Commit 5125b897 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

made trigger-realted parameters to run through the sequencer too, continued

parent bd4f6b5e
......@@ -1065,15 +1065,15 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
c = "sens_chn"
sdefines +=[
(('CAMSYNC control',)),
(("X393_CAMSYNC_MODE", "", vrlg.CAMSYNC_MODE + ba, 0, z3, "x393_camsync_mode", "wo", "CAMSYNC mode")),
(("X393_CAMSYNC_TRIG_SRC", "", vrlg.CAMSYNC_TRIG_SRC + ba, 0, z3, "x393_camsync_io", "wo", "CAMSYNC trigger source")),
(("X393_CAMSYNC_TRIG_DST", "", vrlg.CAMSYNC_TRIG_DST + ba, 0, z3, "x393_camsync_io", "wo", "CAMSYNC trigger destination")),
(("X393_CAMSYNC_MODE", c, vrlg.CAMSYNC_MODE + ba, 0, z3, "x393_camsync_mode", "wo", "CAMSYNC mode")),
(("X393_CAMSYNC_TRIG_SRC", c, vrlg.CAMSYNC_TRIG_SRC + ba, 0, z3, "x393_camsync_io", "wo", "CAMSYNC trigger source")),
(("X393_CAMSYNC_TRIG_DST", c, vrlg.CAMSYNC_TRIG_DST + ba, 0, z3, "x393_camsync_io", "wo", "CAMSYNC trigger destination")),
(('_Trigger period has special value for small (<255) values written to this register',)),
(('_ d == 0 - disable (stop periodic mode)',)),
(('_ d == 1 - single trigger',)),
(('_ d == 2..255 - set output pulse / input-output serial bit duration (no start generated)',)),
(('_ d >= 256 - repetitive trigger',)),
(("X393_CAMSYNC_TRIG_PERIOD", "", vrlg.CAMSYNC_TRIG_PERIOD + ba, 0, z3, "u32*", "rw", "CAMSYNC trigger period")),
(("X393_CAMSYNC_TRIG_PERIOD", c, vrlg.CAMSYNC_TRIG_PERIOD + ba, 0, z3, "u32*", "rw", "CAMSYNC trigger period")),
(("X393_CAMSYNC_TRIG_DELAY", c, vrlg.CAMSYNC_TRIG_DELAY0 + ba, 1, z3, "u32*", "rw", "CAMSYNC trigger delay"))]
......@@ -1245,7 +1245,8 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
#processing sequencer command (have "w" and var_name and var_range = 0..3
#TODO: Add special character to rw meaning channel applicable
if var_name and address_inc and ('w' in rw) and var_range:
# if var_name and address_inc and ('w' in rw) and var_range:
if var_name and ('w' in rw) and var_range:
multivar = isinstance(address_inc,(list,tuple))
if multivar:
if isinstance(var_range[0],(list,tuple)) and (var_range[0][0] == 0) and (var_range[0][1] == 3):
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