Commit b2d85b91 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

debugging histograms (debug code will be removed at next commit)

parent d6b38a63
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ module histogram_saxi#(
localparam ATTRIB_WIDTH = NUM_FRAME_BITS + 4 +2;
reg [HIST_SAXI_MODE_WIDTH-1:0] mode;
reg [HIST_SAXI_MODE_WIDTH-1:0] mode = 0;
wire en = mode[HIST_SAXI_EN] & mode[HIST_SAXI_NRESET];
reg [3:0] awcache_mode;
reg confirm_write;
......@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ module histogram_saxi#(
assign saxi_awaddr = {start_addr_r[31:6],6'b0};
assign saxi_awvalid = (|start_addr_r[9:6]) || first_burst;
assign saxi_awvalid = ((|start_addr_r[9:6]) || first_burst) && !arst;
//{enc_rq[1:0], sub_chn_r, frame_r, burst[1:0]}
// assign block_end= ???;
......@@ -406,8 +406,7 @@ module histogram_saxi#(
// Buffer read, SAXI send logic
always @(posedge aclk) begin
preen_aclk <= en;
en_aclk <= preen_aclk && en;
en_aclk <= preen_aclk && en && !arst;
prenreset_aclk <= nreset;
nreset_aclk <= prenreset_aclk && nreset;
......@@ -440,7 +439,7 @@ module histogram_saxi#(
if (arst || block_start_r[3]) start_addr_r[31:6] <= {hist_start_addr[31:10], 4'b0};
else if (saxi_start_burst_w) start_addr_r[31:6] <= start_addr_r[31:6] + 1;
if (!nreset_aclk) first_burst <= 0;
if (!nreset_aclk || arst) first_burst <= 0;
else if (block_start_r[3]) first_burst <= 1; // block_start_r[3] - same as start_addr_r set
else if (saxi_start_burst_w) first_burst <= 0;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class X393_cocotb_server(object):
autoflush = self.autoflush,
blatency = 5)
level = logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.WARNING
level = logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.INFO # WARNING'Set debug level '+str(level)+", debug="+str(debug))
......@@ -172,7 +172,6 @@ class SAXIWrSim(BusDriver):
@param autoflush flush file after each write
@param blatency number of cycles to delay write response (b) channel
# self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
BusDriver.__init__(self, entity, name, clock) = name
self.log.debug ("SAXIWrSim: name='%s', mempath='%s', memhigh=0x%08x, data_bytes=%d, autoflush=%s, blatency=%d"%
......@@ -251,7 +250,7 @@ class SAXIWrSim(BusDriver):
data = self.bus.wr_data.value.integer
self.log.warning ("SAXIWrSim() writing undefined data")
self.log.warning ("SAXIWrSim(%s:%d) writing undefined data"%(,self._data_bytes))
bv = self.bus.wr_data.value
bv.binstr = re.sub("[^1]","0",bv.binstr)
data = bv.integer
......@@ -270,7 +269,7 @@ class SAXIWrSim(BusDriver):,1)
if self.autoflush:
self.log.debug ("SAXIWrSim() 0x%x -> 0x%x, mask = 0x%x"%(address,data,bv.integer)) ("SAXIWrSim(%s:%d) 0x%x <- 0x%x"%(,self._data_bytes,address,data))
yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
......@@ -301,7 +300,7 @@ class SAXIRdSim(BusDriver):
@param data_bytes data width, in bytes
# self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
BusDriver.__init__(self, entity, name, clock) = name
self.log.debug ("SAXIRdSim: name='%s', mempath='%s', memhigh=0x%08x, data_bytes=%d"%
......@@ -458,7 +457,6 @@ class MAXIGPMaster(BusDriver):
_channels = [AR_CHN,AW_CHN,R_CHN,W_CHN,B_CHN]
def __init__(self, entity, name, clock, rdlag=None, blag=None):
BusDriver.__init__(self, entity, name, clock)
# self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) = name
# set read and write back channels simulation lag between AXI sets valid and host responds with
# ready. If None - drive these signals
......@@ -35,29 +35,36 @@
* contains all the components and scripts required to completely simulate it
* with at least one of the Free Software programs.
parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300ae; // parallel, increasing sesnsor-channels maximal delays to 12 bits -0.091/25, 79.89%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300ad; // parallel, resetting frame_pre_run. All met, 79.97%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300ac; // parallel, adding reset needed_page in compressor -0.012 (2), 79.39%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300ab; // parallel, more on frame sync in compressor All met, 79.04%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300aa; // parallel, improving frame sync in compressor -0.036ns, 79.60%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a9; // parallel, added copying maste-t-slave frame number -0.169(8 paths), 80.28%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a8; // parallel, fixing BUG in command sequencer that was missing some commands 79.25%, all met
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a7; // parallel, changing parameter to reset buffer pages at each frame start. 79.4%, -0.022 (2 paths)
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a6; // parallel, adding frame sync delays to mcntrl_linear 79.26, mclk and xclk violated
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a5; // parallel, fixing command sequencer and ARO 80.21%, -0.068
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a4; // parallel 79.66, -0.1
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a3; // hispi, after minor interface changes (separated control bits)80.52% -0.163
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a2; // hispi trying default placement 81.39% not met by -0.183
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a1; // hispi 81.19%, not met by -0.07
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a0; // parallel, re-ran after bug fix, %79.38%, not met -0.072
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a0; // parallel, else same as 9f 78.91%, not met by -0.032
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h0393009f; // hispi, adding IRQ status register (placemnt "explore") 81.36%, all met - broken on one channel?
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h0393009e; // hispi, adding IRQ status register 80.90%, timing failed by -0.218
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h0393009d; // hispi, adding IRQ from multi_saxi 80.95%, timing not met (-0.034 )
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h0393009c; // parallel, adding IRQ from multi_saxi 79.31% , timing met (2015.3)
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h0393009b; // parallel, bug fixed in dct_chen 79.58, timing met (2015.3)
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h0393009a; // serial, bug fixed in dct_chen 80.94%, timing met (2015.3)
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h03930099; // parallel, with dct_chen, all met, 79.2%
parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300b4; //-a parallel, and more - -0.180/33, 80.68 %
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300b4; // parallel, and more -0.094/37, 80.18 %
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300b3; // parallel, and more -0.052/8, 79.56%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300b2; // parallel, and more -0.163 /47, 79.93%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300b1; // parallel, more debug -0.335/86, 79.66%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300b0; // parallel, more debug -0.047/8, 79.51%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300af; // parallel, debugging histograms all met, 79.45%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300ae; // parallel, increasing sesnsor-channels maximal delays to 12 bits -0.091/25, 79.89%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300ad; // parallel, resetting frame_pre_run. All met, 79.97%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300ac; // parallel, adding reset needed_page in compressor -0.012 (2), 79.39%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300ab; // parallel, more on frame sync in compressor All met, 79.04%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300aa; // parallel, improving frame sync in compressor -0.036ns, 79.60%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a9; // parallel, added copying maste-t-slave frame number -0.169(8 paths), 80.28%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a8; // parallel, fixing BUG in command sequencer that was missing some commands 79.25%, all met
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a7; // parallel, changing parameter to reset buffer pages at each frame start. 79.4%, -0.022 (2 paths)
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a6; // parallel, adding frame sync delays to mcntrl_linear 79.26, mclk and xclk violated
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a5; // parallel, fixing command sequencer and ARO 80.21%, -0.068
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a4; // parallel 79.66, -0.1
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a3; // hispi, after minor interface changes (separated control bits)80.52% -0.163
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a2; // hispi trying default placement 81.39% not met by -0.183
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a1; // hispi 81.19%, not met by -0.07
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a0; // parallel, re-ran after bug fix, %79.38%, not met -0.072
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a0; // parallel, else same as 9f 78.91%, not met by -0.032
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h0393009f; // hispi, adding IRQ status register (placemnt "explore") 81.36%, all met - broken on one channel?
