dp       (sns_dp[i * 4 +: 4]),    // input[3:0] 
                .sns_dn       (sns_dn[i * 4 +: 4]),    // input[3:0]
                .sns_dp74     (sns_dp74[i * 4 +: 4]),  // input[3:0] 
                .sns_dn74     (sns_dn74[i * 4 +: 4]),  // input[3:0] 
                .sns_clkp     (sns_clkp[i]),           // input
                .sns_clkn     (sns_clkn[i]),           // input
Andrey Filippov's avatar
Andrey Filippov committed
671 672 673 674
                .sns_dp       (sns_dp[i * 8 +: 8]),    // inout[7:0] 
                .sns_dn       (sns_dn[i * 8 +: 8]),    // inout[7:0] 
                .sns_clkp     (sns_clkp[i]),           // inout
                .sns_clkn     (sns_clkn[i]),           // inout
Andrey Filippov's avatar
Andrey Filippov committed
676 677 678 679
                .sns_scl      (sns_scl[i]),            // inout
                .sns_sda      (sns_sda[i]),            // inout
                .sns_ctl      (sns_ctl[i]),            // inout
                .sns_pg       (sns_pg[i]),             // inout
681 682 683
                .mclk         (mclk),                  // input
                .cmd_ad_in    (cmd_ad),                // input[7:0] 
                .cmd_stb_in   (cmd_stb),               // input
                .status_ad    (status_ad_chn[i * 8 +: 8]), // output[7:0] 
685 686 687 688
                .status_rq    (status_rq_chn[i]),      // output
                .status_start (status_start_chn[i]),   // input
                .trigger_mode (trigger_mode),          // input
                .trig_in      (trig_in[i]),            // input
                .frame_num_seq(frame_num[NUM_FRAME_BITS*i +:NUM_FRAME_BITS]), // input[3:0] 
                .dout         (px_data[16 * i +: 16]), // output[15:0] 
691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698
                .dout_valid   (px_valid[i]),           // output
                .last_in_line (last_in_line[i]),       // output
                .sof_out      (sof_out_pclk[i]),       // output
                .eof_out      (eof_out_pclk[i]),       // output
                .sof_out_mclk (sof_out_mclk[i]),       // output
                .sof_late_mclk(sof_late_mclk[i]),      // output
                .hist_request (hist_request[i]),       // output
                .hist_grant   (hist_grant[i]),         // input
                .hist_chn     (hist_chn[2 * i +: 2]),  // output[1:0] 
                .hist_dvalid  (hist_dvalid[i]),        // output
                .hist_data    (hist_data[i * 32 +: 32])// output[31:0] 
702 703 704 705 706
`ifdef DEBUG_RING       
                ,.debug_do    (debug_ring[i]),         // output
                .debug_sl     (debug_sl),              // input
                .debug_di     (debug_ring[i+1])        // input
707 708 709 710 711

            sensor_membuf #(
            ) sensor_membuf_i (
712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728
                .pclk          (pclk),                    // input
                .prst          (prst),                    // input
                .mrst          (mrst),                    // input
                .frame_run_mclk(frame_run_mclk[i]),       // input    @mclk - memory channel is ready to accept data from the sensor
                .px_data       (px_data[16 * i +: 16]),   // input[15:0] 
                .px_valid      (px_valid[i]),             // input
                .last_in_line  (last_in_line[i]),         // input
                .mclk          (mclk),                    // input
                .rpage_set     (rpage_set[i]),            // input
                .rpage_next    (rpage_next[i]),           // input
                .buf_rd        (buf_rd[i]),               // input
                .buf_dout      (buf_dout[64*i +: 64]),    // output[63:0]
                .page_written (page_written[i]) // output reg  single mclk pulse: buffer page (full or partial) is written to the memory buffer 
               ,.dbg_rpage     (dbg_rpage[2 * i +: 2])   
               ,.dbg_wpage     (dbg_wpage[2 * i +: 2])   
729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743

    histogram_saxi #(
        .HIST_SAXI_EN             (HIST_SAXI_EN),
        .NUM_FRAME_BITS           (NUM_FRAME_BITS)
744 745 746
    ) histogram_saxi_i (
Andrey Filippov's avatar
Andrey Filippov committed
//        .rst            (rst),                    // input
749 750
        .mclk           (mclk),                   // input
        .aclk           (aclk),                   // input
Andrey Filippov's avatar
Andrey Filippov committed
751 752
        .mrst           (mrst),                   // input
        .arst           (arst),                   // input
753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799
