Commit e2daa176 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

changing parameter to reset buffer pages at frame start

parent 2f80e662
[*] GTKWave Analyzer v3.3.66 (w)1999-2015 BSI
[*] Mon Aug 29 02:48:05 2016
[*] Thu Sep 1 04:51:15 2016
[dumpfile] "/home/eyesis/git/x393-neon/simulation/x393_dut-20160828192314061.fst"
[dumpfile_mtime] "Mon Aug 29 01:55:16 2016"
[dumpfile_size] 172137517
[dumpfile] "/home/eyesis/git/x393-neon/simulation/x393_dut-20160830202606545.fst"
[dumpfile_mtime] "Wed Aug 31 03:39:41 2016"
[dumpfile_size] 281513830
[savefile] "/home/eyesis/git/x393-neon/cocotb/x393_cocotb_02.sav"
[timestart] 177303100
[timestart] 0
[size] 1836 1171
[pos] 1920 23
*-15.588772 177422388 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
*-26.061598 53377388 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
[treeopen] x393_dut.
[treeopen] x393_dut.ddr3_i.ddr3_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.simul_axi_master_wdata_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.cmd_seq_mux_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.compressor393_i.cmprs_channel_block[0].
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.compressor393_i.cmprs_channel_block[0].jp_channel_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.compressor393_i.cmprs_channel_block[0].jp_channel_i.cmprs_pixel_buf_iface_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.compressor393_i.cmprs_channel_block[0].jp_channel_i.cmprs_status_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.compressor393_i.cmprs_channel_block[1].
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.compressor393_i.cmprs_channel_block[1].jp_channel_i.cmprs_pixel_buf_iface_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.compressor393_i.cmprs_channel_block[2].
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.compressor393_i.cmprs_channel_block[2].jp_channel_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.compressor393_i.cmprs_channel_block[2].jp_channel_i.cmprs_pixel_buf_iface_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.compressor393_i.cmprs_channel_block[2].jp_channel_i.dct2d8x8_chen_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.compressor393_i.cmprs_channel_block[2].jp_channel_i.dct2d8x8_chen_i.dct1d_chen_reorder_out_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.compressor393_i.cmprs_channel_block[2].jp_channel_i.dct2d8x8_chen_i.dct1d_chen_stage2_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.compressor393_i.cmprs_channel_block[3].
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.compressor393_i.cmprs_channel_block[3].jp_channel_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.compressor393_i.cmprs_channel_block[3].jp_channel_i.cmprs_pixel_buf_iface_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.compressor393_i.genblk3.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.compressor393_i.genblk3.cmprs_afi0_mux_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.frame_sequencer_block[0].
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.frame_sequencer_block[0].cmd_frame_sequencer_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.gpio393_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.mcntrl393_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.mcntrl393_i.memctrl16_i.mcontr_sequencer_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.mcntrl393_i.memctrl16_i.mcontr_sequencer_i.phy_cmd_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.mcntrl393_i.memctrl16_i.mcontr_sequencer_i.phy_cmd_i.phy_top_i.
......@@ -42,15 +36,14 @@
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.mcntrl393_i.sens_comp_block[0].
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.mcntrl393_i.sens_comp_block[0].mcntrl_linear_wr_sensor_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.mcntrl393_i.sens_comp_block[0].mcntrl_tiled_rd_compressor_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.sensors393_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.sensors393_i.sensor_channel_block[0].
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.sensors393_i.sensor_channel_block[0].sensor_channel_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.sensors393_i.sensor_channel_block[0].sensor_channel_i.sens_sync_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.sensors393_i.sensor_channel_block[0].sensor_membuf_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.sensors393_i.sensor_channel_block[1].
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.sensors393_i.sensor_channel_block[2].
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.sensors393_i.sensor_channel_block[3].
[sst_width] 358
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.timing393_i.