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h0393009e; // hispi, adding IRQ status register 80.90%, timing failed by -0.218
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h0393009d; // hispi, adding IRQ from multi_saxi 80.95%, timing not met (-0.034 )
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h0393009c; // parallel, adding IRQ from multi_saxi 79.31% , timing met (2015.3)
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h0393009b; // parallel, bug fixed in dct_chen 79.58, timing met (2015.3)
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h0393009a; // serial, bug fixed in dct_chen 80.94%, timing met (2015.3)
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h03930099; // parallel, with dct_chen, all met, 79.2%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h03930098; // serial, trying dct_chen - works, removing old completely, constraints met80.?%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h03930097; // serial, trying dct_chen - works
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h03930096; // serial, next (before changing DCT)
......@@ -1962,15 +1962,15 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
def _enc_gamma_ctl(self):
dw.append(("bayer", 0, 2, 0, "Bayer color shift (pixel to gamma table)"))
dw.append(("bayer_set", 2, 1, 0, "Set 'bayer' field"))
dw.append(("page", 3, 1, 0, "Table page (only available if SENS_GAMMA_BUFFER in Verilog)"))
dw.append(("page_set", 4, 1, 0, "Set 'page' field"))
dw.append(("en", 5, 1, 1, "Enable module"))
dw.append(("en_set", 6, 1, 1, "Set 'en' field"))
dw.append(("repet", 7, 1, 1, "Repetitive (normal) mode. Set 0 for testing of the single-frame mode"))
dw.append(("repet_set", 8, 1, 1, "Set 'repet' field"))
dw.append(("trig", 9, 1, 0, "Single trigger used when repetitive mode is off (self clearing bit)"))
dw.append(("bayer", vrlg.SENS_GAMMA_MODE_BAYER, 2, 0, "Bayer color shift (pixel to gamma table)"))
dw.append(("bayer_set", vrlg.SENS_GAMMA_MODE_BAYER_SET, 1, 0, "Set 'bayer' field"))
dw.append(("page", vrlg.SENS_GAMMA_MODE_PAGE, 1, 0, "Table page (only available if SENS_GAMMA_BUFFER in Verilog)"))
dw.append(("page_set", vrlg.SENS_GAMMA_MODE_PAGE_SET, 1, 0, "Set 'page' field"))
dw.append(("en", vrlg.SENS_GAMMA_MODE_EN, 1, 1, "Enable module"))
dw.append(("en_set", vrlg.SENS_GAMMA_MODE_EN_SET, 1, 1, "Set 'en' field"))
dw.append(("repet", vrlg.SENS_GAMMA_MODE_REPET, 1, 1, "Repetitive (normal) mode. Set 0 for testing of the single-frame mode"))
dw.append(("repet_set", vrlg.SENS_GAMMA_MODE_REPET_SET, 1, 1, "Set 'repet' field"))
dw.append(("trig", vrlg.SENS_GAMMA_MODE_TRIG, 1, 0, "Single trigger used when repetitive mode is off (self clearing bit)"))
return dw
def _enc_gamma_tbl_addr(self):
......@@ -1055,6 +1055,31 @@ set_rtc # maybe not needed as it can be set differently
camsync_setup 0xf # sensor mask - use local timestamps)
jpeg_write "img.jpeg" 0 80
####### Parallel - setup sensor 1 (sensor 0 is set by drivers) ##############
setup_all_sensors True None 0x2 # sensor 1
set_sensor_io_ctl 1 None None 1 # Set ARO low - check if it is still needed?
#set quadrants
set_sensor_io_ctl 1 None None None None None 0 0xe
compressor_control 1 None None None None None 3 #bayer
#Get rid of the corrupted last pixel column
#longer line (default 0xa1f)
write_sensor_i2c 1 1 0 0x90040a23
#increase scanline write (memory controller) width in 16-bursts (was 0xa2)
axi_write_single_w 0x696 0x079800a3
#Gamma 0.57
program_gamma 1 0 0.57 0.04
#colors - outdoor
write_sensor_i2c 1 1 0 0x9035000a
write_sensor_i2c 1 1 0 0x902c000e
write_sensor_i2c 1 1 0 0x902d000d
#exposure 0x100 lines (default was 0x797)
#write_sensor_i2c 1 1 0 0x90090100
#exposure 0x797 (default)
#write_sensor_i2c 1 1 0 0x90090797
#run compressors once (#1 - stop gracefully, 0 - reset, 2 - single, 3 - repetitive with sync to sensors)
set_qtables 1l 0 80
compressor_control 1 3
jpeg_write "img.jpeg" 1 80
################## Parallel ##################
......@@ -1607,6 +1632,10 @@ write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 4 0x6c6 0x300006 #save more lines than compress
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 4 0x6c0 0x7d4b # run compressor memory (+2)
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 4 0x600 0x7 # run compressor (+0)
#testing histograms
write_control_register 0x409 0xc0
#sequencer test
#ctrl_cmd_frame_sequencer <num_sensor> <reset=False> <start=False> <stop=False>
ctrl_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 0 1 0
......@@ -1624,20 +1653,27 @@ write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 0 2 0x700 0x60
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 0 2 0x700 0x90
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 0 2 0x700 0x600
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 0 2 0x700 0x900
read_status 0x21
#set_sensor_io_dly_hispi all 0x48 0x68 0x68 0x68 0x68
#set_sensor_io_ctl all None None None None None 1 None # load all delays?
