// wire ts_rstb= raw_mode ? raw_ts_copy: (last_block && !last_block_d); // enough time to have timestamp data; // one cycle before getting timestamp data from FIFO
// wire ts_rstb= raw_mode ? raw_ts_copy: (last_block && !last_block_d); // enough time to have timestamp data; // one cycle before getting timestamp data from FIFO
wirets_rstb=(raw_mode&&raw_ts_copy)||(compressed_mode&&last_block&&!last_block_d);// enough time to have timestamp data; // one cycle before getting timestamp data from FIFO
wirets_rstb=(raw_mode&&raw_ts_copy)||(compressed_mode&&last_block&&!last_block_d);// enough time to have timestamp data; // one cycle before getting timestamp data from FIFO
wire[7:0]ts_dout;// timestamp data, byte at a time
wire[7:0]ts_dout;// timestamp data, byte at a time
wirewrite_size=(in_stb&&(bytes_in!=0))||(flush&&last_stb_4)||raw_flush;// TODO: never in raw mode?
wirewrite_size=(in_stb&&(bytes_in!=0))||(flush&&last_stb_4)||raw_flush_d;// raw_flush; // TODO: never in raw mode?