Commit 9f629dc4 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

tested register writes, status generation, routing and reading

parent 99191719
...@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ IVERILOG_INCLUDE.v ...@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ IVERILOG_INCLUDE.v
x393.prj x393.prj
*.kate-swp *.kate-swp
...@@ -56,7 +56,23 @@ ...@@ -56,7 +56,23 @@
parameter MCONTR_TOP_16BIT_REFRESH_PERIOD = 'h1, // 8-bit refresh period parameter MCONTR_TOP_16BIT_REFRESH_PERIOD = 'h1, // 8-bit refresh period
parameter MCONTR_TOP_16BIT_REFRESH_ADDRESS= 'h2, // 10 bits refresh address in the sequencer (PL) memory parameter MCONTR_TOP_16BIT_REFRESH_ADDRESS= 'h2, // 10 bits refresh address in the sequencer (PL) memory
parameter MCONTR_TOP_16BIT_STATUS_CNTRL= 'h3, // 8 bits - write to status control (and debug?) parameter MCONTR_TOP_16BIT_STATUS_CNTRL= 'h3, // 8 bits - write to status control (and debug?)
0x1080..10ff - DLY_LD // 8 bits :
0x1080..109f - set delay for SDD0-SDD7
0x10a0..10bf - set delay for SDD8-SDD15
0x10c0..10df - set delay for SD_CMDA
0x10e0 - set delay for MMCM
localparam LD_DLY_LANE0_ODELAY = DLY_LD+'h00; // 0x1080
localparam LD_DLY_LANE0_IDELAY = DLY_LD+'h10; // 0x1090
localparam LD_DLY_LANE1_ODELAY = DLY_LD+'h20; // 0x10a0
localparam LD_DLY_LANE1_IDELAY = DLY_LD+'h30; // 0x10b0
localparam LD_DLY_CMDA = DLY_LD+'h40; // 0x10c0
localparam LD_DLY_PHASE = DLY_LD+'h60; // 0x10e0
---- ----
parameter MCNTRL_TEST01_ADDR= 'h0f0, parameter MCNTRL_TEST01_ADDR= 'h0f0,
parameter MCNTRL_TEST01_MASK= 'h3f0 parameter MCNTRL_TEST01_MASK= 'h3f0
...@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ ...@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <> . * along with this program. If not, see <> .
*******************************************************************************/ *******************************************************************************/
// Check that this fix did not break anything:
module axibram_read #( module axibram_read #(
parameter ADDRESS_BITS = 10 // number of memory address bits parameter ADDRESS_BITS = 10 // number of memory address bits
)( )(
...@@ -129,13 +131,24 @@ module axibram_read #( ...@@ -129,13 +131,24 @@ module axibram_read #(
// External memory interface // External memory interface
assign bram_rclk = aclk; // clock for read port assign bram_rclk = aclk; // clock for read port
assign bram_raddr = read_in_progress?read_address[ADDRESS_BITS-1:0]:{ADDRESS_BITS{1'b1}}; // read address assign bram_raddr = read_in_progress?read_address[ADDRESS_BITS-1:0]:{ADDRESS_BITS{1'b1}}; // read address
reg bram_regen_r;
assign bram_ren = bram_reg_re_w && !pre_last_in_burst_r ; // read port enable
assign bram_regen = bram_regen_r; // output register enable
assign bram_ren = bram_reg_re_w; // read port enable assign bram_ren = bram_reg_re_w; // read port enable
assign bram_regen = bram_reg_re_w; // output register enable assign bram_regen = bram_reg_re_w; // output register enable
assign rdata[31:0] = bram_rdata; // data out assign rdata[31:0] = bram_rdata; // data out
always @ (posedge aclk or posedge rst) begin always @ (posedge aclk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst) bram_regen_r <= 0;
