Commit 9a8fd5dc authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Debugging far split, before updating of usage of split FG/BG

No related merge requests found
......@@ -2605,7 +2605,8 @@ public class Corr2dLMA {
double lma_max_area, // maximal half-area (if > 0.0)
double lma_str_scale, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - scale
double lma_str_offset, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - add to result
double lma_ac_offset // add to a,c coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
double lma_ac_offset, // add to a,c coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
double lma_relax_indiv_max // double relax_indiv_max
return lmaDisparityStrengths(
bypass_tests, //boolean bypass_tests, // keep even weak for later analysis. Normally - only in test mode
......@@ -2619,7 +2620,8 @@ public class Corr2dLMA {
lma_str_scale, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - scale
lma_str_offset, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - add to result
false, // boolean dbg_mode
lma_ac_offset // add to a,c coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
lma_ac_offset, // add to a,c coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
lma_relax_indiv_max // double relax_indiv_max
......@@ -2636,12 +2638,19 @@ public class Corr2dLMA {
double lma_str_scale, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - scale
double lma_str_offset, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - add to result
boolean dbg_mode,
double lma_ac_offset // add to a,c coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
double lma_ac_offset, // add to a,c coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
double relax_indiv_max // = 2.0; // relax lma_max_rel_rms and lma_min_strength for individual maximum
// double relax_indiv_max = 2.0; // relax lma_max_rel_rms and lma_min_strength for individual maximum
// from the best one
double [][][] ds = new double[numMax][numTiles][dbg_mode? 14 : 3];
int reason_index = (dbg_mode && bypass_tests)? 13:-1;
double [] rms = getRmsTile();
double [] avg_g = new double [numTiles]; // best avg among all maximums
for (int tile = 0; tile < numTiles; tile++) {
double [][] maxmaxmin_amp = getMaxMaxMinAmpTile();
avg_g[tile] = 0.50*(maxmaxmin_amp[tile][0]+maxmaxmin_amp[tile][1]);
for (int nmax = 0; nmax < numMax; nmax++) {
double [][] maxmin_amp = getMaxMinAmpTile(nmax); // nmax
double [][] abc = getABCTile(nmax); // nmax
......@@ -2673,7 +2682,10 @@ public class Corr2dLMA {
double avg = 0.50*(maxmin_amp[tile][0]+maxmin_amp[tile][1]); // max_min[1] can be negative - filter it out?
double rrms = rms[tile]/avg;
if ((lma_max_rel_rms > 0.00) && (rrms > lma_max_rel_rms)) {
double rrms_g = rms[tile]/avg_g[tile];
if ((lma_max_rel_rms > 0.0) &&
( (rrms > (lma_max_rel_rms * relax_indiv_max)) || // compare for this maximum
(rrms_g > lma_max_rel_rms) )) { // compare for the best maximum
if (bypass_tests) {
if ((reason_index > 0) && (ds[nmax][tile][reason_index] == 0)) ds[nmax][tile][reason_index] = 1;
} else {
......@@ -2713,8 +2725,10 @@ public class Corr2dLMA {
double strength = Math.sqrt(avg/rrms);
// double disparity = -all_pars[DISP_INDEX + offs];
if ((strength < lma_min_strength) || Double.isNaN(disparity)) {
double strength_g = Math.sqrt(avg_g[tile]/rrms_g);
if ( (strength < (lma_min_strength/relax_indiv_max)) || // compare for this maximum
(strength_g < lma_min_strength) || // compare for the strongest maximum
Double.isNaN(disparity)) {
if (bypass_tests) {
if ((reason_index > 0) && (ds[nmax][tile][reason_index] == 0)) ds[nmax][tile][reason_index] = 6;
} else {
......@@ -2974,6 +2988,25 @@ public class Corr2dLMA {
return maxmins;
* Find maximal values for each element of maxmins among all maximums (currently 1 or 2)
* @return
public double [][] getMaxMaxMinAmpTile(){
double [][] maxmaxmins = getMaxMinAmpTile(0);
for (int nmax = 1; nmax < numMax; nmax++) { // compare with all other maximums