        .frame0         (frame_num0),             // input[3:0] 
        .hist_request0  (hist_request[0]),        // input
        .hist_grant0    (hist_grant[0]),          // output
        .hist_chn0      (hist_chn[0 * 2 +: 2]),   // input[1:0] 
        .hist_dvalid0   (hist_dvalid[0]),         // input
        .hist_data0     (hist_data[0 * 32 +: 32]),// input[31:0] 
        .frame1         (frame_num1),             // input[3:0] 
        .hist_request1  (hist_request[1]),        // input
        .hist_grant1    (hist_grant[1]),          // output
        .hist_chn1      (hist_chn[1 * 2 +: 2]),   // input[1:0] 
        .hist_dvalid1   (hist_dvalid[1]),         // input
        .hist_data1     (hist_data[1 * 32 +: 32]),// input[31:0] 
        .frame2         (frame_num2),             // input[3:0] 
        .hist_request2  (hist_request[2]),        // input
        .hist_grant2    (hist_grant[2]),          // output
        .hist_chn2      (hist_chn[2 * 2 +: 2]),   // input[1:0]
        .hist_dvalid2   (hist_dvalid[2]),         // input
        .hist_data2     (hist_data[2 * 32 +: 32]),// input[31:0] 
        .frame3         (frame_num3),             // input[3:0] 
        .hist_request3  (hist_request[3]),        // input
        .hist_grant3    (hist_grant[3]),          // output
        .hist_chn3      (hist_chn[3 * 2 +: 2]),   // input[1:0]
        .hist_dvalid3   (hist_dvalid[3]),         // input
        .hist_data3     (hist_data[3 * 32 +: 32]),// input[31:0] 
        .cmd_ad         (cmd_ad),                 // input[7:0] 
        .cmd_stb        (cmd_stb),                // input
        .saxi_awaddr    (saxi_awaddr),            // output[31:0] 
        .saxi_awvalid   (saxi_awvalid),           // output
        .saxi_awready   (saxi_awready),           // input
        .saxi_awid      (saxi_awid),              // output[5:0] 
        .saxi_awlock    (saxi_awlock),            // output[1:0] 
        .saxi_awcache   (saxi_awcache),           // output[3:0] 
        .saxi_awprot    (saxi_awprot),            // output[2:0] 
        .saxi_awlen     (saxi_awlen),             // output[3:0] 
        .saxi_awsize    (saxi_awsize),            // output[1:0] 
        .saxi_awburst   (saxi_awburst),           // output[1:0] 
        .saxi_awqos     (saxi_awqos),             // output[3:0] 
        .saxi_wdata     (saxi_wdata),             // output[31:0] 
        .saxi_wvalid    (saxi_wvalid),            // output
        .saxi_wready    (saxi_wready),            // input
        .saxi_wid       (saxi_wid),               // output[5:0] 
        .saxi_wlast     (saxi_wlast),             // output
        .saxi_wstrb     (saxi_wstrb),             // output[3:0] 
        .saxi_bvalid    (saxi_bvalid),            // input
        .saxi_bready    (saxi_bready),            // output
        .saxi_bid       (saxi_bid),               // input[5:0] 
        .saxi_bresp     (saxi_bresp)              // input[1:0] 
800 801 802 803 804
`ifdef DEBUG_RING       
       ,.debug_do       (debug_ring[4]),          // output
        .debug_sl       (debug_sl),               // input
        .debug_di       (debug_ring[5])           // input
805 806 807
    status_router4 status_router4_i (
Andrey Filippov's avatar
Andrey Filippov committed
        .rst           (1'b0),                   // input
        .clk           (mclk),                   // input
Andrey Filippov's avatar
Andrey Filippov committed
        .srst          (mrst),                    // input
811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825
        .db_in0        (status_ad_chn[0 +: 8]),  // input[7:0] 
        .rq_in0        (status_rq_chn[0]),       // input
        .start_in0     (status_start_chn[0]),    // output
        .db_in1        (status_ad_chn[8 +: 8]),  // input[7:0] 
        .rq_in1        (status_rq_chn[1]),       // input
        .start_in1     (status_start_chn[1]),    // output
        .db_in2        (status_ad_chn[16 +: 8]), // input[7:0] 
        .rq_in2        (status_rq_chn[2]),       // input
        .start_in2     (status_start_chn[2]),    // output
        .db_in3        (status_ad_chn[24 +: 8]), // input[7:0] 
        .rq_in3        (status_rq_chn[3]),       // input
        .start_in3     (status_start_chn[3]),    // output
        .db_out        (status_ad),              // output[7:0] 
        .rq_out        (status_rq),              // output
        .start_out     (status_start)            // input
// TODO: connect idelay outputs to smth
828 829 830 831 832
    idelay_ctrl# (
    ) idelay_ctrl_sensor12_i (
        .rst(dly_rst), //rst || dly_rst
834 835 836 837 838 839 840
    idelay_ctrl# (
    ) idelay_ctrl_sensor34_i (
        .rst(dly_rst), //rst || dly_rst
843 844 845