[sst_width] 440
[signals_width] 293
[sst_expanded] 1
[sst_vpaned_height] 540
......@@ -299,8 +292,67 @@ x393_dut.x393_i.sync_resets_i.rst_early_master
......@@ -396,7 +448,6 @@ x393_dut.x393_i.sensors393_i.sensor_channel_block[0].sensor_channel_i.sens_paral
......@@ -770,7 +821,7 @@ x393_dut.x393_i.compressor393_i.cmprs_channel_block[2].jp_channel_i.buf_pxd[7:0]
......@@ -964,9 +1015,9 @@ x393_dut.x393_i.frame_sequencer_block[0].cmd_frame_sequencer_i.valid
......@@ -1014,7 +1065,7 @@ x393_dut.x393_i.cmd_seq_mux_i.pri_enc_w[1:0]
......@@ -1114,8 +1165,6 @@ x393_dut.x393_i.gpio393_i.io_pins[9:0]
......@@ -1414,7 +1463,7 @@ x393_dut.x393_i.compressor393_i.cmprs_channel_block[0].jp_channel_i.vsync_late
......@@ -1452,7 +1501,7 @@ x393_dut.x393_i.compressor393_i.cmprs_channel_block[0].jp_channel_i.cmprs_status
......@@ -1695,7 +1744,15 @@ x393_dut.simul_axi_master_wdata_i.simul_axi_fifo_i.valid
[pattern_trace] 1
[pattern_trace] 0
......@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
* contains all the components and scripts required to completely simulate it
* with at least one of the Free Software programs.
parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a6; // parallel, adding frame sync delays to mcntrl_linear 79.26, mclk and xclk violated
parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a7; // parallel, chnging parameter to reset buffer pages at each frame start. 79.4%, -0.022 (2 paths)
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a6; // parallel, adding frame sync delays to mcntrl_linear 79.26, mclk and xclk violated
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a5; // parallel, fixing command sequencer and ARO 80.21%, -0.068
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a4; // parallel 79.66, -0.1
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300a3; // hispi, after minor interface changes (separated control bits)80.52% -0.163
......@@ -250,7 +250,8 @@
// spread long-programming (tiled) over fast-programming (linear) requests.
// But that should not be too big to maintain 2-level priorities
parameter MCNTRL_SCANLINE_FRAME_PAGE_RESET =1'b0, // reset internal page number to zero at the frame start (false - only when hard/soft reset)
// parameter MCNTRL_SCANLINE_FRAME_PAGE_RESET =1'b0, // reset internal page number to zero at the frame start (false - only when hard/soft reset)
parameter MCNTRL_SCANLINE_FRAME_PAGE_RESET =1'b1, // reset internal page number to zero at the frame start (false - only when hard/soft reset)
parameter MAX_TILE_WIDTH= 6, // number of bits to specify maximal tile (width-1) (6 -> 64)
parameter MAX_TILE_HEIGHT= 6, // number of bits to specify maximal tile (height-1) (6 -> 64)
parameter MCNTRL_TILED_CHN2_ADDR= 'h140,
......@@ -279,7 +280,8 @@
// if memory controller will allow programming several sequences in advance to
// spread long-programming (tiled) over fast-programming (linear) requests.
// But that should not be too big to maintain 2-level priorities
parameter MCNTRL_TILED_FRAME_PAGE_RESET =1'b0, // reset internal page number to zero at the frame start (false - only when hard/soft reset)
// parameter MCNTRL_TILED_FRAME_PAGE_RESET =1'b0, // reset internal page number to zero at the frame start (false - only when hard/soft reset)
parameter MCNTRL_TILED_FRAME_PAGE_RESET =1'b1, // reset internal page number to zero at the frame start (false - only when hard/soft reset)
parameter BUFFER_DEPTH32= 10, // Block RAM buffer depth on a 32-bit port
// bits in mode control word
......@@ -121,9 +121,9 @@ module mcntrl_tiled_rw#(
output [MAX_TILE_HEIGHT-1:0] num_cols_m1, // number of 16-pixel columns to read (rows first, then columns) - 1
output keep_open, // (programmable bit)keep banks open (for <=8 banks only
output xfer_partial, // partial tile (first of 2) , sequencer will not generate page_next at the end of block
input xfer_page_done, // transfer to/from the buffer finished (partial transfers should not generate), use rpage_nxt_chn@mclk
input xfer_page_done, // transfer to/from the buffer finished (partial transfers should not generate), use rpage_nxt_chn@mclk
output xfer_page_rst_wr, // reset buffer internal page - at each frame start or when specifically reset (write to memory channel), @posedge
output xfer_page_rst_rd // reset buffer internal page - at each frame start or when specifically reset (read memory channel), @negedge
output xfer_page_rst_rd // reset buffer internal page - at each frame start or when specifically reset (read memory channel), @negedge
// FIXME: not all tile heights are valid (because of the banks)
