//`include "includes/x393_cur_params_sim.vh" // parameters that may need adjustment, should be before x393_localparams.vh
//`include "includes/x393_cur_params_sim.vh" // parameters that may need adjustment, should be before x393_localparams.vh
`include"includes/x393_cur_params_target.vh"// SuppressThisWarning VEditor - not used parameters that may need adjustment, should be before x393_localparams.vh
// *** Adjusting includes/x393_cur_params_target.vh by the hardware may break simulation, hard-wired parameters below are tested ***
`include"includes/x393_cur_params_target.vh"// SuppressThisWarning VEditor - not used parameters that may need adjustment, should be before x393_localparams.vh