Commit af1e353e authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

updated to version 0xb9 (parallel only), worked on camsync/rtc

parent a78a7d75
[*] GTKWave Analyzer v3.3.66 (w)1999-2015 BSI
[*] Wed Sep 14 19:28:33 2016
[*] Tue Sep 20 04:34:10 2016
[dumpfile] "/home/eyesis/git/x393-neon/simulation/x393_dut-20160914091637595.fst"
[dumpfile_mtime] "Wed Sep 14 17:55:04 2016"
[dumpfile_size] 377060747
[dumpfile] "/home/eyesis/git/x393-neon/simulation/x393_dut-20160919202856605.fst"
[dumpfile_mtime] "Tue Sep 20 04:31:39 2016"
[dumpfile_size] 93558968
[savefile] "/home/eyesis/git/x393-neon/cocotb/x393_cocotb_02.sav"
[timestart] 43511100
[size] 1814 1171
[pos] 1936 23
*-14.509074 43557388 77654500 77716800 80133500 86987400 89448000 91674200 91801500 95195280 96480090 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
[timestart] 42705000
[size] 1201 767
[pos] 2223 211
*-19.051508 43557388 77654500 77716800 80133500 86987400 89448000 91674200 91801500 95195280 96480090 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
[treeopen] x393_dut.
[treeopen] x393_dut.ddr3_i.ddr3_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.simul_axi_master_wdata_i.
......@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.sensors393_i.sensor_channel_block[3].sensor_channel_i.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.sensors393_i.sensor_channel_block[3].sensor_channel_i.genblk1.
[treeopen] x393_dut.x393_i.timing393_i.
[sst_width] 435
[sst_width] 212
[signals_width] 312
[sst_expanded] 1
[sst_vpaned_height] 642
[sst_vpaned_height] 380
......@@ -677,10 +677,10 @@ module x393_dut#(
wire [ 9:0] gpio_pins; // inout[9:0] ([6]-synco0,[7]-syncio0,[8]-synco1,[9]-syncio1)
wire [ 9:0] gpio_pins; // inout[9:0] ([8]-synco0,[7]-syncio0,[6]-synco1,[9]-syncio1)
// Connect trigger outs to triggets in (#10 needed for Icarus)
assign #10 gpio_pins[7] = gpio_pins[6];
assign #10 gpio_pins[9] = gpio_pins[8];
assign #10 gpio_pins[7] = gpio_pins[8];
assign #10 gpio_pins[9] = gpio_pins[6];
// DDR3 signals
wire SDRST;
......@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@
* contains all the components and scripts required to completely simulate it
* with at least one of the Free Software programs.
parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300b7; //parallel, matching histograms Bayer to gamma bayer -0.011/9, 79.92%
parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300b9; //parallel, correcting RTC (it was 25/24 faster) -0.038/29, 79.64%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300b8; //parallel, working on camsync -0.330/99, 80.52% -> -0.143 /40, 79.88%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300b7; //parallel, matching histograms Bayer to gamma bayer -0.011/9, 79.92%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300b6; //parallel, working on histograms odd colors bug -0.207 /58, 79.68%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300b5; //parallel, moving histograms earlier -0.123/30, 79.47
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300b4; //-a parallel, and more - -0.180/33, 80.68 %
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ class X393Camsync(object):
@param sub_chn - sensor channel (0..3)
@param delay - delay value in 10 ns steps - max 42.95 sec
self.x393_axi_tasks.write_control_register(vrlg.CAMSYNC_ADDR + vrlg.CAMSYNC_TRIG_PERIOD, delay)
self.x393_axi_tasks.write_control_register(vrlg.CAMSYNC_ADDR + vrlg.CAMSYNC_TRIG_DELAY0+sub_chn, delay)
def camsync_setup(self,
sensor_mask = None,
......@@ -819,7 +819,9 @@ class X393Jpeg(object):
if useNextReady:
channel = self.x393Cmprs.compressor_interrupt_acknowledge(enabledOnly=True)
if channel is None:
raise Exception ("No channels have new compressed images ready")
# raise Exception ("No channels have new compressed images ready")
print ("*********** No channels have new compressed images ready ************")
if '@' in file_path:
......@@ -1891,6 +1893,129 @@ jpeg_sim_multi 4
jpeg_sim_multi 4
jpeg_sim_multi 4
################## Simulate Parallel 9 - external trigger ####################
./py393/ @py393/cocoargs --simulated=localhost:7777
measure_all "*DI"
setup_all_sensors True None 0xf
set_sensor_io_ctl all None None 1 # Set ARO low - check if it is still needed?
