Commit 8555bdd3 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

got first jpeg-compressed image

parent 0a756781
......@@ -62,42 +62,42 @@
......@@ -240,8 +240,8 @@ module histogram_saxi#(
.debug_sl (debug_sl), // input
.debug_do (debug_do), // output
.rd_data ({
......@@ -54,7 +54,10 @@ module cmprs_macroblock_buf_iface (
output [ 6:0] macroblock_x, // macroblock left pixel x relative to a tile (page) Maximal page - 128 bytes wide
output reg first_mb, // during first macroblock (valid @mb_pre_start_out)
output last_mb // during last macroblock (valid @mb_pre_start_out)
,output [ 1:0] dbg_add_invalid,
output dbg_mb_release_buf
wire reset_page_rd;
......@@ -96,6 +99,10 @@ module cmprs_macroblock_buf_iface (
reg frame_pre_run;
reg [1:0] frame_may_start;
assign dbg_add_invalid = add_invalid;
assign dbg_mb_release_buf = mb_release_buf;
assign frame_en_w = frame_en && frame_go;
assign mbl_x={mbl_x_r[6:3], left_marg[2:0]};
......@@ -42,7 +42,13 @@ module encoderDCAC393(
input zds, // strobe - one ahead of the DC component output
output reg last, //
output reg [15:0] do,
output reg dv);
output reg dv,
// just for debug
output comp_lastinmbo,
output [2:0] dbg_block_mem_ra,
output [2:0] dbg_block_mem_wa,
output [2:0] dbg_block_mem_wa_save
// 8x13 DC storage memory
......@@ -72,7 +78,7 @@ module encoderDCAC393(
wire [2:0] comp_numbero; // [2:0] component number 0..2 in color, 0..3 - in jp4diff, >= 4 - don't use
wire comp_firsto; // first this component in a frame (reset DC)
wire comp_coloro; // use color - huffman?
wire comp_lastinmbo; // last component in a macroblock
// wire comp_lastinmbo; // last component in a macroblock
wire lasto; // last macroblock in a frame
reg [2:0] block_mem_ra;
reg [2:0] block_mem_wa;
......@@ -85,6 +91,11 @@ module encoderDCAC393(
assign comp_coloro= block_mem_o[4];
assign comp_lastinmbo= block_mem_o[5];
assign lasto= block_mem_o[6];
assign dbg_block_mem_ra = block_mem_ra;
assign dbg_block_mem_wa = block_mem_wa;
assign dbg_block_mem_wa_save = block_mem_wa_save;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (stb) block_mem_ram[block_mem_wa[2:0]] <= {lasti, comp_lastinmbi, comp_colori,comp_firsti,comp_numberi[2:0]};
if (!en) block_mem_wa[2:0] <= 3'h0;
......@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ module huffman393 (
output reg test_lbw,
output gotLastBlock, // last block done - flush the rest bits
input clk_flush, // other clock to generate synchronized 1-cycle flush_clk output
output flush_clk // 1-cycle flush output @ clk_flush
output flush_clk, // 1-cycle flush output @ clk_flush
output fifo_or_full // FIFO output register full - just for debuging
reg [15:0] hcode_latch; // table output huffman code (1..16 bits)
......@@ -55,14 +56,14 @@ module huffman393 (
reg [ 7:0] haddr70_latch;
reg haddr8_latch;
reg tables_re_latch;
reg stuffer_was_rdy_early_latch;
// reg stuffer_was_rdy_early_latch;
wire [15:0] hcode_latch; // table output huffman code (1..16 bits)
wire [ 3:0] hlen_latch; // table - code length only 4 LSBs are used
wire [ 7:0] haddr70_latch;
wire haddr8_latch;
wire tables_re_latch;
wire stuffer_was_rdy_early_latch;
// wire stuffer_was_rdy_early_latch;
wire [31:0] tables_out; // Only [19:0] are used
reg [ 7:0] haddr_r; // index in huffman table
......@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ module huffman393 (
reg [15:0] out_bits; // bits to send
reg [3:0] out_len; // length of bits to send (4'h0 means 16)
wire fifo_or_full; // fifo output register full read_next
// wire fifo_or_full; // fifo output register full read_next
wire will_read;
wire [10:0] var_do;
wire [3:0] var_dl;
......@@ -135,14 +136,14 @@ module huffman393 (
assign gotColor= fifo_o[13];
always @(negedge xclk2x) stuffer_was_rdy <= !en2x || rdy; // stuffer ready shoud be on if !en (move to register?)for now]
wire want_read_early;
// wire want_read_early;
assign read_next= en2x && ((!steps[0] && !rll[5]) || eob ) && fifo_or_full; // fifo will never have data after the last block...
