Commit e1c3f670 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

modified files similar to x353 ones

parent 25997816
......@@ -204,8 +204,8 @@ This value divided by 2raised to 8 is equivalent to ignoring the 8 lsb bits of t
reg [ 9:0] xa0_in, xa1_in, xa2_in, xa3_in, xa4_in, xa5_in, xa6_in, xa7_in;
reg [ 9:0] xa0_reg, xa1_reg, xa2_reg, xa3_reg, xa4_reg, xa5_reg, xa6_reg, xa7_reg;
// reg [ 9:0] addsub1a_comp, addsub2a_comp, addsub3a_comp, addsub4a_comp;
reg [10:0] addsub1a_comp, addsub2a_comp, addsub3a_comp, addsub4a_comp; // AF2015: increasing width - was limiting
reg [ 9:0] addsub1a_comp, addsub2a_comp, addsub3a_comp, addsub4a_comp;
// reg [10:0] addsub1a_comp, addsub2a_comp, addsub3a_comp, addsub4a_comp; // AF2015: increasing width - was limiting
reg [10:0] add_sub1a, add_sub2a, add_sub3a, add_sub4a;
reg save_sign1a, save_sign2a, save_sign3a, save_sign4a;
......@@ -358,15 +358,22 @@ This value divided by 2raised to 8 is equivalent to ignoring the 8 lsb bits of t
// 9th clk for registering shifted input and 10th clk for add_sub
// to synchronize the i value to the add_sub value, i value is incremented
// only after 10 clks
// Adding these wires to get rid of the MSB that is always 0
wire [10:0] addsub1a_comp_w = add_sub1a[10]? (-add_sub1a) : add_sub1a;
wire [10:0] addsub2a_comp_w = add_sub2a[10]? (-add_sub2a) : add_sub2a;
wire [10:0] addsub3a_comp_w = add_sub3a[10]? (-add_sub3a) : add_sub3a;
wire [10:0] addsub4a_comp_w = add_sub4a[10]? (-add_sub4a) : add_sub4a;
always @ (posedge nclk) begin
save_sign1a <= add_sub1a[10];
save_sign2a <= add_sub2a[10];
save_sign3a <= add_sub3a[10];
save_sign4a <= add_sub4a[10];
addsub1a_comp <= add_sub1a[10]? (-add_sub1a) : add_sub1a;
addsub2a_comp <= add_sub2a[10]? (-add_sub2a) : add_sub2a;
addsub3a_comp <= add_sub3a[10]? (-add_sub3a) : add_sub3a;
addsub4a_comp <= add_sub4a[10]? (-add_sub4a) : add_sub4a;
addsub1a_comp <= addsub1a_comp_w[9:0]; //add_sub1a[10]? (-add_sub1a) : add_sub1a;
addsub2a_comp <= addsub2a_comp_w[9:0]; //add_sub2a[10]? (-add_sub2a) : add_sub2a;
addsub3a_comp <= addsub3a_comp_w[9:0]; //add_sub3a[10]? (-add_sub3a) : add_sub3a;
addsub4a_comp <= addsub4a_comp_w[9:0]; //add_sub4a[10]? (-add_sub4a) : add_sub4a;
assign p1a_all = addsub1a_comp * memory1a; //[15:0]; // TODO: Check - memory is [16:0] !
