Commit 4a046ba4 authored by Kelly Chang's avatar Kelly Chang

Merge branch 'master' of

parents cd29faff bd9683b4
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......@@ -35,16 +35,12 @@ def image_extractor(scenes):
for scene in scenes:
files = os.listdir(scene)
for file in files:
image_folder.append(os.path.join(scene, file))
images = []
for folder in image_folder:
ims = os.listdir(folder)
for im in ims:
if im[-4:] == ".jp4" or im[-7:] == "_6.tiff":
if file[-4:] == ".jp4" or file[-7:] == "_6.tiff":
images.append(os.path.join(folder, im))
return images #returns a list of file paths to .tiff files in the specified directory given in file_extractor
image_folder.append(os.path.join(scene, file))
return image_folder #returns a list of file paths to .tiff files in the specified directory given in file_extractor
def im_distribution(images, num):
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