Commit 870181ff authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

auto commenting out duplicate names in typedefs, checking they address teh same bit fields

parent 901e1d6a
......@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ typedef union {
struct {
u32 : 2;
u32 tbl_mode: 2; // [29:28] (2) Should be 2 to select table data write mode
u32 /*tbl_mode*/: 2; // [29:28] (2) Should be 2 to select table data write mode
u32 dly: 8; // [27:20] (0) Bit delay - number of mclk periods in 1/4 of the SCL period
u32 nbwr: 4; // [19:16] (0) Number of bytes to write (1..10)
u32 sa: 7; // [15: 9] (0) Slave address in write mode
......@@ -398,17 +398,17 @@ typedef union {
struct {
u32 : 2;
u32 tbl_mode: 2; // [29:28] (2) Should be 2 to select table data write mode
u32 dly: 8; // [27:20] (0) Bit delay - number of mclk periods in 1/4 of the SCL period
u32 /*tbl_mode*/: 2; // [29:28] (2) Should be 2 to select table data write mode
u32 /*dly*/: 8; // [27:20] (0) Bit delay - number of mclk periods in 1/4 of the SCL period
u32 nabrd: 1; // [ 19] (0) Number of address bytes for read (0 - one byte, 1 - two bytes)
u32 nbrd: 3; // [18:16] (0) Number of bytes to read (1..18, 0 means '8')
u32 : 7;
u32 rnw: 1; // [ 8] (0) Read/not write i2c register, should be 1 here
u32 rah: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0) High byte of the i2c register address
u32 /*rnw*/: 1; // [ 8] (0) Read/not write i2c register, should be 1 here
u32 /*rah*/: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0) High byte of the i2c register address
struct {
u32 : 2;
u32 tbl_mode: 2; // [29:28] (0) Should be 0 to select controls
u32 /*tbl_mode*/: 2; // [29:28] (0) Should be 0 to select controls
u32 :13;
u32 reset: 1; // [ 14] (0) Sequencer reset all FIFO (takes 16 clock pulses), also - stops i2c until run command
u32 cmd_run: 2; // [13:12] (0) Sequencer run/stop control: 0,1 - nop, 2 - stop, 3 - run
......@@ -628,17 +628,17 @@ typedef union {
u32 gp0_set: 1; // [ 13] (0) Set GP0 to 'gp0' value
u32 gp0: 1; // [ 12] (0) GP0 multipurpose signal to the sensor
u32 : 1;
u32 set_dly: 1; // [ 10] (0) Set all pre-programmed delays to the sensor port input delays
u32 /*set_dly*/: 1; // [ 10] (0) Set all pre-programmed delays to the sensor port input delays
u32 ign_embed_set: 1; // [ 9] (0) Set mode to 'ign_embed' field
u32 ign_embed: 1; // [ 8] (0) Ignore embedded data (non-image pixel lines
u32 mmcm_rst_set: 1; // [ 7] (0) MMCM reset set to 'mmcm_rst' field
u32 mmcm_rst: 1; // [ 6] (0) MMCM (for sesnor clock) reset signal
u32 aro_set: 1; // [ 5] (0) ARO set to the 'aro' field
u32 aro: 1; // [ 4] (0) ARO signal to the sensor
u32 arst_set: 1; // [ 3] (0) ARST set to the 'arst' field
u32 arst: 1; // [ 2] (0) ARST signal to the sensor
u32 mrst_set: 1; // [ 1] (0) when set to 1, MRST is set to the 'mrst' field value
u32 mrst: 1; // [ 0] (0) MRST signal level to the sensor (0 - low(active), 1 - high (inactive)
u32 /*mmcm_rst_set*/: 1; // [ 7] (0) MMCM reset set to 'mmcm_rst' field
u32 /*mmcm_rst*/: 1; // [ 6] (0) MMCM (for sesnor clock) reset signal
u32 /*aro_set*/: 1; // [ 5] (0) ARO set to the 'aro' field
u32 /*aro*/: 1; // [ 4] (0) ARO signal to the sensor
u32 /*arst_set*/: 1; // [ 3] (0) ARST set to the 'arst' field
u32 /*arst*/: 1; // [ 2] (0) ARST signal to the sensor
u32 /*mrst_set*/: 1; // [ 1] (0) when set to 1, MRST is set to the 'mrst' field value
u32 /*mrst*/: 1; // [ 0] (0) MRST signal level to the sensor (0 - low(active), 1 - high (inactive)
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
......@@ -2352,7 +2352,9 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
s += "typedef union {\n"
data = [data]
#check for the same named members, verify they map to the same bit fields, replace with unnamed and move names to comments
members = {} # name:tuple of (start, len)
for ns,struct in enumerate(data):
lines=self.get_pad32(struct, wlen=32, name=name, padLast=frmt_spcs['lastPad'])
......@@ -2363,11 +2365,25 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
s += "typedef struct {\n"
frmt= "%s %%5s %%%ds:%%2d;"%((""," ")[isUnion], max([len(i[0]) for i in lines]+[ frmt_spcs['nameLength']]))
for line in lines:
start_bit = 0
n = line[0]
t = frmt_spcs['ftype']
if isinstance(n,(list,tuple)):
t = n[1]
n = n[0]
if n in members: #same bitfield is already defined, make unnamed, move to comment
#Verify it matches the original
if not (start_bit,line[2]) == members[n]:
print ("*** Error: in typdef for %s bitfield %s had start bit = %d, length = %d and later it has start bit = %d, length %d" %
(name+'_t',members[n][0], members[n][1],start_bit, line[2]))
print ("It needs to be resolved manually renamed?), for now keeping conflicting members")
n += "_CONFLICT"
n = "/*%s*/"%(n)
if n:
members[n] = (start_bit,line[2])
start_bit += line[2]
s += frmt%( t, n, line[2])
if line[0] or frmt_spcs['showReserved']:
hasComment = (len(line) > 4) and line[4]
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