else bram_regen_r <= bram_ren;
if (rst) pre_last_in_burst_r <= 0; if (rst) pre_last_in_burst_r <= 0;
// else if (start_read_burst_w) pre_last_in_burst_r <= (read_left==4'b0); // else if (start_read_burst_w) pre_last_in_burst_r <= (read_left==4'b0);
else if (bram_reg_re_w) pre_last_in_burst_r <= (read_left==4'b0); else if (bram_reg_re_w) pre_last_in_burst_r <= (read_left==4'b0);
...@@ -227,6 +240,7 @@ fifo_same_clock #( .DATA_WIDTH(ADDRESS_BITS+20),.DATA_DEPTH(4)) ...@@ -227,6 +240,7 @@ fifo_same_clock #( .DATA_WIDTH(ADDRESS_BITS+20),.DATA_DEPTH(4))
raddr_i ( raddr_i (
.rst(rst), .rst(rst),
.clk(aclk), .clk(aclk),
.sync_rst(1'b0), // input
.we(arvalid && arready), .we(arvalid && arready),
.re(start_read_burst_w), .re(start_read_burst_w),
.data_in({arid[11:0], arburst[1:0],arsize[1:0],arlen[3:0],araddr[ADDRESS_BITS+1:2]}), .data_in({arid[11:0], arburst[1:0],arsize[1:0],arlen[3:0],araddr[ADDRESS_BITS+1:2]}),
// SuppressWarnings VEditor // S uppressWarnings VEditor
/* localparam LD_DLY_LANE0_ODELAY = DLY_LD+'h00; // 0x1080
localparam BASEADDR_PORT0_RD = PORT0_RD_ADDR << 2; // 'h0000 << 2 localparam LD_DLY_LANE0_IDELAY = DLY_LD+'h10; // 0x1090
// SuppressWarnings VEditor localparam LD_DLY_LANE1_ODELAY = DLY_LD+'h20; // 0x10a0
localparam BASEADDR_PORT1_WR = PORT1_WR_ADDR << 2; // 'h0000 << 2 = 'h000 localparam LD_DLY_LANE1_IDELAY = DLY_LD+'h30; // 0x10b0
/// localparam BASEADDR_CMD0 = CMD0_ADDR << 2; // 'h0800 << 2 = 'h2000 localparam LD_DLY_CMDA = DLY_LD+'h40; // 0x10c0
// localparam BASEADDR_CTRL = CONTROL_ADDR << 2; localparam LD_DLY_PHASE = DLY_LD+'h60; // 0x10e0
/// localparam BASEADDR_CTRL = (CONTROL_ADDR | BUSY_WR_ADDR) << 2; // with busy localparam DLY_SET = MCONTR_PHY_0BIT_ADDR + MCONTR_PHY_0BIT_DLY_SET; //0x1020
localparam BASEADDR_STATUS = STATUS_ADDR << 2; // 'h0800 << 2 = 'h2000
/// localparam BASEADDR_DLY_LD = BASEADDR_CTRL | (DLY_LD_REL <<2); // 'h080, address to generate delay load
localparam BASEADDR_DLY_SET = BASEADDR_CTRL | (DLY_SET_REL<<2); // 'h070, address to generate delay set
localparam BASEADDR_RUN_CHN = BASEADDR_CTRL | (RUN_CHN_REL<<2); // 'h000, address to set sequnecer channel and run (4 LSB-s - channel)
localparam BASEADDR_PATTERNS =BASEADDR_CTRL | (PATTERNS_REL<<2); // 'h020, address to set DQM and DQS patterns (16'h0055)
localparam BASEADDR_PATTERNS_TRI =BASEADDR_CTRL | (PATTERNS_TRI_REL<<2); // 'h021, address to set DQM and DQS tristate on/off patterns {dqs_off,dqs_on, dq_off,dq_on} - 4 bits each
localparam BASEADDR_WBUF_DELAY =BASEADDR_CTRL | (WBUF_DELAY_REL<<2); // 'h022, extra delay (in mclk cycles) to add to write buffer enable (DDR3 read data)
// SuppressWarnings VEditor
localparam BASEADDR_PAGES = BASEADDR_CTRL | (PAGES_REL<<2); // 'h023, address to set buffer pages {port1_page[1:0],port1_int_page[1:0],port0_page[1:0],port0_int_page[1:0]}
localparam BASEADDR_CMDA_EN = BASEADDR_CTRL | (CMDA_EN_REL<<2); // 'h024, address to enable('h825)/disable('h824) command/address outputs
localparam BASEADDR_SDRST_ACT = BASEADDR_CTRL | (SDRST_ACT_REL<<2); // 'h026 address to activate('h827)/deactivate('h826) active-low reset signal to DDR3 memory
