Commit 5978d4b5 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Added input data, matched 256-cycle Bayer CLT in all modes

parent 46f1a6c9
......@@ -550,7 +550,8 @@ D11 - negate for mode 3 (SS)
// are these shift OK? Will need to be valis only @ dtt_start_out
.shift_h (x_shft_r4), // input[6:0] signed
.shift_v (y_shft_r4), // input[6:0] signed
.inv_checker (1'b0), // input only used for Bayer mosaic data
// .inv_checker (1'b0), // input only used for Bayer mosaic data
.inv (3'b0), // input only used for Bayer mosaic data
.fd_din (dtt_rd_data), // input[24:0] signed. Expected latency = 3 from start
.fd_out (dout), // output[24:0] reg signed
.pre_first_out (pre_first_out), // output reg
......@@ -458,7 +458,8 @@ module mclt16x16_bayer#(
// are these shift OK? Will need to be valis only @ dtt_start_out
.shift_h (x_shft_r5), // input[6:0] signed
.shift_v (y_shft_r5), // input[6:0] signed
.inv_checker (inv_checker_r5),// input only used for Bayer mosaic data
// .inv_checker (inv_checker_r5),// input only used for Bayer mosaic data
.inv ({inv_checker_r5,1'b0,inv_checker_r5}),// input only used for Bayer mosaic data
.fd_din (dtt_rd_data0), // input[24:0] signed. Expected latency = 3 from start
.fd_out (dout0), // output[24:0] reg signed
.pre_first_out (pre_first_out), // output reg
......@@ -480,7 +481,9 @@ module mclt16x16_bayer#(
// are these shift OK? Will need to be valis only @ dtt_start_out
.shift_h (x_shft_r5), // input[6:0] signed
.shift_v (y_shft_r5), // input[6:0] signed
.inv_checker (inv_checker_r5),// input only used for Bayer mosaic data
// .inv_checker (inv_checker_r5),// input only used for Bayer mosaic data
.inv ({inv_checker_r5,1'b0,inv_checker_r5}),// input only used for Bayer mosaic data
.fd_din (dtt_rd_data1), // input[24:0] signed. Expected latency = 3 from start
.fd_out (dout1), // output[24:0] reg signed
.pre_first_out (), // output reg
......@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ module mclt16x16_bayer3#(
parameter DSP_B_WIDTH = 18, // signed, output from sin/cos ROM
parameter DSP_A_WIDTH = 25,
parameter DSP_P_WIDTH = 48,
parameter DEAD_CYCLES = 14 // start next block immedaitely, or with longer pause
parameter DEAD_CYCLES = 14, // start next block immedaitely, or with longer pause
parameter OUTS_AT_ONCE = 1 // 0: outputs with lowest latency, 1: all at once (with green)
input clk, //!< system clock, posedge
input rst, //!< sync reset
......@@ -102,9 +103,11 @@ module mclt16x16_bayer3#(
localparam DTT_IN_DELAY = 63; // 69; // wa -ra min = 1
// localparam DTT_OUT_DELAY = 128; // 191; // start output to sin/cos rotator, with checker - 2*64 +/=?
// May be tweaked so outputs will appear simultaneously
localparam DTT_OUT_DELAY_R = 64; // 191; // start output to sin/cos rotator, with checker - 2*64 +/=?
localparam DTT_OUT_DELAY_B = 64; // 191; // start output to sin/cos rotator, with checker - 2*64 +/=?
localparam DTT_OUT_DELAY_G = 128; // 191; // start output to sin/cos rotator, with checker - 2*64 +/=?
localparam DTT_OUT_DELAY_G = 128-17; // 191; // start output to sin/cos rotator, with checker - 2*64 +/=?
localparam DTT_OUT_DELAY_R = OUTS_AT_ONCE ? (DTT_OUT_DELAY_G + 128) : 64-19; // 191; // start output to sin/cos rotator, with checker - 2*64 +/=?
localparam DTT_OUT_DELAY_B = OUTS_AT_ONCE ? (DTT_OUT_DELAY_G + 64) : 64-19; // 191; // start output to sin/cos rotator, with checker - 2*64 +/=?
