Commit 0a756781 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

re-wrote old FIFO module, got rid of timing-critical latches

parent ccbfbf84
...@@ -24,146 +24,89 @@ ...@@ -24,146 +24,89 @@
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
** **
*/ */
//used the other edge of the clk2x
module huff_fifo393 ( module huff_fifo393 (
input xclk, // pixel clock, posedge input xclk, // pixel clock, posedge
input xclk2x, // twice frequency - uses negedge inside input xclk2x, // twice frequency - uses negedge inside
input en, // will reset if ==0 (sync to xclk) input en, // will reset if ==0 (sync to xclk)
input [15:0] di, // data in (sync to xclk) input [15:0] di, // data in (sync to xclk)
input ds, // din valid (sync to xclk) input ds, // din valid (sync to xclk)
input want_read, input want_read, // will be and-ed with dav
input want_read_early, output dav, // FIFO output latch has data (fifo_or_full)
output reg dav, // FIFO output latch has data (fifo_or_full) output reg [15:0] q
output reg [15:0] q_latch
output [15:0] q_latch
); // output data ); // output data
reg [9:0] wa; reg [9:0] wa;
reg [9:0] sync_wa; // delayed wa, re_latch-calculated at output clock
reg [9:0] ra_r; reg [9:0] ra_r;
wire [15:0] fifo_o; wire [15:0] fifo_o;
reg ds1; // ds delayed by one xclk to give time to block ram to write data. Not needed likely. reg ds1; // ds delayed by one xclk to give time to block ram to write data. Not needed likely.
reg synci; reg synci;
reg [1:0] synco; reg [2:0] synco;
reg sync_we; // single xclk2x period pulse for each ds@xclk reg sync_we; // single xclk2x period pulse for each ds@xclk
reg en2x; // en sync to xclk2x; reg en2x; // en sync to xclk2x;
reg re_r;
reg fifo_dav; // RAM output reg has data
reg dav_and_fifo_dav;
wire ram_dav; // RAM has data inside
reg [9:0] diff_a; reg [9:0] diff_a;
wire next_re;
reg load_q;
reg [9:0] ra_latch;
reg re_latch;
wire [9:0] ra_latch;
wire re_latch;
wire [3:0] re;
reg [2:0] nempty_r; // output register and RAM registers not empty
wire [3:0] nempty; // output register and RAM register and RAM internal are not empty
wire many;
assign dav = nempty[0];
always @ (posedge xclk) begin // input stage, no overrun detection assign nempty = {(|diff_a), nempty_r};
if (!en) wa[9:0] <= 10'b0; assign many = &(nempty); // memory and all the register chain are full
else if (ds) wa[9:0] <= wa[9:0]+1; assign re = {4{many & want_read}} | {nempty[3] & ~nempty[2], // read memory location
ds1 <= ds && en; nempty[2] & ~nempty[1], // regen
nempty[1] & ~nempty[0], // copy to q- register
nempty[0] & want_read}; // external read when data is available
always @ (posedge xclk) begin // input stage, no overrun detection. TODO: propagate half-full?
if (!en) wa <= 0;
else if (ds) wa <= wa+1;
ds1 <= ds && en;
if (!en) synci <= 1'b0; if (!en) synci <= 1'b0;
else if (ds1) synci <= ~synci; else if (ds1) synci <= ~synci;
end end
always @ (negedge xclk2x) begin always @ (negedge xclk2x) begin
en2x <= en; en2x <= en;
synco[1:0] <= {synco[0],synci}; synco <= {synco[1:0],synci};
sync_we <= en2x && (synco[0] != synco[1]); sync_we <= en2x && (synco[1] != synco[2]);
end end
assign ram_dav= sync_we || (diff_a[9:0] != 10'b0);
assign next_re= ram_dav && (!dav_and_fifo_dav || want_read);
always @ (negedge xclk2x) begin always @ (negedge xclk2x) begin
dav <= en2x && (fifo_dav || (dav && !want_read)); if (!en2x) nempty_r[0] <= 0;
fifo_dav <= en2x && (ram_dav ||(dav && fifo_dav && !want_read)); else if (re[1] ^ re[0]) nempty_r[0] <=re[1];
dav_and_fifo_dav <= en2x && (fifo_dav || (dav && !want_read)) && (ram_dav ||(dav && fifo_dav && !want_read)); // will optimize auto
re_r <= en2x && next_re;
if (!en2x) sync_wa[9:0] <= 10'b0; if (!en2x) nempty_r[1] <= 0;
else if (sync_we) sync_wa[9:0] <= sync_wa[9:0]+1; else if (re[2] ^ re[1]) nempty_r[1] <=re[2];
if (!en2x) nempty_r[2] <= 0;
else if (re[3] ^ re[2]) nempty_r[2] <=re[3];
if (!en2x) ra_r <= 0;
else if (re[3]) ra_r <= ra_r + 1;
if (!en2x) ra_r [9:0] <= 10'b0; if (!en2x) diff_a <= 0;
else if (next_re) ra_r [9:0] <= ra_r[9:0]+1; else if ( sync_we && !re[3]) diff_a <= diff_a + 1;
else if (!sync_we && re[3]) diff_a <= diff_a - 1;
if (!en2x) diff_a[9:0] <= 10'b0; if (!en2x) q <= 0;
else if (sync_we && !next_re) diff_a[9:0] <= diff_a[9:0]+1; else if (re[1]) q <= fifo_o;
else if (!sync_we && next_re) diff_a[9:0] <= diff_a[9:0]-1;
end end
always @ (posedge xclk2x) begin
load_q <= dav?want_read_early:re_r;
always @* if (xclk2x) re_latch <= next_re;
always @* if (xclk2x) ra_latch <= ra_r;
always @* if (~xclk2x)
if (load_q) q_latch <= fifo_o;
latch_g_ce #(
.WIDTH (1),
.INIT (0),
) latch_re_i (
.rst (1'b0), // input
.g (xclk2x), // input
.ce (1'b1), // input
.d_in (next_re), // input[0:0]
.q_out (re_latch) // output[0:0]
latch_g_ce #(
.WIDTH (10),
.INIT (0),
) latch_ra_i (
.rst (1'b0), // input
.g (xclk2x), // input
.ce (1'b1), // input
.d_in (ra_r), // input[0:0]
.q_out (ra_latch) // output[0:0]
latch_g_ce #(
.WIDTH (16),
.INIT (0),
.IS_G_INVERTED (1'b1) // inverted!
) latch_q_i (
.rst (1'b0), // input
.g (xclk2x), // input
.ce (load_q), // input
.d_in (fifo_o), // input[0:0]
.q_out (q_latch) // output[0:0]
ram18_var_w_var_r #( ram18_var_w_var_r #(
.DUMMY (0) .DUMMY (0)
) i_fifo ( ) i_fifo (
.rclk (xclk2x), // input .rclk (xclk2x), // input
.raddr (ra_latch[9:0]), // input[9:0] .raddr (ra_r[9:0]), // input[9:0]
.ren (re_latch), // input .ren (re[3]), // input
.regen (1'b1), // input .regen (re[2]), // input
.data_out (fifo_o[15:0]), // output[15:0] .data_out (fifo_o[15:0]), // output[15:0]
.wclk (xclk), // input .wclk (xclk), // input
.waddr (wa[9:0]), // input[9:0] .waddr (wa[9:0]), // input[9:0]
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