double [][] maxmins = getMaxMinAmpTile(nmax);
for (int tile = 0; tile < numTiles; tile++) {
maxmaxmins[tile][0] = Math.max(maxmaxmins[tile][0], maxmins[tile][0]);
maxmaxmins[tile][1] = Math.max(maxmaxmins[tile][1], maxmins[tile][1]);
return maxmaxmins;
* Get maximal/minimal (per pair) amplitudes and values for each tile
* @return array [tile][{vmax, vmin}]
......@@ -3838,7 +3838,8 @@ public class Correlation2d {
imgdtt_params.lma_max_area, //double lma_max_area, // maximal half-area (if > 0.0)
imgdtt_params.lma_str_scale, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - scale
imgdtt_params.lma_str_offset, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - add to result
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset, // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_relax_indiv_max// double lma_relax_indiv_max // double relax_indiv_max
if (debug_level > 0) lma.printStats(ds,clust_width);
......@@ -3943,7 +3944,8 @@ public class Correlation2d {
imgdtt_params.lma_max_area, //double lma_max_area, // maximal half-area (if > 0.0)
imgdtt_params.lma_str_scale, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - scale
imgdtt_params.lma_str_offset, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - add to result
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset, // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_relax_indiv_max// double lma_relax_indiv_max // double relax_indiv_max
if (debug_level > 0) { // -2) {
......@@ -4452,8 +4454,8 @@ public class Correlation2d {
imgdtt_params.lmas_max_area, //double lma_max_area, // maximal half-area (if > 0.0)
imgdtt_params.lma_str_scale, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - scale
imgdtt_params.lma_str_offset, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - add to result
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset, // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_relax_indiv_max// double lma_relax_indiv_max // double relax_indiv_max
if (dispStr[0][1] <= 0) {
lmaSuccess = false;
......@@ -4985,12 +4987,8 @@ public class Correlation2d {
imgdtt_params.lma_str_scale, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - scale
imgdtt_params.lma_str_offset, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - add to result
false, // boolean dbg_mode
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset, // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_relax_indiv_max// double lma_relax_indiv_max // double relax_indiv_max
for (int nmax = 00; nmax < dispStrs.length; nmax++) if (dispStrs[nmax][0][1] <= 0) {
lmaSuccess = false;
......@@ -2110,8 +2110,9 @@ public class ImageDtt extends ImageDttCPU {
if (maxes.length == 1) { // normally should be just one. If 2 - OK, use old splitting (abnormal)
maxes = split_far_max(
maxes[0], // double [] max,
far_fgbg[nTile][0], // double diff,
far_fgbg[nTile][1], // double kfg,
far_fgbg[nTile][0], // double fg_targ,
far_fgbg[nTile][1], // double bg_targ,
far_fgbg[nTile][2], // double kfg,
imgdtt_params.mcorr_dual_fract); // 0.1); // double min_k);
if (maxes == null) {
......@@ -2202,7 +2203,8 @@ public class ImageDtt extends ImageDttCPU {
imgdtt_params.lma_str_scale, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - scale
imgdtt_params.lma_str_offset, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - add to result
dbg_dispStrs, // false // boolean dbg_mode
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset, // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_relax_indiv_max// double lma_relax_indiv_max // double relax_indiv_max
disp_str_lma = new double [dispStrs.length][]; // order matching input ones
for (int nmax = 0;nmax < dispStrs.length; nmax++) {
......@@ -2245,6 +2247,14 @@ public class ImageDtt extends ImageDttCPU {
disparity_map[DISPARITY_INDEX_CM ][nTile] = disp_str_lma[1-indx][0]; // disparity LMA
disparity_map[DISPARITY_INDEX_CM + 1][nTile] = disp_str_lma[1-indx][2]; // strength LMA
if (debugTile1) { // FIXME: remove debugTile1!
