Commit c270adff authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

removed possibility of conflicting mode bits

parent 4bc39b80
......@@ -595,7 +595,8 @@ module mcntrl_tiled_linear_rw#(
row_left[NUM_XFER_BITS:0]; // 7 bits, max 'h40
lim_by_tile_width <= (|row_left[FRAME_WIDTH_BITS:MAX_TILE_WIDTH] || (!linear_mode && (row_left[MAX_TILE_WIDTH:0] >= tile_cols)))?
(linear_mode ? (1<< NUM_XFER_BITS) : tile_cols):
// (linear_mode ? (1<< NUM_XFER_BITS) : tile_cols):
(linear_mode ? {1'b1,{NUM_XFER_BITS{1'b0}}} : tile_cols):
row_left[MAX_TILE_WIDTH:0]; // 7 bits, max 'h40
......@@ -668,16 +669,16 @@ wire start_not_partial= xfer_start_r[0] && !xfer_limited_by_mem_page_r;
// LINEAR matched
// TILED and TILED_LIN only:
if (mrst) xfer_start_rd_r <= 0;
else xfer_start_rd_r <= xfer_grant && !chn_rst && !cmd_wrmem && !byte32;
else xfer_start_rd_r <= xfer_grant && !chn_rst && !cmd_wrmem && !byte32 && !linear_mode;
if (mrst) xfer_start_wr_r <= 0;
else xfer_start_wr_r <= xfer_grant && !chn_rst && cmd_wrmem && !byte32;
else xfer_start_wr_r <= xfer_grant && !chn_rst && cmd_wrmem && !byte32 && !linear_mode;
if (mrst) xfer_start32_rd_r <= 0;
else xfer_start32_rd_r <= xfer_grant && !chn_rst && !cmd_wrmem && byte32;
else xfer_start32_rd_r <= xfer_grant && !chn_rst && !cmd_wrmem && byte32 && !linear_mode;
if (mrst) xfer_start32_wr_r <= 0;
else xfer_start32_wr_r <= xfer_grant && !chn_rst && cmd_wrmem && byte32;
else xfer_start32_wr_r <= xfer_grant && !chn_rst && cmd_wrmem && byte32 && !linear_mode;
if (mrst) xfer_start_lin_rd_r <= 0;
else xfer_start_lin_rd_r <= xfer_grant && !chn_rst && !cmd_wrmem && linear_mode;
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