Commit 3b5ef7db authored by Alexey Grebenkin's avatar Alexey Grebenkin

+ dma_control

parent f8d03ec9
...@@ -29,10 +29,7 @@ ...@@ -29,10 +29,7 @@
* a big dma data storage and axi interface. So it shall recieve data and control * a big dma data storage and axi interface. So it shall recieve data and control
* for 1 burst and pass it to axi. * for 1 burst and pass it to axi.
*/ */
module send_dma #( module dma_adapter(
parameter REGISTERS_CNT = 20
input wire clk, input wire clk,
input wire rst, input wire rst,
* Module: dma_control
* Date: 2015-07-11
* Author: Alexey
* Description: temporary dma request control logic
* Copyright (c) 2015 Elphel, Inc.
* dma_control.v is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* dma_control.v file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <> .
* Later on most of address evaluation logic could divided into 2 parts, which
* could be presented as 2 instances of 1 parameterized module
module dma_control(
input wire sclk, // sata clock
input wire hclk, // axi-hp clock
input wire rst,
// registers iface
input wire [31:7] mem_address,
input wire [31:0] lba,
input wire [31:0] sector_cnt,
input wire dma_type,
input wire dma_start,
output wire dma_done,
// adapter data iface
// to main memory
output wire [63:0] to_data,
output wire to_val,
input wire to_ack,
// from main memory
input wire [63:0] from_data,
input wire from_val,
input wire from_ack
// sata host iface
// data from sata host
input wire [31:0] in_data,
output wire in_val,
input wire in_busy,
// data to sata host
output wire [31:0] out_data,
output wire out_val,
input wire out_busy
* from main memory resyncronisation circuit
reg [9:0] from_rd_addr;
reg [8:0] from_wr_addr;
// incremened addresses
wire [8:0] from_wr_next_addr;
wire [9:0] from_rd_next_addr;
// gray coded addresses
reg [9:0] from_rd_addr;
reg [8:0] from_wr_addr;
// anti-metastability shift registers for gray-coded addresses
reg [9:0] from_rd_addr_gr_r;
reg [8:0] from_wr_addr_gr_r;
reg [9:0] from_rd_addr_gr_rr;
reg [8:0] from_wr_addr_gr_rr;
// resynced to opposite clks addresses
wire [9:0] from_rd_addr_r;
wire [8:0] from_wr_addr_r;
// fifo states
wire from_full; // MAY BE full. ~full -> MUST NOT be full
wire from_empty; // MAY BE empty. ~empty -> MUST NOT be empty
wire from_re;
wire from_we;
assign from_wr_next_addr = from_wr_addr + 1'b1;
assign from_rd_next_addr = from_rd_addr + 1'b1;
// hclk domain counters
always @ (posedge hclk)
from_wr_addr <= rst ? 9'h0 : from_we ? from_wr_next_addr : from_wr_addr;
from_wr_addr_gr <= rst ? 9'h0 : from_we ? from_wr_next_addr ^ {1'b0, from_wr_next_addr[8:1]} : from_wr_addr_gr;
// sclk domain counters
always @ (posedge sclk)
from_rd_addr <= rst ? 10'h0 : from_re ? from_rd_next_addr : from_rd_addr;
from_rd_addr_gr <= rst ? 10'h0 : from_re ? from_rd_next_addr ^ {1'b0, from_rd_next_addr[9:1]} : from_rd_addr_gr;
// write address -> sclk (rd) domain to compare
always @ (posedge sclk)
from_wr_addr_gr_r <= rst ? 9'h0 : from_wr_addr;
from_wr_addr_gr_rr <= rst ? 9'h0 : from_wr_addr_rr;
// read address -> hclk (wr) domain to compare
always @ (posedge hclk)
from_rd_addr_gr_r <= rst ? 10'h0 : from_rd_addr;
from_rd_addr_gr_rr <= rst ? 10'h0 : from_rd_addr_rr;
// translate resynced write address into ordinary (non-gray) address
genvar ii;
for (ii = 0; ii < 9; ii = ii + 1)
begin: from_wr_antigray
assign from_wr_addr_r[ii] = ^from_wr_addr_gr_rr[8:ii];
// translate resynced read address into ordinary (non-gray) address
for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ii = ii + 1)
begin: from_rd_antigray
assign from_rd_addr_r[ii] = ^from_rd_addr_gr_rr[9:ii];
// so we've got the following:
// hclk domain: from_wr_addr - current write address
// from_rd_addr_r - read address some hclk ticks ago
// => we can say if the fifo have the possibility to be full
// since actual from_rd_addr could only be incremented