compressor_control all None None None None None 2
compressor_interrupt_control all clr
compressor_interrupt_control all en
compressor_control all 3
read_status 0x21
jpeg_sim_multi 4
jpeg_sim_multi 8
jpeg_sim_multi 4
read_status 0x21
jpeg_sim_multi 3
read_status 0x21
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x686 0x240005 # correct lines
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x6c6 0x200006 # correct lines
......@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ class X393Sensor(object):
@return: sensor mode control word
rslt = 0;
if (not hist_en is None) and (hist_nrst is None):
if (not hist_en is None) and (not hist_nrst is None):
rslt |= (hist_en & 0xf) << vrlg.SENSOR_HIST_EN_BITS
rslt |= (hist_nrst & 0xf) << vrlg.SENSOR_HIST_NRST_BITS
rslt |= 1 << vrlg.SENSOR_HIST_BITS_SET;
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
* with at least one of the Free Software programs.
`timescale 1ns/1ps
`include "system_defines.vh" // just for debugging histograms
module sens_histogram_snglclk #(
parameter HISTOGRAM_RAM_MODE = "BUF32", // valid: "NOBUF" (32-bits, no buffering - now is replaced by BUF32), "BUF18", "BUF32"
parameter HISTOGRAM_ADDR = 'h33c,
......@@ -75,7 +75,12 @@ module sens_histogram_snglclk #(
,output debug_do, // output to the debug ring
input debug_sl, // 0 - idle, (1,0) - shift, (1,1) - load // SuppressThisWarning VEditor - not used
input debug_di // input from the debug ring
,output [3:0] dbg_hist_data
localparam HIST_WIDTH = (HISTOGRAM_RAM_MODE == "BUF18") ? 18 : 32;
......@@ -273,6 +278,22 @@ module sens_histogram_snglclk #(
reg eq_prev; // pixel equals previous of the same color
wire eq_prev_d3; // eq_prev delayed by 3 clocks to select r1 source
// wire start_hor_woi = hcntr_zero_w && left_margin && vert_woi;
assign dbg_hist_data[3:0] = {frame_active, hist_done, vert_woi, vcntr_zero_w };
// assign dbg_hist_data[3:0] = {frame_active, hist_rst_pclk, hist_en_pclk, vcntr_zero_w };
reg [2:0] dbg_toggle=0;
// assign dbg_hist_data[3:0] = {dbg_toggle, en_new, en, vcntr_zero_w };
// assign dbg_hist_data[3:0] = {dbg_toggle, vcntr_zero_w }; // version b4 (toggles)
// hist_done <= vert_woi && (eof || (vcntr_zero_w && line_start_w)); // hist done never asserted, line_start_w - active
// if (hist_rst_pclk) en <= 0;
// else if (hist_en_pclk) en <= 1;
// reg en;
// reg en_new; // @ pclk - enable new frame
always @(posedge pclk) begin
if (sof) dbg_toggle <= dbg_toggle+1;
// hist_di is 2 cycles ahead of hor_woi
......@@ -326,7 +347,7 @@ module sens_histogram_snglclk #(
reg en_rq_start;
always @ (posedge mclk) begin
en_mclk <= en;
en_mclk <= en && !hist_rst;
if (!en_mclk) hist_out <= 0;
else if (hist_done_mclk) hist_out <= 1;
else if (&hist_raddr) hist_out <= 0;
......@@ -339,7 +360,7 @@ module sens_histogram_snglclk #(
// prevent starting rq if grant is still on (back-to-back)
if (!hist_out) en_rq_start <= 0;
else if (!hist_grant) en_rq_start <= 1;
hist_rq_r <= en_mclk && hist_out && !(&hist_raddr) && en_rq_start;
hist_rq_r <= !hist_rst & en_mclk && hist_out && !(&hist_raddr) && en_rq_start;
if (!hist_out || (&hist_raddr[7:0])) hist_re[0] <= 0;
else if (hist_grant) hist_re[0] <= 1;
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
* with at least one of the Free Software programs.
