Commit ebdb638e authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

added multi-index registers/functions

parent 93daca63
......@@ -545,6 +545,10 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
data = self._enc_camsync_mode(),
name = "x393_camsync_mode", typ="wo",
frmt_spcs = frmt_spcs)
stypedefs += self.get_typedef32(comment = "CMDFRAMESEQ mode",
data = self._enc_cmdframeseq_mode(),
name = "x393_cmdframeseq_mode", typ="wo",
frmt_spcs = frmt_spcs)
return stypedefs
def define_macros(self):
......@@ -552,6 +556,7 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
ba = vrlg.CONTROL_ADDR
z3= (0,3)
z7 = (0,7)
z14= (0,14)
z15= (0,15)
z31= (0,31)
ia = 1
......@@ -745,9 +750,8 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
// 2 - I2C register read: index page, slave address (8-bit, with lower bit 0) and one or 2 address bytes (as programmed
// in the table. Slave address is always in byte 2 (bits 23:16), byte1 (high register address) is skipped if
// read address in the table is programmed to be a single-byte one''',)),
(("X393_SENSI2C_ABS", c, vrlg.SENSI2C_ABS_RADDR + ba, ia, z3, "u32*", "wo", "Write sensor i2c sequencer")),
(("X393_SENSI2C_REL", c, vrlg.SENSI2C_REL_RADDR + ba, ia, z3, "u32*", "wo", "Write sensor i2c sequencer")),
(("X393_SENSI2C_ABS", (c,"offset"), vrlg.SENSI2C_ABS_RADDR + ba, (ia,1), (z3,z15), "u32*", "wo", "Write sensor i2c sequencer")),
(("X393_SENSI2C_REL", (c,"offset"), vrlg.SENSI2C_REL_RADDR + ba, (ia,1), (z3,z15), "u32*", "wo", "Write sensor i2c sequencer"))]
#Lens vignetting correction
......@@ -970,8 +974,27 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
(("X393_CAMSYNC_TRIG_PERIOD", "", vrlg.CAMSYNC_TRIG_PERIOD + ba, 0, None, "u32*", "rw", "CAMSYNC trigger period")),
(("X393_CAMSYNC_TRIG_DELAY", c, vrlg.CAMSYNC_TRIG_DELAY0 + ba, 1, z3, "u32*", "rw", "CAMSYNC trigger delay"))]
c = "sens_chn"
sdefines +=[
(('Command sequencer control',)),
(('_Controller is programmed through 32 locations. Each registers but the control require two writes:',)),
(('_First write - register address (AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS bits), second - register data (32 bits)',)),
(('_Writing to the contol register (0x1f) resets the first/second counter so the next write will be "first"',)),
(('_0x0..0xf write directly to the frame number [3:0] modulo 16, except if you write to the frame',)),
(('_ "just missed" - in that case data will go to the current frame.',)),
(('_ 0x10 - write seq commands to be sent ASAP',)),
(('_ 0x11 - write seq commands to be sent after the next frame starts',)),
(('_ 0x1e - write seq commands to be sent after the next 14 frame start pulses',)),
(('_ 0x1f - control register:',)),
(('_ [14] - reset all FIFO (takes 32 clock pulses), also - stops seq until run command',)),
(('_ [13:12] - 3 - run seq, 2 - stop seq , 1,0 - no change to run state',)),
(('_ [1:0] - 0: NOP, 1: clear IRQ, 2 - Clear IE, 3: set IE',)),
(("X393_CMDFRAMESEQ_CTRL", c, vrlg.CMDFRAMESEQ_CTRL + ba, ia, z3, "x393_cmdframeseq_mode", "wo", "CMDFRAMESEQ control register")),
(("X393_CMDFRAMESEQ_ABS", (c,"offset"), vrlg.CMDFRAMESEQ_ABS + ba, (ia,1), (z3,z15), "u32*", "wo", "CMDFRAMESEQ absolute frame address/command")),
(("X393_CMDFRAMESEQ_REL", (c,"offset"), vrlg.CMDFRAMESEQ_REL + ba, (ia,1), (z3,z14), "u32*", "wo", "CMDFRAMESEQ relative frame address/command"))]
return sdefines
def define_other_macros(self): # Used mostly for development/testing, not needed for normal camera operation
......@@ -1120,6 +1143,8 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
# name, var_name, address, address_inc, var_range, data_type, rw, comment = define_tuple
name, var_name, address, address_inc, _, data_type, rw, comment = define_tuple
multivar = isinstance(address_inc,(list,tuple)) # var_name, var_range are also lists/tuples of the same length
#TODO: add optional argument range check?