// sclk domain: from_rd_addr - current read address
// from_wr_addr_r - write address some sclk ticks ago
// => we can say if the fifo have the possibility to be empty
// since actual from_wr_addr could only be incremented
assign from_full = {from_wr_addr, 1'b0} == from_rd_addr_r + 1'b1;
assign from_empty = {from_wr_addr_r, 1'b0} == from_rd_addr; // overflows must never be achieved
// calculate bus responses in order to fifo status:
assign from_ack = from_val & ~from_full;
assign out_val = ~out_busy & ~from_empty;
assign from_re = out_val;
assign from_we = from_ack;
// data buffer, recieves 64-bit data from main memory, directs it to sata host
ram_512x64w_1kx32r #(
dma_data_from_mem (
.rclk (sclk),
.raddr (from_rd_addr),
.ren (from_re),
.regen (1'b0),
.data_out (out_data),
.wclk (hclk),
.waddr (from_wr_addr),
.we (from_we),
.web (8'hff),
.data_in (from_data)
* to main memory resyncronisation circuit
reg [8:0] to_rd_addr;
reg [9:0] to_wr_addr;
// incremened addresses
wire [9:0] to_wr_next_addr;
wire [8:0] to_rd_next_addr;
// gray coded addresses
reg [8:0] to_rd_addr;
reg [9:0] to_wr_addr;
// anti-metastability shift registers for gray-coded addresses
reg [8:0] to_rd_addr_gr_r;
reg [9:0] to_wr_addr_gr_r;
reg [8:0] to_rd_addr_gr_rr;
reg [9:0] to_wr_addr_gr_rr;
// resynced to opposite clks addresses
wire [8:0] to_rd_addr_r;
wire [9:0] to_wr_addr_r;
// fifo states
wire to_full; // MAY BE full. ~full -> MUST NOT be full
wire to_empty; // MAY BE empty. ~empty -> MUST NOT be empty
wire to_re;
wire to_we;
assign to_wr_next_addr = to_wr_addr + 1'b1;
assign to_rd_next_addr = to_rd_addr + 1'b1;
// hclk domain counters
always @ (posedge hclk)
to_wr_addr <= rst ? 10'h0 : to_we ? to_wr_next_addr : to_wr_addr;
to_wr_addr_gr <= rst ? 10'h0 : to_we ? to_wr_next_addr ^ {1'b0, to_wr_next_addr[9:1]} : to_wr_addr_gr;
// sclk domain counters
always @ (posedge sclk)
to_rd_addr <= rst ? 9'h0 : to_re ? to_rd_next_addr : to_rd_addr;
to_rd_addr_gr <= rst ? 9'h0 : to_re ? to_rd_next_addr ^ {1'b0, to_rd_next_addr[8:1]} : to_rd_addr_gr;
// write address -> sclk (rd) domain to compare
always @ (posedge sclk)
to_wr_addr_gr_r <= rst ? 10'h0 : to_wr_addr;
to_wr_addr_gr_rr <= rst ? 10'h0 : to_wr_addr_rr;
// read address -> hclk (wr) domain to compare
always @ (posedge hclk)
to_rd_addr_gr_r <= rst ? 9'h0 : to_rd_addr;
to_rd_addr_gr_rr <= rst ? 9'h0 : to_rd_addr_rr;
// translate resynced write address into ordinary (non-gray) address
genvar ii;
for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ii = ii + 1)
begin: to_wr_antigray
assign to_wr_addr_r[ii] = ^to_wr_addr_gr_rr[9:ii];
// translate resynced read address into ordinary (non-gray) address
for (ii = 0; ii < 9; ii = ii + 1)
begin: to_rd_antigray
assign to_rd_addr_r[ii] = ^to_rd_addr_gr_rr[8:ii];
// so we've got the following:
// hclk domain: to_wr_addr - current write address
// to_rd_addr_r - read address some hclk ticks ago
// => we can say if the fifo have the possibility to be full
// since actual to_rd_addr could only be incremented
// sclk domain: to_rd_addr - current read address
// to_wr_addr_r - write address some sclk ticks ago
// => we can say if the fifo have the possibility to be empty
// since actual to_wr_addr could only be incremented
assign to_full = {to_wr_addr, 1'b0} == to_rd_addr_r + 1'b1;
assign to_empty = {to_wr_addr_r, 1'b0} == to_rd_addr; // overflows must never be achieved
// calculate bus responses in order to fifo status:
assign to_val = ~to_empty;
assign in_val = ~in_busy & ~to_full;
assign to_re = to_ack;
assign to_we = in_val;
// data buffer, recieves 32-bit data from sata host, directs it to the main memory
ram_1kx32w_512x64r #(
dma_data_to_mem (
.rclk (hclk),
.raddr (to_rd_addr),
.ren (to_re),
.regen (1'b0),
.data_out (to_data),
.wclk (sclk),
.waddr (to_wr_addr),
.we (to_we),
.web (4'hf),
.data_in (in_data)
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