Commit 0f01238e authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Finished top modules of AHCI, started connecting them with existing link and phy layers

parent f4dc8593
......@@ -54,10 +54,9 @@ module ahci_ctrl_stat #(
input update_pcmd,
input update_pci,
// Next - obsolete?
output reg st01_pending, // software turned PxCMD.ST from 0 to 1
output reg st10_pending, // software turned PxCMD.ST from 1 to 0
input st_pending_reset,// reset both st01_pending and st10_pending
/// output reg st01_pending, // software turned PxCMD.ST from 0 to 1
/// output reg st10_pending, // software turned PxCMD.ST from 1 to 0
/// input st_pending_reset,// reset both st01_pending and st10_pending
// PxCMD
input pcmd_clear_icc, // clear PxCMD.ICC field
......@@ -505,7 +504,7 @@ localparam PxCMD_MASK = HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ICC__MASK | // 'hf0000000;
else updating[5:1] <= updating[5:1] & ~ update_next[5:1];
// detect software setting for PxCMD.ST 0->1 and 1->0
if (mrst) st01_pending <= 0;
else if (swr_HBA_PORT__PxCMD && (HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ST__MASK & soft_write_data & ~PxCMD_r)) st01_pending <= 1;
if (st_pending_reset) st01_pending <= 0;
......@@ -513,7 +512,7 @@ localparam PxCMD_MASK = HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ICC__MASK | // 'hf0000000;
if (mrst) st10_pending <= 0;
else if (swr_HBA_PORT__PxCMD && (HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ST__MASK & ~soft_write_data & PxCMD_r)) st10_pending <= 1;
if (st_pending_reset) st10_pending <= 0;
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ module ahci_fsm
// direct communication with transposrt, link and phy layers
input phy_ready, // goes up after comreset,cominit, align, ...
input [1:0] phy_ready, // goes up after comreset,cominit, align, ..., showing speed
output syncesc_send, // Send sync escape
input syncesc_send_done, // "SYNC escape until the interface is quiescent..."
output comreset_send, // Not possible yet?
......@@ -59,29 +59,31 @@ module ahci_fsm
output pfsm_started, // H: FSM doene, P: FSM started (enable sensing pcmd_st_cleared)
// update register inputs (will write to register memory current value of the corresponding register)
// Removing - such updates are always done when startimng new state
input update_pending,
output update_all,
/// input update_pending,
output update_all, // =fsm_jump[0]
input update_busy, // valid same cycle as update_all
output update_gis, // these following individual may be unneeded - just use universal update_all
output update_pis,
output update_ssts,
output update_serr,
output update_pcmd,
output update_pci,
input st01_pending, // software turned PxCMD.ST from 0 to 1
input st10_pending, // software turned PxCMD.ST from 1 to 0
output st_pending_reset,// reset both st01_pending and st10_pending
// output update_gis, // these following individual may be unneeded - just use universal update_all
// output update_pis,
// output update_ssts,
// output update_serr,
// output update_pcmd,
// output update_pci,
/// input st01_pending, // software turned PxCMD.ST from 0 to 1 - detected in the loop
/// input st10_pending, // software turned PxCMD.ST from 1 to 0 - generates port reset
/// output st_pending_reset,// reset both st01_pending and st10_pending
// PxCMD
output pcmd_clear_icc, // clear PxCMD.ICC field
output pcmd_esp, // external SATA port (just forward value)
input pcmd_cr, // command list run - current
/// output pcmd_clear_icc, // clear PxCMD.ICC field
/// output pcmd_esp, // external SATA port (just forward value)
/// input pcmd_cr, // command list run - current
output pcmd_cr_set, // command list run set
output pcmd_cr_reset, // command list run reset
output pcmd_fr, // ahci_fis_receive:get_fis_busy
output pcmd_clear_bsy_drq, // == ahci_fis_receive:clear_bsy_drq
// output pcmd_fr, // ahci_fis_receive:get_fis_busy
/// output pcmd_clear_bsy_drq, // == ahci_fis_receive:clear_bsy_drq
// Command List override, not yet implemented (optional), keeping @SuppressWarnings VEditor
input pcmd_clo, //RW1, causes ahci_fis_receive:clear_bsy_drq, that in turn resets this bit
output pcmd_clear_st, // RW clear ST (start) bit
/// output pcmd_clear_st, // RW clear ST (start) bit Seems it is software controlled only
input pcmd_st, // current value
input pcmd_st_cleared,// ST bit cleared by software;
......@@ -102,20 +104,7 @@ module ahci_fsm