assign will_read= stuffer_was_rdy && fifo_or_full && en2x && ((!steps[0] && !rll[5]) || eob ); // fifo will never have data after the last block...
assign want_read= stuffer_was_rdy && ((!steps[0] && !rll[5]) || eob ); // for FIFO
assign want_read_early= stuffer_was_rdy_early_latch && ((!steps[0] && !rll[5]) || eob ); // for FIFO
// assign want_read_early= stuffer_was_rdy_early_latch && ((!steps[0] && !rll[5]) || eob ); // for FIFO
always @ (negedge xclk2x) if (stuffer_was_rdy) begin
eob <= read_next && gotEOB;// will be 1 only during step[0]
......@@ -153,7 +154,11 @@ module huffman393 (
(read_next && !(gotRLL && (fifo_o[5:4]==2'b00))) || rll[5] }; // will not start if it was <16, waiting for AC
always @ (negedge xclk2x) begin
last_block <= en2x && (last_block?(!flush):(stuffer_was_rdy && will_read && gotLastBlock));
// last_block <= en2x && (last_block?(!flush):(stuffer_was_rdy && will_read && gotLastBlock));
if (!en2x || flush) last_block <= 0;
else if (stuffer_was_rdy && will_read && gotLastBlock) last_block <= 1;
ready_to_flush <= en2x && (ready_to_flush?(!flush):(stuffer_was_rdy && last_block && will_read && gotLastWord));
test_lbw <= en2x && last_block && gotLastWord;
// did not work if flush was just after not ready?
......@@ -199,7 +204,7 @@ module huffman393 (
always @* if (~xclk2x) hlen_latch <= tables_out[19:16];
always @* if (~xclk2x) hcode_latch <= tables_out[15:0];
always @* if (xclk2x) stuffer_was_rdy_early_latch <= !en2x || rdy;
// always @* if (xclk2x) stuffer_was_rdy_early_latch <= !en2x || rdy;
always @* if (xclk2x) tables_re_latch <= en2x && rdy;
always @* if (xclk2x) begin
......@@ -238,7 +243,7 @@ module huffman393 (
.d_in (tables_out[15:0]), // input[0:0]
.q_out (hcode_latch) // output[0:0]
latch_g_ce #(
.WIDTH (1),
.INIT (0),
......@@ -251,7 +256,7 @@ module huffman393 (
.d_in (!en2x || rdy), // input[0:0]
.q_out (stuffer_was_rdy_early_latch) // output[0:0]
latch_g_ce #(
.WIDTH (1),
.INIT (0),
......@@ -342,15 +347,16 @@ module huffman393 (
huff_fifo393 i_huff_fifo (
.xclk(xclk), // input
.xclk2x(xclk2x), // input
.en(en), // input
.di(di[15:0]), // input[15:0] data in (sync to xclk)
.ds(ds), // input din valid (sync to xclk)
.want_read(want_read), // input
.want_read_early(want_read_early), // input
.dav(fifo_or_full), // output reg FIFO output register has data
.q_latch(fifo_o[15:0])); // output[15:0] reg data (will add extra buffering if needed)
.xclk (xclk), // input
.xclk2x (xclk2x), // input
.en (en), // input
.di (di[15:0]), // input[15:0] data in (sync to xclk)
.ds (ds), // input din valid (sync to xclk)
.want_read (want_read), // input
// .want_read_early (want_read_early), // input
.dav (fifo_or_full), // output reg FIFO output register has data
// .q_latch (fifo_o[15:0])); // output[15:0] reg data (will add extra buffering if needed)
