Commit 48b08174 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

working on synthesis errors

parent bf7c096d
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
......@@ -3,3 +3,5 @@ x393
FPGA code for Elphel 393 camera, created with [VDT plugin](
Branch ``master`` includes the code that is simulated and tested with the NC393 hardware as described in the blog post about the [multichannel memory controller](
Branch ``adding_sensors`` is a current development branch that is not yet simulated, synthesized or tested.
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ module cmprs_afi_mux#(
output [ 3:0] afi_awcache,
output [ 2:0] afi_awprot,
output [ 3:0] afi_awlen,
output [ 2:0] afi_awsize,
output [ 1:0] afi_awsize,
output [ 1:0] afi_awburst,
output [ 3:0] afi_awqos,
// write data
......@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ module cmprs_afi_mux#(
assign afi_awlock = 2'h0;
assign afi_awcache = 4'h3;
assign afi_awprot = 3'h0;
assign afi_awsize = 3'h3;
assign afi_awsize = 2'h3;
assign afi_awburst = 2'h1;
assign afi_awqos = 4'h0;
assign afi_wstrb = 8'hff;
......@@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ module cmprs_afi_mux_ptr_wresp(
reg [26:0] chunk_ptr_inc; // incremented by 1..4 chunk pointer
reg [27:0] chunk_ptr_rovr; // incremented chunk pointer, decremented by length (MSB - sign)
reg [ 3:0] busy; // one-hot busy stages (usually end with [3]
reg [ 5:0] id_r; // registered ID data
// reg [ 5:0] id_r; // registered ID data
reg [ 4:0] id_r; // registered ID data - MSB is unused
reg [1:0] chn; // selected channel
reg eof; // eof register being written
reg last_burst_in_frame; // this response is for eof
......@@ -90,7 +91,8 @@ module cmprs_afi_mux_ptr_wresp(
afi_bready_r <= !en || pre_busy; // (!busy[0] && !pre_busy && !resetting[0] && !start_resetting_w);
busy <= {busy[2:0], pre_busy}; // adjust bits
id_r <= afi_bid;
// id_r <= afi_bid;
id_r <= afi_bid[4:0]; // id_r[5] is never used - revoved
if (start_resetting_w) reset_rq_pri <= {reset_rq[3] & ~(|reset_rq[2:0]),
reset_rq[2] & ~(|reset_rq[1:0]),
......@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ module histogram_saxi#(
always @(posedge mclk) begin
if (we_addr) hist_start_page[cmd_wa] <= cmd_data[19:0];
en_aclk <= en;
// en_aclk <= en;
// mclk (write) port of the buffer
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ module membridge#(
output [ 3:0] afi_awcache,
output [ 2:0] afi_awprot,
output [ 3:0] afi_awlen,
output [ 2:0] afi_awsize,
output [ 1:0] afi_awsize,
output [ 1:0] afi_awburst,
output [ 3:0] afi_awqos,
// write data
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ module membridge#(
output [ 3:0] afi_arcache,
output [ 2:0] afi_arprot,
output [ 3:0] afi_arlen,
output [ 2:0] afi_arsize,
output [ 1:0] afi_arsize,
output [ 1:0] afi_arburst,
output [ 3:0] afi_arqos,
// read data
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ module membridge#(
assign afi_awlock = 2'h0;
// assign afi_awcache = 4'h3;
assign afi_awprot = 3'h0;
assign afi_awsize = 3'h3;
assign afi_awsize = 2'h3;
assign afi_awburst = 2'h1;
assign afi_awqos = 4'h0;
assign afi_wstrb = 8'hff;
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ module membridge#(
assign afi_arlock = 2'h0;
// assign afi_arcache = 4'h3;
assign afi_arprot = 3'h0;
assign afi_arsize = 3'h3;
assign afi_arsize = 2'h3;
assign afi_arburst = 2'h1;
assign afi_arqos = 4'h0;
assign afi_rdissuecap1en = 1'b0;
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ module mult_saxi_wr #(
output [ 3:0] saxi_wstrb, // AXI PS Slave GP0 WSTRB[3:0], input
// write response Not used - may add guaranteed address (as for the histogram)?
