Commit 3153826e authored by Alexey Grebenkin's avatar Alexey Grebenkin

status update

parent 1344fec0
# x393_sata
SATA controller for x393 camera
Board: Zynq 7z30
FPGA: Kintex-7
# Current step:
Creating simple testbench structure, placing some register @ axi iface (+axi slave onto maxigp1), simulate them.
To syntesize, try to access these registers (read+write)
Connecting Ashwin's core (slow interface to the system is almost done, have to completely rewrite phy-level). Feels like making the phy works is going to require a lot of effort
# Going to do afterwards:
Connect Ashwin's core and make it work at least somehow (write system level tests and application level rtl). Write host controller with ~same functionallity, check if it works with previously verified higher-level code.
Complete and test the 'current step'. Write host controller with ~same functionallity, check if it works with previously verified higher-level code.
And then to spin out the full-compatible functionallity (ideally somewhere to the level of ahci)
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