Commit fc61d8e5 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Merge branch 'serial-sensors'

parents 69b1d30b 71f603b7
......@@ -62,42 +62,42 @@
parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h03930065; // (same rev) all met, using "old" (non-inverted) phase - OK (full phase range)
parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h03930066; // trying just one histogram to watch utilization - with 4 was: Slice 15913 (80.98%), now Slice = 14318 (72.87%)
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h03930065; // (same rev) all met, using "old" (non-inverted) phase - OK (full phase range)
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h03930065; // switch phy_top.v (all met) - OK with inverted phase control (reduced phase range)
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h03930064; // switch mcomtr_sequencer.v (xclk not met) - wrong!
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h03930063; // switch mcntrl_linear_rw.v (met) good, worse mem valid phases
......@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@
parameter SENSI2C_STATUS_REG_INC = 2, // increment to the next sensor
parameter SENSI2C_STATUS_REG_REL = 0, // 4 locations" 'h20, 'h22, 'h24, 'h26
parameter SENSIO_STATUS_REG_REL = 1, // 4 locations" 'h21, 'h23, 'h25, 'h27
parameter SENSOR_NUM_HISTOGRAM= 3, // number of histogram channels
parameter SENSOR_NUM_HISTOGRAM= 1, //was 3 trying just one histogram (see utilization) 3, // number of histogram channels
parameter HISTOGRAM_RAM_MODE = "BUF32", // "NOBUF", // valid: "NOBUF" (32-bits, no buffering), "BUF18", "BUF32"
parameter SENS_NUM_SUBCHN = 3, // number of subchannels for his sensor ports (1..4)
parameter SENS_GAMMA_BUFFER = 0, // 1 - use "shadow" table for clean switching, 0 - single table per channel
......@@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ module sensor_channel#(
// TODO: Use generate to generate 1-4 histogram modules
if (HISTOGRAM_ADDR0 != -1)
`ifdef USE_PCLK2X
sens_histogram #(
......@@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@ module sensor_channel#(
if (HISTOGRAM_ADDR1 != -1)
`ifdef USE_PCLK2X
sens_histogram #(
......@@ -1192,7 +1192,7 @@ module sensor_channel#(
if (HISTOGRAM_ADDR2 != -1)
`ifdef USE_PCLK2X
sens_histogram #(
......@@ -1287,7 +1287,7 @@ module sensor_channel#(
if (HISTOGRAM_ADDR3 != -1)
`ifdef USE_PCLK2X
sens_histogram #(
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