input saxi_bvalid, // AXI PS Slave GP0 BVALID, output // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor unused
output saxi_bready, // AXI PS Slave GP0 BREADY, input // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor unused
output saxi_bready, // AXI PS Slave GP0 BREADY, input
input [ 5:0] saxi_bid, // AXI PS Slave GP0 BID[5:0], output //TODO: Update range !!! // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor unused
input [ 1:0] saxi_bresp // AXI PS Slave GP0 BRESP[1:0], output // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor unused
......@@ -150,6 +150,8 @@ module mult_saxi_wr #(
wire we_ctrl;
wire cmd_we_sa_len;
assign saxi_bready=1'b1;
assign {en_chn3, en_chn2, en_chn1, en_chn0} = en_chn_mclk;
assign {read_burst3, read_burst2, read_burst1, read_burst0} = grant_wr; // single clock pulse
......@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ module compressor393 # (
output [ 3:0] afi0_awcache,
output [ 2:0] afi0_awprot,
output [ 3:0] afi0_awlen,
output [ 2:0] afi0_awsize,
output [ 1:0] afi0_awsize,
output [ 1:0] afi0_awburst,
output [ 3:0] afi0_awqos,
// write data
......@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ module compressor393 # (
output [ 3:0] afi1_awcache,
output [ 2:0] afi1_awprot,
output [ 3:0] afi1_awlen,
output [ 2:0] afi1_awsize,
output [ 1:0] afi1_awsize,
output [ 1:0] afi1_awburst,
output [ 3:0] afi1_awqos,
// write data
......@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ module huffman393 (
.dv (tser_we), // input
.ta (ta), // output[22:0]
.td (tdi), // output[15:0]
.twe (twe) // output
.twe (twe) // output
......@@ -367,8 +367,10 @@ module huffman393 (
// .data_out({unused[11:0],tables_out[19:0]}), // output[31:0]
.data_out(tables_out), // output[31:0]
.wclk(mclk), // input
.waddr({ta[8:0],twe_d}), // input[9:0]
.we(twe | twe_d), // input
// .waddr({ta[8:0],twe_d}), // input[9:0]
// .we(twe | twe_d), // input
.waddr(ta[9:0]), // input[9:0]
.we (twe), // input
.web(4'hf), // input[3:0]
.data_in(tdi[15:0]) // input[15:0]
......@@ -143,7 +143,8 @@ module stuffer393 (
wire ts_rstb; // one cycle before getting timestamp data from FIFO
wire [7:0] ts_dout; // timestamp data, byte at a time
reg [7:0] ts_cycles; // 1-hot we for the portions of the 'old" timestamp registers
// reg [7:0] ts_cycles; // 1-hot we for the portions of the 'old" timestamp registers
reg [6:0] ts_cycles; // 1-hot we for the portions of the 'old" timestamp registers
reg color_first_r; // registered with the same clock as color_first to extract leading edge
wire stb_start; // re-clocked color_first
......@@ -151,7 +152,8 @@ module stuffer393 (
assign ts_rstb = trailer && !was_trailer; // enough time to have timestamp data
always @ (negedge clk) begin
ts_cycles <= {ts_cycles[6:0],ts_rstb};
// ts_cycles <= {ts_cycles[6:0],ts_rstb};
ts_cycles <= {ts_cycles[5:0],ts_rstb};
if (ts_cycles[0]) sec_r[ 7: 0] <= ts_dout;
else if (time_size_out) sec_r[ 7: 0] <= sec_r[23:16];
else if (start_sizeout) sec_r[ 7: 0] <= size_count[ 7:0];
......@@ -421,7 +421,6 @@ module mcntrl393 #(
wire need_rq1;
wire channel_pgm_en1;
wire seq_done1;
wire page_nxt_chn1;
// routed outside to membredge module
wire buf_wr_chn1;
......@@ -435,7 +434,6 @@ module mcntrl393 #(
wire need_rq2;
wire channel_pgm_en2;
wire seq_done2;
wire page_nxt_chn2;
wire buf_wr_chn2;
wire buf_wpage_nxt_chn2;
wire [63:0] buf_wdata_chn2;
......@@ -447,7 +445,6 @@ module mcntrl393 #(
wire need_rq3;
wire channel_pgm_en3;
wire seq_done3;
wire page_nxt_chn3;
wire buf_wr_chn3;
wire buf_wpage_nxt_chn3;
wire [63:0] buf_wdata_chn3;
......@@ -459,7 +456,6 @@ module mcntrl393 #(
wire need_rq4;
wire channel_pgm_en4;
wire seq_done4;
wire page_nxt_chn4;
wire buf_wr_chn4;
wire buf_wpage_nxt_chn4;
wire [63:0] buf_wdata_chn4;
......@@ -554,7 +550,7 @@ module mcntrl393 #(