.q (fifo_o[15:0])); // output[15:0] reg data (will add extra buffering if needed)
varlen_encode393 i_varlen_encode(
.clk (xclk2x), // input
......@@ -344,21 +344,114 @@ module jp_channel#(
// assign buf_regen = buf_rd[1];
reg [15:0] debug_fifo_in;
reg [15:0] debug_fifo_out;
reg [31:0] debug_fifo_in;
reg [31:0] debug_fifo_out;
reg [15:0] pre_start_cntr;
reg [15:0] pre_end_cntr;
reg debug_frame_done;
reg [15:0] pages_requested;
reg [15:0] pages_got;
wire [1:0] dbg_add_invalid;
wire dbg_mb_release_buf;
reg [15:0] pages_needed; // count number requested
reg [15:0] page_requests; // count regardless of how many requested
reg dbg_stuffer_ext_running;
reg dbg_reset_fifo;
wire [3:0] etrax_dma;
wire dbg_flushing;
reg dbg_flush_hclk;
reg dbg_en_hclk;
wire dbg_last_block;
reg dbg_en_n2x;
reg dbg_last_block_persist;
wire dbg_test_lbw;
wire dbg_gotLastBlock;
wire dbg_frame_start_hclk;
wire dbg_last_DCAC;
reg dbg_gotLastBlock_persist;
reg dbg_lastBlock_sent;
wire dbg_fifo_or_full;
wire dbg_comp_lastinmbo;
wire [2:0] dbg_block_mem_ra;
reg [15:0] dbg_stb_cntr;
reg [15:0] dbg_zds_cntr;
wire [2:0] dbg_block_mem_wa;
wire [2:0] dbg_block_mem_wa_save;
// cmprs_standalone - use to reset flush
always @ (posedge ~xclk2x) begin
if (xrst2xn) debug_fifo_in <= 0;
dbg_reset_fifo <= fifo_rst;
if (xrst2xn || dbg_reset_fifo) debug_fifo_in <= 0;
else if (stuffer_dv) debug_fifo_in <= debug_fifo_in + 1;
dbg_en_n2x <= stuffer_en;
if (!dbg_en_n2x) dbg_last_block_persist <= 0;
else if (dbg_last_block) dbg_last_block_persist <= 1;
if (!dbg_en_n2x) dbg_gotLastBlock_persist <= 0;
else if (dbg_gotLastBlock) dbg_gotLastBlock_persist <= 1;
always @ (posedge hclk) begin
if (hrst) debug_fifo_out <= 0;
else if (fifo_rst) debug_fifo_out <= debug_fifo_in;
else if (fifo_rst) debug_fifo_out <= 0; // debug_fifo_in >> 2;
else if (fifo_ren) debug_fifo_out <= debug_fifo_out + 1;
dbg_en_hclk <= cmprs_en_mclk;
if (!dbg_en_hclk || dbg_frame_start_hclk) dbg_flush_hclk <= 0;
else if (flush_hclk) dbg_flush_hclk <= 1;
always @ (posedge mclk) begin
if (!cmprs_en_mclk) pages_requested <= 0;
else if (next_page_chn) pages_requested <= pages_requested + 1;
if (!cmprs_en_mclk) pages_got <= 0;
else if (page_ready_chn) pages_got <= pages_got + 1;
if (!cmprs_en_mclk) debug_frame_done <= 0;
else if (frame_done_dst) debug_frame_done <= 1;
if (!cmprs_en_mclk || stuffer_done_mclk) dbg_stuffer_ext_running <= 0;
else if (stuffer_running_mclk) dbg_stuffer_ext_running <= 1;
always @ (posedge xclk) begin
if (!frame_en) pre_start_cntr <= 0;
else if (mb_pre_start) pre_start_cntr <= pre_start_cntr + 1;
if (!frame_en) pre_end_cntr <= 0;
else if (mb_pre_end) pre_end_cntr <= pre_end_cntr + 1;
if (!frame_en) pages_needed <= 0;
else if (dbg_mb_release_buf) pages_needed <= pages_needed + {14'b0,dbg_add_invalid};
if (!frame_en) page_requests <= 0;
