1. 30 Jul, 2010 1 commit
    • Dick Hollenbeck's avatar
      ++eeschema: · 4eb80203
      Dick Hollenbeck authored
        * Now link with XML support within wxWidgets.
        * Start of export the generic netlist in XML.  Still need to rework the chain
          loaded netlist plugin.
        * OBJ_CMP_TO_LIST class now uses a std::string to hold the 8 bit string m_Ref,
          but hides this behind accessors which provide for both Unicode and 8 bit
          set and get functions.
        * build_BOM.cpp retains the selected filename on subsequent runs as a default.
        * Code cleaning, especially in build_BOM.cpp.
  2. 28 Jul, 2010 1 commit
  3. 27 Jul, 2010 5 commits
  4. 26 Jul, 2010 1 commit
  5. 23 Jul, 2010 1 commit
  6. 22 Jul, 2010 1 commit
  7. 21 Jul, 2010 4 commits
  8. 20 Jul, 2010 5 commits
  9. 19 Jul, 2010 1 commit
  10. 17 Jul, 2010 3 commits
  11. 15 Jul, 2010 2 commits
  12. 14 Jul, 2010 3 commits
  13. 13 Jul, 2010 5 commits
  14. 12 Jul, 2010 4 commits
    • jean-pierre charras's avatar
    • Dick Hollenbeck's avatar
    • Dick Hollenbeck's avatar
      A little useful feature: even if the default unit can be changed between · d16bc738
      Dick Hollenbeck authored
      inches and mm, the industry is crazy enough to force us with mixed
      design. For example I routinely use imperial units for track size and
      clearance, but drilling is strictly a metric issue...
      So I added a little parser to recognize a suffix specification in the
      unit text boxes... so you can put in things like:
      1in (1 inch)
      1" (idem)
      25th (25 thou)
      25mi (25 mils, the same)
      6mm (6 mm, obviously)
      The rules are: spaces between the number and the unit are accepted, only
      the first two letters are significant.
      As a bonus, it also recognize the period (.) as a decimal point
      substituting it with the correct locale character (there was a wishlist
      for it, IIRC). Most useful for number pad fans :D
    • Dick Hollenbeck's avatar
      A little useful feature: even if the default unit can be changed between · bc14e66d
      Dick Hollenbeck authored
      inches and mm, the industry is crazy enough to force us with mixed
      design. For example I routinely use imperial units for track size and
      clearance, but drilling is strictly a metric issue...
      So I added a little parser to recognize a suffix specification in the
      unit text boxes... so you can put in things like:
      1in (1 inch)
      1" (idem)
      25th (25 thou)
      25mi (25 mils, the same)
      6mm (6 mm, obviously)
      The rules are: spaces between the number and the unit are accepted, only
      the first two letters are significant.
      As a bonus, it also recognize the period (.) as a decimal point
      substituting it with the correct locale character (there was a wishlist
      for it, IIRC). Most useful for number pad fans :D 
  15. 11 Jul, 2010 3 commits