/// localparam BASEADDR_CKE_EN = BASEADDR_CTRL | (CKE_EN_REL<<2); // 'h028
// SuppressWarnings VEditor
localparam BASEADDR_DCI_RST = BASEADDR_CTRL | (DCI_RST_REL<<2); // 'h02a (+1 - enable)
// SuppressWarnings VEditor
localparam BASEADDR_DLY_RST = BASEADDR_CTRL | (DLY_RST_REL<<2); // 'h02c (+1 - enable)
// SuppressWarnings VEditor
localparam BASEADDR_EXTRA = BASEADDR_CTRL | (EXTRA_REL<<2); // 'h02e, address to set extra parameters (currently just inv_clk_div)
localparam BASEADDR_REFRESH_EN = BASEADDR_CTRL | (REFRESH_EN_REL<<2); // address to enable('h31) and disable ('h30) DDR refresh
localparam BASEADDR_REFRESH_PER = BASEADDR_CTRL | (REFRESH_PER_REL<<2); // address ('h32) to set refresh period in 32 x tCK
localparam BASEADDR_REFRESH_ADDR = BASEADDR_CTRL | (REFRESH_ADDR_REL<<2); // address ('h33)to set sequencer start address for DDR refresh
localparam BASEADDRESS_CMDA = BASEADDR_DLY_LD+('h40<<2);
localparam STATUS_PSHIFTER_RDY_MASK = 'h100;
// SuppressWarnings VEditor - not yet used
localparam STATUS_LOCKED_MASK = 'h200;
localparam STATUS_SEQ_BUSY_MASK = 'h400;
`ifdef use200Mhz `ifdef use200Mhz
localparam DLY_LANE0_DQS_WLV_IDELAY = 8'hb0; // idelay dqs localparam DLY_LANE0_DQS_WLV_IDELAY = 8'hb0; // idelay dqs
localparam DLY_LANE1_DQS_WLV_IDELAY = 8'hb0; // idelay dqs localparam DLY_LANE1_DQS_WLV_IDELAY = 8'hb0; // idelay dqs
...@@ -16,6 +16,13 @@ ...@@ -16,6 +16,13 @@
end end
endtask endtask
task read_and_wait_w;
input [29:0] address;
read_and_wait ({address,2'b0});
task read_and_wait; task read_and_wait;
input [31:0] address; input [31:0] address;
begin begin
...@@ -32,6 +39,14 @@ ...@@ -32,6 +39,14 @@
end end
endtask endtask
task axi_write_single_w; // address in bytes, not words
input [29:0] address;
input [31:0] data;
axi_write_single ({address,2'b0},data);
task axi_write_single; // address in bytes, not words task axi_write_single; // address in bytes, not words
input [31:0] address; input [31:0] address;
input [31:0] data; input [31:0] data;
...@@ -251,6 +251,7 @@ module mcntrl393 #( ...@@ -251,6 +251,7 @@ module mcntrl393 #(
input axird_regen, //==axird_ren?? - remove? .regen(bram_reg_re_w), // output register enable input axird_regen, //==axird_ren?? - remove? .regen(bram_reg_re_w), // output register enable
// wire [31:0] axird_bram_rdata; // .data_out(rdata[31:0]), // data out // wire [31:0] axird_bram_rdata; // .data_out(rdata[31:0]), // data out
output [31:0] axird_rdata, // combinatorial multiplexed (add external register layer, modify axibram_read?) .data_out(rdata[31:0]), // data out output [31:0] axird_rdata, // combinatorial multiplexed (add external register layer, modify axibram_read?) .data_out(rdata[31:0]), // data out
output axird_selected, // axird_rdata contains cvalid data from this module
// wire [31:0] port0_rdata; // // wire [31:0] port0_rdata; //
// wire [31:0] status_rdata; // // wire [31:0] status_rdata; //
...@@ -415,7 +416,14 @@ module mcntrl393 #( ...@@ -415,7 +416,14 @@ module mcntrl393 #(
wire status_tiled_chn4_rq; // PS tiled channel4 (memory read) channels status request wire status_tiled_chn4_rq; // PS tiled channel4 (memory read) channels status request
