ahci_dma_rd_fifo.v 11.8 KB
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 * <b>Module:</b>ahci_dma_rd_fifo
 * @file ahci_dma_rd_fifo.v
 * @date 2016-01-01  
 * @author Andrey Filippov
 * @brief cross clocks,  word-realign, 64->32
8 9 10
 * Convertion from x64 QWORD-aligned AXI data @hclk to
 * 32-bit word-aligned data at mclk
11 12 13 14
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Elphel, Inc .
 * <b>License:</b>
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
 * ahci_dma_rd_fifo.v is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 *  ahci_dma_rd_fifo.v is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> .
 * Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7:
 * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it
 * with independent modules provided by the FPGA vendor only (this permission
 * does not extend to any 3-rd party modules, "soft cores" or macros) under
 * different license terms solely for the purpose of generating binary "bitstream"
 * files and/or simulating the code, the copyright holders of this Program give
 * you the right to distribute the covered work without those independent modules
 * as long as the source code for them is available from the FPGA vendor free of
 * charge, and there is no dependence on any encrypted modules for simulating of
 * the combined code. This permission applies to you if the distributed code
 * contains all the components and scripts required to completely simulate it
 * with at least one of the Free Software programs.
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`timescale 1ns/1ps

module  ahci_dma_rd_fifo#(
    parameter WCNT_BITS    = 21,
    parameter ADDRESS_BITS = 3
    input                 mrst,
    input                 hrst,
    input                 mclk,
    input                 hclk,
    // hclk domain
    input [WCNT_BITS-1:0] wcnt,  // decrementing word counter, 0- based (0 need 1, 1 - need 2, ...) valid @ start
    input           [1:0] woffs, // 2 LSBs of the initial word address - valid @ start
    input                 start, // start transfer
    input          [63:0] din,
    input                 din_av,
    input                 din_av_many,
    input                 last_prd, // last prd, flush partial dword if there were odd number of words transferred. valid @ start
    // Or maybe use "last_prd"?
    output                din_re,
    output reg            done,        // this PRD data sent to cross-clock FIFO (may result in only half-dword sent out),
                                       // OK to fetch another PRD (if it was not the last) 
    output                done_flush,  // finished last PRD (indicated by last_prd @ start), data left module
    // mclk domain
    output         [31:0] dout,
    output                dout_vld,
    input                 dout_re,
    output                last_DW      // dout contains last DW
    ,output [31:0] debug_dma_h2d
    localparam ADDRESS_NUM = (1<<ADDRESS_BITS); // 8 for ADDRESS_BITS==3
    reg   [ADDRESS_BITS : 0] waddr; // 1 extra bit       
//    reg   [ADDRESS_BITS+1:0] raddr; // 1 extra bit       
    reg   [ADDRESS_BITS+1:0] raddr_r; // 1 extra bit       
    wire  [ADDRESS_BITS+1:0] raddr_w; // 1 extra bit       
    reg              [63:16] din_prev; // only 48 bits are needed
    reg      [WCNT_BITS-3:0] qwcntr;
    reg                      busy;
    wire               [2:0] end_offs = wcnt[1:0] + woffs;
    reg               [63:0] fifo_ram  [0: ADDRESS_NUM - 1];
    reg                [3:0] vld_ram   [0: ADDRESS_NUM - 1];
    reg [(1<<ADDRESS_BITS)-1:0] fifo_full;  // set in write clock domain
    reg [(1<<ADDRESS_BITS)-1:0] fifo_nempty;// set in read clock domain
    wire                     fifo_wr;
    wire                     fifo_rd;
    reg                [1:0] fifo_rd_r;
    reg                      mrst_hclk;
    wire [(1<<ADDRESS_BITS)-1:0] fifo_full2 =       {~fifo_full[0],fifo_full[ADDRESS_NUM-1:1]};
    reg                      fifo_dav;  // @mclk
    wire                     fifo_dav2_w;   
    reg                      fifo_dav2; // @mclk
    reg                      fifo_half_hclk; // Half Fifo is empty, OK to write
    reg                [1:0] woffs_r;
    wire              [63:0] fifo_di= woffs_r[1]?(woffs_r[0] ? {din[47:0],din_prev[63:48]} : {din[31:0],din_prev[63:32]}):
                                                 (woffs_r[0] ? {din[15:0],din_prev[63:16]} : din[63:0]);
    wire               [3:0] fifo_di_vld;                                             
//    wire              [63:0] fifo_do =       fifo_ram [raddr[ADDRESS_BITS:1]];
//    wire               [3:0] fifo_do_vld =   vld_ram  [raddr[ADDRESS_BITS:1]];
    reg               [63:0] fifo_do_r;
    reg                [3:0] fifo_do_vld_r;
    reg                      din_av_safe_r;
    reg                      en_fifo_wr;
    reg                [3:0] last_mask;
    wire                     done_flush_mclk;
    reg                      flushing_hclk; // flushing data, ends when confirmed from mclk domain
    reg                      flushing_mclk; // just registered flushing_hclk @mclk                     
    wire                     last_fifo_wr;
    assign din_re =  busy && fifo_half_hclk && din_av_safe_r;
    assign fifo_wr = en_fifo_wr && fifo_half_hclk && (din_av_safe_r || !busy);
    assign fifo_di_vld =    last_fifo_wr? last_mask : 4'hf;

