GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("OTF Filter parameters");
if (otfFilterParameters_lwir!=null) {
gd.addMessage("EO (high-res color) sensors:");
gd.addNumericField("Invert deconvolution if less than", otfFilterParameters.deconvInvert, 3);
gd.addNumericField("OTF zero frequency size on power spectrum ", otfFilterParameters.zerofreqSize, 3); //2.0;
gd.addNumericField("OTF smouth PS to generate alias rejection mask (0 - none)", otfFilterParameters.smoothPS, 3); //2.5 - smooth model PS for rejecting aliases (0 - no smouth, >0 additional Gauss )
gd.addNumericField("OTF relative high value of PS for rejection mask ", otfFilterParameters.thresholdHigh, 3); //0.1
gd.addNumericField("OTF relative low value of PS for rejection mask ", otfFilterParameters.thresholdLow, 3); //0.01; // when FFT component is less than this fraction of the maximal value, replace 1/z with Z
if (otfFilterParameters_lwir!=null) {
gd.addMessage("LWIR (low-res mono) sensors:");
gd.addNumericField("Invert deconvolution if less than", otfFilterParameters_lwir.deconvInvert, 3);
gd.addNumericField("OTF zero frequency size on power spectrum ", otfFilterParameters_lwir.zerofreqSize, 3); //2.0;
gd.addNumericField("OTF smouth PS to generate alias rejection mask (0 - none)", otfFilterParameters_lwir.smoothPS, 3); //2.5 - smooth model PS for rejecting aliases (0 - no smouth, >0 additional Gauss )
gd.addNumericField("OTF relative high value of PS for rejection mask ", otfFilterParameters_lwir.thresholdHigh, 3); //0.1
gd.addNumericField("OTF relative low value of PS for rejection mask ", otfFilterParameters_lwir.thresholdLow, 3); //0.01; // when FFT component is less than this fraction of the maximal value, replace 1/z with Z