Commit bcaa005d authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

simulating/bug fixing

parent 9afdf9d6
......@@ -117,7 +117,11 @@
localparam FRAME_START_ADDRESS= 'h1000; // RA=80, CA=0, BA=0 22-bit frame start address (3 CA LSBs==0. BA==0)
localparam FRAME_START_ADDRESS_INC= 'h 800;
localparam FRAME_START_ADDRESS_INC= 'h800;
localparam LAST_BUF_FRAME = 1;
localparam CAMSYNC_DELAY = 200;
localparam FRAME_FULL_WIDTH= 'h0c0; // Padded line length (8-row increment), in 8-bursts (16 bytes)
// localparam AFI_LO_ADDR64= 'h4000; // start of the system memory range in 64-bit words
......@@ -156,4 +160,5 @@
localparam TEST01_SUSPEND= 4; // SuppressThisWarning VEditor - not used
localparam TEST_INITIAL_BURST= 4; // 3;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@
//sensor_fifo parameters
parameter SENSOR_DATA_WIDTH = 12,
parameter SENSOR_FIFO_2DEPTH = 4,
parameter SENSOR_FIFO_DELAY = 4'd7,
parameter SENSOR_FIFO_DELAY = 4'd5, // 7,
// other parameters for histogram_saxi module
parameter HIST_SAXI_ADDR_MASK = 'h7f0,
parameter HIST_SAXI_MODE_WIDTH = 8,
......@@ -615,11 +615,13 @@
parameter CAMSYNC_TRIG_DELAY1 = 'h5, // setup input trigger delay
parameter CAMSYNC_TRIG_DELAY2 = 'h6, // setup input trigger delay
parameter CAMSYNC_TRIG_DELAY3 = 'h7, // setup input trigger delay
parameter CAMSYNC_SNDEN_BIT = 'h1, // enable writing ts_snd_en
parameter CAMSYNC_EXTERNAL_BIT = 'h3, // enable writing ts_external (0 - local timestamp in the frame header)
parameter CAMSYNC_TRIGGERED_BIT = 'h5, // triggered mode ( 0- async)
parameter CAMSYNC_MASTER_BIT = 'h8, // select a 2-bit master channel (master delay may be used as a flash delay)
parameter CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT = 'hd, // per-channel enable timestamp generation
parameter CAMSYNC_EN_BIT = 'h0, // enable module (0 - reset)
parameter CAMSYNC_SNDEN_BIT = 'h2, // enable writing ts_snd_en
parameter CAMSYNC_EXTERNAL_BIT = 'h4, // enable writing ts_external (0 - local timestamp in the frame header)
parameter CAMSYNC_TRIGGERED_BIT = 'h6, // triggered mode ( 0- async)
parameter CAMSYNC_MASTER_BIT = 'h9, // select a 2-bit master channel (master delay may be used as a flash delay)
parameter CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT = 'he, // per-channel enable timestamp generation
parameter CAMSYNC_PRE_MAGIC = 6'b110100,
parameter CAMSYNC_POST_MAGIC = 6'b001101,
......@@ -28,16 +28,16 @@
parameter SIMUL_AXI_READ_WIDTH=16,
parameter MEMCLK_PERIOD = 5.0,
parameter FCLK0_PERIOD = 10.417,
parameter FCLK0_PERIOD = 41.667, // 10.417, 24MHz
parameter FCLK1_PERIOD = 0.0,
parameter SENSOR12BITS_LLINE = 192, // 1664;// line duration in clocks
parameter SENSOR12BITS_NCOLS = 66, //58; //56; // 129; //128; //1288;
parameter SENSOR12BITS_NROWS = 18, // 16; // 1032;
parameter SENSOR12BITS_NROWB = 1, // number of "blank rows" from vact to 1-st hact
parameter SENSOR12BITS_NROWA = 1, // number of "blank rows" from last hact to end of vact
// parameter SENSOR12BITS_LLINE = 192, // 1664;// line duration in clocks