#just testing
set_gpio_ports 1 1 # enable software gpio pins and porta (camsync)
set_gpio_pins 0 1 # pin 0 low, pin 1 - high
set_camsync_period 31 # set bit duration
set_camsync_period 7500 # 75 usec
set_camsync_delay 0 0
set_camsync_delay 1 100
set_camsync_delay 2 200
set_camsync_delay 3 300
#set_camsync_inout <is_out> <bit_number> <active_positive>
set_camsync_inout 1 8 0
#set_camsync_inout 0 7 0
reset_camsync_inout 0 # start with internal trigger
#set_camsync_mode <en=None> <en_snd=None> <en_ts_external=None> <triggered_mode=None> <master_chn=None> <chn_en=None>
set_camsync_mode 1 1 1 1 0 0xf
set_sensor_histogram_window 0 0 4 4 25 21
set_sensor_histogram_window 1 0 4 4 41 21
set_sensor_histogram_window 2 0 4 4 25 41
set_sensor_histogram_window 3 0 4 4 41 41
read_control_register 0x430
read_control_register 0x431
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 2 0x600 0x48 # compressor q page = 1 // too late for frame 2
set_qtables 0 0 80
set_qtables 0 1 70
#irq coming, image not changing - yes
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x686 0x280005 #save 4 more lines than sensor has
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x680 0x5507 #enable abort
#write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x6c6 0x300006 #save 4 more lines that compressor has
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 2 0x600 0x5 #stop compressor `
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 2 0x680 0x5405 # stop sensor memory (+0) // sensor memory should be controlled first, (9 commands
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 2 0x6c0 0x5c49 # stop compressor memory (+0)
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 3 0x686 0x240005 # correct lines
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 3 0x680 0x5507 # run sensor memory (+1) Can not be 0
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 4 0x686 0x280005 #save 4 more lines than sensor has
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 4 0x6c6 0x300006 #save more lines than compressor needs (sensor provides)
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 4 0x6c0 0x7d4b # run compressor memory (+2)
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 4 0x600 0x7 # run compressor (+0)
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x600 0x48 # compressor q page = 1
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 4 0x600 0x40 # compressor q page = 0
read_control_register 0x431
read_control_register 0x430
#testing histograms
write_control_register 0x409 0xc0
#sequencer test
#ctrl_cmd_frame_sequencer <num_sensor> <reset=False> <start=False> <stop=False>
ctrl_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 0 1 0
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x700 0x6
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x700 0x9
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x700 0xa0
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x700 0x50
#write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 0 3 0x700 0xa000
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 0 0x700 0x90
#write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 0 2 0x700 0xe00
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 0 3 0x700 0xa
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 0 2 0x700 0x6
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 0 2 0x700 0x9
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 0 2 0x700 0x60
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 0 2 0x700 0x90
#write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 0 2 0x700 0x600
#write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 0 2 0x700 0x900
read_status 0x21
#set_sensor_io_dly_hispi all 0x48 0x68 0x68 0x68 0x68
#set_sensor_io_ctl all None None None None None 1 None # load all delays?
compressor_control all None None None None None 2
compressor_interrupt_control all clr
compressor_interrupt_control all en
compressor_control all 3
read_status 0x21
jpeg_sim_multi 4
read_status 0x21
jpeg_sim_multi 3
read_status 0x21
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x686 0x240005 # correct lines
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x6c6 0x200006 # correct lines
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x680 0x5507 # run sensor memory, update frame#, reset buffers
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x6c0 0x7d4b # run compressor memory
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x600 0x7 # run compressor
jpeg_sim_multi 4
#switch to external (wired) trigger
set_camsync_inout 0 7 0
jpeg_sim_multi 4
#set_camsync_mode <en=None> <en_snd=None> <en_ts_external=None> <triggered_mode=None> <master_chn=None> <chn_en=None>
set_camsync_mode None None None 0
jpeg_sim_multi 4
jpeg_sim_multi 4
################## Serial ####################
......@@ -198,7 +198,8 @@ end
always begin
@ (posedge MCLK) begin
#tMD c = !stoppedd;
// #tMD c = !stoppedd;
#tMD c = ARST && MRST; // NC393: when both are incative, (do not stop clock)
@ (negedge MCLK) begin
#tMD c = 1'b0;
......@@ -275,6 +275,7 @@ module camsync393 #(
wire pre_set_period;
reg set_period;
wire start_late ;// delayed start to wait for time stamp to be available
wire start_late_first; // do not restart
reg [31:0] sr_snd_first;
reg [31:0] sr_snd_second;
......@@ -301,7 +302,8 @@ module camsync393 #(
reg ts_external_pclk; // 1 - use external timestamp (combines ts_external and input_use_intern)
reg triggered_mode_pclk;
reg armed_internal_trigger; // to prevent re-start as in internal trigger mode timestamp over for master channel trigger s the sequence
// and that timestmp is acquired fro each delayed channel (includin master) again
wire [3:0] local_got; // received local timestamp (@ posedge mclk)
wire [3:0] local_got_pclk; // local_got reclocked @pclk
......@@ -359,7 +361,8 @@ module camsync393 #(
assign {ts_snap_mclk_chn3, ts_snap_mclk_chn2, ts_snap_mclk_chn1, ts_snap_mclk_chn0 } = {4{en}} & (triggered_mode? ts_snap_triggered_mclk: frame_sync);
// keep previous value if 2'b01
// assign input_use_w = pre_input_use | (~pre_input_use & pre_input_pattern & input_use);
wire [9:0] input_mask = pre_input_pattern | ~pre_input_use;
// wire [9:0] input_mask = pre_input_pattern | ~pre_input_use;
wire [9:0] input_mask = ~pre_input_pattern | pre_input_use;
wire [9:0] input_use_w = ((input_use ^ pre_input_use) & input_mask) ^ input_use;
wire [9:0] input_pattern_w = ((input_pattern ^ pre_input_pattern) & input_mask) ^ input_pattern;
......@@ -464,6 +467,9 @@ module camsync393 #(
always @ (posedge pclk) begin
if (!input_use_intern || start_late) armed_internal_trigger <= 0;
else if (start_pclk[2]) armed_internal_trigger <= 1;
ts_snap_triggered <= chn_en & ({4{(start_pclk[2] & ts_snd_en_pclk)}} | //strobe by internal generator if output timestamp is enabled
(trig_r & ~{4{ts_external_pclk}})); // get local timestamp of the trigger (ext/int)
......@@ -557,7 +563,10 @@ module camsync393 #(
(rcv_run_or_deaf && !(bit_rcv_duration_zero && (bit_rcv_counter[6:0]==0))));
rcv_run_d <= rcv_run;
start_dly <= input_use_intern ? (start_late && start_en) : (rcv_run && !rcv_run_d); // all start at the same time - master/others
start_dly <= input_use_intern ?