wire status_tiled_chn4_start; // PS tiled channel4 (memory read) channels status packet transfer start (currently with 0 latency from status_root_rq) wire status_tiled_chn4_start; // PS tiled channel4 (memory read) channels status packet transfer start (currently with 0 latency from status_root_rq)
// combinatorial early signals
wire select_cmd0_w;
wire select_buf0_w;
wire select_buf1_w;
wire select_buf2_w;
wire select_buf3_w;
wire select_buf4_w;
// registered selects
reg select_cmd0; reg select_cmd0;
reg select_buf0; reg select_buf0;
reg select_buf1; reg select_buf1;
...@@ -427,7 +435,7 @@ module mcntrl393 #( ...@@ -427,7 +435,7 @@ module mcntrl393 #(
reg select_buf2_d; reg select_buf2_d;
reg select_buf4_d; reg select_buf4_d;
reg axird_selected_r; // this module provides output
// Buffers R/W from AXI // Buffers R/W from AXI
reg [BUFFER_DEPTH32-1:0] buf_waddr; reg [BUFFER_DEPTH32-1:0] buf_waddr;
...@@ -513,7 +521,7 @@ module mcntrl393 #( ...@@ -513,7 +521,7 @@ module mcntrl393 #(
// Ror now - combinatorial, maybe add registers (modify axibram_read) // For now - combinatorial, maybe add registers (modify axibram_read)
assign buf_raddr=axird_raddr; assign buf_raddr=axird_raddr;
assign axird_rdata = (select_buf0 ? buf0_data : 32'b0) | (select_buf2 ? buf2_data : 32'b0) | (select_buf4 ? buf4_data : 32'b0); assign axird_rdata = (select_buf0 ? buf0_data : 32'b0) | (select_buf2 ? buf2_data : 32'b0) | (select_buf4 ? buf4_data : 32'b0);
...@@ -527,25 +535,37 @@ module mcntrl393 #( ...@@ -527,25 +535,37 @@ module mcntrl393 #(
assign page_ready_chn2=seq_done2; assign page_ready_chn2=seq_done2;
assign page_ready_chn3=seq_done3; assign page_ready_chn3=seq_done3;
assign page_ready_chn4=rpage_nxt_chn4; assign page_ready_chn4=rpage_nxt_chn4;
assign axird_selected=axird_selected_r;
assign select_cmd0_w = ((axiwr_pre_awaddr ^ MCONTR_CMD_WR_ADDR) & MCONTR_WR_MASK)==0;
assign select_buf0_w = ((axird_pre_araddr ^ MCONTR_BUF0_RD_ADDR) & MCONTR_RD_MASK)==0;
assign select_buf1_w = ((axiwr_pre_awaddr ^ MCONTR_BUF1_WR_ADDR) & MCONTR_WR_MASK)==0;
assign select_buf2_w = ((axird_pre_araddr ^ MCONTR_BUF2_RD_ADDR) & MCONTR_RD_MASK)==0;
assign select_buf3_w = ((axiwr_pre_awaddr ^ MCONTR_BUF3_WR_ADDR) & MCONTR_WR_MASK)==0;
assign select_buf4_w = ((axird_pre_araddr ^ MCONTR_BUF4_RD_ADDR) & MCONTR_RD_MASK)==0;
always @ (axi_rst or axi_clk) begin always @ (axi_rst or axi_clk) begin
if (axi_rst) select_cmd0 <= 0; if (axi_rst) select_cmd0 <= 0;
else if (axiwr_start_burst) select_cmd0 <= ((axiwr_pre_awaddr ^ MCONTR_CMD_WR_ADDR) & MCONTR_WR_MASK)==0; else if (axiwr_start_burst) select_cmd0 <= select_cmd0_w;
if (axi_rst) select_buf0 <= 0; if (axi_rst) select_buf0 <= 0;
else if (axird_start_burst) select_buf0 <= ((axird_pre_araddr ^ MCONTR_BUF0_RD_ADDR) & MCONTR_RD_MASK)==0; else if (axird_start_burst) select_buf0 <= select_buf0_w;
if (axi_rst) select_buf1 <= 0; if (axi_rst) select_buf1 <= 0;
else if (axiwr_start_burst) select_buf1 <= ((axiwr_pre_awaddr ^ MCONTR_BUF1_WR_ADDR) & MCONTR_WR_MASK)==0; else if (axiwr_start_burst) select_buf1 <= select_buf1_w;
if (axi_rst) select_buf2 <= 0; if (axi_rst) select_buf2 <= 0;