data_type = self.fix_data_type(data_type)
......@@ -1130,11 +1155,15 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
if ('r' in rw) and ('w' in rw):
fname = 'get_'+fname
comment = "" # set is supposed to go first, if both - only set has comment
arg = var_name.lower()
args = 'void'
if arg and address_inc:
args = 'int '+ arg
# s= "%s %s(%s)"%(data_type, fname,args)
if multivar:
args = "int %s"%(var_name[0].lower())
for vn in var_name[1:]:
args += ", int %s"%(vn.lower())
arg = var_name.lower()
args = 'void'
if arg and address_inc:
args = 'int '+ arg
s = "%s "%(data_type)
s = self.str_tab_stop(s,stops[0])
s += "%s"%(fname)
......@@ -1144,7 +1173,13 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
if isDefine:
if address_inc:
s+='return (%s) readl(0x%08x + 0x%x * %s)'%(data_type, address, address_inc, arg)
if multivar:
s+='return (%s) readl(0x%08x)'%(data_type, address)
for vn, vi in zip (var_name, address_inc):
s+=' + 0x%x * %s'%(vi, vn.lower())
s+='return (%s) readl(0x%08x + 0x%x * %s)'%(data_type, address, address_inc, arg)
s+='return (%s) readl(0x%08x)'%(data_type, address)
......@@ -1161,6 +1196,7 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
# name, var_name, address, address_inc, var_range, data_type, rw, comment = define_tuple
name, var_name, address, address_inc, _, data_type, rw, comment = define_tuple
multivar = isinstance(address_inc,(list,tuple)) # var_name, var_range are also lists/tuples of the same length
#TODO: add optional argument range check?
data_type = self.fix_data_type(data_type)
......@@ -1170,11 +1206,14 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
fname = name.lower()
if ('r' in rw) and ('w' in rw):
fname = 'set_'+fname
arg = var_name.lower()
args = '%s d'%(data_type)
if arg and address_inc:
args += ', int '+ arg
# s= "void %s(%s)"%(fname,args)
if multivar:
for vn in var_name:
args += ', int '+ vn.lower()
arg = var_name.lower()
if arg and address_inc:
args += ', int '+ arg
s = "void "
s = self.str_tab_stop(s,stops[0])
s += "%s"%(fname)
......@@ -1184,7 +1223,13 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
if isDefine:
if address_inc:
s+='writel(0x%08x + 0x%x * %s, (u32) d)'%(address, address_inc, arg)
if multivar:
for vn, vi in zip (var_name, address_inc):
s+=' + 0x%x * %s'%(vi, vn.lower())
s+=', (u32) d)'
s+='writel(0x%08x + 0x%x * %s, (u32) d)'%(address, address_inc, arg)
s+='writel(0x%08x, (u32) d)'%(address)
......@@ -1201,14 +1246,19 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
# name, var_name, address, address_inc, var_range, data_type, rw, comment = define_tuple
name, var_name, address, address_inc, _, _, _, comment = define_tuple
multivar = isinstance(address_inc,(list,tuple)) # var_name, var_range are also lists/tuples of the same length
#TODO: add optional argument range check?