System.out.println("clt_process_tl_correlations() disp_str_lma:");
for (int nmax = 0; nmax < disp_str_lma.length; nmax++) {
System.out.println(String.format("disp_str_lma[%d][0]=%f, disp_str_lma[%d][1]=%f disp_str_lma[%d][2]=%f",
nmax, disp_str_lma[nmax][0], nmax, disp_str_lma[nmax][1], nmax, disp_str_lma[nmax][2]));
} else {
disparity_map[DISPARITY_INDEX_CM ][nTile] = disp_str_sel[0][0]; // disparity non-LMA
......@@ -2342,7 +2352,8 @@ public class ImageDtt extends ImageDttCPU {
imgdtt_params.lmas_max_area, //double lma_max_area, // maximal half-area (if > 0.0)
imgdtt_params.lma_str_scale, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - scale
imgdtt_params.lma_str_offset, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - add to result
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset, // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_relax_indiv_max// double lma_relax_indiv_max // double relax_indiv_max
if (ds != null) { // always true
// if (disparity_map!=null) {
......@@ -2499,9 +2510,59 @@ public class ImageDtt extends ImageDttCPU {
return null; // too large difference between strong and weak;
return maxes;
* Providing initial 2-max for LMA using provided hints
* There can be 3 cases:
* 1 - initial run where target disparity is a combined (unresolved) maximum (trust only difference and kfg)
* 2 - Refining FG - target_disparity is FG (found after initial run), so fg_targ==0,
* bg_target defined from the first run
* 3 - Refining BG - target_disparity is BG (found in initial run, nut during refining FG), bg_targ=0
* input max[] is accurate only when centered, can not be trusted when target_disparity was offset (either FG or BG)
* @param max disparity+strength of a single unresolved maximum using center-of-mass (or poly?) method
* @param fg_targ FG disparity hint relative to target disparity
* @param bg_targ BG disparity hint relative to target disparity
* @param kfg strength fraction of the FG maximum (0.5 - equal FG/BG strength)
* @param min_k do not try to process camel case if one maximum is much weaker than the other
* @return a pair of d/s pairs, starting with a strongest one. Null on failure.
public static double [][] split_far_max(
double [] max,
double fg_targ,
double bg_targ,
double kfg,
double min_k){
if (((kfg < min_k) || ((1.0 - kfg) < min_k))) {
return null; // one of the maximums is too weak with respect to the other
double [][] maxes = new double [2][2];
if (kfg <= 0) {
return null; //diff and kfg can not be 0.0 simultaneously (or use this case for something?)
if ((fg_targ != 0.0) && (bg_targ != 0.0)) { // initial run that used average
double diff = fg_targ - bg_targ;
maxes[0][0] = max[0] + diff * (1.0 - kfg); // disparity(FG)
maxes[1][0] = max[0] - diff * kfg; // disparity(BG)
} else { // refinement run when target_disparity was either FG or BG, so either fg_targ or bg_targ is 0
maxes[0][0] = fg_targ; // disparity(FG)
maxes[1][0] = bg_targ; // disparity(BG)
maxes[0][1] = max[1] * kfg; // strength(FG)
maxes[1][1] = max[1] * (1.0 - kfg); // strength(BG)
if (maxes[1][1] > maxes[0][1]) {
double [] tmp = maxes[0];
maxes[0] = maxes[1];
maxes[1]= tmp;
if ((maxes[0][1] / maxes[1][1]) > (1.0 - min_k)/min_k) {
return null; // too large difference between strong and weak;
return maxes;
public void clt_process_tl_correlations_GPU_DBG( // convert to pixel domain and process correlations already prepared in fcorr_td and/or fcorr_combo_td
......@@ -3877,7 +3938,8 @@ public class ImageDtt extends ImageDttCPU {
imgdtt_params.lmas_max_area, // double lma_max_area, // maximal half-area (if > 0.0)
imgdtt_params.lma_str_scale, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - scale
imgdtt_params.lma_str_offset, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - add to result
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset, // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_relax_indiv_max// double lma_relax_indiv_max // double relax_indiv_max
if (tile_lma_debug_level > 0) {
double [][] ds_dbg = {disp_str};
......@@ -4176,7 +4238,8 @@ public class ImageDtt extends ImageDttCPU {
imgdtt_params.lmas_max_area, // double lma_max_area, // maximal half-area (if > 0.0)
imgdtt_params.lma_str_scale, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - scale
