Commit b02bac09 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

merged with framepars, fixing internal/external timestamps

parents e4592ccb 28c07f7d
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -1762,8 +1762,12 @@ simul_axi_hp_wr #(
assign x393_i.ps7_i.FCLKCLK= {4{CLK}};
assign x393_i.ps7_i.FCLKRESETN= {RST,~RST,RST,~RST};
`define TEST_IMU
`define TEST_IMU
`define TEST_EXT_INT
assign #10 gpio_pins[7] = gpio_pins[8];
`ifndef TEST_IMU
assign #10 gpio_pins[9] = gpio_pins[6];
......@@ -1798,7 +1802,7 @@ assign #10 gpio_pins[7] = gpio_pins[8];
reg SERIAL_BIT = 1'b1;
reg GPS1SEC = 1'b0;
integer SERIAL_DATA_FD; // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor
......@@ -1820,6 +1824,33 @@ assign #10 gpio_pins[7] = gpio_pins[8];
reg RS232_SENDING_BYTE; // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor just for simulation
reg RS232_SENDING_PAUSE; // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor just for simulation
initial begin
ODOMETER_PULSE=1'b0; // first pulse will be missed
`ifdef TEST_IMU
......@@ -1839,10 +1870,16 @@ assign #10 gpio_pins[7] = gpio_pins[8];
`ifndef TEST_EXT_INT
`ifndef TEST_EXT_INT
// repeat (20) send_serial_pause;
......@@ -35,8 +35,10 @@
* contains all the components and scripts required to completely simulate it
* with at least one of the Free Software programs.
parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300c1; //parallel - modified after troubleshooting simulation -0.069/41, 79.90 %
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300c0; //parallel - changing LOGGER_PAGE_IMU 3->0 (how it was in 353) -0.044/16, 79.59%
parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300c3; //parallel - fixing timestamps
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300c2; //parallel - external sync for Eyesis -0.160/71 79.84%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300c1; //parallel - modified after troubleshooting simulation -0.069/41, 79.90 %
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300c0; //parallel - changing LOGGER_PAGE_IMU 3->0 (how it was in 353) -0.044/16, 79.59%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300bf; //parallel - mask extrenal timestamps mode -0.043/17 79.56%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300be; //parallel - adding odd/even pixels shift -0.066/12, 80.26%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300bd; //hispi, trying the same -0.173/36, 80.95%
......@@ -797,6 +797,12 @@
parameter CAMSYNC_PRE_MAGIC = 6'b110100,
parameter CAMSYNC_POST_MAGIC = 6'b001101,
// GPIO bits used for camera synchronization
parameter CAMSYNC_GPIO_EXT_IN = 9,
parameter CAMSYNC_GPIO_INT_IN = 7,
parameter CAMSYNC_GPIO_EXT_OUT = 6,
parameter CAMSYNC_GPIO_INT_OUT = 8,
parameter RTC_MHZ= 25, // RTC input clock in MHz (should be interger number)
parameter RTC_BITC_PREDIV = 5, // number of bits to generate 2 MHz pulses counting refclk
parameter RTC_SET_USEC= 0, // 20-bit number of microseconds
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ module imu_spi393(
assign sngl_wire = ~|sngl_wire_r[1:0];
assign shift_mosi = (clk_en[3] && seq_counter[0] && !stall);
assign mosi = config_single_wire?sngl_wire:mosi_reg[15];
assign mosi = config_single_wire?sngl_wire: mosi_reg[15];
assign config_long_sda_en = config_debug[0];
assign config_late_clk = config_debug[1];
......@@ -2273,6 +2273,123 @@ jpeg_sim_multi 8
################## Simulate Parallel 12 - external trigger ####################
./py393/ @py393/cocoargs --simulated=localhost:7777
measure_all "*DI"
setup_all_sensors True None 0xf
set_sensor_io_ctl all None None 1 # Set ARO low - check if it is still needed?