reg [7:0] in_cntr; //
reg run_r;
......@@ -468,6 +471,18 @@ module mclt16x16_bayer3#(
// Three of 2 page buffers after dtt (feeding two phase rotators), address MSB is not needed
reg [8:0] dbg_prerot_bufwr_r, dbg_prerot_bufwr_b, dbg_prerot_bufwr_g;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (dtt_out_we_r) dbg_prerot_bufwr_r <= dtt_out_ram_wa_rb;
if (dtt_out_we_b) dbg_prerot_bufwr_b <= dtt_out_ram_wa_rb;
if (dtt_out_we_g) dbg_prerot_bufwr_g <= dtt_out_ram_wa_g;
// wire [8:0] dbg_prerot_buf_r = dtt_rd_regen_r[0]?(dtt_out_ram_wa_rb - dtt_rd_ra_r):'bz; // SuppressThisWarning VEditor : debug output
// wire [8:0] dbg_prerot_buf_b = dtt_rd_regen_b[0]?(dtt_out_ram_wa_rb - dtt_rd_ra_b):'bz; // SuppressThisWarning VEditor : debug output
// wire [8:0] dbg_prerot_buf_g = dtt_rd_regen_g[0]?(dtt_out_ram_wa_g - dtt_rd_ra_g):'bz; // SuppressThisWarning VEditor : debug output
wire [8:0] dbg_prerot_buf_r = dtt_rd_regen_r[0]?(dbg_prerot_bufwr_r - dtt_rd_ra_r):'bz; // SuppressThisWarning VEditor : debug output
wire [8:0] dbg_prerot_buf_b = dtt_rd_regen_b[0]?(dbg_prerot_bufwr_b - dtt_rd_ra_b):'bz; // SuppressThisWarning VEditor : debug output
wire [8:0] dbg_prerot_buf_g = dtt_rd_regen_g[0]?(dbg_prerot_bufwr_g - dtt_rd_ra_g):'bz; // SuppressThisWarning VEditor : debug output
ram18p_var_w_var_r #(
......@@ -537,7 +552,7 @@ module mclt16x16_bayer3#(
.shift_h (x_shft_rot_ram_reg), // input[6:0] signed
.shift_v (y_shft_rot_ram_reg), // input[6:0] signed
.inv_checker (inv_checker_rot_ram_reg), // input
.inv_rows (valid_odd_rot_ram_reg), // input
.odd_rows (valid_odd_rot_ram_reg), // input
.in_addr (dtt_rd_ra_r), // output[7:0]
.in_re (dtt_rd_regen_r), // output[1:0]
.fd_din (dtt_rd_data_r), // input[24:0] signed
......@@ -566,7 +581,7 @@ module mclt16x16_bayer3#(
.shift_h (x_shft_rot_ram_reg), // input[6:0] signed
.shift_v (y_shft_rot_ram_reg), // input[6:0] signed
.inv_checker (inv_checker_rot_ram_reg), // input
.inv_rows (valid_odd_rot_ram_reg), // input
.odd_rows (valid_odd_rot_ram_reg), // input
.in_addr (dtt_rd_ra_b), // output[7:0]
.in_re (dtt_rd_regen_b), // output[1:0]
.fd_din (dtt_rd_data_b), // input[24:0] signed
......@@ -594,7 +609,7 @@ module mclt16x16_bayer3#(
.shift_h (x_shft_rot_ram_reg), // input[6:0] signed
.shift_v (y_shft_rot_ram_reg), // input[6:0] signed
.inv_checker (inv_checker_rot_ram_reg), // input
.inv_rows (valid_odd_rot_ram_reg), // input
.odd_rows (valid_odd_rot_ram_reg), // input
.in_addr (dtt_rd_ra_g), // output[7:0]
.in_re (dtt_rd_regen_g), // output[1:0]
.fd_din (dtt_rd_data_g), // input[24:0] signed
......@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ module mclt_test_05 ();
parameter DSP_A_WIDTH = 25;
parameter DSP_P_WIDTH = 48;
parameter DEAD_CYCLES = 14; // start next block immedaitely, or with longer pause
// parameter OUTS_AT_ONCE = 0; // 0: outputs with lowest latency, 1: all at once (with green)
parameter OUTS_AT_ONCE = 1; // 0: outputs with lowest latency, 1: all at once (with green)
reg RST = 1'b1;
reg CLK = 1'b0;
......@@ -170,7 +172,8 @@ module mclt_test_05 ();