imgdtt_params.lma_str_offset, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - add to result
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset, // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_relax_indiv_max// double lma_relax_indiv_max // double relax_indiv_max
if (tile_lma_debug_level > 0) {
double [][] ds_dbg = {disp_str};
......@@ -2212,7 +2212,8 @@ public class ImageDttCPU {
imgdtt_params.lmas_max_area, // double lma_max_area, // maximal half-area (if > 0.0)
imgdtt_params.lma_str_scale, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - scale
imgdtt_params.lma_str_offset, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - add to result
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset, // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_relax_indiv_max// double lma_relax_indiv_max // double relax_indiv_max
if ((disp_str[cTile]!=null) && Double.isNaN(disp_str[cTile][1])) {
......@@ -2397,7 +2398,8 @@ public class ImageDttCPU {
imgdtt_params.lma_max_area, //double lma_max_area, // maximal half-area (if > 0.0)
1.0, // imgdtt_params.lma_str_scale, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - scale
0.0, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - add to result
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset); // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset, // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_relax_indiv_max);// double lma_relax_indiv_max // double relax_indiv_max
// double [][] extra_stats = lma2.getTileStats();
if (debugCluster) {
......@@ -3134,8 +3136,8 @@ public class ImageDttCPU {
imgdtt_params.lmas_max_area, //double lma_max_area, // maximal half-area (if > 0.0)
imgdtt_params.lma_str_scale, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - scale
imgdtt_params.lma_str_offset, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - add to result
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset, // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_relax_indiv_max);// double lma_relax_indiv_max // double relax_indiv_max
if (ds != null) { // always true
disparity_map[DISPARITY_INDEX_POLY][tIndex] = ds[0][0];
disparity_map[DISPARITY_INDEX_POLY+1][tIndex] = ds[0][1];
......@@ -4232,8 +4234,8 @@ public class ImageDttCPU {
imgdtt_params.lmas_max_area, //double lma_max_area, // maximal half-area (if > 0.0)
imgdtt_params.lma_str_scale, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - scale
imgdtt_params.lma_str_offset, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - add to result
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset, // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_relax_indiv_max);// double lma_relax_indiv_max // double relax_indiv_max
if (ds != null) { // always true
disp_lma[nTile] = ds[0][0];
str_lma[nTile] = ds[0][1];
......@@ -5150,8 +5152,8 @@ public class ImageDttCPU {
imgdtt_params.lmas_max_area, //double lma_max_area, // maximal half-area (if > 0.0)
imgdtt_params.lma_str_scale, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - scale
imgdtt_params.lma_str_offset, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - add to result
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset, // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_relax_indiv_max);// double lma_relax_indiv_max // double relax_indiv_max
if (ds != null) { // always true
disparity_map[DISPARITY_INDEX_POLY][nTileC] = ds[0][0];
disparity_map[DISPARITY_INDEX_POLY+1][nTileC] = ds[0][1];
......@@ -15540,8 +15542,8 @@ public class ImageDttCPU {
imgdtt_params.lmas_max_area, //double lma_max_area, // maximal half-area (if > 0.0)
imgdtt_params.lma_str_scale, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - scale
imgdtt_params.lma_str_offset, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - add to result
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset, // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_relax_indiv_max);// double lma_relax_indiv_max // double relax_indiv_max
......@@ -16550,8 +16552,8 @@ public class ImageDttCPU {
imgdtt_params.lmas_max_area, //double lma_max_area, // maximal half-area (if > 0.0)
imgdtt_params.lma_str_scale, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - scale
