Commit aafa6d1d authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

debugging simulation

parent d6e9be6b
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ parameter DATA_2DEPTH=(1<<DATA_DEPTH)-1;
assign QR= ram[AR];
// Fixing Xilinx SLR16_x
// Modifying Xilinx SLR16_x to better simulate real hardware
module SRL16_MOD #(
parameter INIT = 16'h0000,
parameter INVERT = 0 // *_1 - invert
......@@ -100,9 +100,10 @@ module SRL16_MOD #(
wire clk_;
wire [3:0] a = {A3, A2, A1, A0};
assign Q = (|data) ? ((&data) ? 1'b1 : data[a]) : 1'b0 ;
assign Q = (data == 16'h0) ? 1'b0 :
((data == 16'hffff) ? 1'b1 : data[a]);
// assign Q = (data == 16'h0) ? 1'b0 :
// ((data == 16'hffff) ? 1'b1 : data[a]);
assign clk_ = INVERT? (~CLK) : CLK;
......@@ -186,7 +186,6 @@ module sdseq (clk0, // global clock 75-100MHz (hope to get to 120MHz with Sparta
next <= prenext_refr || prenext_wr || (!drun_wr && pre_next_old); // add m0 and refr here too
decLeft <= (prenext_m1s || prenext_m1d || prenext_m0); // add m0 and refr here too
if (first) left[4:0] <= (mode)? 5'h14:((param[4:0]==5'b0)?5'h1f:param[4:0]);
///AF2015 - revert: if (first || rst) left[4:0] <= (mode)? 5'h14:((param[4:0]==5'b0)?5'h1f:param[4:0]);
else if (decLeft) left[4:0] <= left[4:0] -1;
......@@ -31,22 +31,22 @@
module sensorpads (/// interface to DCM
sclk, // system clock, @negedge
cmd, // [6:0] command for phase adjustment @ negedge (sclk) MSB - reset pclk2x DCM
wcmd, // write command@ negedge (slck)
wcmd, // write command@ negedge (slck)
dcm_done, // DCM command done
dcm_status, // [7:0] output dcm status (bit 1 - dcm clkin stopped)
dcm_locked, // DCM locked
clk_sel, // 0 - use clk, 1 - sensor dclk (bpf pad) for DCM input (if dclkmode - use clk if 0)
hact_length,// [13:0] WOI width-1 (to overwrite sensor HACT duration)
clk_sel, // 0 - use clk, 1 - sensor dclk (bpf pad) for DCM input (if dclkmode - use clk if 0)
hact_length,// [13:0] WOI width-1 (to overwrite sensor HACT duration)
hact_regen, // 0 - use hact from sensor, 1 - regenerate using hact_lengh
clk, //pixel clock, posedge
pclk2x, // output - twice pixel clock
vact, // VACT pad, inout
hact, // HACT pad, inout
bpf, // BPF pad, inout
pxd, // [11:0] pads {PXD [9:0],CNVCLK, CNVSYNC} inout
mrst, // MRST pad, inoput (input in JTAG external FPGA programming mode)
arst, // ARST pad, output (output in JTAG external FPGA programming mode)
aro, // ARO pad, output
hact, // HACT pad, inout
bpf, // BPF pad, inout
pxd, // [11:0] pads {PXD [9:0],CNVCLK, CNVSYNC} inout
mrst, // MRST pad, inoput (input in JTAG external FPGA programming mode)
arst, // ARST pad, output (output in JTAG external FPGA programming mode)
aro, // ARO pad, output
dclkmode, // input 0 - DCLK is clock to sensor, 1 - combined sync from sensor (like 10347)
pxd14, // input 1 - use {vact,hact} as 2 LSB in 14-bit data
debug, // 2-bit debug mode input
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