Commit be3f26c2 authored by Nathaniel Callens's avatar Nathaniel Callens


parents c14a08b2 62b8cccf
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -101,26 +101,15 @@ def plot_hist(tiff_list):
image = #Open the image and read it as an Image object
image = np.array(image)[1:,:] #Convert to an array, leaving out the first row because the first row is just housekeeping data
row, col = image.shape
predict = np.empty((row,col)) # create a empty matrix to update prediction
predict[0,:] = image[0,:] # keep the first row from the image
predict[:,0] = image[:,0] # keep the first columen from the image
diff = np.empty((row,col))
diff[0,:] = np.zeros(col) # keep the first row from the image
diff[:,0] = np.zeros(row)
predict = np.empty([row,col]) # create a empty matrix to update prediction
predict[0,:] = image[0,:] # keep the first row from the image
predict[:,0] = image[:,0] # keep the first columen from the image
predict[-1,:] = image[-1,:] # keep the first row from the image
predict[:,-1] = image[:,-1] # keep the first columen from the image
diff = np.empty([row,col])
diff[0,:] = np.zeros(col) # keep the first row from the image
diff[:,0] = np.zeros(row)
diff[-1,:] = np.zeros(col) # keep the first row from the image
diff[:,-1] = np.zeros(row)
predict = np.empty([row-1,col-1]) # create a empty matrix to update prediction
temp = image.copy
diff = np.empty([row-1,col-1])
for r in range(1,row-1): # loop through the rth row
for c in range(1,col-1): # loop through the cth column
surrounding = np.array([predict[r-1,c-1], predict[r-1,c], predict[r-1,c+1], predict[r,c-1]])
surrounding = np.array([temp[r-1,c-1], temp[r-1,c], temp[r-1,c+1], temp[r,c-1]])
predict[r,c] = np.mean(surrounding) # take the mean of the previous 4 pixels
temp[r,c] = np.mean(surrounding)
diff[r,c] = (np.max(surrounding)-np.min(surrounding))
predict = np.ravel(predict)
This diff is collapsed.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
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