imgdtt_params.lma_str_offset, // convert lma-generated strength to match previous ones - add to result
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_ac_offset, // Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
imgdtt_params.lma_relax_indiv_max);// double lma_relax_indiv_max // double relax_indiv_max
if (ds != null) { // always true
if (disparity_map!=null) {
disparity_map[DISPARITY_INDEX_POLY ][nTile] = ds[0][0];
......@@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ public class ImageDttParameters {
public double lma_max_rel_rms = 0.25; // maximal relative (to average max/min amplitude LMA RMS) // May be up to 0.3)
public double lma_min_strength = 1.0; // minimal composite strength (sqrt(average amp squared over absolute RMS)
public double lma_relax_indiv_max= 2.0; // relax lma_max_rel_rms and lma_min_strength for individual maximum
public double lma_ac_offset = 0.015; // add to a,c coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window
public double lma_min_ac = 0.05; // minimal of a and C coefficients maximum (measures sharpest point/line)
public double lma_min_min_ac = 0.015; // minimal of a and C coefficients minimum (measures sharpest point)
public double lma_max_area = 30.0; //45.0; // maximal half-area (if > 0.0)
......@@ -828,6 +828,8 @@ public class ImageDttParameters {
"Discard tile if ratio of RMS to average of min and max amplitude exceeds this value");
gd.addNumericField("Minimal composite strength", this.lma_min_strength, 6, 8, "",
"Discard tile if composite strength (average amplitude over SQRT of RMS) is below");
gd.addNumericField("Relax individual maximum requirements (for camel case)", this.lma_relax_indiv_max, 6, 8, "",
"Relax lma_max_rel_rms and lma_min_strength for individual maximum compared to that of the strongest one.");
gd.addNumericField("Offset A,C coefficients", this.lma_ac_offset, 6, 8, "",
"Add to A, C coefficients for near-lines where A,C could become negative because of window ");
......@@ -1107,6 +1109,7 @@ public class ImageDttParameters {
this.lma_multi_cons = gd.getNextBoolean();
this.lma_max_rel_rms = gd.getNextNumber();
this.lma_min_strength = gd.getNextNumber();
this.lma_relax_indiv_max = gd.getNextNumber();
this.lma_ac_offset = gd.getNextNumber();
this.lma_min_ac = gd.getNextNumber();
......@@ -1352,6 +1355,7 @@ public class ImageDttParameters {
properties.setProperty(prefix+"lma_multi_cons", this.lma_multi_cons +"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"lma_max_rel_rms", this.lma_max_rel_rms +"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"lma_min_strength", this.lma_min_strength +"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"lma_relax_indiv_max", this.lma_relax_indiv_max +"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"lma_ac_offset", this.lma_ac_offset +"");
......@@ -1619,6 +1623,7 @@ public class ImageDttParameters {
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"lma_multi_cons")!=null) this.lma_multi_cons=Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"lma_multi_cons"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"lma_max_rel_rms")!=null) this.lma_max_rel_rms=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"lma_max_rel_rms"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"lma_min_strength")!=null) this.lma_min_strength=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"lma_min_strength"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"lma_relax_indiv_max")!=null) this.lma_relax_indiv_max=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"lma_relax_indiv_max"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"lma_ac_offset")!=null) this.lma_ac_offset=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"lma_ac_offset"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"lma_min_ac")!=null) this.lma_min_ac=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"lma_min_ac"));
......@@ -1860,6 +1865,7 @@ public class ImageDttParameters {
idp.lma_multi_cons = this.lma_multi_cons;
idp.lma_max_rel_rms= this.lma_max_rel_rms;
idp.lma_min_strength= this.lma_min_strength;
idp.lma_relax_indiv_max= this.lma_relax_indiv_max;
idp.lma_ac_offset= this.lma_ac_offset;
idp.lma_min_ac= this.lma_min_ac;
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