else if (axird_start_burst) select_buf2 <= ((axird_pre_araddr ^ MCONTR_BUF2_RD_ADDR) & MCONTR_RD_MASK)==0; else if (axird_start_burst) select_buf2 <= select_buf2_w;
if (axi_rst) select_buf3 <= 0; if (axi_rst) select_buf3 <= 0;
else if (axiwr_start_burst) select_buf3 <= ((axiwr_pre_awaddr ^ MCONTR_BUF3_WR_ADDR) & MCONTR_WR_MASK)==0; else if (axiwr_start_burst) select_buf3 <= select_buf3_w;
if (axi_rst) select_buf4 <= 0; if (axi_rst) select_buf4 <= 0;
else if (axird_start_burst) select_buf4 <= ((axird_pre_araddr ^ MCONTR_BUF4_RD_ADDR) & MCONTR_RD_MASK)==0; else if (axird_start_burst) select_buf4 <= select_buf4_w;
if (axi_rst) axird_selected_r <= 0;
else if (axird_start_burst) axird_selected_r <= select_buf0_w || select_buf1_w ||select_buf2_w;
end end
always @ (axi_clk) begin always @ (axi_clk) begin
if (axiwr_wen) buf_wdata <= axiwr_data; if (axiwr_wen) buf_wdata <= axiwr_data;
...@@ -36,10 +36,18 @@ module status_read#( ...@@ -36,10 +36,18 @@ module status_read#(
)( )(
input rst, input rst,
input clk, input clk,
input [AXI_RD_ADDR_BITS-1:0] axi_pre_addr, // status read address, 1 cycle ahead of read data input axi_clk, // common for read and write channels
input pre_stb, // read data request, with axi_pre_addr input [AXI_RD_ADDR_BITS-1:0] axird_pre_araddr, // status read address, 1 cycle ahead of read data
output reg [31:0] axi_status_rdata, // read data, 1 cycle latency from the address/stb // input pre_stb, // read data request, with axi_pre_addr
output reg data_valid, // read data valid, 1 cycle latency from pre_stb, decoded address // output reg [31:0] axi_status_rdata, // read data, 1 cycle latency from the address/stb
// output reg data_valid, // read data valid, 1 cycle latency from pre_stb, decoded address
input axird_start_burst, // start of read burst, valid pre_araddr, save externally to control ext. dev_ready multiplexer
input [STATUS_DEPTH-1:0] axird_raddr, // .raddr(read_in_progress?read_address[9:0]:10'h3ff), // read address
input axird_ren, // .ren(bram_reg_re_w) , // read port enable
input axird_regen, //==axird_ren?? - remove? .regen(bram_reg_re_w), // output register enable
output [31:0] axird_rdata, // combinatorial multiplexed (add external register layer, modify axibram_read?) .data_out(rdata[31:0]), // data out
output axird_selected, // axird_rdata contains cvalid data from this module, vcalid next after axird_start_burst
// so with ren/regen it may be delayed 1 more cycle
input [7:0] ad, // byte-serial status data from the sources input [7:0] ad, // byte-serial status data from the sources
input rq, // request from sources to transfer status data input rq, // request from sources to transfer status data
output start // acknowledge receiving of first byte (address), currently always ready output start // acknowledge receiving of first byte (address), currently always ready
...@@ -47,20 +55,61 @@ module status_read#( ...@@ -47,20 +55,61 @@ module status_read#(
localparam integer DATA_2DEPTH=(1<<STATUS_DEPTH)-1; localparam integer DATA_2DEPTH=(1<<STATUS_DEPTH)-1;
reg [31:0] ram [0:DATA_2DEPTH]; reg [31:0] ram [0:DATA_2DEPTH];
reg [STATUS_DEPTH-1:0] waddr; reg [STATUS_DEPTH-1:0] waddr;