fname = name.lower()
arg = var_name.lower()
args = 'void'
if arg and address_inc:
args = 'int '+ arg
# s= "void %s(%s)"%(fname,args)
if multivar:
args = "int %s"%(var_name[0].lower())
for vn in var_name[1:]:
args += ", int %s"%(vn.lower())
arg = var_name.lower()
args = 'void'
if arg and address_inc:
args = 'int '+ arg
s = "void "
s = self.str_tab_stop(s,stops[0])
s += "%s"%(fname)
......@@ -1218,7 +1268,13 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
if isDefine:
if address_inc:
s+='writel(0x%08x + 0x%x * %s, 0)'%(address, address_inc, arg)
if multivar:
for vn, vi in zip (var_name, address_inc):
s+=' + 0x%x * %s'%(vi, vn.lower())
s+=', 0)'
s+='writel(0x%08x + 0x%x * %s, 0)'%(address, address_inc, arg)
s+='writel(0x%08x, 0)'%(address)
......@@ -1249,20 +1305,46 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
s += "\n// %s\n"%(comment)
name, var_name, address, address_inc, var_range, data_type, rw, comment = define_tuple
multivar = isinstance(address_inc,(list,tuple)) # var_name, var_range are also lists/tuples of the same length
if var_range and frmt_spcs['showRange']:
if comment:
comment += ', '
comment += "%s = %d..%d"%(var_name, var_range[0], var_range[1])
comment = ""
if multivar:
first = True
for vn,vr in zip(var_name, var_range):
if first:
first = False
comment += ', '
comment += "%s = %d..%d"%(vn, vr[0], vr[1])
comment += "%s = %d..%d"%(var_name, var_range[0], var_range[1])
if data_type and frmt_spcs['showType']:
if comment:
comment += ', '
comment += "data type: %s (%s)"%(self.fix_data_type(data_type), rw)
name_len = len(name)
if address_inc:
name_len += 2 + len(var_name)
if multivar:
name_len += 4 + len(var_name[0])
for vn in var_name[1:]:
name_len += 3 + len(vn)
name_len += 2 + len(var_name)
ins_spaces = max(0,frmt_spcs['macroNameLen'] - name_len)
if address_inc:
s = "#define %s(%s) %s(0x%08x + 0x%x * (%s))"%(name, var_name, ' ' * ins_spaces, address, address_inc, var_name)
if multivar:
vname = "(%s)"%(var_name[0])
for vn in var_name[1:]:
vname +=",(%s)"%(vn)
s = "#define %s(%s) %s(0x%08x)"%(name, vname, ' ' * ins_spaces, address)
for vn, vi in zip(var_name, address_inc):
s += "+ 0x%x * (%s)"%(vi,vn)
s = "#define %s(%s) %s(0x%08x + 0x%x * (%s))"%(name, var_name, ' ' * ins_spaces, address, address_inc, var_name)
s = "#define %s %s0x%08x"%(name,' ' * ins_spaces, address)
if comment:
......@@ -1270,6 +1352,11 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
return s
def expand_define_parameters(self, in_defs, showGaps = True):
def recursive_pairs(increments,ranges):
if len(increments) == 0:
return (("",0),)
return [("__%d%s"%(i,s),increments[0]*i+d) for i in range(ranges[0][0],ranges[0][1]+1) for s,d in recursive_pairs(increments[1:],ranges[1:])]
for define_tuple in in_defs:
if len(define_tuple) == 8:
......@@ -1279,9 +1366,13 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
nextAddr = address + 4
for x in range(var_range[0], var_range[1] + 1):
exp_defs.append(("%s__%d"%(name,x),var_name,address+x*address_inc,0,None,data_type,rw, comment))
nextAddr = address + var_range[1] * address_inc + 4
if isinstance(address_inc,(list,tuple)):
for suffix, offset in recursive_pairs(address_inc,var_range):
exp_defs.append(("%s%s"%(name,suffix),var_name,address + offset ,0,None,data_type,rw, comment))
for x in range(var_range[0], var_range[1] + 1):
exp_defs.append(("%s__%d"%(name,x),var_name,address+x*address_inc,0,None,data_type,rw, comment))
nextAddr = address + var_range[1] * address_inc + 4
#now sort address map
sorted_defs= sorted(exp_defs,key=lambda item: item[2])
if showGaps:
......@@ -2023,6 +2114,13 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
dw.append(("ts_chns_set", vrlg.CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT, 1, 0, "Set 'ts_chns'"))
return dw
def _enc_cmdframeseq_mode(self):
dw.append(("interrupt_cmd", vrlg.CMDFRAMESEQ_IRQ_BIT, 2, 0, "Interrupt command: 0-nop, 1 - clear is, 2 - disable, 3 - enable"))
dw.append(("run_cmd", vrlg.CMDFRAMESEQ_RUN_BIT - 1, 2, 0, "Run command: 0,1 - nop, 2 - stop, 3 - run"))
dw.append(("reset", vrlg.CMDFRAMESEQ_RST_BIT, 1, 0, "1 - reset, 0 - normal operation"))
return dw
def get_pad32(self, data, wlen=32, name="unnamed", padLast=False):
sorted_data=sorted(data,key=lambda sbit: sbit[1])
......@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@
// 0x1f - control register:
// [14] - reset all FIFO (takes 32 clock pulses), also - stops seq until run command
// [13:12] - 3 - run seq, 2 - stop seq , 1,0 - no change to run state
// New - [1:0] - 0: NOP, 1: clear IRQ, 2 - Clear IE, 3: set IE
module cmd_frame_sequencer#(
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