// SCR1:SError (only inputs that are not available in sirq_* ones
output serr_DT, // RWC: Transport state transition error
output serr_DS, // RWC: Link sequence error
output serr_DH, // RWC: Handshake Error (i.e. Device got CRC error)
output serr_DC, // RWC: CRC error in Link layer
output serr_DB, // RWC: 10B to 8B decode error
output serr_DW, // RWC: COMMWAKE signal was detected
output serr_DI, // RWC: PHY Internal Error
// sirq_PRC,
// sirq_IF || // sirq_INF
output serr_EP, // RWC: Protocol Error - a violation of SATA protocol detected
output serr_EC, // RWC: Persistent Communication or Data Integrity Error
output serr_ET, // RWC: Transient Data Integrity Error (error not recovered by the interface)
output serr_EM, // RWC: Communication between the device and host was lost but re-established
output serr_EI, // RWC: Recovered Data integrity Error
// P:NotRunning.8 - can not be implemented now, keeping @SuppressWarnings VEditor
input serr_diag_X, // value of PxSERR.DIAG.X
......@@ -273,7 +262,7 @@ module ahci_fsm
// wire [7:0] precond_w = pgm_data[17:10]; // select what to use - cond_met_w valis after precond_w, same time as conditions
// reg [7:0] conditions;
wire pre_jump_w = (|async_pend_r) ? async_ackn : (cond_met_w & fsm_transitions[1]);
wire fsm_act_done = get_fis_done || xmit_done;
wire fsm_act_done = get_fis_done || xmit_done || (syncesc_send_pend && syncesc_send_done);
wire fsm_wait_act_w = pgm_data[16]; // this action requires waiting for done
wire fsm_last_act_w = pgm_data[17];
......@@ -284,9 +273,33 @@ module ahci_fsm
wire asynq_rq = cominit_got || pcmd_st_cleared;
wire async_ackn = !fsm_preload && async_pend_r[0] && ((fsm_actions && !update_busy && !fsm_act_busy) || fsm_transitions[0]); // OK to process async jump
reg x_rdy_collision_pend;
reg syncesc_send_pend; // waiting for 'syncesc_send' confiramtion 'syncesc_send_done'
reg [1:0] phy_ready_prev; // previous state of phy_ready / speed
reg phy_ready_chng_r; // pulse when phy_ready changes
wire phy_ready_chng_w = !hba_rst && !was_rst && (phy_ready != phy_ready_prev);
assign fsm_next = (fsm_preload || (fsm_actions && !update_busy && !fsm_act_busy) || fsm_transitions[0]) && !async_pend_r[0]; // quiet if received cominit is pending
assign update_all = fsm_jump[0];
assign ssts_ipm_dnp = phy_ready_chng_r && (phy_ready_prev == 0); // device not present or communication not established
assign ssts_ipm_active = phy_ready_chng_r && (phy_ready_prev != 0); // device in active state
assign ssts_ipm_part = 0; // device in partial state
assign ssts_ipm_slumb = 0; // device in slumber state
assign ssts_ipm_devsleep = 0; // device in DevSleep state
assign ssts_spd_dnp = phy_ready_chng_r && (phy_ready_prev == 0); // device not present or communication not established
assign ssts_spd_gen1 = phy_ready_chng_r && (phy_ready_prev == 1); // Gen 1 rate negotiated
assign ssts_spd_gen2 = phy_ready_chng_r && (phy_ready_prev == 2); // Gen 2 rate negotiated
assign ssts_spd_gen3 = phy_ready_chng_r && (phy_ready_prev == 3); // Gen 3 rate negotiated
assign ssts_det_ndnp = phy_ready_chng_r && (phy_ready_prev == 0); // no device detected, phy communication not established
assign ssts_det_dnp = 0; // device detected, but phy communication not established
assign ssts_det_dp = phy_ready_chng_r && (phy_ready_prev != 0); // device detected, phy communication established
assign sirq_OF = 0; // RWC: Overflow Status (buffer overrun - should not happen, add?)
assign sirq_PRC = phy_ready_chng_r; // RO: PhyRdy changed Status
// Writing to the FSM program memory
always @ (posedge aclk) begin
......@@ -343,6 +356,13 @@ module ahci_fsm
if (hba_rst || pcmd_cr_set) x_rdy_collision_pend <= 0;
else if (x_rdy_collision) x_rdy_collision_pend <= 1;
if (hba_rst || syncesc_send_done) syncesc_send_pend <= 0;
else if (syncesc_send) syncesc_send_pend <= 1;
if (was_rst && !hba_rst && !was_hba_rst && !was_port_rst) phy_ready_prev <= 0;
else if (phy_ready_chng_w) phy_ready_prev <= phy_ready;
phy_ready_chng_r <= phy_ready_chng_w;
......@@ -374,6 +394,7 @@ module ahci_fsm
.SIRQ_DP (sirq_DP), // output reg
.SIRQ_DS (sirq_DS), // output reg
.SIRQ_IF (sirq_IF), // output reg
.SIRQ_INF (sirq_INF), // output reg
.SIRQ_PS (sirq_PS), // output reg
.SIRQ_SDB (sirq_SDB), // output reg
.SIRQ_TFE (sirq_TFE), // output reg
* Module: ahci_sata_layers
* Date:2016-01-19
* Author: andrey
* Description: Link and PHY SATA layers
* Copyright (c) 2016 Elphel, Inc .