wire [STATUS_DEPTH-1:0] raddr; // wire [STATUS_DEPTH-1:0] raddr;
reg we; reg we;
wire re; // wire re;
reg [31: 0] wdata; reg [31: 0] wdata;
reg rq_r; reg rq_r;
reg [3:0] dstb; reg [3:0] dstb;
assign re= pre_stb && (((axi_pre_addr ^ STATUS_ADDR) & STATUS_ADDR_MASK) == 0); wire select_w;
assign raddr=axi_pre_addr[STATUS_DEPTH-1:0]; reg select_r;
reg select_d;
wire rd;
wire regen;
reg [31:0] axi_status_rdata;
reg [31:0] axi_status_rdata_r;
// registering to match BRAM timing (so it is possible to instantioate it instead)
// reg [STATUS_DEPTH-1:0] raddr_r; // .raddr(read_in_progress?read_address[9:0]:10'h3ff), // read address
// reg rd_r; // .ren(bram_reg_re_w) , // read port enable
// reg regen_r; //==axird_ren?? - remove? .regen(bram_reg_re_w), // output register enable
assign select_w = ((axird_pre_araddr ^ STATUS_ADDR) & STATUS_ADDR_MASK)==0;
assign rd = axird_ren && select_r;
assign regen = axird_regen && select_d;
// assign re= pre_stb && (((axi_pre_addr ^ STATUS_ADDR) & STATUS_ADDR_MASK) == 0);
// assign raddr=axi_pre_addr[STATUS_DEPTH-1:0];
assign start=rq && !rq_r; assign start=rq && !rq_r;
assign axird_rdata=axi_status_rdata_r;
assign axird_selected = select_r;
always @ (posedge rst or posedge axi_clk) begin
if (rst) select_r <= 0;
else if (axird_start_burst) select_r <= select_w;
always @ (posedge axi_clk) begin
// if (rd_r) axi_status_rdata <= ram[raddr_r];
// if (regen_r) axi_status_rdata_r <= axi_status_rdata;
if (rd) axi_status_rdata <= ram[axird_raddr];
if (regen) axi_status_rdata_r <= axi_status_rdata;
select_d <= select_r;
// raddr_r <= axird_raddr;
// rd_r <= rd;
// regen_r <= regen;
always @ (posedge rst or posedge clk) begin always @ (posedge rst or posedge clk) begin
if (rst) data_valid <= 0;
else data_valid <= re; // if (rst) data_valid <= 0;
// else data_valid <= re;
if (rst) rq_r <= 0; if (rst) rq_r <= 0;
else rq_r <= rq; else rq_r <= rq;
...@@ -99,8 +148,7 @@ module status_read#( ...@@ -99,8 +148,7 @@ module status_read#(
end end
always @ (posedge clk) begin always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (we) ram[waddr] <= wdata; // shifted data here if (we) ram[waddr] <= wdata; // shifted data here
if (re) axi_status_rdata<= ram[raddr];
end end
...@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ module status_router2 ( ...@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ module status_router2 (
/// assign snd_pre_start=|fifo_nempty && !snd_rest_r && !start_out; // no channel change after /// assign snd_pre_start=|fifo_nempty && !snd_rest_r && !start_out; // no channel change after
// assign rq_out=(snd_rest_r && !snd_last_byte) || |fifo_nempty; // assign rq_out=(snd_rest_r && !snd_last_byte) || |fifo_nempty;
assign rq_out=(snd_rest_r || |fifo_nempty) && !snd_last_byte ; assign rq_out=(snd_rest_r || |fifo_nempty) && !snd_last_byte ;
assign early_chn= (snd_rest_r & ~snd_last_byte)?current_chn_r:chn_sel_w; // assign early_chn= (snd_rest_r & ~snd_last_byte)?current_chn_r:chn_sel_w;
assign early_chn= snd_rest_r? current_chn_r: chn_sel_w;
assign db_out=early_chn?fifo1_out:fifo0_out; assign db_out=early_chn?fifo1_out:fifo0_out;
