Commit 4282653c authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Added scene sequence processing and ML generation to LWIR batch

parent 8814cdd9
......@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ public class ImagejJp4Tiff {
Date startDate = dateFormat.parse(FIXCH6_EARLIEST);
Date endDate = dateFormat.parse(FIXCH6_LATEST);
Date fileDate = dateFormat.parse(sfdate);
if (fileDate.before(startDate) && fileDate.after(endDate)) {
if (fileDate.before(startDate) || fileDate.after(endDate)) {
return -3; // too early or too late
} catch (ParseException e) {
......@@ -3289,6 +3289,7 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
clt_parameters.inp.show_final_2d, // final boolean show_2d_corr,
mcorr_sel, // final int mcorr_sel, // = Correlation2d.corrSelEncode(clt_parameters.img_dtt,scenes[nscene].getNumSensors());
null, // final float [][][] accum_2d_corr, // if [1][][] - return accumulated 2d correlations (all pairs)
false, // final boolean no_map, // do not generate disparity_map (time-consuming LMA)
debug_level-5); // final int debug_level)
......@@ -3344,7 +3345,7 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
tilesX, // int width,
tilesY); // int height)
// save _DSI_INTER - sema format, as _DSI_MAIN, it will be used instead of _DSI_MAIN next time
// save _DSI_INTER - same format, as _DSI_MAIN, it will be used instead of _DSI_MAIN next time
double [][] dsi = new double [TwoQuadCLT.DSI_SLICES.length][];
dsi[ref_scene.is_aux?TwoQuadCLT.DSI_DISPARITY_AUX:TwoQuadCLT.DSI_DISPARITY_MAIN] = combo_dsn_change[0];
dsi[ref_scene.is_aux?TwoQuadCLT.DSI_STRENGTH_AUX:TwoQuadCLT.DSI_STRENGTH_MAIN] = combo_dsn_change[1];
......@@ -3895,6 +3896,7 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
( nrefine == (max_refines - 1)) && clt_parameters.inp.show_final_2d, // final boolean show_2d_corr,
mcorr_sel, // final int mcorr_sel, // =
null, // final float [][][] accum_2d_corr, // if [1][][] - return accumulated 2d correlations (all pairs)
false, // final boolean no_map, // do not generate disparity_map (time-consuming LMA)
debug_level-8); // final int debug_level)
if (debug_level > 0) {
......@@ -4060,6 +4062,7 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
false, // final boolean show_2d_corr,
mcorr_sel, // final int mcorr_sel, // =
facc_2d_img, // final float [][][] accum_2d_corr, // if [1][][] - return accumulated 2d correlations (all pairs)
true, // final boolean no_map, // do not generate disparity_map (time-consuming LMA)
debug_level-8); // final int debug_level)
float [][] corr_2d_img = facc_2d_img[0];
// double []
......@@ -4550,6 +4553,7 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
( nrefine == (max_refines - 1)) && clt_parameters.inp.show_final_2d, // final boolean show_2d_corr,
mcorr_sel, // final int mcorr_sel, // =
null, // final float [][][] accum_2d_corr, // if [1][][] - return accumulated 2d correlations (all pairs)
false, // final boolean no_map, // do not generate disparity_map (time-consuming LMA)
debug_level-5); // final int debug_level)
......@@ -5762,6 +5766,7 @@ public double[][] correlateIntersceneDebug( // only uses GPU and quad
final boolean show_2d_corr,
final int mcorr_sel, // = Correlation2d.corrSelEncode(clt_parameters.img_dtt,scenes[nscene].getNumSensors());
final float [][][] accum_2d_corr, // if [1][][] - return accumulated 2d correlations (all pairs)
final boolean no_map, // do not generate disparity_map (time-consuming LMA)
final int debug_level
......@@ -5794,7 +5799,7 @@ public double[][] correlateIntersceneDebug( // only uses GPU and quad
image_dtt.getCorrelation2d(); // initiate image_dtt.correlation2d, needed if disparity_map != null
double[][] disparity_map = new double [image_dtt.getDisparityTitles().length][];
double[][] disparity_map = no_map ? null : new double [image_dtt.getDisparityTitles().length][];
final double disparity_corr = 0.00; // (z_correction == 0) ? 0.0 : geometryCorrection.getDisparityFromZ(1.0/z_correction);
TpTask[] tp_tasks_ref = null;
for (int nscene = 0; nscene < num_scenes; nscene++) {
......@@ -6192,10 +6197,10 @@ public double[][] correlateIntersceneDebug( // only uses GPU and quad
image_dtt.getCorrelation2d(); // initiate image_dtt.correlation2d, needed if disparity_map != null
double[][] disparity_map = new double [image_dtt.getDisparityTitles().length][];
// double[][] disparity_map = new double [image_dtt.getDisparityTitles().length][];
final double disparity_corr = 0.0; // (z_correction == 0) ? 0.0 : geometryCorrection.getDisparityFromZ(1.0/z_correction);
TpTask[] tp_tasks_ref = null;
String ts = ref_scene.getImageName();
// String ts = ref_scene.getImageName();
double [][] scene_pXpYD;
// transform to self - maybe use a method that sets central points
scene_pXpYD = transformToScenePxPyD(
......@@ -6269,7 +6274,7 @@ public double[][] correlateIntersceneDebug( // only uses GPU and quad
dcorr_tiles, // final double [][][] dcorr_tiles, // [tile][pair][(2*transform_size-1)*(2*transform_size-1)] // if null - will not calculate
// When clt_mismatch is non-zero, no far objects extraction will be attempted
//optional, may be null
disparity_map, // final double [][] disparity_map, // [8][tilesY][tilesX], only [6][] is needed on input or null - do not calculate
null, // disparity_map, // final double [][] disparity_map, // [8][tilesY][tilesX], only [6][] is needed on input or null - do not calculate
clt_parameters.correlate_lma, // final boolean run_lma, // calculate LMA, false - CM only
// define combining of all 2D correlation pairs for CM (LMA does not use them)
(add_combo ? clt_parameters.img_dtt.mcorr_comb_width : 0), //final int mcorr_comb_width, // combined correlation tile width (set <=0 to skip combined correlations)
......@@ -6324,7 +6329,7 @@ public double[][] correlateIntersceneDebug( // only uses GPU and quad
dcorr_tiles, // final double [][][] dcorr_tiles, // [tile][pair][(2*transform_size-1)*(2*transform_size-1)] // if null - will not calculate
// When clt_mismatch is non-zero, no far objects extraction will be attempted
//optional, may be null
disparity_map, // final double [][] disparity_map, // [8][tilesY][tilesX], only [6][] is needed on input or null - do not calculate
null, // disparity_map, // final double [][] disparity_map, // [8][tilesY][tilesX], only [6][] is needed on input or null - do not calculate
clt_parameters.correlate_lma, // final boolean run_lma, // calculate LMA, false - CM only
// last 2 - contrast, avg/ "geometric average)
clt_parameters.getGpuFatZero(ref_scene.isMonochrome()), // clt_parameters.getGpuFatZero(ref_scene.isMonochrome()), // final double afat_zero2, // gpu_fat_zero ==30? clt_parameters.getGpuFatZero(is_mono); absolute fat zero, same units as components squared values
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