#just testing
set_gpio_ports 1 1 # enable software gpio pins and porta (camsync)
set_gpio_pins 0 1 # pin 0 low, pin 1 - high
set_logger_params_file "/home/eyesis/git/x393-neon/attic/imu_config.bin"
reset_camsync_inout 1 # reset all outputs
set_camsync_period 31 # set bit duration
set_camsync_period 8000 # 80 usec
set_camsync_delay 0 400
set_camsync_delay 1 100
set_camsync_delay 2 200
set_camsync_delay 3 300
#set_camsync_inout <is_out> <bit_number> <active_positive>
set_camsync_inout 1 8 0
set_camsync_inout 0 7 0
#reset_camsync_inout 0 # start with internal trigger
#set_camsync_mode <en=None> <en_snd=None> <en_ts_external=None> <triggered_mode=None> <master_chn=None> <chn_en=None>
set_camsync_mode 1 1 1 1 0 0xf
set_sensor_histogram_window 0 0 4 4 25 21
set_sensor_histogram_window 1 0 4 4 41 21
set_sensor_histogram_window 2 0 4 4 25 41
set_sensor_histogram_window 3 0 4 4 41 41
read_control_register 0x430
read_control_register 0x431
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 2 0x600 0x48 # compressor q page = 1 // too late for frame 2
set_qtables 0 0 80
set_qtables 0 1 70
#irq coming, image not changing - yes
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x686 0x280005 #save 4 more lines than sensor has
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x680 0x5507 #enable abort
#write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x6c6 0x300006 #save 4 more lines that compressor has
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 2 0x600 0x5 #stop compressor `
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 2 0x680 0x5405 # stop sensor memory (+0) // sensor memory should be controlled first, (9 commands
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 2 0x6c0 0x5c49 # stop compressor memory (+0)
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 3 0x686 0x240005 # correct lines
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 3 0x680 0x5507 # run sensor memory (+1) Can not be 0
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 4 0x686 0x280005 #save 4 more lines than sensor has
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 4 0x6c6 0x300006 #save more lines than compressor needs (sensor provides)
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 4 0x6c0 0x7d4b # run compressor memory (+2)
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 4 0x600 0x7 # run compressor (+0)
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x600 0x48 # compressor q page = 1
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 4 0x600 0x40 # compressor q page = 0
read_control_register 0x431
read_control_register 0x430
#testing histograms
write_control_register 0x409 0xc0
#set_sensor_io_dly_hispi all 0x48 0x68 0x68 0x68 0x68
#set_sensor_io_ctl all None None None None None 1 None # load all delays?
compressor_control all None None None None None 2
compressor_interrupt_control all clr
compressor_interrupt_control all en
compressor_control all 3
read_status 0x21
jpeg_sim_multi 4
read_status 0x21
jpeg_sim_multi 3
read_status 0x21
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x686 0x240005 # correct lines
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x6c6 0x200006 # correct lines
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x680 0x5507 # run sensor memory, update frame#, reset buffers
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x6c0 0x7d4b # run compressor memory
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x600 0x7 # run compressor
#switch to external (wired) trigger
jpeg_sim_multi 4
set_camsync_inout 0 9 0 # external/internal trigger mode
###switch to external (wired) trigger
##set_camsync_inout 0 7 0
jpeg_sim_multi 4
#set_camsync_mode <en=None> <en_snd=None> <en_ts_external=None> <triggered_mode=None> <master_chn=None> <chn_en=None>
jpeg_sim_multi 8
set_camsync_period 8000 # 80 usec - restart while waiting for external trigger
jpeg_sim_multi 4
jpeg_sim_multi 4
################## Serial ####################
