Commit 29d789db authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Added compact input primitives logging and FPGA-based profiling of the host/device communication

parent 260e7464
......@@ -52,87 +52,87 @@
......@@ -271,6 +271,7 @@ module ahci_fsm
wire fsm_next;
// reg fsm_next_r;
reg fsm_actions; // processing actions
reg dis_actions; // disable actions during async jump
reg fsm_act_busy;
reg [1:0] fsm_transitions; // processing transitions
reg fsm_preload; // read first sequence data (2 cycles for regen)
......@@ -288,7 +289,7 @@ module ahci_fsm
wire fsm_wait_act_w = pgm_data[16]; // this action requires waiting for done
wire fsm_last_act_w = pgm_data[17];
wire fsm_pre_act_w = fsm_actions && fsm_next; // use it as CS for generated actions (registered)
wire fsm_pre_act_w = !dis_actions && fsm_actions && fsm_next; // use it as CS for generated actions (registered)
reg [1:0] async_pend_r; // waiting to process cominit_got
reg async_from_st; // change to multi-bit if there will be more sources for async transitions
......@@ -381,6 +382,11 @@ module ahci_fsm
else if (fsm_jump[2]) fsm_actions <= 1;
else if (fsm_last_act_w && fsm_next) fsm_actions <= 0;
if (hba_rst) dis_actions <= 0;
else if (|async_pend_r) dis_actions <= 1;
else if (fsm_jump[2]) dis_actions <= 0;
if (fsm_actions && fsm_next) was_last_action_r <= fsm_last_act_w;
if (hba_rst || pre_jump_w) fsm_transitions <= 0;
......@@ -308,8 +308,32 @@ assign debug_phy = debug_phy0;
// .cominit_got (cominit_got), // output wire
// .comwake_got (serr_DW), // output wire
assign datascope_di = {5'b0,debug_link[5],datascope0_di[25:0]};// aligns_pair tx
// Mix transmitted alignes pair, but only to the closest group of 6 primitives
reg dbg_was_link5; // alignes pair sent
wire dbg_was_link5_xclk; // alignes pair sent
always @ (posedge datascope_clk) begin
if (dbg_was_link5_xclk) dbg_was_link5 <= 1;
else if (datascope_we) dbg_was_link5 <= 0;
pulse_cross_clock #(
) dbg_was_link5_i (
.rst (rst), // input
.src_clk (clk), // input
.dst_clk (datascope_clk), // input
.in_pulse (debug_link[5]), // input// is actually a two-cycle
.out_pulse (dbg_was_link5_xclk), // output
.busy() // output
assign datascope_di = {dbg_was_link5,datascope0_di[30:0]};// aligns_pair tx
link #(
) link (
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ task linkTransmitFIS; // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor - Used in testbench
DEV_TITLE = "Transmission is paused";
$display("[Device] LINK: %s @%t", DEV_TITLE, $time);
xpause = xpause - 1;
// xpause = xpause - 1;
end else begin
scrambler_value = scrambleFunc({16'b0,scrambler_value[31:16]});
linkSendData(transmit_data[cnt] ^ scrambler_value);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ module link #(
// 4 = dword. 4-bytes aligned data transfers TODO 2 = word - easy, 8 = qword - difficult
parameter DATA_BYTE_WIDTH = 4,
parameter ALIGNES_PERIOD = 10 // period of sending ALIGNp pairs
// parameter ALIGNES_PERIOD = 10 // period of sending ALIGNp pairs
parameter ALIGNES_PERIOD = 100 // period of sending ALIGNp pairs
parameter ALIGNES_PERIOD = 252 // period of sending ALIGNp pairs
, .INIT_00 (256'h0000000000000000000000000001030100000001000000008000000000240020)
, .INIT_08 (256'h000000000024000600000000000000000000000080000C000000000080000800)
, .INIT_09 (256'h000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFF00000000)
, .INIT_0B (256'h0000000000000000000000030000003300000000000000000000000000000000)
, .INIT_0B (256'h0000000000000000000000000000003300000000000000000000000000000000)
, .INIT_0C (256'h000000000000000000000000000000000000000001010002001000000001FFFE)