reg [1:0] byr_index; // [0:2]; // bayer index of top-left 16x16 tile
initial begin
$readmemh("input_data/mclt_dtt_all_00_x1489_y951.dat", java_all);
// $readmemh("input_data/mclt_dtt_all_00_x1489_y951.dat", java_all);
$readmemh("input_data/mclt_dtt_all_02_x1489_y951.dat", java_all);
$display("000c: %h", java_all['h000c]);
......@@ -531,25 +534,32 @@ module mclt_test_05 ();
always @(posedge CLK) FIRST_OUT <= mclt16x16_bayer_i.pre_first_out;
//dout_r, dout_b, dout_g
integer n7r, n7b, n7g;
reg [7:0] cntr7r, cntr7b, cntr7g;
always @ (posedge CLK) begin
if (RST) n7r <= -1; else if (pre_first_out_r) n7r <= n7r + 1;
if (pre_first_out_r) cntr7r <= 0; else if (dv_r) cntr7r <= cntr7r + 1;
if (RST) n7b <= -1; else if (pre_first_out_b) n7b <= n7b + 1;
if (pre_first_out_b) cntr7b <= 0; else if (dv_b) cntr7b <= cntr7b + 1;
if (RST) n7g <= -1; else if (pre_first_out_g) n7g <= n7g + 1;
if (pre_first_out_g) cntr7g <= 0; else if (dv_g) cntr7g <= cntr7g + 1;
integer diff7r, diff7b, diff7g; // SuppressThisWarning VEditor : assigned in $readmem() system task
/// wire [OUT_WIDTH-1:0] java_dout_r0 = jav_dtt_rot['h300*out_addr_r[8] + 'h000 + {out_addr_r[7:6], out_addr_r[2:0], out_addr_r[5:3]}];
/// wire [OUT_WIDTH-1:0] java_dout_b0 = jav_dtt_rot['h300*out_addr_b[8] + 'h100 + {out_addr_b[7:6], out_addr_b[2:0], out_addr_b[5:3]}];
/// wire [OUT_WIDTH-1:0] java_dout_g0 = jav_dtt_rot['h300*out_addr_g[8] + 'h200 + {out_addr_g[7:6], out_addr_g[2:0], out_addr_g[5:3]}];
wire [OUT_WIDTH-1:0] java_dout_r = jav_dtt_rot['h300*n7r + 'h000 + {cntr7r[1:0], cntr7r[7:2]}];
wire [OUT_WIDTH-1:0] java_dout_b = jav_dtt_rot['h300*n7b + 'h100 + {cntr7b[1:0], cntr7b[7:2]}];
wire [OUT_WIDTH-1:0] java_dout_g = jav_dtt_rot['h300*n7g + 'h200 + {cntr7g[1:0], cntr7g[7:2]}];
integer n7, cntr7, diff70, diff71; // SuppressThisWarning VEditor : assigned in $readmem() system task
wire [OUT_WIDTH-1:0] java_data_dtt_rot0 = jav_dtt_rot[{n7[2:0], cntr7[1],cntr7[0],cntr7[6:2],1'b0}]; //java_dtt_rot0[{cntr7[1],cntr7[0],cntr7[7:2]}];
wire [OUT_WIDTH-1:0] java_data_dtt_rot1 = jav_dtt_rot[{n7[2:0], cntr7[1],cntr7[0],cntr7[6:2],1'b1}]; //java_dtt_rot0[{cntr7[1],cntr7[0],cntr7[7:2]}];
initial begin
while (RST) @(negedge CLK);
for (n7 = 0; n7 < 6; n7 = n7+1) begin
while (!FIRST_OUT) begin
@(negedge CLK);
for (cntr7 = 0; cntr7 < 128; cntr7 = cntr7 + 1) begin
diff70 = dout0 - java_data_dtt_rot0;
diff71 = dout1 - java_data_dtt_rot1;
@(negedge CLK);
always @ (posedge CLK) begin
diff7r <= dv_r? (dout_r - java_dout_r) : 'bz;
diff7b <= dv_b? (dout_b - java_dout_b) : 'bz;
diff7g <= dv_g? (dout_g - java_dout_g) : 'bz;
......@@ -641,7 +651,7 @@ module mclt_test_05 ();
reg page3; // 1/2-nd bayer tile
reg pre_run;
reg [1:0] pre_run_cntr;
wire [2:0] color_page = pre_run_cntr + 3 * page3;
wire [2:0] color_page = pre_run_cntr + 3 * page3; // SuppressThisWarning VEditor - VDT bug (used as index)
always @ (posedge CLK) begin
if (START) page3 <= (SUB_PAGE > 2);
......@@ -673,7 +683,8 @@ module mclt_test_05 ();
) mclt16x16_bayer3_i (
.clk (CLK), // input