    wire [2:0] debug_waddr = waddr[2:0];
    wire [2:0] debug_raddr = raddr_r[3:1];
     // just for gtkwave - same names
    wire  [ADDRESS_BITS+1:0] raddr = raddr_r;       
    wire              [63:0] fifo_do =       fifo_do_r;
    wire               [3:0] fifo_do_vld =   fifo_do_vld_r;
//    assign fifo_dav2_w = fifo_full2[raddr[ADDRESS_BITS:1]] ^ raddr[ADDRESS_BITS+1];
///    assign fifo_dav2_w = fifo_full2[raddr_r[ADDRESS_BITS:1]] ^ raddr_r[ADDRESS_BITS+1];
    assign fifo_dav2_w = fifo_full2[raddr_w[ADDRESS_BITS:1]] ^ raddr_w[ADDRESS_BITS+1];
    assign last_fifo_wr = !busy || ((qwcntr == 0) && ((woffs == 0) || end_offs[2])); //            ((qwcntr != 0) || ((woffs != 0) && last_prd));
    always @ (posedge hclk) begin
        if      (hrst)                      mrst_hclk <= 0;
        else                                mrst_hclk <= mrst;
        if      (mrst_hclk)                 busy <= 0;
        else if (start)                     busy <= 1;
        else if (din_re && (qwcntr == 0))   busy <= 0;
        done <= busy && din_re && (qwcntr == 0);
        if      (mrst_hclk)                 en_fifo_wr <= 0;
        else if (start)                     en_fifo_wr <= (woffs == 0);
        else if (din_re || fifo_wr)         en_fifo_wr <= busy && ((qwcntr != 0) || ((woffs != 0) && !end_offs[2]));
        if       (start) qwcntr <= wcnt[WCNT_BITS-1:2] + end_offs[2];
        else if (din_re) qwcntr <= qwcntr - 1;

        if (start) woffs_r <= woffs;
        if    (mrst_hclk) fifo_full <= 0;
        else if (fifo_wr) fifo_full <= {fifo_full[ADDRESS_NUM-2:0],~waddr[ADDRESS_BITS]};