* ahci_sata_layers.v is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* ahci_sata_layers.v is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <> .
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module ahci_sata_layers(
input exrst, // master reset that resets PLL and GTX
output rst, // PHY-generated reset after PLL lock
output clk, // PHY-generated clock, 75MHz for SATA2
// Data/type FIFO, host -> device
// Data System memory or FIS -> device
input [31:0] h2d_data, // 32-bit data from the system memory to HBA (dma data)
input [ 1:0] h2d_type, // 0 - data, 1 - FIS head, 2 - FIS LAST
input h2d_valid, // input register full
output h2d_ready, // send FIFO has room for data (>= 8? dwords)
// Data/type FIFO, device -> host
output [31:0] d2h_data, // FIFO input data
output [ 1:0] d2h_type, // 0 - data, 1 - FIS head, 2 - R_OK, 3 - R_ERR (last two - after data, so ignore data with R_OK/R_ERR)
output d2h_valid, // Data available from the transport layer in FIFO
output d2h_many, // Multiple DWORDs available from the transport layer in FIFO
input d2h_ready, // This module or DMA consumes DWORD
// communication with link/phys layers
output [ 1:0] phy_ready, // 0 - not ready, 1..3 - negotiated speed
output syncesc_recv, // These two **puts interrupt transmit
output xmit_err, // Error during sending of a FIS
input syncesc_send, // Send sync escape
output syncesc_send_done, // "SYNC escape until the interface is quiescent..."
input comreset_send, // Not possible yet?
output cominit_got,
input set_offline, // electrically idle
output x_rdy_collision, // X_RDY/X_RDY collision on interface
input send_R_OK, // Should it be originated in this layer SM?
input send_R_ERR,
// additional errors from SATA layers (single-clock pulses):
output serr_DT, // RWC: Transport state transition error
output serr_DS, // RWC: Link sequence error
output serr_DH, // RWC: Handshake Error (i.e. Device got CRC error)
output serr_DC, // RWC: CRC error in Link layer
output serr_DB, // RWC: 10B to 8B decode error
output serr_DW, // RWC: COMMWAKE signal was detected
output serr_DI, // RWC: PHY Internal Error
// sirq_PRC,
// sirq_IF || // sirq_INF
output serr_EP, // RWC: Protocol Error - a violation of SATA protocol detected
output serr_EC, // RWC: Persistent Communication or Data Integrity Error
output serr_ET, // RWC: Transient Data Integrity Error (error not recovered by the interface)
output serr_EM, // RWC: Communication between the device and host was lost but re-established
output serr_EI, // RWC: Recovered Data integrity Error
// additional control signals for SATA layers
input [3:0] sctl_ipm, // Interface power management transitions allowed
input [3:0] sctl_spd // Interface maximal speed
link #(
) link_i (
.rst (), // input wire
.clk (), // input wire
// data inputs from transport layer
.data_in (), // input[31:0] wire // input data stream (if any data during OOB setting => ignored)
// in case of strange data aligments and size (1st mentioned @ doc, p.310, odd number of words case)
// Actually, only last data bundle shall be masked, others are always valid.
// Mask could be encoded into 3 bits instead of 4 for qword, but encoding+decoding aren't worth the bit
// TODO, for now not supported, all mask bits are assumed to be set
.data_mask_in (), // input[1:0] wire
.data_strobe_out (), // output wire // buffer read strobe
.data_last_in (), // input wire // transaction's last data budle pulse
.data_val_in (), // input wire // read data is valid (if 0 while last pulse wasn't received => need to hold the line)
.data_out (), // output[31:0] wire // read data, same as related inputs
.data_mask_out (), // output[1:0] wire // same thing - all 1s for now. TODO
.data_val_out (), // output wire // count every data bundle read by transport layer, even if busy flag is set // let the transport layer handle oveflows by himself
.data_busy_in (), // input wire // transport layer tells if its inner buffer is almost full
.data_last_out (), // output wire
.frame_req (), // input wire // request for a new frame transition
.frame_busy (), // output wire // a little bit of overkill with the cound of response signals, think of throwing out 1 of them // LL tells back if it cant handle the request for now
.frame_ack (), // output wire // LL tells if the request is transmitting
.frame_rej (), // output wire // or if it was cancelled because of simultanious incoming transmission
.frame_done_good (), // output wire // TL tell if the outcoming transaction is done and how it was done
.frame_done_bad (), // output wire
.incom_start (), // output wire // if started an incoming transaction
.incom_done (), // output wire // if incoming transition was completed
.incom_invalidate (), // output wire // if incoming transition had errors
.incom_ack_good (), // input wire // transport layer responds on a completion of a FIS
.incom_ack_bad (), // input wire // oob sequence is reinitiated and link now is not established or rxelecidle
.link_reset (), // input wire // oob sequence is reinitiated and link now is not established or rxelecidle
.sync_escape_req (), // input wire // TL demands to brutally cancel current transaction
.sync_escape_ack (), // output wire // acknowlegement of a successful reception?
