Commit a8ba0e24 authored by Nathaniel Callens's avatar Nathaniel Callens

first try at histograms

parent daedae5b
File deleted
...@@ -66,28 +66,35 @@ if __name__ == '__main__': ...@@ -66,28 +66,35 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
tiff2.append(os.path.join(scene, s)) tiff2.append(os.path.join(scene, s))
elif s[-6] == '3': elif s[-6] == '3':
tiff3.append(os.path.join(scene, s)) tiff3.append(os.path.join(scene, s))
cameras = [tiff0, tiff1, tiff2, tiff3]
diff = [] diff = []
for ii in range(len(tiff1)): i = 0
image =[ii]) #Open the image and read it as an Image object for cam in cameras:
image = np.array(image)[1:,:] #Convert to an array, leaving out the first row because the first row is just housekeeping data for ii in range(len(cam)):
ar1, ar2 = image.shape image =[ii]) #Open the image and read it as an Image object
image = np.array(image)[1:,:] #Convert to an array, leaving out the first row because the first row is just housekeeping data
ind1, ind2 = np.random.randint(1,ar1-1), np.random.randint(1,ar2-1) #ind1 randomly selects a row, ind2 randomly selects a column, ar1, ar2 = image.shape
#this is now a random pixel selection within the image
ind1, ind2 = np.random.randint(1,ar1-1), np.random.randint(1,ar2-1) #ind1 randomly selects a row, ind2 randomly selects a column,
#this is now a random pixel selection within the image
surrounding = [] #initialize a list to be filled the 8 surrounding pixels
for i,j in product(np.arange(-1,2), repeat=2): #Iterate through the combinations of surrounding pixel indices
if i == 0 and j == 0: #Avoid the target pixel
surrounding.append(image[ind1+i, ind1+j]) #Add the other 8 pixels to the list
i += 1
surrounding = [] #initialize a list to be filled the 8 surrounding pixels
for i,j in product(np.arange(-1,2), repeat=2): #Iterate through the combinations of surrounding pixel indices
if i == 0 and j == 0: #Avoid the target pixel
surrounding.append(image[ind1+i, ind1+j]) #Add the other 8 pixels to the list
"""scene_names = file_extractor("images") """scene_names = file_extractor("images")
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