        if    (mrst_hclk) waddr <= 0;
        else if (fifo_wr) waddr <= waddr+1;
        fifo_half_hclk <= fifo_nempty [waddr[ADDRESS_BITS-1:0]] ^ waddr[ADDRESS_BITS];
        if (din_re) din_prev[63:16] <= din[63:16];
        if (fifo_wr) fifo_ram[waddr[ADDRESS_BITS-1:0]] <= fifo_di;
        if (fifo_wr) vld_ram [waddr[ADDRESS_BITS-1:0]] <= fifo_di_vld;
//        if (fifo_wr) flush_ram[waddr[ADDRESS_BITS-1:0]] <= fifo_di_flush;
        if (mrst_hclk) din_av_safe_r <= 0;
        else           din_av_safe_r <= din_av && (din_av_many || !din_re);
        if (start) last_mask <= {&wcnt[1:0], wcnt[1], |wcnt[1:0], 1'b1}; 
        if      (mrst_hclk || done_flush)                                                          flushing_hclk <= 0;
        else if (fifo_wr && last_prd && (((qwcntr == 0) && ((woffs == 0) || !last_prd)) || !busy)) flushing_hclk <= 1;
    assign raddr_w = mrst ? 0 : (raddr_r + fifo_rd);
    always @ (posedge mclk) begin
        fifo_rd_r <= {fifo_rd_r[0],fifo_rd};
//        if      (mrst)                raddr <= 0;
//        else if (fifo_rd)             raddr <= raddr + 1; 

        raddr_r <= raddr_w;

        if      (mrst)                fifo_nempty <= {{(ADDRESS_NUM>>1){1'b0}},{(ADDRESS_NUM>>1){1'b1}}};// 8'b00001111
//        else if (fifo_rd && raddr[0]) fifo_nempty <= {fifo_nempty[ADDRESS_NUM-2:0], ~raddr[ADDRESS_BITS+1] ^ raddr[ADDRESS_BITS]};
        else if (fifo_rd && raddr_r[0]) fifo_nempty <= {fifo_nempty[ADDRESS_NUM-2:0], ~raddr_r[ADDRESS_BITS+1] ^ raddr_r[ADDRESS_BITS]};
//        fifo_dav <=  fifo_full [raddr[ADDRESS_BITS:1]] ^ raddr[ADDRESS_BITS+1];
///        fifo_dav <=  fifo_full [raddr_r[ADDRESS_BITS:1]] ^ raddr_r[ADDRESS_BITS+1];
        fifo_dav <=  fifo_full [raddr_w[ADDRESS_BITS:1]] ^ raddr_w[ADDRESS_BITS+1];
        fifo_dav2 <= fifo_dav2_w; // fifo_full2[raddr[ADDRESS_BITS:1]] ^ raddr[ADDRESS_BITS+1];
        if      (mrst)   flushing_mclk <= 0;
        else             flushing_mclk <= flushing_hclk;
        fifo_do_r <=       fifo_ram [raddr_w[ADDRESS_BITS:1]];
        fifo_do_vld_r <=   vld_ram  [raddr_w[ADDRESS_BITS:1]];
    ahci_dma_rd_stuff ahci_dma_rd_stuff_i (
        .rst      (mrst),                                       // input
        .clk      (mclk),                                       // input
        .din_av   (fifo_dav),                                   // input
        .din_avm_w(fifo_dav2_w),                                // input
        .din_avm  (fifo_dav2),                                  // input
        .flushing (flushing_mclk),                              // input
//        .din      (raddr[0]?fifo_do[63:32]:  fifo_do[31:0]),    // input[31:0] 
//        .dm       (raddr[0]?fifo_do_vld[3:2]:fifo_do_vld[1:0]), // input[1:0] 
        .din      (raddr_r[0]?fifo_do_r[63:32]:  fifo_do_r[31:0]),    // input[31:0] 
        .dm       (raddr_r[0]?fifo_do_vld_r[3:2]:fifo_do_vld_r[1:0]), // input[1:0] 
        .din_re   (fifo_rd),                                    // output
        .flushed  (done_flush_mclk),                            // output reg: flush (end of last PRD is finished - data left module)
        .dout     (dout),                                       // output[31:0] reg 
        .dout_vld (dout_vld),                                   // output
        .dout_re  (dout_re),                                    // input
        .last_DW  (last_DW)                                     // output

    pulse_cross_clock #(
    ) done_flush_i (
        .rst       (mrst),                               // input
        .src_clk   (mclk),                               // input
        .dst_clk   (hclk),                               // input
        .in_pulse  (done_flush_mclk),                    // input
        .out_pulse (done_flush),                         // output
        .busy()                                          // output
    assign debug_dma_h2d = {