x393_cmprs_status_tx393_cmprs_status(intchn){x393_cmprs_status_td;d.d32=readl((void*)(0x40002040+0x4*chn));returnd;}// Status of the compressor channel (incl. interrupt
// Command sequencer multiplexer, provides current frame number for each sesnor channel and interrupt status/interrupt masks for them.
// Command sequencer multiplexer, provides current frame number for each sensor channel and interrupt status/interrupt masks for them.
// Interrupts and interrupt masks are controlled through channel CMDFRAMESEQ module
voidset_x393_cmdseqmux_status_ctrl(x393_status_ctrl_td){writel(d.d32,(void*)0x40001c08);}// CMDSEQMUX status control mode (status provides current frame numbers)
// Command sequencer multiplexer, provides current frame number for each sesnor channel and interrupt status/interrupt masks for them.
// Command sequencer multiplexer, provides current frame number for each sensor channel and interrupt status/interrupt masks for them.
// Interrupts and interrupt masks are controlled through channel CMDFRAMESEQ module
#define X393_CMDSEQMUX_STATUS_CTRL 0x40001c08 // CMDSEQMUX status control mode (status provides current frame numbers), data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_CMDSEQMUX_STATUS 0x400020e0 // CMDSEQMUX status data (frame numbers and interrupts, data type: x393_cmdseqmux_status_t (ro)
(("X393_CMPRS_STATUS",c,vrlg.CMPRS_STATUS_REG_BASE+ba,vrlg.CMPRS_STATUS_REG_INC,z3,"x393_cmprs_status","ro","Status of the compressor channel (incl. interrupt")),
(('_Command sequencer multiplexer, provides current frame number for each sesnor channel and interrupt status/interrupt masks for them.',)),
(('_Command sequencer multiplexer, provides current frame number for each sensor channel and interrupt status/interrupt masks for them.',)),
(('_Interrupts and interrupt masks are controlled through channel CMDFRAMESEQ module',)),
(("X393_CMDSEQMUX_STATUS_CTRL","",vrlg.CMDSEQMUX_ADDR,0,None,"x393_status_ctrl","rw","CMDSEQMUX status control mode (status provides current frame numbers)")),
(("X393_CMDSEQMUX_STATUS","",vrlg.STATUS_ADDR+vrlg.CMDSEQMUX_STATUS,0,None,"x393_cmdseqmux_status","ro","CMDSEQMUX status data (frame numbers and interrupts"))]
@@ -1833,7 +1845,7 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
dw.append(("arst_set",vrlg.SENS_CTRL_ARST+1,1,0,"ARST set to the 'arst' field"))
dw.append(("aro",vrlg.SENS_CTRL_ARO,1,0,"ARO signal to the sensor"))
dw.append(("aro_set",vrlg.SENS_CTRL_ARO+1,1,0,"ARO set to the 'aro' field"))