wire [3:0] cmprs_keep_open; // start generating commands
wire [3:0] cmprs_partial; // output
wire [3:0] cmprs_seq_done; // input : sequence over
assign cmprs_page_ready = cmprs_seq_done;// mcntrl_tiled_rw does not generate page_ready pulse as it is the same as xfer_done input
// assign cmprs_page_ready = cmprs_seq_done;// mcntrl_tiled_rw does not generate page_ready pulse as it is the same as xfer_done input
// combinatorial early signals
wire select_cmd0_w;
......@@ -757,13 +753,6 @@ module mcntrl393 #(
assign buf4rd_rd= axird_ren && select_buf4rd;
assign buf4rd_regen= axird_regen && select_buf4rd_d;
assign page_ready_chn1=page_nxt_chn1; //seq_done2;
assign page_ready_chn2=page_nxt_chn2; //seq_done2;
assign page_ready_chn3=page_nxt_chn3; //seq_done3; // TODO - check if it should not be rpage_next
assign page_ready_chn4=page_nxt_chn4; //rpage_nxt_chn4;
assign axird_selected=axird_selected_r;
assign select_cmd0_w = ((axiwr_pre_awaddr ^ MCONTR_CMD_WR_ADDR) & MCONTR_WR_MASK)==0;
assign select_buf0rd_w = ((axird_pre_araddr ^ MCONTR_BUF0_RD_ADDR) & MCONTR_RD_MASK)==0;
......@@ -1784,7 +1773,7 @@ module mcntrl393 #(
.need_rq1 (need_rq1), // input
.channel_pgm_en1 (channel_pgm_en1), // output reg
.seq_done1 (seq_done1), // output
.page_nxt_chn1 (page_nxt_chn1), //rpage_nxt_chn0), not used
.page_nxt_chn1 (page_ready_chn1), //rpage_nxt_chn0), not used
.buf_run1 (), //buf_run1),
.buf_wr_chn1 (buf_wr_chn1), // output
.buf_wpage_nxt_chn1 (buf_wpage_nxt_chn1), // output
......@@ -1799,7 +1788,7 @@ module mcntrl393 #(
.need_rq2 (need_rq2), // input
.channel_pgm_en2 (channel_pgm_en2), // output reg
.seq_done2 (seq_done2), // output
.page_nxt_chn2 (page_nxt_chn2), //rpage_nxt_chn0), not used
.page_nxt_chn2 (page_ready_chn2), //rpage_nxt_chn0), not used
.buf_run2 (), //buf_run2),
.buf_wr_chn2 (buf_wr_chn2), // output
.buf_wpage_nxt_chn2 (buf_wpage_nxt_chn2), // output
......@@ -1813,7 +1802,7 @@ module mcntrl393 #(
.need_rq3 (need_rq3), // input
.channel_pgm_en3 (channel_pgm_en3), // output reg
.seq_done3 (seq_done3), // output
.page_nxt_chn3 (page_nxt_chn3), //rpage_nxt_chn0), not used
.page_nxt_chn3 (page_ready_chn3), //rpage_nxt_chn0), not used
.buf_run3 (), //buf_run3),
.buf_wr_chn3 (buf_wr_chn3), // output
.buf_wpage_nxt_chn3 (buf_wpage_nxt_chn3), // output
......@@ -1827,7 +1816,7 @@ module mcntrl393 #(
.need_rq4 (need_rq4), // input
.channel_pgm_en4 (channel_pgm_en4), // output reg
.seq_done4 (seq_done4), // output
.page_nxt_chn4 (page_nxt_chn4), //rpage_nxt_chn0), not used
.page_nxt_chn4 (page_ready_chn4), //rpage_nxt_chn0), not used
.buf_run4 (), //buf_run4),
.buf_wr_chn4 (buf_wr_chn4), // output
.buf_wpage_nxt_chn4 (buf_wpage_nxt_chn4), // output
......@@ -1881,7 +1870,7 @@ module mcntrl393 #(
.need_rq12 (cmprs_need[0]), // input
.channel_pgm_en12 (cmprs_channel_pgm_en[0]), // output reg
.seq_done12 (cmprs_seq_done[0]), // output
.page_nxt_chn12 (cmprs_next_page[0]), // output ???
.page_nxt_chn12 (cmprs_page_ready[0]), // output ???
.buf_run12 (), // output
.buf_wr_chn12 (cmprs_buf_we[0]), // output
.buf_wpage_nxt_chn12(cmprs_buf_wpage_nxt[0]), // output
......@@ -1892,7 +1881,7 @@ module mcntrl393 #(
.need_rq13 (cmprs_need[1]), // input
.channel_pgm_en13 (cmprs_channel_pgm_en[1]), // output reg
.seq_done13 (cmprs_seq_done[1]), // output
.page_nxt_chn13 (cmprs_next_page[1]), // output ???
.page_nxt_chn13 (cmprs_page_ready[1]), // output ???
.buf_run13 (), // output
.buf_wr_chn13 (cmprs_buf_we[1]), // output
.buf_wpage_nxt_chn13(cmprs_buf_wpage_nxt[1]), // output
......@@ -1903,7 +1892,7 @@ module mcntrl393 #(
.need_rq14 (cmprs_need[2]), // input
.channel_pgm_en14 (cmprs_channel_pgm_en[2]), // output reg
.seq_done14 (cmprs_seq_done[2]), // output
.page_nxt_chn14 (cmprs_next_page[2]), // output ???
.page_nxt_chn14 (cmprs_page_ready[2]), // output ???
