Commit 310f8c6b authored by Bryce Hepner's avatar Bryce Hepner

added saving feature

parent 408baf5a
......@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ attic
\ No newline at end of file
from ipyparallel import Client
from WorkingPyDemo import *
from time import time
def initialize():
Write a function that initializes a Client object, creates a Direct
View with all available engines, and imports scipy.sparse as spar on
all engines. Return the DirectView.
client = Client() # Only works if a cluster is running.
dview = client[:]
dview.execute("from WorkingPyDemo import *") #neede d for others
dview.block = True
return dview
if __name__ == "__main__":
scenes = file_extractor(folder_name)
images = image_extractor(scenes)
dview = initialize()
list_dic = np.load("first_dic.npy", allow_pickle=True)
bins = [21,32,48]
starttime = time()
def save_an_image(filename):
newnamesforlater = []
list_dic = np.load("first_dic.npy", allow_pickle=True)
bins = [21,32,48]
image, new_error, diff = huffman(filename, 4, False)
encoded_string = encoder(new_error, list_dic, diff, bins)
inletters = bitstring_to_bytes(encoded_string)
if filename[-5:] == ".tiff":
newname = filename[:-5]
newname = filename[:-4]
newnamesforlater.append(newname + "_Compressed.txt")
with open(newname + "_Compressed.txt", 'wb') as f:
def decode_an_image(filename):
list_dic = np.load("first_dic.npy", allow_pickle=True)
bins = [21,32,48]
image, new_error, diff = huffman(filename, 4, False)
if filename[-5:] == ".tiff":
newname = filename[:-5]
newname = filename[:-4]
encoded_string2 = bytes_to_bitstring(read_from_file(newname + "_Compressed.txt"))
reconstruct_image = decoder(encoded_string2, list_dic, bins, False)
dview.map_sync(save_an_image, images[200:])
# dview.map_sync(decode_an_image, images[0:6])
print(time() - starttime)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
from collections import Counter
import numpy.linalg as la
from time import time
import tifffile as tiff
folder_name = "images"
outputlocation = ""
......@@ -494,34 +494,53 @@ def bytes_to_bitstring(input_bytearray):
for i, item in enumerate(int_array):
end_string += (bin(item)[2:].zfill(8))
return end_string
def text_to_tiff(filename, list_dic, bins):
encoded_string = bytes_to_bitstring(read_from_file(filename))
reconstruct_image = decoder(encoded_string, list_dic, bins, False)
reconstruct_image = reconstruct_image.astype(np.uint16)
reconstruct_image = Image.fromarray(reconstruct_image)[:-16]+"_reconstructed.tiff", "TIFF")
# starttime = time()
scenes = file_extractor(folder_name)
newnamesforlater = []
images = image_extractor(scenes)
list_dic, bins = make_dictionary(images, 4, False)
file_sizes_new = []
file_sizes_old = []
#"first_dic.npy", list_dic)
for i in range(1):
if __name__ == "__main__":
scenes = file_extractor(folder_name)
images = image_extractor(scenes)
newnamesforlater = []
# print(len(images))
list_dic, bins = make_dictionary(images, 4, False)
# file_sizes_new = []
# file_sizes_old = []"first_dic.npy", list_dic)
# for i in range(6):
# image, new_error, diff = huffman(images[i], 4, False)
# encoded_string = encoder(new_error, list_dic, diff, bins)
# inletters = bitstring_to_bytes(encoded_string)
if images[i][:-5] == ".tiff":
newname = images[i][:-5]
newname = images[i][:-4]
newnamesforlater.append(newname + "_Compressed.txt")
# if images[i][-5:] == ".tiff":
# newname = images[i][:-5]
# else:
# newname = images[i][:-4]
# print(newname)
# newnamesforlater.append(newname + "_Compressed.txt")
# with open(newname + "_Compressed.txt", 'wb') as f:
# f.write(inletters)
file_sizes_new.append((os.path.getsize(newname + "_Compressed.txt")))
# print(np.sum(file_sizes_new)/np.sum(file_sizes_old))
# list_dic = np.load("first_dic.npy", allow_pickle="TRUE")
# for i,item in enumerate(newnamesforlater[0:10]):
# image, new_error, diff = huffman(images[i], 4, False)
# encoded_string2 = bytes_to_bitstring(read_from_file(item))
# reconstruct_image = decoder(encoded_string2, list_dic, bins, False)
# print(np.allclose(image, reconstruct_image))
# file_sizes_new.append((os.path.getsize(newname + "_Compressed.txt")))
# file_sizes_old.append((os.path.getsize(images[i])))
# file_sizes_new.append(os.path.getsize("first_dic.npy"))
# # print(np.sum(file_sizes_new)/np.sum(file_sizes_old))
# list_dic = np.load("first_dic.npy", allow_pickle="TRUE")
# bins = [21,32,48]
# starttime = time()
# for i,item in enumerate(newnamesforlater[0:6]):
# image, new_error, diff = huffman(images[i], 4, False)
# encoded_string2 = bytes_to_bitstring(read_from_file(item))
# reconstruct_image = decoder(encoded_string2, list_dic, bins, False)
# print(np.allclose(image, reconstruct_image))
# print(time()-starttime)
# text_to_tiff("images/1626033496_437803/1626033496_437803_3._Compressed.txt", list_dic, bins)
# original_image ="images/1626033496_437803/1626033496_437803_3.tiff")
# original_image = np.array(original_image)[1:]
# secondimage ="images/1626033496_437803/1626033496_437803_3_reconstructed.tiff")
# secondimage = np.array(secondimage)
# print(np.allclose(original_image, secondimage))
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