......@@ -432,8 +439,7 @@ module dct393_stage2 (
reg [15:0] xb0_in, xb1_in, xb2_in, xb3_in, xb4_in, xb5_in, xb6_in, xb7_in;
reg [15:0] xb0_reg, xb1_reg, xb2_reg, xb3_reg, xb4_reg, xb5_reg, xb6_reg, xb7_reg;
reg [16:0] add_sub1b, add_sub2b, add_sub3b, add_sub4b;
// reg [15:0] addsub1b_comp, addsub2b_comp, addsub3b_comp, addsub4b_comp;
reg [16:0] addsub1b_comp, addsub2b_comp, addsub3b_comp, addsub4b_comp; // AF2015: increased to match result
reg [15:0] addsub1b_comp, addsub2b_comp, addsub3b_comp, addsub4b_comp;
reg save_sign1b, save_sign2b, save_sign3b, save_sign4b;
reg [18:0] p1b, p2b, p3b, p4b;
wire [35:0] p1b_all, p2b_all, p3b_all, p4b_all;
......@@ -571,16 +577,21 @@ module dct393_stage2 (
add_sub3b <= {xb5_reg[15],xb5_reg[15:0]} - {xb2_reg[15],xb2_reg[15:0]};
add_sub4b <= {xb4_reg[15],xb4_reg[15:0]} - {xb3_reg[15],xb3_reg[15:0]};
// Adding these wires to get rid of the MSB that is always 0
wire [16:0] addsub1b_comp_w = add_sub1b[16]? (-add_sub1b) : add_sub1b;
wire [16:0] addsub2b_comp_w = add_sub2b[16]? (-add_sub2b) : add_sub2b;
wire [16:0] addsub3b_comp_w = add_sub3b[16]? (-add_sub3b) : add_sub3b;
wire [16:0] addsub4b_comp_w = add_sub4b[16]? (-add_sub4b) : add_sub4b;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
save_sign1b <= add_sub1b[16];
save_sign2b <= add_sub2b[16];
save_sign3b <= add_sub3b[16];
save_sign4b <= add_sub4b[16];
addsub1b_comp <= add_sub1b[16]? (-add_sub1b) : add_sub1b;
addsub2b_comp <= add_sub2b[16]? (-add_sub2b) : add_sub2b;
addsub3b_comp <= add_sub3b[16]? (-add_sub3b) : add_sub3b;
addsub4b_comp <= add_sub4b[16]? (-add_sub4b) : add_sub4b;
addsub1b_comp <= addsub1b_comp_w[15:0]; // add_sub1b[16]? (-add_sub1b) : add_sub1b;
addsub2b_comp <= addsub2b_comp_w[15:0]; // add_sub2b[16]? (-add_sub2b) : add_sub2b;
addsub3b_comp <= addsub3b_comp_w[15:0]; // add_sub3b[16]? (-add_sub3b) : add_sub3b;
addsub4b_comp <= addsub4b_comp_w[15:0]; // add_sub4b[16]? (-add_sub4b) : add_sub4b;
// assign p1b_all = addsub1b_comp[15:0] * memory1a[15:0]; // TODO: Check - memory is 16:0
......@@ -106,6 +106,6 @@ module rs232_rcv393(
ser_do_stb <= sample_bit;
// if (ser_rst) debug0[4:0] <=5'b0;
// else debug0[4:0] <= debug | {ts_stb_r,start_r,error,ser_di_d,~ser_di_d};
// else debug0[4:0] <= debug | {ts_stb_r,start_r,error,ser_di_d[0],~ser_di_d[0]};
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module dly01_16(
input rst,
input [3:0] dly,
input din,
output reg dout
output dout
reg [15:0] sr=0;
......@@ -39,23 +39,10 @@ module dly01_16(
else sr <= {sr[14:0],din};
always @ (sr or dly) case (dly)
4'h0: dout <= sr[ 0];
4'h1: dout <= sr[ 1];
4'h2: dout <= sr[ 2];
4'h3: dout <= sr[ 3];
4'h4: dout <= sr[ 4];
4'h5: dout <= sr[ 5];
4'h6: dout <= sr[ 6];
4'h7: dout <= sr[ 7];
4'h8: dout <= sr[ 8];
4'h9: dout <= sr[ 9];
4'ha: dout <= sr[10];
4'hb: dout <= sr[11];
4'hc: dout <= sr[12];
4'hd: dout <= sr[13];
4'he: dout <= sr[14];
4'hf: dout <= sr[15];
assign dout = (|sr) ? ((&sr) ? 1'b1 : sr[dly]) : 1'b0 ;
assign dout =sr[dly];
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