Commit b040c02d authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

continue porting compressor logic

parent 3bccc0bb
...@@ -125,14 +125,14 @@ module jp_channel#( ...@@ -125,14 +125,14 @@ module jp_channel#(
wire [ 9:0] yc_nodc; // [9:0] data out (4:2:0) (signed, average=0) wire [ 9:0] yc_nodc; // [9:0] data out (4:2:0) (signed, average=0)
wire [ 8:0] yc_avr; // [8:0] DC (average value) - RAM output, no register. For Y components 9'h080..9'h07f, for C - 9'h100..9'h0ff! wire [ 8:0] yc_avr; // [8:0] DC (average value) - RAM output, no register. For Y components 9'h080..9'h07f, for C - 9'h100..9'h0ff!
wire yc_nodc_dv; // out data valid (will go high for at least 64 cycles) wire yc_nodc_dv; // out data valid (will go high for at least 64 cycles)
wire yc_nodc_ds; // single-cycle mark of the first_r pixel in a 64 (8x8) - pixel block wire dct_start; // single-cycle mark of the first_r pixel in a 64 (8x8) - pixel block
wire [ 2:0] yc_nodc_tn; // [2:0] tile number 0..3 - Y, 4 - Cb, 5 - Cr (valid with start) wire [ 2:0] color_tn; // [2:0] tile number 0..3 - Y, 4 - Cb, 5 - Cr (valid with start)
wire yc_nodc_first; // sending first_r MCU (valid @ ds) wire color_first; // sending first_r MCU (valid @ ds)
wire yc_nodc_last; // sending last_r MCU (valid @ ds) wire color_last; // sending last_r MCU (valid @ ds)
// below signals valid at ds ( 1 later than tn, first_r, last_r) // below signals valid at ds ( 1 later than tn, first_r, last_r)
wire [2:0] yc_nodc_component_num; //[2:0] - component number (YCbCr: 0 - Y, 1 - Cb, 2 - Cr, JP4: 0-1-2-3 in sequence (depends on shift) 4 - don't use wire [2:0] yc_nodc_component_num; //[2:0] - component number (YCbCr: 0 - Y, 1 - Cb, 2 - Cr, JP4: 0-1-2-3 in sequence (depends on shift) 4 - don't use
wire yc_nodc_component_color; // use color quantization table (YCbCR, jp4diff) wire yc_nodc_component_color; // use color quantization table (YCbCR, jp4diff)
wire yc_nodc_component_first; // first_r this component in a frame (DC absolute, otherwise - difference to previous) wire color_first; // first_r this component in a frame (DC absolute, otherwise - difference to previous)
wire yc_nodc_component_lastinmb; // last_r component in a macroblock; wire yc_nodc_component_lastinmb; // last_r component in a macroblock;
...@@ -293,13 +293,13 @@ module jp_channel#( ...@@ -293,13 +293,13 @@ module jp_channel#(
.do (yc_nodc), // output[9:0] .do (yc_nodc), // output[9:0]
.avr (yc_avr), // output[8:0] .avr (yc_avr), // output[8:0]
.dv (yc_nodc_dv), // output .dv (yc_nodc_dv), // output
.ds (yc_nodc_ds), // output .ds (dct_start), // output
.tn (yc_nodc_tn), // output[2:0] .tn (color_tn), // output[2:0]
.first (yc_nodc_first), // output reg .first (color_first), // output reg
.last (yc_nodc_last), // output reg .last (color_last), // output reg
.component_num (yc_nodc_component_num), // output[2:0] .component_num (yc_nodc_component_num), // output[2:0]
.component_color (yc_nodc_component_color), // output .component_color (yc_nodc_component_color), // output
.component_first (yc_nodc_component_first), // output .component_first (color_first), // output
.component_lastinmb (yc_nodc_component_lastinmb) // output reg .component_lastinmb (yc_nodc_component_lastinmb) // output reg
); );
// wire [ 9:0] yc_nodc; // [9:0] data out (4:2:0) (signed, average=0) // wire [ 9:0] yc_nodc; // [9:0] data out (4:2:0) (signed, average=0)
...@@ -309,18 +309,87 @@ module jp_channel#( ...@@ -309,18 +309,87 @@ module jp_channel#(
wire dct_dv; wire dct_dv;
wire [12:0] dct_out; wire [12:0] dct_out;
//propagation of first block through compressor pipeline
wire first_block_color=(color_tn[2:0]==3'h0) && color_first; // while color conversion,
reg first_block_color_after; // after color conversion,
reg first_block_dct; // after DCT
wire first_block_quant; // after quantizer
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (dct_start) first_block_color_after <= first_block_color;
if (dct_last_in) first_block_dct <= first_block_color_after;
xdct393 xdct393_i ( xdct393 xdct393_i (
.clk (xclk), // input .clk (xclk), // input
.en (frame_en), // input if zero will reset transpose memory page numbers .en (frame_en), // input if zero will reset transpose memory page numbers
.start (yc_nodc_ds), // input single-cycle start pulse that goes with the first pixel data. Other 63 should follow .start (dct_start), // input single-cycle start pulse that goes with the first pixel data. Other 63 should follow
.xin (yc_nodc), // input[9:0] .xin (yc_nodc), // input[9:0]
.last_in (dct_last_in), // output reg output high during input of the last of 64 pixels in a 8x8 block // .last_in (dct_last_in), // output reg output high during input of the last of 64 pixels in a 8x8 block //
.pre_first_out (dct_pre_first_out), // outpu 1 cycle ahead of the first output in a 64 block .pre_first_out (dct_pre_first_out), // outpu 1 cycle ahead of the first output in a 64 block
.dv (dct_dv), // output data output valid. Will go high on the 94-th cycle after the start (now - on 95-th?) .dv (dct_dv), // output data output valid. Will go high on the 94-th cycle after the start (now - on 95-th?)
