Commit 8555ff12 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

merged with framepars

parents 74db0472 987eadef
......@@ -61,3 +61,4 @@ html.tar.gz
......@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@
* contains all the components and scripts required to completely simulate it
* with at least one of the Free Software programs.
parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300be; //parallel - adding odd/even pixels shift -0.066/12, 80.26%
parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300c0; //parallel - chnaging LOGGER_PAGE_IMU 3->0 (how it was in 353) -0.044/16, 79.59%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300bf; //parallel - mask extrenal timestamps mode -0.043/17 79.56%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300be; //parallel - adding odd/even pixels shift -0.066/12, 80.26%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300bd; //hispi, trying the same -0.173/36, 80.95%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300bc; //parallel, 100kHz min i2c speed -0.076/8, 79.69%
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300bb; //parallel, adding i2c almost full. -0.101/8, 79.37%
......@@ -825,10 +825,10 @@
parameter LOGGER_MASK = 'h7fe,
parameter LOGGER_STATUS_MASK = 'h7ff,
// parameter LOGGER_PAGE_IMU = 0, // 'h00..'h1f - overlaps with period/duration/halfperiod/config? (was so in x353)
//First 4 registers are not used (it is when time stamps are sent)
parameter LOGGER_PAGE_IMU = 0, // 'h04..'h1f - overlaps with period/duration/halfperiod/config? (was so in x353)
parameter LOGGER_PAGE_GPS = 1, // 'h20..'h3f
parameter LOGGER_PAGE_MSG = 2, // 'h40..'h5f
parameter LOGGER_PAGE_IMU = 3, // 'h60..'h7f - removing overlap with period/duration/halfperiod/config
parameter LOGGER_PERIOD = 0,
parameter LOGGER_BIT_DURATION = 1,
......@@ -44,11 +44,10 @@ module event_logger#(
parameter LOGGER_STATUS_REG_ADDR = 'h39, // just 1 location)
parameter LOGGER_MASK = 'h7fe,
parameter LOGGER_STATUS_MASK = 'h7ff,
// parameter LOGGER_PAGE_IMU = 0, // 'h00..'h1f - overlaps with period/duration/halfperiod/config? (was so in x353)
//First 4 registers are not used (it is when time stamps are sent)
parameter LOGGER_PAGE_IMU = 0, // 'h04..'h1f - overlaps with period/duration/halfperiod/config? (was so in x353)
parameter LOGGER_PAGE_GPS = 1, // 'h20..'h3f
parameter LOGGER_PAGE_MSG = 2, // 'h40..'h5f
parameter LOGGER_PAGE_IMU = 3, // 'h60..'h7f - removing overlap with period/duration/halfperiod/config
parameter LOGGER_PERIOD = 0,
parameter LOGGER_BIT_DURATION = 1,
......@@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
(('_Address consists of 2 parts - 2-bit page (configuration, imu, gps, message) and a 5-bit sub-address autoincremented when writing data.',)),
(('_Register pages:',)),
(("X393_LOGGER_PAGE_CONF", "", 0 , 0, None, None, "", "Logger configuration page")),
(("X393_LOGGER_PAGE_IMU", "", vrlg.LOGGER_PAGE_IMU , 0, None, None, "", "Logger IMU parameters page")),
(("X393_LOGGER_PAGE_IMU", "", vrlg.LOGGER_PAGE_IMU , 0, None, None, "", "Logger IMU parameters page (fist 4 DWORDs are not used)")),
(("X393_LOGGER_PAGE_GPS", "", vrlg.LOGGER_PAGE_GPS , 0, None, None, "", "Logger GPS parameters page")),
(("X393_LOGGER_PAGE_MSG", "", vrlg.LOGGER_PAGE_MSG , 0, None, None, "", "Logger MSG (odometer) parameters page")),
(('_Register configuration addresses (with X393_LOGGER_PAGE_CONF):',)),
......@@ -167,7 +167,8 @@ module camsync393 #(
wire en_pclk;
wire eprst = prst || !en_pclk;
reg ts_snd_en; // enable sending timestamp over sync line
reg ts_external; // 1 - use external timestamp, if available. 0 - always use local ts
reg ts_external; // Combined bit 1 - use external timestamp, if available. 0 - always use local ts
reg ts_external_m; // 1 - use external timestamp, if available. 0 - always use local ts (mode bit)
reg triggered_mode_r;
reg [31:0] ts_snd_sec; // [31:0] timestamp seconds to be sent over the sync line - multiplexed from master channel
......@@ -379,7 +380,7 @@ module camsync393 #(
if (set_mode_reg_w) begin
if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_EN_BIT]) en <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_EN_BIT - 1];
if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_SNDEN_BIT]) ts_snd_en <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_SNDEN_BIT - 1];
if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_EXTERNAL_BIT]) ts_external <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_EXTERNAL_BIT - 1];
if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_EXTERNAL_BIT]) ts_external_m <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_EXTERNAL_BIT - 1];
if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_TRIGGERED_BIT]) triggered_mode_r <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_TRIGGERED_BIT - 1];
if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_MASTER_BIT]) master_chn <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_MASTER_BIT - 1 -: 2];
// if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT]) chn_en <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT - 1 -: 4];
......@@ -390,6 +391,9 @@ module camsync393 #(
if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT-0]) chn_en[3] <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT - 4];
// Do not try to use external timestamp in free run or internally triggered mode
ts_external <= ts_external_m && !input_use_intern && triggered_mode_r;
if (mrst) input_use <= 0;
if (!en) begin
input_use <= 0;
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