Commit 49883757 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

preparing to connect phase rotator

parent cfe8b55c
......@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ module mclt16x16#(
input [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] x_shft, //!< tile pixel X fractional shift (valid @ start)
input [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] y_shft, //!< tile pixel Y fractional shift (valid @ start)
input [3:0] bayer, // bayer mask (0 bits - skip pixel, valid @ start)
// TODO may modify/remove delay dly_pixel_data_i and use this 3-cycle delay for address calculation. If use 18x18 (0r 20x20) full tile
// instead of 16x16 use different shifts in the case of lateral chromatic aberration
output [7:0] mpixel_a, //!< pixel address {y,x} of the input tile
input [PIXEL_WIDTH-1:0] mpixel_d, //!< pixel data, latency = 2 from pixel address
output pre2_rdy, //!< after next cycle may be start of the next block
......@@ -367,7 +370,55 @@ D11 - negate for mode 3 (SS)
dtt_iv_8x8 #(
// wire [1:0] dtt_mode_out;
wire signed [OUT_WIDTH-1:0] dtt_out_wd;
wire [3:0] dtt_out_wa16;
wire dtt_out_we;
wire dtt_sub16;
wire dtt_inc16;
reg [4:0] dtt_out_ram_cntr;
reg [4:0] dtt_out_ram_wah;
wire dtt_start_fill; // some data available in DTT output buffer, OK to start consecutive readout
reg dtt_start_out; // start read out to sin/cos rotator
// frequency domain, high address bit - page, 2 next - mode, 6 LSBs - transposed FD data (vertical first)
wire [8:0] dtt_out_ram_wa = {dtt_out_ram_wah,dtt_out_wa16};
localparam DTT_OUT_DELAY = 192; // start output to sin/cos rotator, ~=3/4 of 256
reg [7:0] dtt_dly_cntr;
reg [8:0] dtt_rd_cntr; // counter for dtt readout to rotator
wire [8:0] dtt_rd_ra = {dtt_rd_cntr[8],dtt_rd_cntr[1:0],dtt_rd_cntr[7:2]}; // page, mode, frequency
reg [2:0] dtt_rd_regen_dv; // dtt output buffer mem read, register enable, data valid
wire [35:0] dtt_rd_data_w; // high bits are not used
// data to be input to phase rotator
wire signed [OUT_WIDTH-1:0] dtt_rd_data = dtt_rd_data_w[OUT_WIDTH-1:0]; // valid with dtt_rd_regen_dv[2]
// reg [9:0] dtt_out_ram_cntr;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) dtt_out_ram_cntr <= 0;
else if (dtt_inc16) dtt_out_ram_cntr <= dtt_out_ram_cntr + 1;
dtt_out_ram_wah <= dtt_out_ram_cntr - dtt_sub16;
if (rst) dtt_dly_cntr <= 0;
else if (dtt_start_fill) dtt_dly_cntr <= DTT_OUT_DELAY;
else if (|dtt_dly_cntr) dtt_dly_cntr <= dtt_dly_cntr - 1;
dtt_start_out <= dtt_dly_cntr == 1;
if (rst) dtt_rd_regen_dv[0] <= 0;
else if (dtt_start_out) dtt_rd_regen_dv[0] <= 1;
else if (&dtt_rd_cntr[7:0]) dtt_rd_regen_dv[0] <= 0;
if (rst) dtt_rd_regen_dv[2:1] <= 0;
else dtt_rd_regen_dv[2:1] <= dtt_rd_regen_dv[1:0];
if (dtt_start_out) dtt_rd_cntr <= {dtt_out_ram_wah[4], 8'b0}; //copy page number
else if (dtt_rd_regen_dv[0]) dtt_rd_cntr <= dtt_rd_cntr + 1;
dtt_iv_8x8_ad #(
......@@ -376,20 +427,40 @@ D11 - negate for mode 3 (SS)
.DSP_B_WIDTH (18),
.DSP_A_WIDTH (25),
) dtt_iv_8x8_i (
) dtt_iv_8x8_ad_i (
.clk (clk), // input
.rst (rst), // input
.start (dtt_start), // input
.mode (dtt_mode), // input[1:0]
.xin (dtt_r_data), // input[24:0] signed
.pre_last_in (), // output reg
.pre_first_out (pre_first_out_2d), // output
.dv (dv), // output
.d_out (dout), // output[24:0] signed
.mode_out (mode_out), // output[1:0] reg
.pre_busy (pre_busy_2d) // output reg
.start (dtt_start), // input
.mode (dtt_mode), // input[1:0]
.xin (dtt_r_data), // input[24:0] signed
.pre_last_in (), // output reg
.mode_out (), // dtt_mode_out), // output[1:0] reg
.pre_busy (), // output reg
.out_wd (dtt_out_wd), // output[24:0] reg
.out_wa (dtt_out_wa16), // output[3:0] reg
.out_we (dtt_out_we), // output reg
.sub16 (dtt_sub16), // output reg
.inc16 (dtt_inc16), // output reg
.start_out (dtt_start_fill) // output[24:0] signed
// 2 page buffer after dtt
ram18p_var_w_var_r #(
) ram18p_var_w_var_r_dtt_out_i (
.rclk (clk), // input
.raddr (dtt_rd_ra), // input[8:0]
.ren (dtt_rd_regen_dv[0]), // input
.regen (dtt_rd_regen_dv[0]), // input
.data_out (dtt_rd_data_w), // output[35:0]
.wclk (clk), // input
.waddr (dtt_out_ram_wa), // input[8:0]
.we (dtt_out_we), // input
.web (4'hf), // input[3:0]
.data_in ({{(36-DTT_IN_WIDTH){1'b0}}, dtt_out_wd}) // input[35:0]
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