else if (dbg_mb_release_buf) page_requests <= page_requests + 1;
if (!frame_en) dbg_lastBlock_sent <= 0;
else if (enc_dv && enc_do[15] && enc_do[14] && enc_do[12] ) dbg_lastBlock_sent <= 1;
// else if enc_do[15:0]
if (!frame_en) dbg_stb_cntr <= 0;
else if (dct_start) dbg_stb_cntr <= dbg_stb_cntr + 1;
if (!frame_en) dbg_zds_cntr <= 0;
else if (focus_ds) dbg_zds_cntr <= dbg_zds_cntr + 1;
debug_slave #(
.READ_WIDTH (128),
.READ_WIDTH (320),
) debug_slave_i (
......@@ -368,11 +461,21 @@ module jp_channel#(
.debug_sl (debug_sl), // input
.debug_do (debug_do), // output
.rd_data ({
26'h0, dbg_block_mem_wa_save[2:0],dbg_block_mem_wa[2:0],
dbg_comp_lastinmbo, dbg_block_mem_ra[2:0], debug_fifo_out[27:0],
color_last, dbg_last_block_persist, dbg_gotLastBlock, dbg_test_lbw, dbg_last_block,
dbg_flush_hclk, dbg_flushing, stuffer_rdy, etrax_dma[3:0], dbg_stuffer_ext_running, stuffer_running_mclk, debug_frame_done, reading_frame,
6'b0, sigle_frame_buf, suspend,
2'b0, dbg_fifo_or_full, dbg_gotLastBlock_persist, dbg_lastBlock_sent, dbg_last_DCAC, sigle_frame_buf, suspend,
......@@ -381,6 +484,18 @@ module jp_channel#(
.wr_data (), // output[31:0] - not used
.stb () // output - not used
// wire [2:0] dbg_block_mem_wa;
// wire [2:0] dbg_block_mem_wa_save;
pulse_cross_clock dbg_fs_hclk_i (
.rst (!cmprs_en_mclk),
.src_clk (mclk),
.dst_clk (hclk),
.in_pulse (frame_start_dst),
.out_pulse (dbg_frame_start_hclk),
.busy ());
cmd_deser #(
......@@ -615,7 +730,10 @@ module jp_channel#(
.macroblock_x (macroblock_x), // output[6:0]
.first_mb (first_mb), // output reg
.last_mb (last_mb) // output
,.dbg_add_invalid (dbg_add_invalid),
.dbg_mb_release_buf (dbg_mb_release_buf)
cmprs_pixel_buf_iface #(
......@@ -890,12 +1008,28 @@ module jp_channel#(
.zdi (focus_do[12:0]), // input[12:0] - zigzag-reordered data input
.first_blockz (first_block_quant), // input - first block input (@zds)
.zds (focus_ds), // input - strobe - one ahead of the DC component output
/// .last (enc_last), // output reg
.last (dbg_last_DCAC), // output reg - not used
.last (), // output reg - not used
.do (enc_do[15:0]), // output[15:0] reg
.dv (enc_dv) // output reg
,.comp_lastinmbo (dbg_comp_lastinmbo)
,.dbg_block_mem_ra (dbg_block_mem_ra)
,.dbg_block_mem_wa (dbg_block_mem_wa)
,.dbg_block_mem_wa_save (dbg_block_mem_wa_save)
,.comp_lastinmbo ()
,.dbg_block_mem_ra ()
,.dbg_block_mem_wa ()
,.dbg_block_mem_wa_save ()
// wire [2:0] dbg_block_mem_wa;
// wire [2:0] dbg_block_mem_wa_save;
huffman393 i_huffman (
.xclk (xclk), // input
......@@ -912,14 +1046,22 @@ module jp_channel#(
.dl (huff_dl[3:0]), // output[3:0] reg
.dv (huff_dv), // output reg
.flush (flush), // output reg
/// .last_block(last_block), // output reg
.last_block (dbg_last_block), // output reg unused does not get out
.test_lbw (dbg_test_lbw), // output reg ??