.incom_stop_req (), // input wire // TL demands to stop current recieving session
// inputs from phy
.phy_ready (), // input wire // phy is ready - link is established
// data-primitives stream from phy
.phy_data_in (), // input[31:0] wire // phy_data_in
.phy_isk_in (), // input[3:0] wire // charisk
.phy_err_in (), // input[3:0] wire // disperr | notintable
// to phy
.phy_data_out (), // output[31:0] wire
.phy_isk_out () // output[3:0] wire // charisk
reg [8:0] h2d_raddr;
reg [8:0] h2d_waddr;
reg [8:0] d2h_raddr;
reg [8:0] d2h_waddr;
wire [1:0] dummy1;
sata_phy #(
) sata_phy_i (
.extrst (), // input wire
.clk (), // output wire
.rst (), // output wire
.reliable_clk (), // input wire
.phy_ready (), // output wire
.gtx_ready (), // output wire
.debug_cnt (), // output[11:0] wire
.extclk_p (), // input wire
.extclk_n (), // input wire
.txp_out (), // output wire
.txn_out (), // output wire
.rxp_in (), // input wire
.rxn_in (), // input wire
.ll_data_out (), // output[31:0] wire
.ll_charisk_out (), // output[3:0] wire
.ll_err_out (), // output[3:0] wire
.ll_data_in (), // input[31:0] wire
.ll_charisk_in () // input[3:0] wire
ram18p_var_w_var_r #(
) fifo_h2d_i (
.rclk (clk), // input
.raddr (h2d_raddr), // input[8:0]
.ren (), // input
.regen (), // input
.data_out (), // output[35:0]
.wclk (clk), // input
.waddr (h2d_waddr), // input[8:0]
.we (), // input
.web (4'hf), // input[3:0]
.data_in ({2'b0,h2d_type,h2d_data}) // input[35:0]
ram18p_var_w_var_r #(
) fifo_d2h_i (
.rclk (clk), // input
.raddr (d2h_raddr), // input[8:0]
.ren (), // input
.regen (), // input
.data_out ({dummy1,d2h_type,d2h_data}), // output[35:0]
.wclk (clk), // input
.waddr (d2h_waddr), // input[8:0]
.we (), // input
.web (4'hf), // input[3:0]
.data_in () // input[35:0]
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ module axi_ahci_regs#(
input [11:0] wid, // WID[11:0], input
input wlast, // WLAST, input
input [ 3:0] wstb, // WSTRB[3:0], input
// AXI PS Master GP0: Write Responce
// AXI PS Master GP0: Write response
output bvalid, // BVALID, output
input bready, // BREADY, input
output [11:0] bid, // BID[11:0], output
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module oob_dev #(
input wire rst,
input wire gtx_ready,
// oob responces
// oob responses
input wire rxcominitdet_in,
input wire rxcomwakedet_in,
input wire rxelecidle_in,
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ oob_dev oob_dev(
.rst (rst),
// gtx is ready = all resets are done
.gtx_ready (gtx_ready),
// oob responces
// oob responses
.rxcominitdet_in (rxcominitdet),
.rxcomwakedet_in (rxcomwakedet),
.rxelecidle_in (rxelecidle),
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ module axi_regs(
input wire [11:0] WID, // AXI PS Master GP1 WID[11:0], output
input wire WLAST, // AXI PS Master GP1 WLAST, output
input wire [3:0] WSTRB, // AXI PS Master GP1 WSTRB[3:0], output
// AXI PS Master GP1: Write Responce
// AXI PS Master GP1: Write response
output wire BVALID, // AXI PS Master GP1 BVALID, input
input wire BREADY, // AXI PS Master GP1 BREADY, output
output wire [11:0] BID, // AXI PS Master GP1 BID[11:0], input
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
input wire [11:0] WID, // AXI PS Master GP1 WID[11:0], output
input wire WLAST, // AXI PS Master GP1 WLAST, output