.buf_run14 (), // output
.buf_wr_chn14 (cmprs_buf_we[2]), // output
.buf_wpage_nxt_chn14(cmprs_buf_wpage_nxt[2]), // output
......@@ -1914,7 +1903,7 @@ module mcntrl393 #(
.need_rq15 (cmprs_need[3]), // input
.channel_pgm_en15 (cmprs_channel_pgm_en[3]), // output reg
.seq_done15 (cmprs_seq_done[3]), // output
.page_nxt_chn15 (cmprs_next_page[3]), // output ???
.page_nxt_chn15 (cmprs_page_ready[3]), // output ???
.buf_run15 (), // output
.buf_wr_chn15 (cmprs_buf_we[3]), // output
.buf_wpage_nxt_chn15(cmprs_buf_wpage_nxt[3]), // output
......@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ module sens_histogram #(
reg [31:0] to_inc;
wire [31:0] hist_new;
reg hist_rwen; // read/write enable
reg [2:0] hist_regen; // bram output register enable: [0] - ren, [1] - regen, [2] - next after regen
// reg [2:0] hist_regen; // bram output register enable: [0] - ren, [1] - regen, [2] - next after regen
reg [1:0] hist_regen; // bram output register enable: [0] - ren, [1] - regen, [2] - next after regen
reg hist_we; // bram write enable
reg hist_bank_mclk;
......@@ -204,7 +205,8 @@ module sens_histogram #(
hist_rwen <= (woi[0] & ~pclk_sync) || (woi[2] & pclk_sync);
hist_regen <= {hist_regen[1:0], woi[0] & ~pclk_sync};
// hist_regen <= {hist_regen[1:0], woi[0] & ~pclk_sync};
hist_regen <= {hist_regen[0], woi[0] & ~pclk_sync};
hist_we <= woi[2] & pclk_sync;
if (woi[0] & ~pclk_sync) hist_rwaddr <= hist_addr;
......@@ -393,8 +393,10 @@ module sens_parallel12 #(
.ipclk2x (ipclk2x), // input
.rst (rst), // input
.mclk (mclk), // input
.dly_data (data_r[8*((i+2)&3)+:8]), // input[7:0] alternating bytes of 32-bit word
.set_idelay (set_pxd_delay[(i+2)>>2]),// input 0 for pxd[3:2], 1 for pxd[7:4], 2 for pxd [11:8]
// .dly_data (data_r[8*((i+2)&3)+:8]), // input[7:0] alternating bytes of 32-bit word
// .set_idelay (set_pxd_delay[(i+2)>>2]),// input 0 for pxd[3:2], 1 for pxd[7:4], 2 for pxd [11:8]
.dly_data (data_r[8 * (i & 3) +: 8]), // input[7:0] alternating bytes of 32-bit word
.set_idelay (set_pxd_delay[i >> 2]),// input 0 for pxd[3:2], 1 for pxd[7:4], 2 for pxd [11:8]
.ld_idelay (ld_idelay), // input
.quadrant (quadrants[1:0]) // input[1:0]
......@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ module sensor_channel#(
.status_ad (sens_i2c_status_ad), // output[7:0]
.status_rq (sens_i2c_status_rq), // output
.status_start (sens_i2c_status_start), // input
.frame_sync (), // input
.frame_sync (sof_out_mclk), // input
.scl (sns_scl), // inout
.sda (sns_sda) // inout
......@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ module sensor_channel#(
) sens_sync_i (
.rst (rst), // input
.pclk (pclk), // input
.mclk (), // input
.mclk (mclk), // input
.en(), // input
.sof_in (sof), // input
.eof_in (eof), // input
......@@ -171,7 +171,8 @@ module sensor_i2c#(
wire set_status_w;
reg [1:0] wen_r;
reg [1:0] wen_fifo;
// reg [1:0] wen_fifo;
reg wen_fifo; // [1] was not used - we_fifo_wp was used instead
assign set_ctrl_w = we_cmd && (wa == SENSI2C_CTRL );// ==0
......@@ -232,8 +233,8 @@ module sensor_i2c#(
always @ (posedge mclk) begin
if (wen) di_r <= di; // 32 bit command takes 6 cycles, so di_r can hold data for up to this long
wen_r <= {wen_r[0],wen}; // is it needed?
wen_fifo <= {wen_fifo[0],we_rel || we_abs};
// wen_fifo <= {wen_fifo[0],we_rel || we_abs};
wen_fifo <= we_rel || we_abs;
// signals related to writing to i2c FIFO
// delayed versions of address, data write strobe
......@@ -292,13 +293,15 @@ module sensor_i2c#(
// we_fifo_wp <= wen || wpage0_inc; // during commands and during reset?
/// we_fifo_wp <= wen_fifo[0] || wpage0_inc; // during commands and during reset?
we_fifo_wp <= wen_fifo[0] || we_rel || we_abs; // ??