.rst (RST), // input
......@@ -53,7 +53,10 @@ module phase_rotator#(
input start, //!< single-cycle start pulse that goes 1 cycle before first data
input signed [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] shift_h, //!< subpixel shift horizontal
input signed [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] shift_v, //!< subpixel shift vertical
input inv_checker, //!< negate 2-nd and fourth samples (for handling inverted checkerboard)
// input inv_checker, //!< negate 2-nd and fourth samples (for handling inverted checkerboard)
// fitst sample is never negated
input [2:0] inv, //!< bit 0 - invert 2-nd sample, 1 - third, 2 - fourth (for green: 5)
// input data CC,CS,SC,SS in column scan order (matching DTT)
input signed [FD_WIDTH-1:0] fd_din, //!< frequency domain data in, LATENCY=3 from start
output reg signed [FD_WIDTH-1:0] fd_out, //!< frequency domain data in
......@@ -95,8 +98,11 @@ module phase_rotator#(
reg [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] shift_v0;
reg [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] shift_vr;
reg [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] shift_hv; // combined horizonta and vertical shifts to match cntr_mux;
reg inv_checker_r;
reg inv_checker_r2;
// reg inv_checker_r;
// reg inv_checker_r2;
reg [2:0] inv_r;
reg [2:0] inv_r4;
reg [2:0] inv_r5;
reg [4:0] sign_cs; // sign for cos / sin, feed to DSP
wire sign_cs_d; // sign_cs delayed by 3 clocks
reg [1:0] sign_cs_r; // sign_cs delayed by 5 clocks
......@@ -115,10 +121,12 @@ module phase_rotator#(
if (start) shift_hr <= shift_h;
if (start) shift_v0 <= shift_v;
if (start) inv_checker_r <= inv_checker;
// if (start) inv_checker_r <= inv_checker;
if (start) inv_r <= inv;
if (start_d[3]) shift_vr <= shift_v0;
if (start_d[4]) inv_checker_r2 <= inv_checker_r;
// if (start_d[4]) inv_checker_r2 <= inv_checker_r;
if (start_d[3]) inv_r4 <= inv_r;
inv_r5 <= inv_r4;
if (rst) run_h <= 0;
else if (start) run_h <= 1;
// else if (&cntr_h_consec[6:0] && (cntr_h[7] || DECIMATE)) run_h <= 0;
......@@ -231,10 +239,16 @@ module phase_rotator#(
negm_2 <= ((ph[5] & ~sign_cs[3]) | (ph[6] & sign_cs[4])) ^
(inv_checker_r2 & (ph[5] | ph[7])); // invert negation when using Bayer patterns
negm_1 <= (ph[4] & ~sign_cs[2]) | (ph[5] & sign_cs[3]);
negm_2 <= ((ph[5] & ~sign_cs[3]) | (ph[6] & sign_cs[4])) ^ inv_checker_r2;
// (inv_checker_r2 & (|ph[7:4])); // invert negation when using Bayer patterns
// negm_1 <= (ph[4] & ~sign_cs[2]) | (ph[5] & sign_cs[3]);
// negm_2 <= ((ph[5] & ~sign_cs[3]) | (ph[6] & sign_cs[4])) ^ inv_checker_r2;
negm_1 <= ((ph[4] & ~sign_cs[2]) | (ph[5] & sign_cs[3])) ^
(inv_r4[1] & (ph[4] | ph[6])); // invert negation when using Bayer patterns
negm_2 <= ((ph[5] & ~sign_cs[3]) | (ph[6] & sign_cs[4])) ^
((inv_r5[0] & (ph[4] | ph[6])) |
(inv_r5[2] & (ph[5] | ph[7]))); // invert negation when using Bayer patterns
accum_1 <= ph[4] | ph[6]; accum_2 <= ph[5] | ph[7];
// vertical shift DSPs
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ module phase_rotator_rgb#(