input wire [3:0] WSTRB, // AXI PS Master GP1 WSTRB[3:0], output
// AXI PS Master GP1: Write Responce
// AXI PS Master GP1: Write response
output wire BVALID, // AXI PS Master GP1 BVALID, input
input wire BREADY, // AXI PS Master GP1 BREADY, output
output wire [11:0] BID, // AXI PS Master GP1 BID[11:0], input
......@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ sata_top sata_top(
.WID (maxi1_wid),
.WLAST (maxi1_wlast),
.WSTRB (maxi1_wstb),
// AXI PS Master GP1: Write Responce
// AXI PS Master GP1: Write response
.BVALID (maxi1_bvalid),
.BREADY (maxi1_bready),
.BID (maxi1_bid),
......@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ PS7 ps7_i (
.EMIOENET0SOFRX(), // GMII 0 Rx Start of Frame, output
.EMIOENET0PTPDELAYREQRX(), // GMII 0 Rx PTP delay req frame detected
.EMIOENET0PTPPDELAYREQRX(), // GMII 0 Rx PTP peer delay frame detected, output
.EMIOENET0PTPPDELAYRESPRX(), // GMII 0 Rx PTP peer delay responce frame detected, output
.EMIOENET0PTPPDELAYRESPRX(), // GMII 0 Rx PTP peer delay response frame detected, output
.EMIOENET0PTPSYNCFRAMERX(), // GMII 0 Rx PTP sync frame detected, output
// MDIO 0
.EMIOENET0MDIOMDC(), // MDIO 0 MD clock output, output
......@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ PS7 ps7_i (
.EMIOENET1SOFRX(), // GMII 1 Rx Start of Frame, output
.EMIOENET1PTPDELAYREQRX(), // GMII 1 Rx PTP delay req frame detected
.EMIOENET1PTPPDELAYREQRX(), // GMII 1 Rx PTP peer delay frame detected, output
.EMIOENET1PTPPDELAYRESPRX(), // GMII 1 Rx PTP peer delay responce frame detected, output
.EMIOENET1PTPPDELAYRESPRX(), // GMII 1 Rx PTP peer delay response frame detected, output
.EMIOENET1PTPSYNCFRAMERX(), // GMII 1 Rx PTP sync frame detected, output
// MDIO 1
.EMIOENET1MDIOMDC(), // MDIO 1 MD clock output, output
......@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ PS7 ps7_i (
.MAXIGP0WID (/*axi_wid[11:0]*/), // AXI PS Master GP0 WID[11:0], output
.MAXIGP0WLAST (/*axi_wlast*/), // AXI PS Master GP0 WLAST, output
.MAXIGP0WSTRB (/*axi_wstb[3:0]*/), // AXI PS Master GP0 WSTRB[3:0], output
// AXI PS Master GP0: Write Responce
// AXI PS Master GP0: Write response
.MAXIGP0BVALID (/*axi_bvalid*/), // AXI PS Master GP0 BVALID, input
.MAXIGP0BREADY (/*axi_bready*/), // AXI PS Master GP0 BREADY, output
.MAXIGP0BID (/*axi_bid[11:0]*/), // AXI PS Master GP0 BID[11:0], input
......@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ PS7 ps7_i (
.MAXIGP1WID (maxi1_wid), // AXI PS Master GP1 WID[11:0], output
.MAXIGP1WLAST (maxi1_wlast), // AXI PS Master GP1 WLAST, output
.MAXIGP1WSTRB (maxi1_wstb), // AXI PS Master GP1 maxi1_wstb[3:0], output
// AXI PS Master GP1: Write Responce
// AXI PS Master GP1: Write response
.MAXIGP1BVALID (maxi1_bvalid), // AXI PS Master GP1 BVALID, input
.MAXIGP1BREADY (maxi1_bready), // AXI PS Master GP1 BREADY, output
.MAXIGP1BID (maxi1_bid), // AXI PS Master GP1 BID[11:0], input
......@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ PS7 ps7_i (
.SAXIGP0WID(), // AXI PS Slave GP0 WID[5:0], input
.SAXIGP0WLAST(), // AXI PS Slave GP0 WLAST, input
.SAXIGP0WSTRB(), // AXI PS Slave GP0 WSTRB[3:0], input
// AXI PS Slave GP0: Write Responce
// AXI PS Slave GP0: Write response
.SAXIGP0BVALID(), // AXI PS Slave GP0 BVALID, output
.SAXIGP0BID(), // AXI PS Slave GP0 BID[5:0], output //TODO: Update range !!!