cd /usr/local/verilog/; @hargs
bitstream_set_path /usr/local/verilog/x393_hispi.bit
......@@ -67,7 +67,13 @@ module camsync393 #(
parameter CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT = 'h12, // per-channel enable timestamp generation (4 bits themselves, then for enables for them)
parameter CAMSYNC_PRE_MAGIC = 6'b110100,
parameter CAMSYNC_POST_MAGIC = 6'b001101
parameter CAMSYNC_POST_MAGIC = 6'b001101,
// GPIO bits used for camera synchronization
parameter CAMSYNC_GPIO_EXT_IN = 9,
parameter CAMSYNC_GPIO_INT_IN = 7,
parameter CAMSYNC_GPIO_EXT_OUT = 6,
parameter CAMSYNC_GPIO_INT_OUT = 8
// input rst, // global reset
......@@ -221,7 +227,7 @@ module camsync393 #(
reg [9:0] input_use; // 1 - use this bit
reg [9:0] input_pattern; // data to be compared for trigger event to take place
reg [9:0] gpio_out_en_r;
reg pre_input_use_intern;// @(posedge mclk) Use internal trigger generator, 0 - use external trigger (also switches delay from input to output)
reg pre_input_use_intern = 1;// @(posedge mclk) Use internal trigger generator, 0 - use external trigger (also switches delay from input to output)
reg input_use_intern;// @(posedge clk)
reg [31:0] input_dly_chn0; // delay value for the trigger
reg [31:0] input_dly_chn1; // delay value for the trigger
......@@ -311,6 +317,20 @@ module camsync393 #(
wire [3:0] frame_sync;
reg [3:0] ts_snap_triggered; // make a timestamp pulse single @(posedge pclk)
wire [3:0] ts_snap_triggered_mclk; // make a timestamp pulse single @(posedge pclk)
reg ext_int_mode_mclk; // triggered from external (no TS instead of the FPGA timer), generate internal network
// sync+ts. Used for External trigger of Eyesis
reg ext_int_mode_pclk;
reg ext_int_trigger_condition; // GPIO input trigger condition met
reg ext_int_trigger_condition_d; // GPIO input trigger condition met, delayed (for edge detection)
reg ext_int_trigger_condition_filtered; // trigger condition filtered
reg ext_int_trigger_condition_filtered_d; // trigger condition filtered - delayed version
reg [6:0] ext_int_trigger_filter_cntr;
reg ext_int_pre_pause; // when repeat counter is < 6 - to speed up decoding
reg [1:0] ext_int_arm; // 0 - when repeat counter =
assign gpio_out_en = gpio_out_en_r;
//! in testmode GPIO[9] and GPIO[8] use internal signals instead of the outsync:
......@@ -398,7 +418,7 @@ module camsync393 #(
if (!en) begin
input_use <= 0;
input_pattern <= 0;
pre_input_use_intern <= 0; // use internal source for triggering
pre_input_use_intern <= 1; // use internal source for triggering
end else if (set_trig_src_w) begin
input_use <= input_use_w;
input_pattern <= input_pattern_w;
......@@ -447,8 +467,14 @@ module camsync393 #(
start_d <= start;
start_en <= en && (repeat_period[31:0]!=0);
if (!en) rep_en <= 0;
else if (set_period) rep_en <= !high_zero;
ext_int_mode_mclk <= input_use[CAMSYNC_GPIO_EXT_IN] && !gpio_out_en_r[CAMSYNC_GPIO_EXT_OUT] &&
input_use[CAMSYNC_GPIO_INT_IN] && gpio_out_en_r[CAMSYNC_GPIO_INT_OUT];
always @ (posedge pclk) begin
case (master_chn)
......@@ -479,16 +505,34 @@ module camsync393 #(
input_use_intern <= pre_input_use_intern;
ts_external_pclk<= ts_external && !input_use_intern;
ts_external_pclk<= ts_external; // && !input_use_intern;
start_pclk[2:0] <= {(restart && rep_en) ||
(start_pclk[1] && !restart_cntr_run[1] && !restart_cntr_run[0] && !start_pclk[2]),
// (start_pclk[1] && !restart_cntr_run[1] && !restart_cntr_run[0] && !start_pclk[2]), // does not allow to restart
(start_pclk[1] && !start_pclk[2]), // allows to restart running or armed counter
start_to_pclk && !start_pclk[0]};
restart_cntr_run[1:0] <= {restart_cntr_run[0],start_en && (start_pclk[2] || (restart_cntr_run[0] && (restart_cntr[31:2] !=0)))};
// restart_cntr_run[1:0] <= {restart_cntr_run[0],start_en && (start_pclk[2] || (restart_cntr_run[0] && (restart_cntr[31:2] !=0)))};
// if (restart_cntr_run[0]) restart_cntr[31:0] <= restart_cntr[31:0] - 1;
// else restart_cntr[31:0] <= repeat_period[31:0];