......@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ wire start_not_partial= xfer_start_r[0] && !xfer_limited_by_mem_page_r;
else if (chn_rst || xfer_grant) want_r <= 0;
else if (pre_want && (page_cntr>{1'b0,cmd_extra_pages})) want_r <= 1;
if (mrst) page_cntr <= 0;
if (mrst) page_cntr <= 0;
else if (frame_start_r[0]) page_cntr <= cmd_wrmem?0:4;
else if ( start_not_partial && !next_page) page_cntr <= page_cntr - 1;
else if (!start_not_partial && next_page) page_cntr <= page_cntr + 1;
......@@ -532,22 +532,22 @@ wire start_not_partial= xfer_start_r[0] && !xfer_limited_by_mem_page_r;
else xfer_page_rst_pos <= chn_rst || (MCNTRL_TILED_FRAME_PAGE_RESET ? (frame_start_r[0] & ~cmd_wrmem):1'b0);
// increment x,y (two cycles)
if (mrst) curr_x <= 0;
if (mrst) curr_x <= 0;
else if (chn_rst || frame_start_r[0]) curr_x <= start_x;
else if (xfer_start_r[0]) curr_x <= last_in_row?0: curr_x + num_cols_r;
if (mrst) curr_y <= 0;
if (mrst) curr_y <= 0;
else if (chn_rst || frame_start_r[0]) curr_y <= start_y;
else if (xfer_start_r[0] && last_in_row) curr_y <= next_y[FRAME_HEIGHT_BITS-1:0];
if (mrst) last_block <= 0;
else if (chn_rst || !busy_r) last_block <= 0;
else if (xfer_start_r[0]) last_block <= last_row_w && last_in_row_w;
if (mrst) last_block <= 0;
else if (chn_rst || !busy_r) last_block <= 0;
else if (xfer_start_r[0]) last_block <= last_row_w && last_in_row_w;
// start_not_partial is not generated when partial (first of 2, caused by a tile crossing memory page) transfer is requested
// here we need to cout all requests - partial or not
if (mrst) pending_xfers <= 0;
else if (chn_rst || !busy_r) pending_xfers <= 0;
if (mrst) pending_xfers <= 0;
else if (chn_rst || !busy_r) pending_xfers <= 0;
else if ( xfer_start_r[0] && !xfer_page_done) pending_xfers <= pending_xfers + 1;
else if (!xfer_start_r[0] && xfer_page_done) pending_xfers <= pending_xfers - 1; // page done is not generated on partial (first) pages
......@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ wire start_not_partial= xfer_start_r[0] && !xfer_limited_by_mem_page_r;
else frame_done_r <= busy_r && last_block && xfer_page_done_d && (pending_xfers==0);
// turns and stays on (used in status)
if (mrst) frame_finished_r <= 0;
if (mrst) frame_finished_r <= 0;
else if (chn_rst || frame_start_r[0]) frame_finished_r <= 0;
else if (frame_done_r) frame_finished_r <= 1;
//line_unfinished_r cmd_wrmem
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class X393CmprsAfi(object):
cirbuf_start = 0x27a00000,
circbuf_len = 0x1000000,
circbuf_len = 0x1000000,
verbose = 1,
num_lines_print = 20):
......@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ inline struct interframe_params_t* updateIRQ_interframe(void) {
@param afi_cmprs2_len - input channel 0 buffer length in 32-byte chunks
@param afi_cmprs3_sa - input channel 0 start address in 32-byte chunks
@param afi_cmprs3_len - input channel 0 buffer length in 32-byte chunks
@param reset - reset all channles
@param reset - reset all channels
@param verbose - verbose level
if verbose >0 :
......@@ -1059,13 +1059,43 @@ bitstream_set_path /usr/local/verilog/x393_parallel.bit
setupSensorsPower "PAR12" all 0 0.0
measure_all "*DI"
setSensorClock 24.0 "2V5_LVDS"
set_rtc # maybe not needed as it can be set differently
camsync_setup 0xf # sensor mask - use local timestamps)
#set_sensor_lens_flat_parameters 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x8000 0x8000 0x8000 0x8000 0x8000 0 0 1
Other required actions:
imgsrv -p 2323
#restart PHP - it can get errors while opening/mmaping at startup, then some functions fail
killall lighttpd; /usr/sbin/lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd.conf
/www/pages/exif.php init=/etc/Exif_template.xml
#see what is needed, reimplement in the driver
# DONE set_sensor_lens_flat_heights <num_sensor> <height0_m1=None> <height1_m1=None> <height2_m1=None>
set_sensor_lens_flat_heights 0 0xffff
# SUPPOSED TO BE IMPLEMENTED ALREADY set_sensor_lens_flat_parameters <num_sensor> <num_sub_sensor> <AX> <AY> <BX> <BY> <C> <scales0> <scales1> <scales2> <scales3> <fatzero_in> <fatzero_out> <post_scale>
set_sensor_lens_flat_parameters 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x8000 0x8000 0x8000 0x8000 0x8000 0 0 1
# DONE set_sensor_gamma_heights <num_sensor> <height0_m1> <height1_m1> <height2_m1>
set_sensor_gamma_heights 0 0xffff 0 0
# DONE set_sensor_mode <num_sensor> <hist_en=None> <hist_nrst=None> <chn_en=None> <bits16=None>
0 1 1 1 0
#*DONE set_sensor_gamma_ctl <num_sensor> <bayer=0> <table_page=0> <en_input=True> <repet_mode=True> <trig=False>
set_sensor_gamma_ctl 0 0 0 True True False
#Status for the compressor channel - needed to get frame numbers.