// parameter SENSOR12BITS_NCOLS = 66, //58; //56; // 129; //128; //1288;
// parameter SENSOR12BITS_NROWS = 18, // 16; // 1032;
// parameter SENSOR12BITS_NROWB = 1, // number of "blank rows" from vact to 1-st hact
// parameter SENSOR12BITS_NROWA = 1, // number of "blank rows" from last hact to end of vact
// parameter nAV = 24, //240; // clocks from ARO to VACT (actually from en_dclkd)
parameter SENSOR12BITS_NBPF = 20, //16; // bpf length
// parameter SENSOR12BITS_NBPF = 20, //16; // bpf length
parameter SENSOR12BITS_NGPL = 8, // bpf to hact
parameter SENSOR12BITS_NVLO = 1, // VACT=0 in video mode (clocks)
//parameter tMD = 14; //
......@@ -45,15 +45,17 @@
parameter SENSOR12BITS_TMD = 4, //
parameter SENSOR12BITS_TDDO = 2, // some confusion here - let's assume that it is from DCLK to Data out
parameter SENSOR12BITS_TDDO1 = 5, //
parameter SENSOR12BITS_TRIGDLY = 8, // delay between trigger input and start of output (VACT) in lines
parameter SENSOR12BITS_RAMP = 1, // 1 - ramp, 0 - random (now - sensor.dat)
parameter SENSOR12BITS_NEW_BAYER = 0, // 0 - "old" tiles (16x16, 1 - new - (18x18)
// parameter SENSOR12BITS_TRIGDLY = 8, // delay between trigger input and start of output (VACT) in lines
// parameter SENSOR12BITS_RAMP = 1, // 1 - ramp, 0 - random (now - sensor.dat)
// parameter SENSOR12BITS_NEW_BAYER = 0, // 0 - "old" tiles (16x16, 1 - new - (18x18)
parameter HISTOGRAM_LEFT = 0, //2; // left
parameter HISTOGRAM_TOP = 2, // top
parameter HISTOGRAM_WIDTH = 6, // width
parameter HISTOGRAM_HEIGHT = 6, // height
parameter HISTOGRAM_STRAT_PAGE = 20'h12345,
parameter FRAME_WIDTH_ROUND_BITS = 9, // multiple of 512 pixels (32 16-byte bursts) (11 - ful SDRAM page)
parameter WOI_WIDTH= 64
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -181,7 +181,6 @@ module sens_parallel12 #(
wire hact_ext; // received hact signal
reg hact_ext_r; // received hact signal, delayed by 1 clock
reg hact_r; // received or regenerated hact
assign set_pxd_delay = set_idelay[2:0];
assign set_other_delay = set_idelay[3];
assign status = {locked_pxd_mmcm,clkin_pxd_stopped_mmcm,clkfb_pxd_stopped_mmcm,xfpgadone,ps_rdy, ps_out,xfpgatdo,senspgmin};
......@@ -602,8 +601,8 @@ module sens_parallel12 #(
.CLKOUT0_DIVIDE_F (4.000),
.CLKOUT0_DIVIDE_F (8.000),
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ module sens_sync#(
else if (!sof_dly) lines_left <= line_dly_pclk;
else if (hact_single) lines_left <= lines_left - 1;
trigger_mode_pclk <= trigger_mode;
trigger_mode_pclk <= trigger_mode;
if (!trigger_mode_pclk || !en) en_vacts_free<= 1'b1;
else if (sof_in) en_vacts_free<= 1'b0;
......@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ module sens_sync#(
if (pre_sof_out || !trigger_mode_pclk) overdue <= 1'b0;
else if (trig_in_pclk) overdue <= trig_r;
if (!en || !trigger_mode_pclk) trig_r <=0;
else if (trig_in) trig_r <= ~trig_r;
if (!en || !trigger_mode_pclk || sof_in) trig_r <=0;
else if (trig_in_pclk) trig_r <= ~trig_r;
// enforce minimal frame period (applies to both normal and delayed pulse (Make it only in free-running mode?)