.d_out (dct_out) // output[12:0] .d_out (dct_out) // output[12:0]
); );
reg quant_start; wire quant_start;
always @ (posedge xclk) quant_start <= dct_pre_first_out; dly_16 #(.WIDTH(1)) i_quant_start (.clk(xclk),.rst(1'b0), .dly(0), .din(dct_pre_first_out), .dout(quant_start)); // dly=0+1
// TODO: Change interface
wire twqe;
wire twce;
wire [8:0] ta;
wire [15:0] tdi;
reg [ 2:0] cmprs_qpage_this;
wire first_block_quant;
wire [12:0] quant_do;
wire quant_ds;
wire [15:0] quant_dc_tdo;// MSB aligned coefficient for the DC component (used in focus module)
wire [ 2:0] coring_num;
reg dcc_en;
wire dccout;
wire [ 2:0] hfc_sel;
wire dccvld;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (!dccout) dcc_en <=1'b0;
else if (dct_start && color_first && (color_tn[2:0]==3'b001)) dcc_en <=1'b1; // 3'b001 - closer to the first "start" in quantizator
quantizer393 quantizer393_i (
.clk (xclk), // input
.en (frame_en), // input
.sclk (mclk), // input system clock, twqe, twce, ta,tdi - valid @posedge (ra, tdi - 2 cycles ahead (was negedge)
.twqe (twqe), // input enable write to a quantization table
.twce (twce), // input enable write to a coring table
.ta (ta), // input[8:0] table address
.tdi (tdi), // input[15:0] data in (8 LSBs - quantization data - obsolete?)
.ctypei (yc_nodc_component_color),// input component type input (Y/C)
.dci (yc_avr), // input[8:0] - average value in a block - subtracted before DCT. now normal signed number
.first_stb (first_block_color), // input - this is first stb pulse in a frame
.stb (dct_start), // input - strobe that writes ctypei, dci
.tsi (cmprs_qpage_this[2:0]), // input[2:0] - table (quality) select [2:0]
.pre_start (dct_pre_first_out), // input - marks first input pixel (one before)
.first_in (first_block_dct), // input - first block in (valid @ start)
.first_out (first_block_quant), // output reg - valid @ ds
.di (dct_out[12:0]), // input[12:0] - pixel data in (signed)
.do (quant_do[12:0]), // output[12:0] - pixel data out (AC is only 9 bits long?) - changed to 10
.dv (), // output reg - data out valid
.ds (quant_ds), // output reg - data out strobe (one ahead of the start of dv)
.dc_tdo (quant_dc_tdo[15:0]), // output[15:0] reg - MSB aligned coefficient for the DC component (used in focus module)
.dcc_en (dcc_en), // input - enable dcc (sync to beginning of a new frame)
.hfc_sel (hfc_sel), // input[2:0] - hight frequency components select [2:0] (includes components with both numbers >=hfc_sel
.color_first (color_first), // input - first MCU in a frame
.coring_num (coring_num), // input[2:0] - coring table pair number (0..7)
.dcc_vld (dccvld), // output reg - single cycle when dcc_data is valid
.dcc_data (), // output[15:0] - dc component data out (for reading by software)
.n000 (n000), // input[7:0] - number of zero pixels (255 if 256) - to be multiplexed with dcc
.n255 (n255) // input[7:0] - number of 0xff pixels (255 if 256) - to be multiplexed with dcc
/* /*
xdct i_xdct ( .clk(clk), // top level module xdct i_xdct ( .clk(clk), // top level module
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