.gotLastBlock (dbg_gotLastBlock), // output ?? - unused (was for debug)
.last_block (), // output reg unused
.test_lbw (), // output reg ??
/// .gotLastBlock(test_lbw) // output ??
.gotLastBlock (), // output ?? - unused (was for debug)
.clk_flush (hclk), // input
.flush_clk (flush_hclk) // output
.flush_clk (flush_hclk), // output
.fifo_or_full (dbg_fifo_or_full) // FIFO output register full - just for debuging
.fifo_or_full () // FIFO output register full - just for debuging
......@@ -945,9 +1087,15 @@ module jp_channel#(
.q (stuffer_do), // output[15:0] reg - output data
.qv (stuffer_dv), // output reg - output data valid
.done (stuffer_done), // output
.flushing (dbg_flushing), // output reg Not used?
.flushing (), // output reg Not used?
.running (stuffer_running) // from registering timestamp until done
, .dbg_etrax_dma (etrax_dma)
`ifdef debug_stuffer
,.etrax_dma_r(tst_stuf_etrax[3:0]) // [3:0] just for testing
......@@ -71,13 +71,17 @@ module stuffer393 (
/// output reg [23:0] imgptr, // [23:0]image pointer in 32-byte chunks
output reg flushing,
output reg running // from registering timestamp until done
, output reg [3:0] dbg_etrax_dma
`ifdef debug_stuffer
, output reg [3:0] etrax_dma_r, // [3:0] just for testing
output reg [3:0] test_cntr,
, output reg [3:0] etrax_dma_r // [3:0] just for testing
, output reg [3:0] test_cntr,
output reg [7:0] test_cntr1
`ifdef debug_stuffer
reg en_d;
......@@ -364,6 +368,10 @@ end
else if (qv) etrax_dma[3:0] <= etrax_dma[3:0] + 1;
// just for testing
dbg_etrax_dma <= etrax_dma[3:0];
`ifdef debug_stuffer
en_d<= en;
if (en) etrax_dma_r[3:0] <= etrax_dma[3:0];
parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h03930029;
\ No newline at end of file
parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h03930033;
\ No newline at end of file
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ class X393Jpeg(object):
y_quality = 80,
c_quality = None,
portrait = False,
height = 1944,
height = 1936,
width = 2592,
color_mode = 0,
byrshift = 0,
......@@ -5266,6 +5266,13 @@ write_settings= {
# TODO: print function name and used arguments
if any (x in "CWARPOB" for x in tasks):
print ("Restoring delays after running adjustments")
# self.x393_mcntrl_timing.axi_set_delays() # set all individual delays, aslo runs axi_set_phase()
# self.x393_mcntrl_timing.axi_set_wbuf_delay(vrlg.WBUF_DLY_DFLT)
#TODO: find why the 2 calls above are not enough (memory read gets 4 leading garbage bytes)
#The one below seems enough
self.x393_pio_sequences.task_set_up(dqs_pattern = dqs_pattern)
if quiet < 5:
print ("[%.3f/+%.3f] %s"%(tim-start_time,tim-last_task_start_time,"All Done"))
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class X393SensCmprs(object):
window_height = 1944, # 1944
window_left = 0, # 0
window_top = 0, # 0? 1?
compressor_left_margin = 0, #0?`1?