input signed [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] shift_h, //!< subpixel shift horizontal
input signed [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] shift_v, //!< subpixel shift vertical
input inv_checker, //!< negate 2-nd and fourth samples (for handling inverted checkerboard)
input inv_rows, //!< 0 : use first row, 1 - second row (when GREEN=0)
input odd_rows, //!< when not GEEN (R or B) 0: even (first) rows non-zero, 1: odd (second)
// input data CC,CS,SC,SS in column scan order (matching DTT)
output [GREEN + 6:0] in_addr, //!< input buffer address
output [1:0] in_re, //!< input buffer re/regen
......@@ -69,10 +69,8 @@ module phase_rotator_rgb#(
reg signed [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] shift_h_r;
reg signed [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] shift_v_r;
reg inv_checker_r;
reg inv_rows_r;
reg wpage_r;
wire negate = inv_checker_r ^ inv_rows_r; // FIXME: put real
reg [2:0] inv;
reg [1:0] dtt_start_out;
reg [7:0] dtt_dly_cntr;
reg [4:0] dtt_rd_regen_dv;
......@@ -81,14 +79,16 @@ module phase_rotator_rgb#(
reg [8:0] out_addr_r;
assign in_addr = in_addr_r[GREEN + 6:0];
assign in_re = dtt_rd_regen_dv[2:1];
assign fd_wa = {out_addr_r[8], out_addr_r[0],out_addr_r[1],out_addr_r[4:2],out_addr_r[7:5]};
// assign fd_wa = {out_addr_r[8], out_addr_r[0],out_addr_r[1],out_addr_r[4:2],out_addr_r[7:5]};
assign fd_wa = {out_addr_r[8], out_addr_r[1],out_addr_r[0],out_addr_r[4:2],out_addr_r[7:5]};
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (start) begin
shift_h_r <= shift_h;
shift_v_r <= shift_v;
inv_checker_r <= inv_checker;
inv_rows_r <= inv_rows;
inv <= inv_checker ?
(( GREEN || odd_rows) ? 5 : 6):
((!GREEN && odd_rows) ? 3 : 0);
wpage_r <= wpage;
......@@ -110,11 +110,11 @@ module phase_rotator_rgb#(
else if (dtt_rd_regen_dv[0]) dtt_rd_cntr_pre <= dtt_rd_cntr_pre + 1;
if (GREEN) in_addr_r <= {dtt_rd_cntr_pre[8],
dtt_rd_cntr_pre[0] ^ dtt_rd_cntr_pre[0],
dtt_rd_cntr_pre[0] ^ dtt_rd_cntr_pre[1],
dtt_rd_cntr_pre[0] ? (~dtt_rd_cntr_pre[7:2]) : dtt_rd_cntr_pre[7:2]};
else in_addr_r <= {1'b0,
// dtt_rd_cntr_pre[0] ^ dtt_rd_cntr_pre[0],
// dtt_rd_cntr_pre[0] ^ dtt_rd_cntr_pre[1],
dtt_rd_cntr_pre[1] ?
(dtt_rd_cntr_pre[0] ? (~dtt_rd_cntr_pre[7:2]) : {~dtt_rd_cntr_pre[7:5],dtt_rd_cntr_pre[4:2]}):
(dtt_rd_cntr_pre[0] ? {dtt_rd_cntr_pre[7:5],~dtt_rd_cntr_pre[4:2]} : dtt_rd_cntr_pre[7:2])};
......@@ -139,10 +139,10 @@ module phase_rotator_rgb#(
.clk (clk), // input
.rst (rst), // input
.start (dtt_start_out[1]), // input
// are these shift OK? Will need to be valis only @ dtt_start_out
// are these shift OK? Will need to be valid only @ dtt_start_out
.shift_h (shift_h_r), // input[6:0] signed
.shift_v (shift_v_r), // input[6:0] signed
.inv_checker (negate), // input only used for Bayer mosaic data
.inv (inv), // input [2:0]
.fd_din (fd_din), // input[24:0] signed. Expected latency = 3 from start
.fd_out (fd_out), // output[24:0] reg signed
.pre_first_out (pre_first_out), // output reg
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