Commit c2b29afd authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Finished converting event_logger to use serial (byte-parallal) timestamp messages

parent e9862dab
This diff is collapsed.
...@@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ module imu_exttime393( ...@@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ module imu_exttime393(
if (pre_copy_w) sel_chn <= chn_enc_w; if (pre_copy_w) sel_chn <= chn_enc_w;
if (!copy_selected[1]) copy_cntr <= 0; if (!copy_selected[1]) copy_cntr <= 4; // reverse order - timestamp message start with seconds, here usec first
else copy_cntr <= copy_cntr + 1; else copy_cntr <= copy_cntr + 1;
copy_data_r <= copy_data; // previous data is low byte copy_data_r <= copy_data; // previous data is low byte
// write x16 timestamp data to RAM, inser channel number into unused microseconds byte // write x16 timestamp data to RAM, insert channel number into unused microseconds byte
if (copy_selected[1] && copy_cntr[0]) ts_ram[copy_cntr[2:1]] <= {copy_selected[0]?copy_data:{6'b0,sel_chn},copy_data_r}; if (copy_selected[1] && copy_cntr[0]) ts_ram[copy_cntr[2:1]] <= {copy_selected[0]?copy_data:{6'b0,sel_chn},copy_data_r};
end end
...@@ -21,132 +21,75 @@ ...@@ -21,132 +21,75 @@
`timescale 1ns/1ps `timescale 1ns/1ps
module imu_timestamps393( module imu_timestamps393(
sclk, // 160MHz, negedge input xclk, // 80 MHz, posedge
xclk, // 80 MHz, posedge input rst, // sync reset (@posedge xclk)
rst, // reset (@posedge xclk) output reg ts_snap, // request to take a local time snapshot
sec, // running seconds (@negedge sclk) input ts_stb, // one clock pulse before receiving a local TS data
usec, // running microseconds (@negedge sclk) input [7:0] ts_data, // local timestamp data (s0,s1,s2,s3,u0,u1,u2,u3==0)
ts_rq,// requests to create timestamps (4 channels), @posedge xclk
ts_ackn, // timestamp for this channel is stored
ra, // read address (2 MSBs - channel number, 2 LSBs - usec_low, (usec_high ORed with channel <<24), sec_low, sec_high
dout);// output data
input sclk;
input xclk;
input rst;
input [31:0] sec;
input [19:0] usec;
input [ 3:0] ts_rq;
output [ 3:0] ts_ackn;
input [ 3:0] ra;
output [15:0] dout;
reg [31:0] sec_latched;
reg [19:0] usec_latched;
reg [15:0] ts_mux;
reg [ 3:0] wa;
reg srst;
reg [3:0] rq_d;
reg [3:0] rq_d2;
reg [3:0] rq_r;
reg [3:0] rq_sclk;
reg [3:0] rq_sclk2;
reg [3:0] pri_sclk;
reg [3:0] pri_sclk_d;
reg [3:0] rst_rq;
reg [9:0] proc;
wire wstart;
reg we;
wire [3:0] wrst_rq;
reg [3:0] ts_preackn;
reg [3:0] ts_ackn;
assign wstart=|pri_sclk[3:0] && (pri_sclk[3:0] != pri_sclk_d[3:0]);
assign wrst_rq[3:0]={wa[3]&wa[2],wa[3]&~wa[2],~wa[3]&wa[2],~wa[3]&~wa[2]} & {4{proc[5]}};
always @ (posedge xclk) begin
rq_d[3:0] <= ts_rq[3:0];