// we_fifo_wp <= wen_fifo[0] || we_rel || we_abs; // ??
we_fifo_wp <= wen_fifo || we_rel || we_abs; // ??
// reg [1:0] wen_r;
// reg [1:0] wen_fifo;
if (wen_fifo[0]) fifo_wr_pointers_outw_r[5:0] <= fifo_wr_pointers_outw[5:0];
// if (wen_fifo[0]) fifo_wr_pointers_outw_r[5:0] <= fifo_wr_pointers_outw[5:0];
if (wen_fifo) fifo_wr_pointers_outw_r[5:0] <= fifo_wr_pointers_outw[5:0];
// write to dual-port pointer memory
if (we_fifo_wp) fifo_wr_pointers[wpage_wr] <= wpage0_inc[1]? 6'h0:(fifo_wr_pointers_outw_r[5:0]+1);
......@@ -306,11 +309,12 @@ module sensor_i2c#(
fifo_wr_pointers_outr_r[5:0] <= fifo_wr_pointers_outr[5:0]; // just register distri
// command i2c fifo (RAMB16_S9_S18)
if (wen_fifo[0]) i2c_cmd_wa <= {wpage_wr[3:0],fifo_wr_pointers_outw[5:0]};
// if (wen_fifo[0]) i2c_cmd_wa <= {wpage_wr[3:0],fifo_wr_pointers_outw[5:0]};
if (wen_fifo) i2c_cmd_wa <= {wpage_wr[3:0],fifo_wr_pointers_outw[5:0]};
// if (wen_d[1]) i2c_cmd_wa[10:1] <= {wpage_wr[3:0],fifo_wr_pointers_outw[5:0]};
// i2c_cmd_wa[0] <= !wen_d[1]; // 0 for the first in a pair, 1 - for the second
// i2c_cmd_we <= !reset_cmd && (wen_d[1] || (i2c_cmd_we && !wen_d[3])); //reset_cmd added to keep simulator happy
i2c_cmd_we <= !reset_cmd && wen_fifo[0];
i2c_cmd_we <= !reset_cmd && wen_fifo; // [0];
// signals related to reading from i2c FIFO
if (reset_on) page_r<=0;
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ module rtc393 #(
) status_generate_i (
.rst (), // input
.rst (rst), // input
.clk (mclk), // input
.we (set_status_w), // input
.wd (cmd_data[7:0]), // input[7:0]
......@@ -45,10 +45,14 @@ module timestamp_snapshot(
always @(posedge rst or posedge sclk) begin
pulse_busy_r <= pulse_busy;
if (rst) snd <= 0;
else if (!pulse_busy && pulse_busy_r) snd <= 1;
else if ((&cntr) || snap) snd <= 0;
always @(posedge sclk) begin
pulse_busy_r <= pulse_busy;
if (!snd) cntr <= 0;
else cntr <= cntr + 1;
......@@ -63,8 +67,6 @@ module timestamp_snapshot(
3'h6: ts_data <= {4'b0,sec_usec_snap[51:48]};
3'h7: ts_data <= 8'b0;
pulse_cross_clock #(
......@@ -123,10 +123,11 @@ module clocks393#(
wire ffclk1_rst = reset_clk[6];
always @ (posedge mclk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst) reset_clk <= 0;
if (set_ctrl_w) reset_clk <= {cmd_data[10:8], cmd_data[3:0]};
if (rst) pwrdwn_clk <= 0;
if (set_ctrl_w) pwrdwn_clk <= cmd_data[7:4];
if (rst) reset_clk <= 0;
else if (set_ctrl_w) reset_clk <= {cmd_data[10:8], cmd_data[3:0]};
if (rst) pwrdwn_clk <= 0;
else if (set_ctrl_w) pwrdwn_clk <= cmd_data[7:4];
assign status_data = {test_clk, locked, extra_status};
always @ (posedge memclk or posedge memclk_rst) if (memclk_rst) test_clk[0] <= ~test_clk[0];
......@@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ module clocks393#(
) status_generate_i (
.rst (), // input
.rst (rst), // input
.clk (mclk), // input
.we (set_status_w), // input
.wd (cmd_data[7:0]), // input[7:0]
......@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ module gpio393 #(
) status_generate_i (
.rst (), // input
.rst (rst), // input
.clk (mclk), // input
.we (set_status_w), // input
.wd (cmd_data[7:0]), // input[7:0]
......@@ -175,10 +175,10 @@ endmodule
//module that generates several 32-bit words and optionally status message
module status_generate_extra #(
parameter STATUS_REG_ADDR= 7, // status register address to direct data to
parameter PAYLOAD_BITS = 15, //6 // >=2! (2..26)
parameter REGISTER_STATUS = 1, // 1 - register input status data (for different clock domains), 0 - do not register (same domain)
parameter EXTRA_WORDS= 1, // should always be >0
parameter EXTRA_WORDS_LN2 = 3, // number of bits to select among extra words and (optional) status
parameter PAYLOAD_BITS = 1, ///15, //6 // >=2! (2..26)
parameter REGISTER_STATUS = 0, ///1, // 1 - register input status data (for different clock domains), 0 - do not register (same domain)
parameter EXTRA_WORDS= 2, ///1, // should always be >0
// parameter EXTRA_WORDS_LN2 = 3, // number of bits to select among extra words and (optional) status
// if EXTRA_WORDS >0 the mesasges with these extra data will be generated and sent before the status message itself
// if PAYLOAD_BITS == 0, then one status bit will still have to be provided (status input will have width of 1+32*EXTRA_WORDS),
// but the status message will not be sent - only the data words
......@@ -195,6 +195,8 @@ module status_generate_extra #(
input start // acknowledge of address (first byte) from downsteram
// localparam EXTRA_WORDS_LN2 = $clog2(EXTRA_WORDS+1); // number of bits to select among extra words and (optional) status
localparam EXTRA_WORDS_LN2 = clogb2(EXTRA_WORDS+1); // number of bits to select among extra words and (optional) status
// multiple of 32 bits added to PAYLOAD_BITS, these words are not compared but always sent before status to locations above/below status one
// no need to register extra words - status should be modified after the extra.