......@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ PS7 ps7_i (
.SAXIGP1WID(), // AXI PS Slave GP1 WID[5:0], input
.SAXIGP1WLAST(), // AXI PS Slave GP1 WLAST, input
.SAXIGP1WSTRB(), // AXI PS Slave GP1 WSTRB[3:0], input
// AXI PS Slave GP1: Write Responce
// AXI PS Slave GP1: Write response
.SAXIGP1BVALID(), // AXI PS Slave GP1 BVALID, output
.SAXIGP1BID(), // AXI PS Slave GP1 BID[5:0], output
......@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ PS7 ps7_i (
.SAXIHP0WCOUNT(), // AXI PS Slave HP0 WCOUNT[7:0], output
.SAXIHP0WACOUNT(), // AXI PS Slave HP0 WACOUNT[5:0], output
// AXI PS Slave HP0: Write Responce
// AXI PS Slave HP0: Write response
.SAXIHP0BVALID(), // AXI PS Slave HP0 BVALID, output
.SAXIHP0BID(), // AXI PS Slave HP0 BID[5:0], output
......@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ PS7 ps7_i (
.SAXIHP1WCOUNT(), // AXI PS Slave HP1 WCOUNT[7:0], output
.SAXIHP1WACOUNT(), // AXI PS Slave HP1 WACOUNT[5:0], output
// AXI PS Slave HP1: Write Responce
// AXI PS Slave HP1: Write response
.SAXIHP1BVALID(), // AXI PS Slave HP1 BVALID, output
.SAXIHP1BID(), // AXI PS Slave HP1 BID[5:0], output
......@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ PS7 ps7_i (
.SAXIHP2WCOUNT(), // AXI PS Slave HP2 WCOUNT[7:0], output
.SAXIHP2WACOUNT(), // AXI PS Slave HP2 WACOUNT[5:0], output
// AXI PS Slave HP2: Write Responce
// AXI PS Slave HP2: Write response
.SAXIHP2BVALID(), // AXI PS Slave HP2 BVALID, output
.SAXIHP2BID(), // AXI PS Slave HP2 BID[5:0], output
......@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ PS7 ps7_i (
.SAXIHP3WCOUNT (afi3_wcount), // AXI PS Slave HP3 WCOUNT[7:0], output
.SAXIHP3WACOUNT (afi3_wacount), // AXI PS Slave HP3 WACOUNT[5:0], output
.SAXIHP3WRISSUECAP1EN (afi3_wrissuecap1en), // AXI PS Slave HP3 WRISSUECAP1EN, input
// AXI PS Slave HP3: Write Responce
// AXI PS Slave HP3: Write response
.SAXIHP3BVALID (afi3_bvalid), // AXI PS Slave HP3 BVALID, output
.SAXIHP3BREADY (afi3_bready), // AXI PS Slave HP3 BREADY, input
.SAXIHP3BID (afi3_bid), // AXI PS Slave HP3 BID[5:0], output
......@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ PS7 ps7_i (
.SAXIACPWID(), // AXI PS Slave ACP WID[2:0], input
.SAXIACPWSTRB(), // AXI PS Slave ACP WSTRB[7:0], input
// AXI PS Slave ACP: Write Responce
// AXI PS Slave ACP: Write response
.SAXIACPBID(), // AXI PS Slave ACP BID[2:0], output
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ module action_decoder (
output reg SIRQ_DP,
output reg SIRQ_DS,
output reg SIRQ_IF,
output reg SIRQ_INF,
output reg SIRQ_PS,
output reg SIRQ_SDB,
output reg SIRQ_TFE,
......@@ -66,48 +67,49 @@ module action_decoder (
SIRQ_DP <= enable && data[ 3] && data[ 0];
SIRQ_DS <= enable && data[ 4] && data[ 0];
SIRQ_IF <= enable && data[ 5] && data[ 0];
SIRQ_PS <= enable && data[ 6] && data[ 0];
SIRQ_SDB <= enable && data[ 7] && data[ 0];
SIRQ_TFE <= enable && data[ 8] && data[ 0];
SIRQ_UF <= enable && data[ 9] && data[ 0];
PFSM_STARTED <= enable && data[10] && data[ 0];
PCMD_CR_CLEAR <= enable && data[ 2] && data[ 1];
PCMD_CR_SET <= enable && data[ 3] && data[ 1];
PXCI0_CLEAR <= enable && data[ 4] && data[ 1];
PXSSTS_DET_1 <= enable && data[ 5] && data[ 1];
SSTS_DET_OFFLINE <= enable && data[ 6] && data[ 1];
SCTL_DET_CLEAR <= enable && data[ 7] && data[ 1];
SET_UPDATE_SIG <= enable && data[ 8] && data[ 1];
UPDATE_SIG <= enable && data[ 9] && data[ 1];
UPDATE_ERR_STS <= enable && data[10] && data[ 1];
UPDATE_PIO <= enable && data[ 3] && data[ 2];
UPDATE_PRDBC <= enable && data[ 4] && data[ 2];
CLEAR_BSY_DRQ <= enable && data[ 5] && data[ 2];
CLEAR_BSY_SET_DRQ <= enable && data[ 6] && data[ 2];
SET_BSY <= enable && data[ 7] && data[ 2];
SET_STS_7F <= enable && data[ 8] && data[ 2];
SET_STS_80 <= enable && data[ 9] && data[ 2];
XFER_CNTR_CLEAR <= enable && data[10] && data[ 2];
DECR_DWC <= enable && data[ 4] && data[ 3];
FIS_FIRST_FLUSH <= enable && data[ 5] && data[ 3];