rq_d2[3:0] <= rq_d[3:0];
always @ (negedge sclk) begin
srst <= rst;
rq_sclk[3:0] <= srst?4'h0:(~rst_rq[3:0] & (rq_r[3:0] | rq_sclk[3:0])) ;
rq_sclk2[3:0] <= srst?4'h0:(~rst_rq[3:0] & rq_sclk[3:0]) ;
pri_sclk[3:0] <= {rq_sclk2[3] & ~|rq_sclk2[2:0],
rq_sclk2[2] & ~|rq_sclk2[1:0],
rq_sclk2[1] & ~rq_sclk2[0],
pri_sclk_d[3:0] <= pri_sclk[3:0];
proc[9:0] <= {proc[9:0], wstart};
if (proc[0]) wa[3:2] <= {|pri_sclk_d[3:2], pri_sclk_d[3] | pri_sclk_d[1]};
if (proc[0]) sec_latched[31:0] <= sec[31:0];
if (proc[0]) usec_latched[19:0] <= usec[19:0];
// if (proc[2]) ts_mux[15:0] <= {6'h0,wa[3:2],4'h0,usec[19:16]};
// 4'bXXX1: ts_mux[15:0] <= {6'h0,wa[3:2],4'h0,usec_latched[19:16]};
// 4'bXX1X: ts_mux[15:0] <= usec_latched[15: 0];
// 4'bX1XX: ts_mux[15:0] <= sec_latched[31:16];
// 4'b1XXX: ts_mux[15:0] <= sec_latched[15: 0];
4'bXXX1: ts_mux[15:0] <= usec_latched[15: 0];
4'bXX1X: ts_mux[15:0] <= {6'h0,wa[3:2],4'h0,usec_latched[19:16]};
4'bX1XX: ts_mux[15:0] <= sec_latched[15: 0];
4'b1XXX: ts_mux[15:0] <= sec_latched[31:16];
endcase input [3:0] ts_rq,// requests to create timestamps (4 channels), @posedge xclk
we <= proc[3] || proc[5] || proc[7] || proc[9]; output [3:0] ts_ackn, // timestamp for this channel is stored
if (proc[2]) wa[1:0] <= 2'b0; input [3:0] ra, // read address (2 MSBs - channel number, 2 LSBs - usec_low, (usec_high ORed with channel <<24), sec_low, sec_high
else if (we) wa[1:0] <= wa[1:0] + 1; output [15:0] dout);// output data
rst_rq[3:0] <= wrst_rq[3:0] | {4{srst}}; reg ts_rcv;
end reg ts_busy;
always @ (posedge xclk or posedge rq_sclk2[0]) begin reg [1:0] chn; // channel for which timestamp is bein requested/received
if (rq_sclk2[0]) rq_r[0] <= 1'b0; wire [3:0] rq_pri; // 1-hot prioritized timestamp request
else if (srst) rq_r[0] <= 1'b0; wire [1:0] rq_enc; // encoded request channel
else if (rq_d[0] && !rq_d2[0]) rq_r[0] <= 1'b1; reg [2:0] cntr; // ts rcv counter
end wire pre_snap;
always @ (posedge xclk or posedge rq_sclk2[1]) begin reg [7:0] ts_data_r; // previous value of ts_data
if (rq_sclk2[1]) rq_r[1] <= 1'b0; reg [15:0] ts_ram[0:15];
else if (srst) rq_r[1] <= 1'b0; reg rcv_last; // receiving last byte (usec MSB)
else if (rq_d[1] && !rq_d2[1]) rq_r[1] <= 1'b1; reg [3:0] ts_ackn_r;
end wire [3:0] chn1hot;
always @ (posedge xclk or posedge rq_sclk2[2]) begin wire pre_ackn;
if (rq_sclk2[2]) rq_r[2] <= 1'b0;
else if (srst) rq_r[2] <= 1'b0; assign rq_pri = {ts_rq[3] & ~(|ts_rq[2:0]),
else if (rq_d[2] && !rq_d2[2]) rq_r[2] <= 1'b1; ts_rq[2] & ~(|ts_rq[1:0]),
end ts_rq[1] & ~ ts_rq[0],
always @ (posedge xclk or posedge rq_sclk2[3]) begin ts_rq[0]};
if (rq_sclk2[3]) rq_r[3] <= 1'b0; assign rq_enc = {rq_pri[3] | rq_pri[2],
else if (srst) rq_r[3] <= 1'b0; rq_pri[3] | rq_pri[1]};
