Commit 37d1bee7 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

added pause bit to make sequneces more compact, implemented ddr3 read block test

parent d9b14b00
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......@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ module ddrc_sequencer #(
parameter SS_EN = "FALSE",
parameter SS_MODE = "CENTER_HIGH",
parameter SS_MOD_PERIOD = 10000,
parameter CMD_PAUSE_BITS= 6,
parameter CMD_DONE_BIT= 6
parameter CMD_PAUSE_BITS= 10,
parameter CMD_DONE_BIT= 10
// DDR3 interface
output SDRST, // DDR3 reset (active low)
......@@ -114,8 +114,12 @@ module ddrc_sequencer #(
input ddr_cke, // DDR clock enable , XOR-ed with command bit
input inv_clk_div,
input [7:0] dqs_pattern, // 8'h55
input [7:0] dqm_pattern // 8'h00
input [7:0] dqm_pattern, // 8'h00
input [ 3:0] dq_tri_on_pattern, // DQ tri-state control word, first when enabling output
input [ 3:0] dq_tri_off_pattern, // DQ tri-state control word, first after disabling output
input [ 3:0] dqs_tri_on_pattern, // DQS tri-state control word, first when enabling output
input [ 3:0] dqs_tri_off_pattern,// DQS tri-state control word, first after disabling output
input [ 3:0] wbuf_delay
localparam ADDRESS_NUMBER = 15;
......@@ -131,7 +135,8 @@ module ddrc_sequencer #(
reg [63:0] buf_wdata_negedge; // output[63:0]
wire [63:0] buf_rdata; // multiplexed input from one of the write channels buffer
wire [63:0] buf1_rdata;
wire buf_wr; // output
wire buf_wr; // delayed by specified number of clock cycles
wire buf_wr_ndly; // before dealy
wire buf_rd; // read next 64 bytes from the buffer, need one extra pre-read
wire rst=rst_in;
......@@ -141,6 +146,8 @@ module ddrc_sequencer #(
reg cmd_sel;
reg [ 2:0] cmd_busy; // bit 0 - immediately,
wire phy_cmd_nop; // decoded command (ras, cas, we) was NOP
wire phy_cmd_add_pause; // decoded from the command word - add one pause command after the current one
reg add_pause; // previos command had phy_cmd_add_pause set
wire sequence_done;
wire [CMD_PAUSE_BITS-1:0] pause_len;
reg cmd_fetch; // previous cycle command was read from the command memory, current: command valid
......@@ -155,7 +162,7 @@ module ddrc_sequencer #(
assign run_done=sequence_done;
assign run_busy=cmd_busy[0]; //earliest
assign pause=cmd_fetch? (phy_cmd_nop && (pause_len != 0)): (cmd_busy[2] && (pause_cntr[CMD_PAUSE_BITS-1:1]!=0));
assign pause=cmd_fetch? (phy_cmd_add_pause || (phy_cmd_nop && (pause_len != 0))): (cmd_busy[2] && (pause_cntr[CMD_PAUSE_BITS-1:1]!=0));
/// debugging
assign phy_cmd_word = cmd_sel?phy_cmd1_word:phy_cmd0_word; // TODO: hangs even with 0-s in phy_cmd
/// assign phy_cmd_word = phy_cmd_word?0:0;
......@@ -175,6 +182,10 @@ module ddrc_sequencer #(
// Fetch - command data valid
if (rst) cmd_fetch <= 0;
else cmd_fetch <= cmd_busy[0] && !pause;
if (rst) add_pause <= 0;
else add_pause <= cmd_fetch && phy_cmd_add_pause;
// Command read address
if (rst) cmd_addr <= 0;
else if (run_seq) cmd_addr <= run_addr[9:0];
......@@ -358,19 +369,33 @@ module ddrc_sequencer #(
// .phy_cmd_word (32'h0), //phy_cmd_word[31:0]), // input[31:0]
.phy_cmd_word (phy_cmd_word[31:0]), // input[31:0]
.phy_cmd_nop (phy_cmd_nop), // output
.phy_cmd_add_pause (phy_cmd_add_pause), // one pause cycle (for 8-bursts)
.add_pause (add_pause),
.pause_len (pause_len), // output [CMD_PAUSE_BITS-1:0]
.sequence_done (sequence_done), // output
// .buf_addr (buf_addr[6:0]), // output[6:0]
.buf_wdata (buf_wdata[63:0]), // output[63:0]
.buf_rdata (buf_rdata[63:0]), // input[63:0]
.buf_wr (buf_wr), // output
.buf_wr (buf_wr_ndly), // output
.buf_rd (buf_rd), // output
.cmda_en (cmda_en), // input
.ddr_rst (ddr_rst), // input ***************
.ddr_cke (ddr_cke), // input ***************
.ddr_rst (ddr_rst), // input
.ddr_cke (ddr_cke), // input
.inv_clk_div (inv_clk_div), // input
.dqs_pattern (dqs_pattern), // input[7:0]
.dqm_pattern (dqm_pattern) // input[7:0]
.dqm_pattern (dqm_pattern), // input[7:0]
.dq_tri_on_pattern (dq_tri_on_pattern[3:0]), // input[3:0]
.dq_tri_off_pattern (dq_tri_off_pattern[3:0]), // input[3:0]
.dqs_tri_on_pattern (dqs_tri_on_pattern[3:0]), // input[3:0]
.dqs_tri_off_pattern (dqs_tri_off_pattern[3:0]) // input[3:0]
// delay buf_wr by 1-16 cycles to compensate for DDR and HDL code latency (~7 cycles?)
dly01_16 buf_wr_dly_i (
.clk(mclk), // input
.rst(1'b0), // input
.dly(wbuf_delay[3:0]), // input[3:0]
.din(buf_wr_ndly), // input
.dout(buf_wr) // output reg
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