assign fifo_nempty=fifo_nempty_pre & ~fifo_last_byte; assign fifo_nempty=fifo_nempty_pre & ~fifo_last_byte;
...@@ -349,21 +349,25 @@ module x393 #( ...@@ -349,21 +349,25 @@ module x393 #(
wire [31:0] axird_rdata; // .data_out(rdata[31:0]), // data out wire [31:0] axird_rdata; // .data_out(rdata[31:0]), // data out
// wire [31:0] port0_rdata; // // wire [31:0] port0_rdata; //
wire [31:0] status_rdata; // wire [31:0] status_rdata; //
wire status_valid; /// SuppressThisWarning VEditor ****** never used - supposed to be always valid? wire status_selected;
wire [31:0] mcntrl_axird_rdata; // read data from the memory controller
wire mcntrl_axird_selected; // memory controoler has valid data output on mcntrl_axird_rdata
wire mclk; wire mclk;
wire [11:0] tmp_debug; wire [11:0] tmp_debug;
// reg select_port0; // May be used later! // reg select_port0; // May be used later!
reg select_status;
wire axiwr_dev_busy; wire axiwr_dev_busy;
wire axird_dev_busy; wire axird_dev_busy;
assign axird_dev_ready = ~axird_dev_busy; //may combine (AND) multiple sources if needed assign axird_dev_ready = ~axird_dev_busy; //may combine (AND) multiple sources if needed
assign axird_dev_busy = 1'b0; // always for now assign axird_dev_busy = 1'b0; // always for now
// assign axird_rdata= select_port0? port0_rdata[31:0]:(select_status?status_rdata[31:0]:32'bx); // Use this later
assign axird_rdata= select_status?status_rdata[31:0]:32'bx; // assign axird_rdata= ({32{status_selected}} & status_rdata[31:0]) | ({32{mcntrl_axird_selected}} & mcntrl_axird_rdata[31:0]);
//Debug with this (to show 'x)
assign axird_rdata= status_selected?status_rdata[31:0] : (mcntrl_axird_selected? mcntrl_axird_rdata[31:0]:'bx);
assign axiwr_dev_ready = ~axiwr_dev_busy; //may combine (AND) multiple sources if needed assign axiwr_dev_ready = ~axiwr_dev_busy; //may combine (AND) multiple sources if needed
// Clock and reset from PS // Clock and reset from PS
...@@ -378,17 +382,6 @@ module x393 #( ...@@ -378,17 +382,6 @@ module x393 #(
BUFG bufg_axi_rst_i (.O(axi_rst),.I(axi_rst_pre)); BUFG bufg_axi_rst_i (.O(axi_rst),.I(axi_rst_pre));
BUFG bufg_axi_aclk_i (.O(axi_aclk),.I(fclk[0])); BUFG bufg_axi_aclk_i (.O(axi_aclk),.I(fclk[0]));
//always @ (posedge axi_aclk) begin
// port0_rd_match_r <= port0_rd_match; // rd address matched in previous cycle
always @ (posedge axi_rst or posedge axi_aclk) begin
// if (axi_rst) select_port0 <= 1'b0;
// else if (axird_start_burst) select_port0 <= (((axird_pre_araddr^ PORT0_RD_ADDR) & PORT0_RD_ADDR_MASK)==0);
if (axi_rst) select_status <= 1'b0;
else if (axird_start_burst) select_status <= (((axird_pre_araddr^ STATUS_ADDR) & STATUS_ADDR_MASK)==0);
wire waddr_under, wdata_under, wresp_under; wire waddr_under, wdata_under, wresp_under;
...@@ -593,15 +586,18 @@ end ...@@ -593,15 +586,18 @@ end
) status_read_i ( ) status_read_i (
.rst (axi_rst), // input .rst (axi_rst), // input
.clk (mclk), // input .clk (mclk), // input
.axi_pre_addr (axird_pre_araddr), // input[12:0] .axi_clk (axird_bram_rclk), // input == axi_aclk
.pre_stb (axird_start_burst), // input .axird_pre_araddr (axird_pre_araddr), // input[7:0]
.axi_status_rdata (status_rdata[31:0]), // output[31:0] reg .axird_start_burst(axird_start_burst), // input
