Commit 6fa32fa8 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

correcting kernel combine, interpolate and invert to work with mono

(LWIR) data
parent 001d0838
......@@ -117,10 +117,11 @@ public class EyesisAberrations {
System.out.println("Failed to open interpolated PSF kernel stack "+srcPaths[nChn]);
if (impSpsf.getStackSize()<3) {
System.out.println("Need a 3-layer stack with interpolated PSF kernels");
if ((impSpsf.getStackSize() < 3) && (impSpsf.getStackSize() != 1)) {
System.out.println("Need a 3-layer stack (for color) or single (for mono) with interpolated PSF kernels");
ImageStack stack= reversePSFKernelStack(
impSpsf.getStack(), // stack of 3 32-bit (float) images, made of square kernels
inverseParameters, // size (side of square) of direct PSF kernel
......@@ -142,7 +143,9 @@ public class EyesisAberrations {
if (saveResult){
if (globalDebugLevel>0) System.out.println((numProcessed+1)+" of "+numToProcess+": saving invered (of the file"+srcPaths[nChn]+") kernel to "+resultPaths[nChn]+ " at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3));
FileSaver fs=new FileSaver(impInvertedPSF);
// fs.saveAsTiffStack(resultPaths[nChn]);
if (stopRequested.get()>0) {
......@@ -714,8 +717,8 @@ public class EyesisAberrations {
System.out.println("Failed to open raw PSF kernel stack "+srcPaths[nChn]);
if (impSpsf.getStackSize()<3) {
System.out.println("Need a 3-layer stack with raw PSF kernels");
if ((impSpsf.getStackSize() < 3) && (impSpsf.getStackSize() != 1)) {
System.out.println("Need a 3-layer stack (for color) or single (for mono) with raw PSF kernels");
ImageStack stack= interpolateKernelStack(
......@@ -739,7 +742,8 @@ public class EyesisAberrations {
if (globalDebugLevel>0) System.out.println((numProcessed+1)+" of "+numToProcess+": saving interpolation result (of the file"+srcPaths[nChn]+") to "+
resultPaths[nChn]+ " at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3));
FileSaver fs=new FileSaver(impInterpolatedPSF);
// fs.saveAsTiffStack(resultPaths[nChn]);
if (stopRequested.get()>0) {
......@@ -1610,6 +1614,10 @@ public class EyesisAberrations {
for (int color=0;color<nChn;color++) sdfa_instance.showArrays(pxfCenterY[color], kWidth, kHeight, true, "pxfCenterY-"+color);
double [][][] radiusRatio=new double[nChn][nFiles+1][kLength];
int ref_color = 2; // green
if (ref_color >= nChn) {
ref_color = 0;
for (int tileY=0;tileY<kHeight;tileY++) for (int tileX=0;tileX<kWidth;tileX++) {
int index=tileY*kWidth+tileX;
int totalNumSamples=0;
......@@ -1635,7 +1643,7 @@ public class EyesisAberrations {
int indexNeib=xn+ kWidth*yn;
double weight=weightsMasked[nFile+1][indexNeib];
if (multiFilePSF.sharpBonusPower>0) {
weight/=Math.pow(psfRadius[2][nFile+1][indexNeib],multiFilePSF.sharpBonusPower); // use green color
weight/=Math.pow(psfRadius[ref_color][nFile+1][indexNeib],multiFilePSF.sharpBonusPower); // use green color ava.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2
for (int color=0;color<nChn;color++) {
......@@ -1868,7 +1876,8 @@ public class EyesisAberrations {
if (numMissing==0) {
if (thisDebugLevel>1) System.out.println("Saving result to "+resultPath);
FileSaver fs=new FileSaver(imp_psf);
// fs.saveAsTiffStack(resultPath);
if (multiFilePSF.fillMissing && (filledMissing>0)) {
System.out.println("*** Warning "+filledMissing+" kernel tiles are missing from the results (insufficient overlap) \n"+
"You may disable filling missing kernels from neighbors in Conf. Multifile");
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