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Scripts for setting up development environment to build firmware for Elphel393 camera systems
Mechanical CAD files
A layer for Poky to build an image for 10393 board (depends on linux-elphel)
Extras (drivers, etc.) and patches for the kernel
A mirror of the KiCad development branch, which is hosted at launchpad using bzr (updated every 10 minutes)
Parse bitbake output to generate Eclipse project settings
convert jp4/jp46 files in html canvas element
Visualization of STEP parts/assembly 3d models of Elphel cameras
A bootloader for systems based on the Xilinx Zynq SoC without the inconvenience of the non-free tools and/or files
WebUI for previewing unstitched Eyesis4Pi 393 footage
Panorama editor (KML based)
UI for controlling eyesis4pi based on 10393 system boards
A web ui for the scripts processing Eyesis4Pi-393 footage
temperature monitor
Camera control GUI
WWW content in the basic NC393 camera
scripts for working with the x393 cameras from a host PC
update software, create a bootable micro SD card, create *.iso and *.img