.data_valid (status_valid), // output reg .axird_raddr (axird_raddr[STATUS_DEPTH-1:0]), // input[7:0]
.axird_ren (axird_ren), // input
.axird_regen (axird_regen), // input
.axird_rdata (status_rdata), // output[31:0]
.axird_selected (status_selected), // output
.ad (status_root_ad), // input[7:0] .ad (status_root_ad), // input[7:0]
.rq (status_root_rq), // input .rq (status_root_rq), // input
.start (status_root_start) // output .start (status_root_start) // output
); );
// mux status info from the memory controller and other modules // mux status info from the memory controller and other modules
status_router2 status_router2_top_i ( status_router2 status_router2_top_i (
...@@ -748,7 +744,7 @@ end ...@@ -748,7 +744,7 @@ end
.status_rq (status_mcontr_rq), // input request to send status downstream .status_rq (status_mcontr_rq), // input request to send status downstream
.status_start (status_mcontr_start), // Acknowledge of the first status packet byte (address) .status_start (status_mcontr_start), // Acknowledge of the first status packet byte (address)
.axi_clk (axi_aclk), // input - same? .axi_clk (axird_bram_rclk), // axi_aclk), // input - same?
.axiwr_pre_awaddr (axiwr_pre_awaddr), // input[12:0] .axiwr_pre_awaddr (axiwr_pre_awaddr), // input[12:0]
.axiwr_start_burst (axiwr_start_burst), // input .axiwr_start_burst (axiwr_start_burst), // input
.axiwr_waddr (axiwr_waddr[BUFFER_DEPTH32-1:0]), // input[9:0] .axiwr_waddr (axiwr_waddr[BUFFER_DEPTH32-1:0]), // input[9:0]
...@@ -760,8 +756,8 @@ end ...@@ -760,8 +756,8 @@ end
.axird_raddr (axird_raddr[BUFFER_DEPTH32-1:0]), // input[9:0] .axird_raddr (axird_raddr[BUFFER_DEPTH32-1:0]), // input[9:0]
.axird_ren (axird_ren), // input .axird_ren (axird_ren), // input
.axird_regen (axird_regen), // input .axird_regen (axird_regen), // input
.axird_rdata (axird_rdata), // output[31:0] .axird_rdata (mcntrl_axird_rdata), // output[31:0]
.axird_selected (mcntrl_axird_selected), // output
.frame_start_chn2 (frame_start_chn2), // input .frame_start_chn2 (frame_start_chn2), // input
.next_page_chn2 (next_page_chn2), // input .next_page_chn2 (next_page_chn2), // input
...@@ -959,7 +955,7 @@ frst[3]?{ ...@@ -959,7 +955,7 @@ frst[3]?{
.pre_araddr (axird_pre_araddr[AXI_RD_ADDR_BITS-1:0]), // output[9:0] .pre_araddr (axird_pre_araddr[AXI_RD_ADDR_BITS-1:0]), // output[9:0]
.start_burst (axird_start_burst), // output .start_burst (axird_start_burst), // output
.dev_ready (axird_dev_ready), // input .dev_ready (axird_dev_ready), // input
.bram_rclk (axird_bram_rclk), // output //SuppressThisWarning ISExst Assignment to axird_bram_rclk ignored, since the identifier is never used .bram_rclk (axird_bram_rclk), // output //S uppressThisWarning ISExst Assignment to axird_bram_rclk ignored, since the identifier is never used
.bram_raddr (axird_raddr[AXI_RD_ADDR_BITS-1:0]), // output[9:0] .bram_raddr (axird_raddr[AXI_RD_ADDR_BITS-1:0]), // output[9:0]
.bram_ren (axird_ren), // output .bram_ren (axird_ren), // output
.bram_regen (axird_regen), // output .bram_regen (axird_regen), // output
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