)cmd_mux_i(// SuppressThisWarning ISExst: Output port <par_data>,<par_waddr>, <cseq_ackn> of the instance <cmd_mux_i> is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
//TODO: The following is the interface to the command sequencer (not yet implemnted)
//TODO: The following is the interface to the command sequencer (not yet implemnted)
.cseq_waddr(cseq_waddr),// input[12:0]
.cseq_waddr(cseq_waddr),// input[12:0] // SuppressThisWarning VivadoSynthesis: [Synth 8-3295] tying undriven pin #cmd_mux_i:cseq_waddr[13:0] to constant 0 (command sequencer not yet implemented)
.cseq_wr_en(cseq_wr_en),// input
.cseq_wr_en(cseq_wr_en),// input // SuppressThisWarning VivadoSynthesis: [Synth 8-3295] tying undriven pin #cmd_mux_i:cseq_wr_en to constant 0 (command sequencer not yet implemented)
.cseq_wdata(cseq_wdata),// input[31:0]
.cseq_wdata(cseq_wdata),// input[31:0] // SuppressThisWarning VivadoSynthesis: [Synth 8-3295] tying undriven pin #cmd_mux_i:cseq_wdata[31:0] to constant 0 (command sequencer not yet implemented)
.cseq_ackn(cseq_ackn),// output
.cseq_ackn(cseq_ackn),// output // SuppressThisWarning ISExst: Assignment to cseq_ackn ignored, since the identifier is never used (command sequencer not yet implemented)
// parallel address/data - where higher bandwidth (single-cycle) is needed
// parallel address/data - where higher bandwidth (single-cycle) is needed
.par_waddr(par_waddr),// output[12:0]
.par_waddr(par_waddr),// output[12:0] // SuppressThisWarning ISExst: Assignment to par_waddr ignored, since the identifier is never used (not yet used)
.par_data(par_data),// output[31:0]
.par_data(par_data),// output[31:0] // SuppressThisWarning ISExst: Assignment to par_data ignored, since the identifier is never used (not yet used)
// registers may be inserted before byte_ad and ad_stb
// registers may be inserted before byte_ad and ad_stb
.axird_pre_araddr(axird_pre_araddr),// input[12:0] // SuppressThisWarning VivadoSynthesis: [Synth 8-3295] tying undriven pin #mcntrl393_i:axird_pre_araddr[9:0] to constant 0 (seems to be unused, not undriven)
)axibram_write_i(//SuppressThisWarning ISExst Output port <bram_wstb> of the instance <axibram_write_i> is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
)axibram_write_i(//SuppressThisWarning ISExst Output port <bram_wstb> of the instance <axibram_write_i> is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.