Commit ca269a20 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Implemented parallel 32-bit escaping of 0xff bytes

parent 3a04a2c6
......@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ module bit_stuffer_27_32#(
input [DIN_LEN-1:0] din, // input data, MSB aligned
input [4:0] dlen, // input data width
input ds, // input data valid
input flush_in, // flush remaining data
input flush_in, // flush remaining data - should be after last ds. Also prepares for the next block
output [31:0] d_out, // outpt 32-bit data
output reg [2:0] bytes_out, // bytes left when flush?
output reg [1:0] bytes_out, // (0 means 4) valid with dv
output reg dv, // output data valid
output flush_out // delayed flush in matching the data latency
output reg flush_out // delayed flush in matching the data latency
localparam DATA1_LEN = DIN_LEN + 32 - 8;
localparam DATA2_LEN = DIN_LEN + 32 - 2;
......@@ -40,31 +40,33 @@ module bit_stuffer_27_32#(
reg [DATA1_LEN-1:0] data1; // first stage of the barrel shifter
reg [DATA2_LEN-1:0] data2; // second stage of the barrel shifter
reg [DATA3_LEN-1:0] data3; // second stage of the barrel shifter/ output register
// reg dv_r;
// assign dv = dv_r;
reg [5:0] early_length; // number of bits in the last word (mod 32)
reg [5:0] dlen1; // use for the stage 2, MSB - carry out
reg [5:0] dlen2; // use for the satge 3
reg [5:0] dlen2; // use for the stege 3
reg [31:0] dmask2_rom; // data mask (sync with data2) - 1 use new data, 0 - use old data. Use small ROM?
reg [2:0] stage; // enable shifter stage
wire [5:0] pre_bits_out_w = dlen2[4:0] + 5'h7;
reg [1:0] stage; // delayed ds or flush
reg [1:0] ds_stage;
reg [2:0] flush_stage;
wire [4:0] pre_bits_out_w = dlen2[4:0] + 5'h7;
assign d_out = data3[DATA3_LEN-1 -: 32];
always @ (posedge xclk) begin
if (rst) bytes_out <= 0;
else if (stage[1]) bytes_out <= pre_bits_out_w[5:3];
if (rst) stage <= 0;
else stage <= {stage[1:0], ds};
else stage <= {stage[0], ds | flush_in};
if (rst) ds_stage <= 0;
else ds_stage <= {ds_stage[0], ds};
if (rst) flush_stage <= 0;
else flush_stage <= {flush_stage[1:0], ds};
if (rst) early_length <= 0;
else if (ds) early_length <= early_length[4:0] + dlen; // early_length[5] is not used in calculations, it is just carry out
if (rst || flush_in) early_length <= 0;
else if (ds) early_length <= early_length[4:0] + dlen; // early_length[5] is not used in calculations, it is just carry out
if (rst) dlen1 <= 0;
else if (ds) dlen1 <= early_length; // previous value
......@@ -72,6 +74,7 @@ module bit_stuffer_27_32#(
if (rst) dlen2 <= 0;
else if (stage[0]) dlen2 <= dlen1; // previous value (position)
// barrel shifter stage 1 (0/8/16/24)
if (ds) case (early_length[4:3])
2'h0: data1 <= { din, 24'b0};
......@@ -122,13 +125,18 @@ module bit_stuffer_27_32#(
5'h1f: dmask2_rom <= 32'h80000000;
// barrel shifter stage 3 (0/1), combined with output/hold register
if (stage[1]) begin
if (ds_stage[1]) begin
data3[DATA3_LEN-1 -: 32] <= (~dmask2_rom & (dlen2[5] ? {data3[DATA3_LEN-1-32 : 0],6'b0}: data3[DATA3_LEN-1 -: 32])) |
( dmask2_rom & (dlen2[0] ? {1'b0,data2[DATA2_LEN-1 -: 31]} : data2[DATA2_LEN-1 -: 32]));
data3[DATA3_LEN-1-32: 0] <= dlen2[0] ? data2[DATA2_LEN-31-1 : 0] : {data2[DATA2_LEN-32-1 : 0], 1'b0};
dv <= stage[1] && dlen2[5];
dv <= (ds_stage[1] && dlen2[5]) || (flush_stage[1] && !(|data3[DATA3_LEN-1 -: 32]));
if (rst || ds_stage[1]) bytes_out <= 0; // if the dv was caused by 32 bits full - output 4 bytes
else if (flush_stage[1]) bytes_out <= pre_bits_out_w[4:3];
flush_out <= flush_stage[2];
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