Commit e769c63c authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

fixed a bug with squared sum

parent a11208b6
*! FILE NAME : set elphel operands
*! DESCRIPTION : sets user defined operands in OSLO
*! REVISION : 1.1
*! REVISION : 1.2
*! AUTHOR : Oleg Dzhimiev <>
*! Copyright (C) 2014 Elphel, Inc
*! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
......@@ -69,6 +69,13 @@ double doit_mtfs(int wvn,double ccl_maximum_frequency,int debug){
double ray_angle_weight[6];
double ray_angle_weight_sum=0;
ray_angle_weight[i] = 1;//(1-ray_angle[i]);
ray_angle_weight_sum += ray_angle_weight[i];
//arg1: tfr = through frequency
//arg2: chr = polychromatic, mon = monochrome
......@@ -81,8 +88,8 @@ double doit_mtfs(int wvn,double ccl_maximum_frequency,int debug){
number_of_steps = floor(ccl_maximum_frequency/deltaf)+1;
//double scale_tmp=0;
double scale_tmp;
double scale_tmp=1;
//double scale_tmp;
int NBR_STEPS=2;
if (debug==1) print("S");
......@@ -90,9 +97,7 @@ double doit_mtfs(int wvn,double ccl_maximum_frequency,int debug){
//set angle
//get mtf points
//get psf width
mod_trans_func(tfr, mon, wvn, x, ccl_maximum_frequency, deltaf, 0.0);
......@@ -102,11 +107,7 @@ double doit_mtfs(int wvn,double ccl_maximum_frequency,int debug){
//get lateral color shift between border wavelengths wvn-1 and wvn+1
latshift(wv[wvn-1], wv[wvn+1], NBR_STEPS, &scale_tmp, ray_angle[i]);
//since number of steps is 2 then
lat_shift_s[i] = Ya[1] - Ya[0];
//get distortion value for ray angle
lat_shift_s[i] = Ya[1] - Ya[0];
if (debug==1) print("psf:",psf_s[i],"mm ls:", lat_shift_s[i],"mm");
psf_s2[i] = psf_s[i]**2+lat_shift_s[i]**2;
......@@ -118,8 +119,6 @@ double doit_mtfs(int wvn,double ccl_maximum_frequency,int debug){
//get mtf points
//get psf width
mod_trans_func(tfr, mon, wvn, y, ccl_maximum_frequency, deltaf, 0.0);
......@@ -134,13 +133,16 @@ double doit_mtfs(int wvn,double ccl_maximum_frequency,int debug){
double Distortion_scale = 1;
int nrays = 2;
k = cos(ray_angle[i]*FoV*Dr);
distortion(1, &Distortion_scale, nrays, ray_angle[i]);
dist = Ya[1];
tmp_sum2 = psf_t2[i]**2+(psf_s2[i]*(k/(1+0.01*dist))**2)**2;
tmp_sum2 += (psf_t2[i]**2+(psf_s2[i]*(k/(1+0.01*dist))**2)**2)*(ray_angle_weight[i]/ray_angle_weight_sum/2);
if (debug==1) print("The error is ",tmp_sum2);
return tmp_sum2/12;
return tmp_sum2;
double co_mtf(int debug){
......@@ -171,19 +173,26 @@ double co_mtf(int debug){
double color_weight[3];
double color_weight_sum = color_weight[0]+color_weight[1]+color_weight[2];
for (i=1;i<4;i++){
if (debug==1) print("Wave",(2+3*i),wv[2+3*i]," um");
tmp_sum +=doit_mtfs((2+3*i),max_freq,debug);
tmp_sum += doit_mtfs((2+3*i),max_freq,debug)*color_weight[i-1]/color_weight_sum;
if (debug==1) print("");
tmp_sum = sqrt(sqrt(tmp_sum/4));
//tmp_sum = sqrt(sqrt(tmp_sum/3));
tmp_sum = sqrt(sqrt(tmp_sum));
//target sum equals to target psf for all waves and angles
target_sum = psf_conversion_coeff/target_frequency;
if (debug==1) {
print("Final psf error is:",tmp_sum);
print("Theoretical error at 227 lp/mm is:", target_sum);
print("Theoretical error at 227 lp/mm (Nyquist frequency for 2.2um pitch sensor) is:", target_sum);
print("Returned value",(tmp_sum-target_sum));
......@@ -254,7 +263,7 @@ cmd set_elphel_operands(void){
printf("Program end\n");
print("Program end");
set_preference(output_text, on);
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