restart_cntr_run[1:0] <= {restart_cntr_run[0],start_en && (start_pclk[2] || (restart_cntr_run[0] && !ext_int_arm[1] && !start_pclk[0]))};
if (restart_cntr_run[0]) begin
if (!ext_int_arm[0]) restart_cntr[31:0] <= restart_cntr[31:0] - 1;
// end else if (!restart_cntr_run[0]) restart_cntr[31:0] <= repeat_period[31:0];
end else restart_cntr[31:0] <= repeat_period[31:0];
ext_int_pre_pause <= !(|restart_cntr[31:3]);
if (restart_cntr_run[0]) restart_cntr[31:0] <= restart_cntr[31:0] - 1;
else restart_cntr[31:0] <= repeat_period[31:0];
if (ext_int_arm[1] || !start_en) ext_int_arm[0] <= 0;
if (ext_int_pre_pause && (restart_cntr[2:0]==5)) ext_int_arm[0] <= 1;
ext_int_arm[1] <= !ext_int_arm[1] && (start_pclk[0] || (ext_int_arm[0] &&
(!ext_int_mode_pclk || (ext_int_trigger_condition_filtered && !ext_int_trigger_condition_filtered_d))));
start_out_pulse <= pre_start_out_pulse;
/// Generating output pulse - 64* bit_length if timestamp is disabled or
......@@ -511,6 +555,8 @@ module camsync393 #(
else if (bit_snd_duration_zero) sr_snd_second[31:0] <={sr_snd_second[30:0],1'b0};
out_data <=outsync && (ts_snd_en_pclk?sr_snd_first[31]:1'b1);
ext_int_mode_pclk <= ext_int_mode_mclk;
......@@ -553,19 +599,34 @@ module camsync393 #(
triggered_mode_pclk<= triggered_mode_r;
bit_length_short[7:0] <= bit_length[7:0]-bit_length_plus1[7:2]-1; // 3/4 of the duration
trigger_condition <= (((gpio_in[9:0] ^ input_pattern[9:0]) & input_use[9:0]) == 10'b0);
// trigger_condition <= (((gpio_in[9:0] ^ input_pattern[9:0]) & input_use[9:0]) == 10'b0);
trigger_condition <= (((gpio_in[9:0] ^ input_pattern[9:0]) & input_use[9:0] &
~(ext_int_mode_pclk?(10'b1 << CAMSYNC_GPIO_EXT_IN):10'b0)) == 10'b0); // disable external trigger in line
trigger_condition_d <= trigger_condition;
if (!triggered_mode_pclk || (trigger_condition !=trigger_condition_d)) trigger_filter_cntr <= {1'b0,bit_length[7:2]};
else if (!trigger_filter_cntr[6]) trigger_filter_cntr<=trigger_filter_cntr-1;
if (input_use_intern) trigger_condition_filtered <= 1'b0;
if (input_use_intern) trigger_condition_filtered <= 1'b0;
else if (trigger_filter_cntr[6]) trigger_condition_filtered <= trigger_condition_d;
rcv_run_or_deaf <= start_en && (trigger_condition_filtered ||
(rcv_run_or_deaf && !(bit_rcv_duration_zero && (bit_rcv_counter[6:0]==0))));
ext_int_trigger_condition <= ext_int_mode_pclk && !(gpio_in[CAMSYNC_GPIO_EXT_IN] ^ input_pattern[CAMSYNC_GPIO_EXT_IN]); // disable external trigger in line
ext_int_trigger_condition_d <= ext_int_trigger_condition;
if (!triggered_mode_pclk || (ext_int_trigger_condition !=ext_int_trigger_condition_d)) ext_int_trigger_filter_cntr <= {1'b0,bit_length[7:2]};
else if (!ext_int_trigger_filter_cntr[6]) ext_int_trigger_filter_cntr <= ext_int_trigger_filter_cntr-1;
if (input_use_intern) ext_int_trigger_condition_filtered <= 1'b0;
else if (ext_int_trigger_filter_cntr[6]) ext_int_trigger_condition_filtered <= ext_int_trigger_condition_d;
ext_int_trigger_condition_filtered_d <= ext_int_trigger_condition_filtered;
rcv_run_d <= rcv_run;
start_dly <= input_use_intern ?
......@@ -62,6 +62,12 @@ module timing393 #(
parameter CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT = 'h12, // per-channel enable timestamp generation (4 bits themselves, then for enables for them)
parameter CAMSYNC_PRE_MAGIC = 6'b110100,
parameter CAMSYNC_POST_MAGIC = 6'b001101,
// GPIO bits used for camera synchronization
parameter CAMSYNC_GPIO_EXT_IN = 9,
parameter CAMSYNC_GPIO_INT_IN = 7,
parameter CAMSYNC_GPIO_EXT_OUT = 6,
parameter CAMSYNC_GPIO_INT_OUT = 8,
parameter RTC_MHZ= 25, // RTC input clock in MHz (should be interger number)
parameter RTC_BITC_PREDIV = 5, // number of bits to generate 2 MHz pulses counting refclk
......@@ -250,7 +256,11 @@ module timing393 #(
) camsync393_i (
// .rst (rst), // input
.mclk (mclk), // input
......@@ -2227,6 +2227,10 @@ assign axi_grst = axi_rst_pre;
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