write_control_register 0x601 0xc0
#setup_all_sensors True None 0xf
......@@ -1117,11 +1147,10 @@ compressor_control all 3
#jpeg_write "img.jpeg" 0 80
jpeg_write "img.jpeg" All 80
#changing quality (example 85%):
set_qtables all 0 85
compressor_control all 2
#jpeg_write "img.jpeg" all 85
jpeg_write "img.jpeg" 0 85
# Set Bayer = 3 (probably #1 and #3 need different hact/pxd delays to use the same compressor bayer for all channels)
compressor_control all None None None None None 0
write_control_register 0x6c7 0x10000
write_control_register 0x602 0x40f00a1
#To reset all (before reprogramming): This one works, reset_channels - does not
......@@ -1180,18 +1209,53 @@ sleep_ms 200
control_sensor_memory 0 reset True
control_compressor_memory 0 reset True
#===== reset compressor only ====
#Reset 0 but sensor all
compressor_control 0 1
control_compressor_memory 0 stop
sleep_ms 200
control_compressor_memory 0 reset True
#===== restart compressor only ====
compressor_control 0 1
control_sensor_memory 0 stop
sleep_ms 200
control_compressor_memory 0 repetitive
compressor_control 0 3
################ Status registers #########################
read_status 0x20 # status i2c
read_status 0x18 #status AFI0
#define X393_CMPRS_STATUS__0 0x40002040 // Status of the compressor channel (incl. interrupt, data type: x393_cmprs_status_t (ro)
#define X393_AFIMUX0_STATUS__0 0x40002060 // Status of the AFI MUX 0 (including image pointer), data type: x393_afimux_status_t (ro)
#define X393_SENSI2C_STATUS__0 0x40002080 // Status of the sensors i2c, data type: x393_status_sens_i2c_t (ro)
#define X393_SENSIO_STATUS__0 0x40002084 // Status of the sensor ports I/O pins, data type: x393_status_sens_io_t (ro)
#define X393_CMDSEQMUX_STATUS 0x400020e0 // CMDSEQMUX status data (frame numbers and interrupts, data type: x393_cmdseqmux_status_t (ro)
# parameter MCONTR_SENS_STATUS_BASE = 'h28, // .. 'h2b not used {done, busy}
# parameter MCONTR_CMPRS_STATUS_BASE = 'h2c, // .. 'h2f not used {done, busy}
write_control_register 0x641 0xc0 # was not enabled? Needed to read addresses?
########### Trying to make i2c work in driver #########
Other required actions:
/www/pages/exif.php init=/etc/Exif_template.xml
imgsrv -p 2323
#restart PHP - it can get errors while opening/mmaping at startupo, then some functions fail
#restart PHP - it can get errors while opening/mmaping at startup, then some functions fail
killall lighttpd; /usr/sbin/lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd.conf
/www/pages/exif.php init=/etc/Exif_template.xml
setSensorClock 24.0 "2V5_LVDS"
set_rtc # maybe not needed as it can be set differently
camsync_setup 0xf # sensor mask - use local timestamps)
write_control_register 0x6c7 0x10000
#set_sensor_io_ctl <num_sensor> <mrst=None> <arst=None> <aro=None> <mmcm_rst=None> <clk_sel=None> <set_delays=False> <quadrants=None>
set_sensor_io_ctl 0 True True False True 1 False
......@@ -1232,6 +1296,13 @@ compressor_control all None None None None None 0
tar -C / -xzpf /usr.tar.gz;
/usr/sbin/lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd.conf
afi_mux_reset 0 1 #reset channel 0 AFI (afi_mux_reset 0 15 - all channels)
afi_mux_reset 0 0 # release all resets
################## Simulate Serial ####################
./py393/ @py393/cocoargs --simulated=localhost:7777
measure_all "*DI"
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