localparam STATUS_BITS = ((PAYLOAD_BITS > 0) ? PAYLOAD_BITS: 1);
......@@ -235,18 +237,19 @@ module status_generate_extra #(
reg [EXTRA_WORDS_LN2-1:0] msg_num;
wire [31:0] dont_care= 32'bx;
wire [31:0] pre_mux [0:(1<<EXTRA_WORDS_LN2)-1];
// wire [31:0] pre_mux [0:(1<<EXTRA_WORDS_LN2)-1];
wire [32 * (1<<EXTRA_WORDS_LN2) -1 :0] pre_mux;
wire [31:0] status32=(NUM_BYTES>2) ?
{ aligned_status[ALIGNED_STATUS_WIDTH-1:ALIGNED_STATUS_BIT_2],seq,status_r0[1:0]}):
{ aligned_status[ALIGNED_STATUS_WIDTH-1:ALIGNED_STATUS_BIT_2],seq,aligned_status[1:0]}):
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < (1<<EXTRA_WORDS_LN2); i=i+1) begin:gen_cyc1
assign pre_mux[i] = (i < EXTRA_WORDS)? //status[PAYLOAD_BITS + 32*i +:32] : // actually change order!
{status[PAYLOAD_BITS + 32*i + 24 +:8],status[PAYLOAD_BITS + 32*i +:24] }:
(((i == EXTRA_WORDS) && (PAYLOAD_BITS > 0)) ? status32 : dont_care);
assign pre_mux[32 * i +: 32] = (i < EXTRA_WORDS)? //status[PAYLOAD_BITS + 32*i +:32] : // actually change order!
{status[PAYLOAD_BITS + 32*i + 24 +:8],status[PAYLOAD_BITS + 32*i +:24] }:
(((i == EXTRA_WORDS) && (PAYLOAD_BITS > 0)) ? status32 : dont_care);
......@@ -256,7 +259,7 @@ module status_generate_extra #(
assign need_to_send=cmd_pend || (mode[1] && status_changed_r); // latency
assign rq=rq_r[0]; // NUM_BYTES-2];
assign mode_w=wd[7:6];
assign status_r0 = REGISTER_STATUS? status_r0r : status;
assign status_r0 = REGISTER_STATUS? status_r0r : status[STATUS_BITS-1:0];
assign msg_is_last = msg1hot[NUM_MSG-1];
assign msg_is_status = msg_is_last && (PAYLOAD_BITS > 0);
......@@ -314,9 +317,19 @@ module status_generate_extra #(
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (!rq) data <= {next_addr, pre_mux[msg_num]};
if (!rq) data <= {next_addr, pre_mux[32 * msg_num +:32]};
else if (start || start) data <= data >> 8;
function integer clogb2;
input [31:0] value;
integer i;
clogb2 = 0;
for(i = 0; 2**i < value; i = i + 1)
clogb2 = i + 1;
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ module table_ad_receive #(
input [7:0] ser_d, // byte-wide address/data
input [NUM_CHN-1:0] dv, // data valid - active for each address or data bytes
output [23-MODE_16_BITS:0] ta, // table address
output [(MODE_16_BITS?15:7):0] td, // 8/16 bit table data
output [(MODE_16_BITS?15:7):0] td, // 8/16 bit table data, LSB first
output [NUM_CHN-1:0] twe // table write enable
reg [23:0] addr_r;
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module table_ad_receive #(
else if (|twe_r) addr_r[23:0] <= addr_r[23:0] + 1;
if (MODE_16_BITS) always @ (posedge clk) td_r[15:0] <= {ser_d[7:0],td_r[15:8]};
if (MODE_16_BITS) always @ (posedge clk) td_r[15:0] <= {ser_d[7:0],td_r[15:8]}; //LSB received first
else always @ (posedge clk) td_r[ 7:0] <= ser_d[7:0];
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module table_ad_transmit#(
input a_not_d_in, // address/not data input (valid @ we)
input we, // write address/data (single cycle) with at least 5 inactive between
input [31:0] din, // 32 bit data to send or 8-bit channel select concatenated with 24-bit byte address (@we)
output [ 7:0] ser_d, // 8-bit address/data to be sent to submodules that have table write port(s)
output [ 7:0] ser_d, // 8-bit address/data to be sent to submodules that have table write port(s), LSB first
output reg a_not_d, // sending adderass / not data - valid during all bytes
