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Scripts for setting up development environment to build firmware for Elphel393 camera systems
Generate RGB-Ds from obj models with Blender
Escher or checker board pattern generator
Fix live555 to work with rtsp streams with dimensions w=2048+, h=2048+
Python scripts for disparity map analysis (pre-processing and post-processing stages)
Pytorch-based neural network to predict disparity maps (ir-tp-net: infrared tile processing network)
Control Motosat controller from the computer, bypass internal functionality
x3dom + leaflet
GPU code file the the Tile Processor implementation
Serving Android sensor data as XML file over WiFi
Interfaces for ROS2
JCuda and Tensorflow Java JNI basic examples.
Custom firmware for KTNNKG wifi 30A module
Python code for developing a system to compress images in order to achieve uninterrupted frames.