if (!en || !(&period_cntr)) period_dly <= 0;
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ module sensor_channel#(
//sensor_fifo parameters
parameter SENSOR_DATA_WIDTH = 12,
parameter SENSOR_FIFO_2DEPTH = 4,
parameter SENSOR_FIFO_DELAY = 7,
parameter SENSOR_FIFO_DELAY = 5, // 7,
// sens_parallel12 other parameters
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
module sensor_fifo #(
parameter SENSOR_DATA_WIDTH = 12,
parameter SENSOR_FIFO_2DEPTH = 4, // 4-bit address
parameter SENSOR_FIFO_DELAY = 7 // approxiametly half (1 << SENSOR_FIFO_2DEPTH) - how long to wait after getting HACT on FIFO before stering it on output
parameter SENSOR_FIFO_DELAY = 5 // 7 // approxiametly half (1 << SENSOR_FIFO_2DEPTH) - how long to wait after getting HACT on FIFO before stering it on output
// input rst,
input iclk, // input -synchronous clock
......@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ module sensor_fifo #(
reg sof_r,eof_r;
wire we;
// output clock domain
wire pre_re,re_w,re;
// wire pre_re;
wire re; // re_w,re;
reg re_r;
reg [1:0] pre_hact;
reg hact_out_r;
......@@ -86,14 +87,44 @@ module sensor_fifo #(
// output clock domain
assign pre_re = nempty && !re_r;
assign re_w = re_r && nempty; // to protect from false positive on nempty
assign re = (re_w && !pre_hact) || hact_out_r;
// assign pre_re = nempty && !re_r;
// Generating first read (for hact), then wait to fill half FIFO and continue continuous read until hact end
// assign re_w = re_r && nempty; // to protect from false positive on nempty
// assign re = (re_w && !pre_hact) || hact_out_r; // no check for nempty - producing un-interrupted stream
assign re = (re_r && nempty && !pre_hact[0]) || hact_out_r; // no check for nempty - producing un-interrupted stream
assign pxd_out= pxd_r;
assign data_valid = hact_out_r;
assign sof = sof_r;
assign eof = eof_r;
always @(posedge pclk) begin
if (prst) re_r <= 0;
else re_r <= nempty && !re_r && !pre_hact[0]; // only generate one cycle (after SOF of HACT)
if (prst) pre_hact[0] <= 0;
else if (re) pre_hact[0] <= hact_w;
if (prst) pre_hact[1] <= 0;
else pre_hact[1] <= pre_hact[0];
if (prst) pxd_r <= 0;
else if (re) pxd_r <= pxd_w;
if (prst) hact_out_r <= 0;
else if (hact_out_start) hact_out_r <= 1;
// else if (!hact_w) hact_out_r <= 0;
else if (!(hact_w && re)) hact_out_r <= 0;
if (prst) sof_r <= 0;
else sof_r <= re && sof_w;
if (prst) eof_r <= 0;
else eof_r <= re && eof_w;
always @(posedge iclk) begin
if (irst) re_r <= 0;
else re_r <= pre_re;
......@@ -118,7 +149,7 @@ module sensor_fifo #(
else eof_r <= re && eof_w;
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ module sensors393 #(
//sensor_fifo parameters
parameter SENSOR_DATA_WIDTH = 12,
parameter SENSOR_FIFO_2DEPTH = 4,
parameter SENSOR_FIFO_DELAY = 7,
parameter SENSOR_FIFO_DELAY = 5, // 7,
// other parameters for histogram_saxi module
parameter HIST_SAXI_ADDR_MASK = 'h7f0,
parameter HIST_SAXI_MODE_WIDTH = 8,
......@@ -163,10 +163,21 @@ Alex
2'h0: next_wr_address_w[11:0] <= write_address[11:0];
2'h1: next_wr_address_w[11:0] <= write_address[11:0] + (1 << wsize);
2'h2: case (wsize)
2'h3: next_wr_address_w[11:0] <= {(write_address[11:3] + 1) & {5'h1f, ~wlen[3:0]},write_address[2:0]};
2'h2: next_wr_address_w[11:0] <= {(write_address[11:2] + 1) & {6'h3f, ~wlen[3:0]},write_address[1:0]};
2'h1: next_wr_address_w[11:0] <= {(write_address[11:1] + 1) & {7'h7f, ~wlen[3:0]},write_address[0:0]};
2'h0: next_wr_address_w[11:0] <= (write_address[11:0] + 1) & {8'hff, ~wlen[3:0]};
2'h3: begin
next_wr_address_w[11:3] <= (write_address[11:3] + 1) & {5'h1f, ~wlen[3:0]};
next_wr_address_w[ 2:0] <= write_address[2:0];
2'h2: begin
next_wr_address_w[11:2] <= (write_address[11:2] + 1) & {6'h3f, ~wlen[3:0]};
next_wr_address_w[ 1:0] <= write_address[1:0];