CLEAR_CMD_TO_ISSUE <= enable && data[ 6] && data[ 3];
DMA_ABORT <= enable && data[ 7] && data[ 3];
DMA_PRD_IRQ_CLEAR <= enable && data[ 8] && data[ 3];
XMIT_COMRESET <= enable && data[ 9] && data[ 3];
SEND_SYNC_ESC <= enable && data[10] && data[ 3];
SET_OFFLINE <= enable && data[ 5] && data[ 4];
R_OK <= enable && data[ 6] && data[ 4];
R_ERR <= enable && data[ 7] && data[ 4];
FETCH_CMD <= enable && data[ 8] && data[ 4];
ATAPI_XMIT <= enable && data[ 9] && data[ 4];
CFIS_XMIT <= enable && data[10] && data[ 4];
DX_XMIT <= enable && data[ 6] && data[ 5];
GET_DATA_FIS <= enable && data[ 7] && data[ 5];
GET_DSFIS <= enable && data[ 8] && data[ 5];
GET_IGNORE <= enable && data[ 9] && data[ 5];
GET_PSFIS <= enable && data[10] && data[ 5];
GET_RFIS <= enable && data[ 7] && data[ 6];
GET_SDBFIS <= enable && data[ 8] && data[ 6];
GET_UFIS <= enable && data[ 9] && data[ 6];
SIRQ_INF <= enable && data[ 6] && data[ 0];
SIRQ_PS <= enable && data[ 7] && data[ 0];
SIRQ_SDB <= enable && data[ 8] && data[ 0];
SIRQ_TFE <= enable && data[ 9] && data[ 0];
SIRQ_UF <= enable && data[10] && data[ 0];
PFSM_STARTED <= enable && data[ 2] && data[ 1];
PCMD_CR_CLEAR <= enable && data[ 3] && data[ 1];
PCMD_CR_SET <= enable && data[ 4] && data[ 1];
PXCI0_CLEAR <= enable && data[ 5] && data[ 1];
PXSSTS_DET_1 <= enable && data[ 6] && data[ 1];
SSTS_DET_OFFLINE <= enable && data[ 7] && data[ 1];
SCTL_DET_CLEAR <= enable && data[ 8] && data[ 1];
SET_UPDATE_SIG <= enable && data[ 9] && data[ 1];
UPDATE_SIG <= enable && data[10] && data[ 1];
UPDATE_ERR_STS <= enable && data[ 3] && data[ 2];
UPDATE_PIO <= enable && data[ 4] && data[ 2];
UPDATE_PRDBC <= enable && data[ 5] && data[ 2];
CLEAR_BSY_DRQ <= enable && data[ 6] && data[ 2];
CLEAR_BSY_SET_DRQ <= enable && data[ 7] && data[ 2];
SET_BSY <= enable && data[ 8] && data[ 2];
SET_STS_7F <= enable && data[ 9] && data[ 2];
SET_STS_80 <= enable && data[10] && data[ 2];
XFER_CNTR_CLEAR <= enable && data[ 4] && data[ 3];
DECR_DWC <= enable && data[ 5] && data[ 3];
FIS_FIRST_FLUSH <= enable && data[ 6] && data[ 3];
CLEAR_CMD_TO_ISSUE <= enable && data[ 7] && data[ 3];
DMA_ABORT <= enable && data[ 8] && data[ 3];
DMA_PRD_IRQ_CLEAR <= enable && data[ 9] && data[ 3];
XMIT_COMRESET <= enable && data[10] && data[ 3];
SEND_SYNC_ESC <= enable && data[ 5] && data[ 4];
SET_OFFLINE <= enable && data[ 6] && data[ 4];
R_OK <= enable && data[ 7] && data[ 4];
R_ERR <= enable && data[ 8] && data[ 4];
FETCH_CMD <= enable && data[ 9] && data[ 4];
ATAPI_XMIT <= enable && data[10] && data[ 4];
CFIS_XMIT <= enable && data[ 6] && data[ 5];
DX_XMIT <= enable && data[ 7] && data[ 5];
GET_DATA_FIS <= enable && data[ 8] && data[ 5];
GET_DSFIS <= enable && data[ 9] && data[ 5];
GET_IGNORE <= enable && data[10] && data[ 5];
GET_PSFIS <= enable && data[ 7] && data[ 6];
GET_RFIS <= enable && data[ 8] && data[ 6];
GET_SDBFIS <= enable && data[ 9] && data[ 6];
GET_UFIS <= enable && data[10] && data[ 6];
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ code_rom_path= '../includes/ahxi_fsm_code.vh'
#Set actions, conditions to empty string to rebuild list. Then edit order and put here
actions = ['NOP',
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ actions = ['NOP',
......@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ sequence = [{LBL:'POR', ADDR: 0x0, ACT: NOP},
{ GOTO:'UFIS:Entry' }, # 13 Unknown FIS (else)
#5.3.6. Command Transfer State
{LBL:'CFIS:SyncEscape', ACT: 'SEND_SYNC_ESC'}, # syncesc_send, should wait (for syncesc_send_done)
{LBL:'CFIS:SyncEscape', ACT: 'SEND_SYNC_ESC*'}, # syncesc_send, should wait (for syncesc_send_done)
{ ACT: 'SET_UPDATE_SIG'}, # set_update_sig
{ GOTO:'CFIS:Xmit' }, # 1
......@@ -438,6 +438,7 @@ sequence = [{LBL:'POR', ADDR: 0x0, ACT: NOP},
{ GOTO:'ERR:WaitForClear' }, # Loop until PxCMD.ST is cleared by software
{LBL:'ERR:Non-Fatal', ACT: 'NOP'}, # Do anything else here?