, .INIT_0D (256'h000001000000000000000040000000000001FFFE000000008000000000000000)
, .INIT_0E (256'h0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040000001)
......@@ -793,5 +793,9 @@
// RW: Program address/data for programming AHCI state machine
localparam HBA_PORT__PGM_AHCI_SM__PGM_AD__ADDR = 'h5d;
localparam HBA_PORT__PGM_AHCI_SM__PGM_AD__MASK = 'h3ffff;
localparam HBA_PORT__PGM_AHCI_SM__PGM_AD__DFLT = 'h3;
localparam HBA_PORT__PGM_AHCI_SM__PGM_AD__DFLT = 'h0;
// RW: 3-bit tag to add to the recorded timestamp
localparam HBA_PORT__PunchTime__TAG__ADDR = 'h5e;
localparam HBA_PORT__PunchTime__TAG__MASK = 'h7;
localparam HBA_PORT__PunchTime__TAG__DFLT = 'h0;
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
, .INIT_12 (256'h0000000000555555000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
, .INIT_14 (256'h000000000000000000000000000000000001555555555550000000000055000D)
, .INIT_17 (256'h5555555555555555555555555555555500010005555555550000000000005555)
, .INIT_17 (256'h5555555555555555000000000000001500010005555555550000000000005555)
, .INIT_18 (256'h00000000000055550000000000000000AA820000001000140000000000000000)
, .INIT_1B (256'h0000000000005555000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
, .INIT_1C (256'h0000000000000000000000000000000000000000800100050000000000000000)
......@@ -436,9 +436,13 @@ src=[{gN:"PCI_Header", gS: PCIHEAD, gE:PCIHEAD+0x3f, gD:" PCI header emulation w
[{ fS:25, fE:31, fT:RO, fC:0, fD:"Reserved"},
{fN:"AnD", fS:24, fT:RW, fC:0, fD:"Address/not data for programming AHCI state machine"},
{ fS:18, fE:23, fT:RO, fC:0, fD:"Reserved"},
{fN:"PGM_AD",fS: 0, fE:17, fT:RW, fC:3, fD:"Program address/data for programming AHCI state machine"},
{fN:"PGM_AD",fS: 0, fE:17, fT:RW, fC:0, fD:"Program address/data for programming AHCI state machine"},
{rN:"PxVS", rS:0x78, rE:0x7f, rD:"Other Port x Vendor Specific", rC:
{rN:"PunchTime", rS:0x78, rE:0x7b, rD:"Record current time to the datascope", rC:
[{ fS:3, fE:31, fT:RO, fC:0, fD:"Reserved"},
{fN:"TAG", fS:0, fE:2, fT:RW, fC:0, fD:"3-bit tag to add to the recorded timestamp"},
{rN:"PxVS", rS:0x7c, rE:0x7f, rD:"Other Port x Vendor Specific", rC:
[{ fT:RW, fC:0, fD:"Vendor-specific data - 96 bits"}
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
`define AHCI_SATA 1
......@@ -1347,6 +1347,7 @@ initial begin //Host
maxigp1_print (HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__X__ADDR << 2,"re-read: HBA_PORT__PxSERR"); //
maxigp1_writep (HBA_PORT__PunchTime__TAG__ADDR << 2, 1); // Record current time in datascope with a 3-bit tag==1
maxigp1_print (PXSIG_OFFS32 << 2,"PXSIG_OFFS32");
maxigp1_print (PXTFD_OFFS32 << 2,"PXTFD_OFFS32");
......@@ -1366,18 +1367,32 @@ initial begin //Host
maxigp1_print (HBA_PORT__PxSSTS__DET__ADDR << 2,"HBA_PORT__PxSSTS__DET__ADDR");
drp_write ('h20b, 'hc401); // bypass, clock align, invert xclk, arm datascope1
// drp_write ('h20b, 'h8401); // bypass, clock align and invert xclk that will stop datascope1
parameter DATASCOPE_START_BIT = 14, // bit of DRP "other_control" to start recording after 0->1 (needs DRP)
parameter DATASCOPE_POST_MEAS = 256, // 16, // number of measurements to perform after event
// setup_pio_read_identify_command_simple(512,1); // prdt interrupt for entry 0
//// setup_pio_read_identify_command_simple(2560,1); // intentionally too long
/// setup_pio_read_identify_command_shifted(1); // prdt interrupt for entry 0
/// setup_pio_read_identify_command_multi4(0,27,71,83); // No prdt interrupts
maxigp1_writep (HBA_PORT__PunchTime__TAG__ADDR << 2, 2); // Record current time in datascope with a 3-bit tag
setup_dma_read_ext_command_multi4(0,64,64,64); // No prdt interrupts, 4 64-word chunks