else if (rq_d[3] && !rq_d2[3]) rq_r[3] <= 1'b1;
end assign pre_snap = (|ts_rq) && !ts_busy;
assign chn1hot = {chn[1] & chn[0], chn[1] & ~chn[0], ~chn[1] & chn[0], ~chn[1] & ~chn[0]};
always @ (posedge xclk or posedge rst_rq[0]) begin assign pre_ackn = ts_rcv && (cntr == 3'h6);
if (rst_rq[0]) ts_preackn[0] <= 1'b1;
else if (!ts_rq[0]) ts_preackn[0] <= 1'b0;
end assign ts_ackn = ts_ackn_r;
always @ (posedge xclk or posedge rst_rq[1]) begin
if (rst_rq[1]) ts_preackn[1] <= 1'b1;
else if (!ts_rq[1]) ts_preackn[1] <= 1'b0; always @ (posedge xclk) begin
end ts_snap <= pre_snap && !rst;
always @ (posedge xclk or posedge rst_rq[2]) begin
if (rst_rq[2]) ts_preackn[2] <= 1'b1; if (ts_rcv) ts_data_r <= ts_data;
else if (!ts_rq[2]) ts_preackn[2] <= 1'b0;
end if (rst) ts_busy <= 0;
always @ (posedge xclk or posedge rst_rq[3]) begin else if (pre_snap) ts_busy <= 1;
if (rst_rq[3]) ts_preackn[3] <= 1'b1; else if (ts_rcv && (cntr == 3'h6)) ts_busy <= 0; // adjust 6?
else if (!ts_rq[3]) ts_preackn[3] <= 1'b0;
end rcv_last <= ts_rcv && (cntr == 3'h6);
always @ (posedge xclk) begin if (rst) ts_rcv <= 0;
ts_ackn[3:0] <= ts_preackn[3:0] & ts_rq[3:0]; else if (ts_stb) ts_rcv <= 1;
end else if (rcv_last) ts_rcv <= 0;
myRAM_WxD_D #( .DATA_WIDTH(16),.DATA_DEPTH(4)) if (!rcv) cntr <= 0;
i_ts (.D(ts_mux[15:0]), else cntr <= cntr + 1;
.WE(we), // we_d, decoded sub_address if (pre_snap) chn <= rq_enc;
.clk(!sclk), // insert channel instead of the usec MSB, swap usec <-> sec
.AW(wa[3:0]), if (ts_rcv && cntr[0]) ts_ram[{chn, ~cntr[2], cntr[1]}] <= {rcv_last ? {6'b0,chn} : ts_data, ts_data_r};
.QW(), if (rst) ts_ackn_r <= 4'hf;
.QR(dout[15:0])); else ts_ackn_r <= ts_rq & (ts_ackn_r | (chn1hot & {4{pre_ackn}}));
assign dout[15:0] = ts_ram[ra];
endmodule endmodule
...@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ module timing393 #( ...@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ module timing393 #(
output [7:0] ts_data_chn3, // byte-wide serialized timestamp message received or local output [7:0] ts_data_chn3, // byte-wide serialized timestamp message received or local
// timestamp for the event logger // timestamp for the event logger
input lclk, // clock used by the evebt logger input lclk, // clock used by the event logger
input ts_logger_snap, // request from the logger to take a snapshot input ts_logger_snap, // request from the logger to take a snapshot
output ts_logger_stb, // one clock pulse before sending TS data output ts_logger_stb, // one clock pulse before sending TS data
output [7:0] ts_logger_data // timestamp data (s0,s1,s2,s3,u0,u1,u2,u3==0) output [7:0] ts_logger_data // timestamp data (s0,s1,s2,s3,u0,u1,u2,u3==0)
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