output reg [NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] chn_en // sending address or data
......@@ -189,8 +189,8 @@ module ram18_32w_32r
input [ 3:0] web, // write byte enable
input [31:0] data_in // data out
localparam PWIDTH_WR=72;
localparam PWIDTH_RD=72;
localparam PWIDTH_WR=36;
localparam PWIDTH_RD=36;
......@@ -213,9 +213,9 @@ module ram18_32w_32r
// Port A (Read port in SDP mode):
.DOADO (data_out[15:0]), // Port A data/LSB data[15:0], output
.DOPADOP (data_out[17:16]),// Port A parity/LSB parity[2:0], output
.DOPADOP (), // Port A parity/LSB parity[2:0], output
.DIADI (data_in[15:0]), // Port A data/LSB data[15:0], input
.DIPADIP (data_in[17:16]), // Port A parity/LSB parity[2:0], input
.DIPADIP (), // Port A parity/LSB parity[2:0], input
.ADDRARDADDR ({raddr[8:0],5'b11111}), // Port A (read port in SDP) address [13:0], unused should be high, input
.CLKARDCLK (rclk), // Port A (read port in SDP) clock, input
.ENARDEN (ren), // Port A (read port in SDP) Enable, input
......@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ module ram18_lt32w_32r
// Port A (Read port in SDP mode):
.DOADO (data_out[15:0]), // Port A data/LSB data[15:0], output
.DOPADOP (data_out[17:16]),// Port A parity/LSB parity[3:0], output
.DOPADOP (), // Port A parity/LSB parity[3:0], output
.DIADI (16'h0), // Port A data/LSB data[31:0], input
.DIPADIP (2'h0), // Port A parity/LSB parity[3:0], input
.ADDRARDADDR ({raddr[8:0],5'b11111}), // Port A (read port in SDP) address [15:0]. used from [14] down, unused should be high, input
......@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ module ram18_32w_lt32r
input [ 3:0] web, // write byte enable
input [31:0] data_in // data out
localparam PWIDTH_WR = 72;
localparam PWIDTH_WR = 36;
localparam PWIDTH_RD = (LOG2WIDTH_RD > 2)? (9 << (LOG2WIDTH_RD - 3)): (1 << LOG2WIDTH_RD);
localparam WIDTH_RD = 1 << LOG2WIDTH_RD;
wire [15:0] data_out16;
......@@ -88,7 +88,10 @@ module x393 #(
input ffclk0n, // Y11
input ffclk1p, // W14
input ffclk1n // W13
assign DUMMY_TO_KEEP = frst[2] && fclk[1];
// localparam ADDRESS_NUMBER=15;
// localparam COLADDR_NUMBER=10;
......@@ -1170,7 +1173,7 @@ BUFG bufg_axi_aclk_i (.O(axi_aclk),.I(fclk[0]));
wire [ 3:0] afi0_awcache; // output[3:0]
wire [ 2:0] afi0_awprot; // output[2:0]
wire [ 3:0] afi0_awlen; // output[3:0]
wire [ 2:0] afi0_awsize; // output[2:0]
wire [ 1:0] afi0_awsize; // output[2:0]
wire [ 1:0] afi0_awburst; // output[1:0]
wire [ 3:0] afi0_awqos; // output[3:0]
wire [63:0] afi0_wdata; // output[63:0]
......@@ -1194,7 +1197,7 @@ BUFG bufg_axi_aclk_i (.O(axi_aclk),.I(fclk[0]));
wire [ 3:0] afi0_arcache; // output[3:0]
wire [ 2:0] afi0_arprot; // output[2:0]
wire [ 3:0] afi0_arlen; // output[3:0]
wire [ 2:0] afi0_arsize; // output[2:0]
wire [ 1:0] afi0_arsize; // output[2:0]
wire [ 1:0] afi0_arburst; // output[1:0]
wire [ 3:0] afi0_arqos; // output[3:0]
wire [63:0] afi0_rdata; // input[63:0]
......@@ -1474,43 +1477,6 @@ BUFG bufg_axi_aclk_i (.O(axi_aclk),.I(fclk[0]));
.sns_ctl ({sns4_ctl, sns3_ctl, sns2_ctl, sns1_ctl}), // inout
.sns_pg ({sns4_pg, sns3_pg, sns2_pg, sns1_pg}), // inout
.sns1_dp (sns1_dp), // inout[7:0]
.sns1_dn (sns1_dn), // inout[7:0]
.sns1_clkp (sns1_clkp), // inout
.sns1_clkn (sns1_clkn), // inout
.sns1_scl (sns1_scl), // inout
.sns1_sda (sns1_sda), // inout
.sns1_ctl (sns1_ctl), // inout