`timescale 1ns/1ps
`include "system_defines.vh" // just for debugging histograms
module sens_parallel12 #(
parameter SENSIO_ADDR = 'h330,
parameter SENSIO_ADDR_MASK = 'h7f8,
......@@ -144,6 +144,10 @@ module sens_parallel12 #(
output [7:0] status_ad, // status address/data - up to 5 bytes: A - {seq,status[1:0]} - status[2:9] - status[10:17] - status[18:25]
output status_rq, // input request to send status downstream
input status_start // Acknowledge of the first status packet byte (address)
,input [7:0] dbg_hist_data
// delaying vact and pxd by one clock cycle to match hact register
......@@ -247,7 +251,14 @@ module sens_parallel12 #(
vact_alive, hact_ext_alive, hact_alive, locked_pxd_mmcm,
clkin_pxd_stopped_mmcm, clkfb_pxd_stopped_mmcm, xfpgadone,
ps_rdy, ps_out, xfpgatdo, senspgmin};
xfpgatdo, senspgmin};
assign hact_out = hact_r;
assign iaro = trigger_mode? ~trig : iaro_soft;
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
* with at least one of the Free Software programs.
`timescale 1ns/1ps
`include "system_defines.vh" // just for debugging histograms
module sensor_channel#(
// parameters, individual to sensor channels and those likely to be modified
......@@ -463,6 +464,25 @@ module sensor_channel#(
reg eof_out_r;
wire prsts; // @pclk - includes sensor reset and sensor PLL reset
wire [7:0] dbg_hist_data;
wire [3:0] dbg_hist_data_hist;
reg [15:0] dbg_cntr;
// reg [1:0] dbg_cntr; // verion B4 - toggles
always @ (posedge pclk) begin
// if (prst) dbg_cntr <= 0;
// else
// if (sof_out_r) dbg_cntr <= dbg_cntr + 1;
if (hist_gr[0] && hist_rq[0]) dbg_cntr <= dbg_cntr + 1; // verion B4 - toggles
assign dbg_hist_data = {dbg_cntr[11], hist_en[0], hist_gr[0], hist_rq[0], dbg_hist_data_hist[3:0]};
// assign dbg_hist_data = {prst, hist_en[0], dbg_cntr, dbg_hist_data_hist[3:0]}; // verion B4
// .hist_en (hist_en[0]), // input
// .hist_rst (!hist_nrst[0]), // input
// TODO: insert vignetting and/or flat field, pixel defects before gamma_*_in
assign lens_pxd_in = {pxd[11:0],4'b0};
assign lens_hact_in = hact;
......@@ -576,8 +596,8 @@ module sensor_channel#(
else if (sensor_ctrl_we && sensor_ctrl_data[SENSOR_HIST_BITS_SET]) hist_nrst <= sensor_ctrl_data[SENSOR_HIST_NRST_BITS +:4];
if (mrst) en_mclk <= 0;
else if (sensor_ctrl_we && sensor_ctrl_data[SENSOR_CHN_EN_BIT_SET]) en_mclk <= sensor_ctrl_data[SENSOR_CHN_EN_BIT];
if (mrst) bit16 <= 0;
else if (sensor_ctrl_we && sensor_ctrl_data[SENSOR_16BIT_BIT_SET]) bit16 <= sensor_ctrl_data[SENSOR_16BIT_BIT];
if (mrst) bit16 <= 0;
else if (sensor_ctrl_we && sensor_ctrl_data[SENSOR_16BIT_BIT_SET]) bit16 <= sensor_ctrl_data[SENSOR_16BIT_BIT];
always @ (posedge pclk) begin
......@@ -948,6 +968,10 @@ module sensor_channel#(
.status_ad (sens_phys_status_ad), // output[7:0]
.status_rq (sens_phys_status_rq), // output
.status_start (sens_phys_status_start) // input
, .dbg_hist_data (dbg_hist_data)
// TODO NC393: This delay may be too long for serail sensors. Make them always start to fill the
......@@ -1179,7 +1203,11 @@ module sensor_channel#(
,.debug_do (debug_ring[0]), // output
.debug_sl (debug_sl), // input
.debug_di (debug_ring[1]) // input
......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ fifo_same_clock_fill #( .DATA_WIDTH(50),.DATA_DEPTH(AW_FIFO_DEPTH)) // read -
.re (start_write_burst_w),
.data_in ({awid[5:0], awburst[1:0], awsize[1:0], awlen[3:0], awaddr[31:0], awqos[3:0]}),
.data_out ({awid_out[5:0], awburst_out[1:0],awsize_out[1:0],awlen_out[3:0],awaddr_out[31:0], sim_wr_qos[3:0]}),
.nempty (aw_nempty),
.nempty (aw_nempty), // output
.half_full (), // aw_half_full),
.under (), // waddr_under), // output reg
.over (), // waddr_over), // output reg
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
// This file may be used to define same pre-processor macros to be included into each parsed file
// TODO: Later compare instantiate/infer
`define INSTANTIATE_DSP48E1 // not yet tesetd/debugged otherwise
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