• Dick Hollenbeck's avatar
    A little useful feature: even if the default unit can be changed between · bc14e66d
    Dick Hollenbeck authored
    inches and mm, the industry is crazy enough to force us with mixed
    design. For example I routinely use imperial units for track size and
    clearance, but drilling is strictly a metric issue...
    So I added a little parser to recognize a suffix specification in the
    unit text boxes... so you can put in things like:
    1in (1 inch)
    1" (idem)
    25th (25 thou)
    25mi (25 mils, the same)
    6mm (6 mm, obviously)
    The rules are: spaces between the number and the unit are accepted, only
    the first two letters are significant.
    As a bonus, it also recognize the period (.) as a decimal point
    substituting it with the correct locale character (there was a wishlist
    for it, IIRC). Most useful for number pad fans :D 
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