maxigp1_writep (HBA_PORT__PunchTime__TAG__ADDR << 2, 3); // Record current time in datascope with a 3-bit tag
/// setup_pio_read_identify_command_multi4(1,27,64,83); // prdt interrupt for entry 0
/// setup_pio_read_identify_command_multi4(1,64,63,64); // prdt interrupt for entry 0 // last used
maxigp1_print (HBA_PORT__PxCI__CI__ADDR << 2,"HBA_PORT__PxCI__CI__ADDR");
$display("[Testbench]: %s @%t", TESTBENCH_TITLE, $time);
// Abort command by clearing ST
maxigp1_writep (HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FRE__ADDR << 2, HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FRE__MASK); // Enable FR, 0-> ST
maxigp1_print (HBA_PORT__PxCI__CI__ADDR << 2,"HBA_PORT__PxCI__CI__ADDR");
......@@ -1386,6 +1401,8 @@ initial begin //Host
maxigp1_print (HBA_PORT__PxCI__CI__ADDR << 2,"HBA_PORT__PxCI__CI__ADDR");
// maxigp1_writep (HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FRE__ADDR << 2, HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FRE__MASK); // Enable FR, 0-> ST
maxigp1_print (HBA_PORT__PxCI__CI__ADDR << 2,"HBA_PORT__PxCI__CI__ADDR");
$display("[Testbench]: %s @%t", TESTBENCH_TITLE, $time);
// TODO change to ifdef - this is for identify command
......@@ -1395,8 +1412,10 @@ initial begin //Host
maxigp1_writep (HBA_PORT__PxIE__PSE__ADDR << 2, HBA_PORT__PxIE__DHRE__MASK); // allow DHR only interrupts (PIO setup)
maxigp1_writep (HBA_PORT__PxIS__PSS__ADDR << 2, HBA_PORT__PxIE__DHRE__MASK); // clear that interrupt
maxigp1_writep (HBA_PORT__PunchTime__TAG__ADDR << 2, 3); // Record current time in datascope with a 3-bit tag
wait (IRQ);
maxigp1_writep (HBA_PORT__PunchTime__TAG__ADDR << 2, 4); // Record current time in datascope with a 3-bit tag
// TESTBENCH_TITLE = "Got Identify";
$display("[Testbench]: %s @%t", TESTBENCH_TITLE, $time);
......@@ -1406,10 +1425,11 @@ initial begin //Host
wait (~IRQ);
// Reset command with abort_dma
maxigp1_writep (HBA_PORT__PunchTime__TAG__ADDR << 2, 5); // Record current time in datascope with a 3-bit tag
maxigp1_writep (HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FRE__ADDR << 2, HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FRE__MASK); // ST: 1 -> 0
repeat (50) @(posedge CLK);
maxigp1_writep (HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FRE__ADDR << 2, HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FRE__MASK |HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ST__MASK); // ST: 0 -> 1
maxigp1_writep (HBA_PORT__PunchTime__TAG__ADDR << 2, 6); // Record current time in datascope with a 3-bit tag
......@@ -1433,7 +1453,8 @@ initial begin //Host
maxigp1_writep (HBA_PORT__PxIE__PSE__ADDR << 2, HBA_PORT__PxIE__DHRE__MASK); // allow only D2H Register interrupts
maxigp1_writep (GHC__IS__IPS__ADDR << 2, 1); // clear global interrupts for port 0 (the only one)
wait (~IRQ);
TESTBENCH_TITLE = "Setting up Identify";
$display("[Testbench]: %s @%t", TESTBENCH_TITLE, $time);
setup_pio_read_identify_command_simple(512,1); // prdt interrupt for entry 0
maxigp1_print (HBA_PORT__PxCI__CI__ADDR << 2,"HBA_PORT__PxCI__CI__ADDR");
maxigp1_writep (HBA_PORT__PxIE__PSE__ADDR << 2, HBA_PORT__PxIE__PSE__MASK); // allow PS only interrupts (PIO setup)
......@@ -1445,6 +1466,7 @@ initial begin //Host
maxigp1_writep (HBA_PORT__PxIS__PSS__ADDR << 2, HBA_PORT__PxIS__PSS__MASK); // clear PS interrupt
maxigp1_writep (GHC__IS__IPS__ADDR << 2, 1); // clear global interrupts
wait (~IRQ);
maxigp1_writep (HBA_PORT__PunchTime__TAG__ADDR << 2, 7); // Record current time in datascope with a 3-bit tag
// end of the second identify insertion
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