Commit e551876b authored by Alexey Grebenkin's avatar Alexey Grebenkin

MAxi clock now sourcing drp and cplllockdetclk

parent 256f87fb
......@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@
output wire sclk,
output wire sata_rst,
input wire extrst,
// reliable clock to source drp and cpll lock det circuits
input wire reliable_clk,
* Commands interface
......@@ -605,6 +609,8 @@ sata_host sata_host(
.rst (sata_rst),
// sata clk
.clk (sclk),
// reliable clock to source drp and cpll lock det circuits
.reliable_clk (reliable_clk),
// temporary
.al_cmd_in (cmd_out), // == {cmd_type, cmd_port, cmd_val, cmd_done_bad, cmd_done_good; cmd_busy}
.al_cmd_val_in (cmd_val_out),
......@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ BUFG bufg_axi_aclk0_i (.O(axi_aclk0),.I(fclk[0]));
BUFG bufg_axi_rst_i (.O(axi_rst),.I(axi_rst_pre));
BUFG bufg_extrst_i (.O(extrst),.I(axi_rst_pre));
axi_hp_clk #(
) axi_hp_clk_i (
.rst (axi_rst), // input
......@@ -151,6 +151,8 @@ axi_hp_clk #(
sata_top sata_top(
.sclk (sclk),
// reliable clock to source drp and cpll lock det circuits
.reliable_clk (axi_aclk0),
.sata_rst (sata_rst),
.extrst (extrst),
.ACLK (axi_aclk),
......@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ module sata_host(
output wire rst,
// sata clk
output wire clk,
// reliable clock to source drp and cpll lock det circuits
input wire reliable_clk,
// temporary
input wire [31:0] al_cmd_in, // == {cmd_type, cmd_port, cmd_val, cmd_done_bad, cmd_done_good; cmd_busy}
input wire al_cmd_val_in,
......@@ -657,6 +661,9 @@ sata_phy phy(
// sata clk, generated in pll as usrclk2
.clk (clk),
// stable clock to source drp and cpll lock det circuits
.reliable_clk (reliable_clk),
// state
.phy_ready (phy_ready),
......@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ module sata_phy #(
output wire clk,
output wire rst,
// reliable clock to source drp and cpll lock det circuits
input wire reliable_clk,
// state
output wire phy_ready,
......@@ -370,8 +373,8 @@ gtx_wrap
* Interfaces
assign cplllockdetclk = gtrefclk; //TODO
assign drpclk = gtrefclk;
assign cplllockdetclk = reliable_clk; //gtrefclk;
assign drpclk = reliable_clk; //gtrefclk;
//assign clk = usrclk2;
BUFG bufg_sclk (.O(clk),.I(usrclk2));
......@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ reg SIMUL_AXI_FULL; // some data available
reg [31:0] registered_rdata; // here read data from task
//reg CLK;
wire CLK;
reg CLK;
//wire CLK;
reg RST;
reg AR_SET_CMD_r;
wire AR_READY;
......@@ -162,12 +162,12 @@ wire #(AXI_TASK_HOLD) AW_SET_CMD = AW_SET_CMD_r;
//always #(CLKIN_PERIOD/2) CLK = ~CLK;
assign CLK = dut.axi_aclk;
//assign CLK = dut.axi_aclk0;
* connect axi ports to the dut
assign dut.ps7_i.FCLKCLK= {4{EXTCLK_P}};
assign dut.ps7_i.FCLKCLK= {4{CLK}};
assign dut.ps7_i.FCLKRESETN= {RST,~RST,RST,~RST};
// Read address
assign dut.ps7_i.MAXIGP1ARADDR= araddr;
......@@ -30,6 +30,12 @@ begin
// MAXI clock
always #10
integer i;
integer status;
integer id;
......@@ -37,7 +43,7 @@ reg [31:0] data;
// write registers
// CLK =1'b0;
CLK =1'b0;
RST = 1'bx;
AR_SET_CMD_r = 1'b0;
AW_SET_CMD_r = 1'b0;
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