2'h1: begin
next_wr_address_w[11:1] <= (write_address[11:1] + 1) & {7'h7f, ~wlen[3:0]};
next_wr_address_w[0:0] <= write_address[0:0];
2'h0: begin
next_wr_address_w[11:0] <= (write_address[11:0] + 1) & {8'hff, ~wlen[3:0]};
2'h3: next_wr_address_w[11:0] <= 12'bx;
......@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ end
always @ (posedge MCLK) begin
// #1 stopped= !arst1 || (stoppedd && !ARO) ;
#1 stopped= !arst1 || ((stoppedd || (state== s_frame_done)) && ARO) ; /// ARO tow TRIGGER, ective low
#1 stopped= !arst1 || ((stoppedd || (state== s_frame_done)) && ARO) ; /// ARO tow TRIGGER, active low
#1 arst1=ARST;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ module rtc393 #(
// output reg snap); // take a snapshot (externally)
wire [31:0] cmd_data;
wire [2:0] cmd_a;
wire [1:0] cmd_a;
wire cmd_we;
wire set_usec_w;
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ module rtc393 #(
else if (refclk2x_mclk) pre_cntr <= pre_cntr - 1;
if (!enable_rtc) halfusec <= 0;
else halfusec <= {halfusec[2:0], (|pre_cntr)?1'b0:1'b1};
else halfusec <= {halfusec[2:0], (|pre_cntr || !refclk2x_mclk)?1'b0:1'b1};
if (set_usec_w) pend_set_cntr <= 1'b0; // just to get rid of undefined
if (set_sec_w) pend_set_cntr <= 1'b1;
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ module rtc393 #(
) cmd_deser_32bit_i (
.rst (1'b0), //rst), // input
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ module timestamp_snapshot(
input sclk,
input srst, // @ posedge sclk - sync reset
input snap,
output pre_stb, // one clock pulse before sending TS data
output reg pre_stb, // one clock pulse before sending TS data
output reg [7:0] ts_data // timestamp data (s0,s1,s2,s3,u0,u1,u2,u3==0)
wire snap_tclk;
......@@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ module timestamp_snapshot(
reg pulse_busy_r;
reg [2:0] cntr;
reg snd;
wire pre_stb_w;
assign pre_stb = !pulse_busy && pulse_busy_r;
assign pre_stb_w = !pulse_busy && pulse_busy_r;
always @ (posedge tclk) begin
if (snap_tclk) sec_usec_snap <= {usec,sec};
......@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ module timestamp_snapshot(
if (srst) snd <= 0;
else if (!pulse_busy && pulse_busy_r) snd <= 1;
else if ((&cntr) || snap) snd <= 0;
pre_stb <= pre_stb_w;
always @(posedge sclk) begin
......@@ -35,11 +35,12 @@ module timing393 #(
parameter CAMSYNC_TRIG_DELAY1 = 'h5, // setup input trigger delay
parameter CAMSYNC_TRIG_DELAY2 = 'h6, // setup input trigger delay
parameter CAMSYNC_TRIG_DELAY3 = 'h7, // setup input trigger delay
parameter CAMSYNC_SNDEN_BIT = 'h1, // enable writing ts_snd_en
parameter CAMSYNC_EXTERNAL_BIT = 'h3, // enable writing ts_external (0 - local timestamp in the frame header)
parameter CAMSYNC_TRIGGERED_BIT = 'h5, // triggered mode ( 0- async)
parameter CAMSYNC_MASTER_BIT = 'h8, // select a 2-bit master channel (master delay may be used as a flash delay)
parameter CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT = 'hd, // per-channel enable timestamp generation
parameter CAMSYNC_EN_BIT = 'h0, // enable module (0 - reset)
parameter CAMSYNC_SNDEN_BIT = 'h2, // enable writing ts_snd_en
parameter CAMSYNC_EXTERNAL_BIT = 'h4, // enable writing ts_external (0 - local timestamp in the frame header)
parameter CAMSYNC_TRIGGERED_BIT = 'h6, // triggered mode ( 0- async)
parameter CAMSYNC_MASTER_BIT = 'h9, // select a 2-bit master channel (master delay may be used as a flash delay)
parameter CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT = 'he, // per-channel enable timestamp generation
parameter CAMSYNC_PRE_MAGIC = 6'b110100,
parameter CAMSYNC_POST_MAGIC = 6'b001101,
......@@ -223,6 +224,7 @@ module timing393 #(
......@@ -1835,6 +1835,7 @@ assign axi_grst = axi_rst_pre;
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