{ ACT: 'SIRQ_INF'}, # sirq_INF
{ GOTO:'P:Idle'}, #
def get_cnk (start,end,level):
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ module oob #(
input wire clk,
// reset oob
input wire rst,
// oob responces
// oob responses
input wire rxcominitdet_in,
input wire rxcomwakedet_in,
input wire rxelecidle_in,
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module oob_ctrl #(
// gtx is ready = all resets are done
input wire gtx_ready,
output wire [11:0] debug,
// oob responces
// oob responses
input wire rxcominitdet_in,
input wire rxcomwakedet_in,
input wire rxelecidle_in,
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ oob
.clk (clk),
// reset oob
.rst (rst),
// oob responces
// oob responses
.rxcominitdet_in (rxcominitdet_in),
.rxcomwakedet_in (rxcomwakedet_in),
.rxelecidle_in (rxelecidle_in),
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ oob_ctrl oob_ctrl(
// gtx is ready = all resets are done
.gtx_ready (gtx_ready),
.debug ({dummy,debug_cnt[10:0]}),
// oob responces
// oob responses
.rxcominitdet_in (rxcominitdet),
.rxcomwakedet_in (rxcomwakedet),
.rxelecidle_in (rxelecidle),
, .INIT_00 (256'h00100000000E0000000C00000030000000200000000A0000000A0000000A0000)
, .INIT_01 (256'h0019444F1C369443542D44170000001900480019040802020204008400220006)
, .INIT_02 (256'h0019010200500019000C04020090002924F824FF014000190003004204040000)
, .INIT_03 (256'h021000368C68844F84BB44344C652C3F14190012003600480018000A01080022)
, .INIT_04 (256'h00000036000000190090003600900019144301020408020202040036B07A7077)
, .INIT_05 (256'h98A458D4387F64510C2504550000004B24F824FF0420004924F824FF04200059)
, .INIT_06 (256'h30ED008800FFA46E50F590360060010400680202003000DFA89068ED18E618C8)
, .INIT_07 (256'h01400099D0F80410003600000036B07A0000004D004400220036B07A70773074)
, .INIT_08 (256'h004D0402008E0005008EC88C00220024008E288828FB000C0090008324F824FF)
, .INIT_09 (256'h00220024003648A2289E28FB00140036487C0CAA28FB0090009424F824FF00C0)
, .INIT_0A (256'h50F500A000AE88360899020800AA009000A824F824FF0420004D0081004D48A2)
, .INIT_0B (256'h24F824F8012000BD020800368899020800090036889950B70024002800B2D0F8)
, .INIT_0C (256'h001100D1C8CF009000CC24F824FF02200036889950B700240028009000C2C4FF)
, .INIT_0D (256'h0440004D0101004DC8DD28FB000C009000D824F824FF0240003634CF000000D1)
, .INIT_0E (256'h24F824FF042000F30082009000EA24F824FF042000360401009000E324F824FF)
, .INIT_0F (256'h000000FD000000FD020100FD0021011000FD0021004400F3000000F3009000F1)
, .INIT_10 (256'h0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000360041)
, .INITP_00 (256'hC3208802605C240900789C9C8888A000C250620020809C802018880022222222)
, .INITP_01 (256'h088820889C827209C828270882271A009C86068072E227218168AA2722081A09)
, .INITP_02 (256'h0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002)
// FIS types (low byte of the first DWORD)
localparam FIS_H2DR = 'h27;
localparam FIS_D2HR = 'h34;
localparam FIS_DMAA = 'h39;
localparam FIS_DMAS = 'h41;
localparam FIS_DATA = 'h46;
localparam FIS_BIST = 'h58;
localparam FIS_PIOS = 'h5f;
localparam FIS_SDB = 'ha1;