(start_late_first && start_en) : // only use armed_internal_trigger with timestamps
(rcv_run && !rcv_run_d); // all start at the same time - master/others
// simulation problems w/o "start_en &&" ?
dly_cntr_run_d <= dly_cntr_run;
......@@ -574,10 +583,10 @@ module camsync393 #(
else dly_cntr_chn3[31:0] <= input_dly_chn3[31:0];
/// bypass delay to trig_r in internal trigger mode
trig_r[0] <= (input_use_intern && (master_chn ==0)) ? (start_late && start_en): dly_cntr_end[0];
trig_r[1] <= (input_use_intern && (master_chn ==1)) ? (start_late && start_en): dly_cntr_end[1];
trig_r[2] <= (input_use_intern && (master_chn ==2)) ? (start_late && start_en): dly_cntr_end[2];
trig_r[3] <= (input_use_intern && (master_chn ==3)) ? (start_late && start_en): dly_cntr_end[3];
trig_r[0] <= (input_use_intern && (master_chn ==0)) ? (start_late_first && start_en): dly_cntr_end[0];
trig_r[1] <= (input_use_intern && (master_chn ==1)) ? (start_late_first && start_en): dly_cntr_end[1];
trig_r[2] <= (input_use_intern && (master_chn ==2)) ? (start_late_first && start_en): dly_cntr_end[2];
trig_r[3] <= (input_use_intern && (master_chn ==3)) ? (start_late_first && start_en): dly_cntr_end[3];
/// 64-bit serial receiver (52 bit payload, 6 pre magic and 6 bits post magic for error checking
if (!rcv_run_or_deaf) bit_rcv_duration[7:0] <= bit_length_short[7:0]; // 3/4 bit length-1
......@@ -636,9 +645,9 @@ module camsync393 #(
assign ts_stb = (!ts_external || pre_input_use_intern) ? local_got : {4{rcv_done_mclk}};
// Making delayed start that waits for timestamp use timestamp_got, otherwize - nothing to wait
// Making delayed start that waits for timestamp use timestamp_got, otherwise - nothing to wait
assign start_late = ts_snd_en_pclk?local_got_pclk[master_chn] : start_pclk[2];
assign start_late_first = start_late && (armed_internal_trigger|| !ts_snd_en_pclk);
cmd_deser #(
......@@ -139,12 +139,19 @@ module rtc393 #(
always @ (posedge mclk) begin
if (!enable_rtc || halfusec[0]) pre_cntr <= RTC_MHZ-2;
else if (refclk2x_mclk) pre_cntr <= pre_cntr - 1;
// if (!enable_rtc || halfusec[0]) pre_cntr <= RTC_MHZ-2;
// else if (refclk2x_mclk) pre_cntr <= pre_cntr - 1;
// if (!enable_rtc) halfusec <= 0;
// else halfusec <= {halfusec[2:0], (|pre_cntr || !refclk2x_mclk)?1'b0:1'b1};
if (!enable_rtc) pre_cntr <= RTC_MHZ-1;
else if (refclk2x_mclk) pre_cntr <= (|pre_cntr) ? (pre_cntr - 1) : (RTC_MHZ-1);
if (!enable_rtc) halfusec <= 0;
else halfusec <= {halfusec[2:0], (|pre_cntr || !refclk2x_mclk)?1'b0:1'b1};
if (set_usec_w) pend_set_cntr <= 1'b0; // just to get rid of undefined
if (set_sec_w) pend_set_cntr <= 1'b1;
else if (halfusec[3])pend_set_cntr <= 1'b0;
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