.sns1_pg (sns1_pg), // inout
.sns2_dp (sns2_dp), // inout[7:0]
.sns2_dn (sns2_dn), // inout[7:0]
.sns2_clkp (sns2_clkp), // inout
.sns2_clkn (sns2_clkn), // inout
.sns2_scl (sns2_scl), // inout
.sns2_sda (sns2_sda), // inout
.sns2_ctl (sns2_ctl), // inout
.sns2_pg (sns2_pg), // inout
.sns3_dp (sns3_dp), // inout[7:0]
.sns3_dn (sns3_dn), // inout[7:0]
.sns3_clkp (sns3_clkp), // inout
.sns3_clkn (sns3_clkn), // inout
.sns3_scl (sns3_scl), // inout
.sns3_sda (sns3_sda), // inout
.sns3_ctl (sns3_ctl), // inout
.sns3_pg (sns3_pg), // inout
.sns4_dp (sns4_dp), // inout[7:0]
.sns4_dn (sns4_dn), // inout[7:0]
.sns4_clkp (sns4_clkp), // inout
.sns4_clkn (sns4_clkn), // inout
.sns4_scl (sns4_scl), // inout
.sns4_sda (sns4_sda), // inout
.sns4_ctl (sns4_ctl), // inout
.sns4_pg (sns4_pg), // inout
.rpage_set (sens_rpage_set), // input
.rpage_next (sens_rpage_next), // input
.buf_rd (sens_buf_rd), // input
......@@ -1564,7 +1530,7 @@ BUFG bufg_axi_aclk_i (.O(axi_aclk),.I(fclk[0]));
wire [ 3:0] afi1_awcache; // output[3:0]
wire [ 2:0] afi1_awprot; // output[2:0]
wire [ 3:0] afi1_awlen; // output[3:0]
wire [ 2:0] afi1_awsize; // output[2:0]
wire [ 1:0] afi1_awsize; // output[2:0]
wire [ 1:0] afi1_awburst; // output[1:0]
wire [ 3:0] afi1_awqos; // output[3:0]
wire [63:0] afi1_wdata; // output[63:0]
......@@ -1590,7 +1556,7 @@ BUFG bufg_axi_aclk_i (.O(axi_aclk),.I(fclk[0]));
wire [ 3:0] afi2_awcache; // output[3:0]
wire [ 2:0] afi2_awprot; // output[2:0]
wire [ 3:0] afi2_awlen; // output[3:0]
wire [ 2:0] afi2_awsize; // output[2:0]
wire [ 1:0] afi2_awsize; // output[2:0]
wire [ 1:0] afi2_awburst; // output[1:0]
wire [ 3:0] afi2_awqos; // output[3:0]
wire [63:0] afi2_wdata; // output[63:0]
......@@ -204,14 +204,16 @@ set_property IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports {SDDMU}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN J5 [get_ports {SDDMU}]
# output DUMMY_TO_KEEP, // to keep PS7 signals from "optimization"
set_property IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports {DUMMY_TO_KEEP}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E3 [get_ports {DUMMY_TO_KEEP}]
#set_property IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports {DUMMY_TO_KEEP}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN T11 [get_ports {DUMMY_TO_KEEP}]
#not yet used, just for debugging
# input memclk,
#set_property IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports {memclk}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN M5 [get_ports {memclk}]
# ================= Sensor port 0 =================
# inout [7:0] sns1_dp,
# inout [7:0] sns1_dn,
......@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ create_clock -name axi_aclk -period 20 [get_nets -hierarchical *axi_aclk]
create_generated_clock -name ddr3_sdclk [get_nets -hierarchical sdclk_pre ]
create_generated_clock -name ddr3_clk [get_nets -hierarchical clk_pre ]
create_generated_clock -name ddr3_clk_div [get_nets -hierarchical clk_div_pre ]
create_generated_clock -name ddr3_mclk [get_nets -hierarchical mclk_pre ]
#create_generated_clock -name ddr3_mclk [get_nets -hierarchical mclk_pre ]
create_generated_clock -name mcntrl393_i/memctrl16_i/mcontr_sequencer_i/phy_cmd_i/phy_top_i/mclk
create_generated_clock -name ddr3_clk_ref [get_nets -hierarchical clk_ref_pre ]
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