# compressor_left_margin = 0, #0?`1?
# frame_start_address, # calculate through num_sensor, num frames, frame size and start addr?
# frame_start_address_inc,
last_buf_frame = 1, # - just 2-frame buffer
......@@ -181,7 +181,6 @@ class X393SensCmprs(object):
@param window_height - 16-bit window height in scan lines
@param window_left - left margin of the window (here - in pixels)
@param window_top - top margin of the window (16 bit)
@param compressor_left_margin - 0..31 - left margin for compressor (to the nearest 32-byte column)
@param last_buf_frame) - 16-bit number of the last frame in a buffer
@param colorsat_blue - color saturation for blue (10 bits), 0x90 for 100%
@param colorsat_red - color saturation for red (10 bits), 0xb6 for 100%
......@@ -192,13 +191,16 @@ class X393SensCmprs(object):
@param histogram_height_m1 - one less than window height. If 0 - use frame bottom margin (end of VACT)
@parame verbose - verbose level
@param verbose - verbose level
@return True if all done, False if exited prematurely through exit_step
# @param compressor_left_margin - 0..31 - left margin for compressor (to the nearest 32-byte column)
align_to_bursts = 64 # align full width to multiple of align_to_bursts. 64 is the size of memory access
width_in_bursts = window_width >> 4
if (window_width & 0xf):
width_in_bursts += 1
compressor_left_margin = window_left % 32
num_burst_in_line = (window_left >> 4) + width_in_bursts
num_pages_in_line = num_burst_in_line // align_to_bursts;
......@@ -296,6 +298,27 @@ class X393SensCmprs(object):
verbose = verbose)
# TODO: calculate widths correctly!
if exit_step == 14: return False
tile_margin = 2 # 18x18 instead of 16x16
left_tiles32 = window_left // 32
# last_tile32 = (window_left + (window_width & ~0xf) + tile_margin - 1) // 32
last_tile32 = (window_left + ((num_macro_cols_m1 + 1) * 16) + tile_margin - 1) // 32
width32 = last_tile32 - left_tiles32 + 1 # number of 32-wide tiles needed in each row
if (verbose > 0) :
print ("setup_compressor_memory:")
print ("num_sensor = ", num_sensor)
print ("frame_sa = 0x%x"%(frame_start_address))
print ("frame_sa_inc = 0x%x"%(frame_start_address_inc))
print ("last_frame_num = 0x%x"%(last_buf_frame))
print ("frame_full_width = 0x%x"%(frame_full_width))
print ("window_width = 0x%x"%(width32 * 2 )) # window_width >> 4)) # width in 16 - bursts, made evem
print ("window_height = 0x%x"%(window_height & 0xfffffff0))
print ("window_left = 0x%x"%(left_tiles32 * 2)) # window_left >> 4)) # lext in 16-byte bursts, made even
print ("window_top = 0x%x"%(window_top))
print ("byte32 = 1")
print ("tile_width = 2")
print ("extra_pages = 1")
print ("disable_need = 1")
self.x393Cmprs.setup_compressor_memory (
num_sensor = num_sensor,
......@@ -303,9 +326,9 @@ class X393SensCmprs(object):
frame_sa_inc = frame_start_address_inc, # input [31:0] frame_sa_inc; # 22-bit frame start address increment ((3 CA LSBs==0. BA==0)
last_frame_num = last_buf_frame, # input [31:0] last_frame_num; # 16-bit number of the last frame in a buffer
frame_full_width = frame_full_width, # input [31:0] frame_full_width; # 13-bit Padded line length (8-row increment), in 8-bursts (16 bytes)
window_width = window_width >> 4, # input [31:0] window_width; # 13 bit - in 8*16=128 bit bursts
window_height = window_height, # input [31:0] window_height; # 16 bit
window_left = window_left >> 4, # input [31:0] window_left;
window_width = (width32 * 2 ), # input [31:0] window_width; # 13 bit - in 8*16=128 bit bursts
window_height = window_height & 0xfffffff0, # input [31:0] window_height; # 16 bit
window_left = left_tiles32 * 2, # input [31:0] window_left;
window_top = window_top, # input [31:0] window_top;
byte32 = 1,
tile_width = 2,
......@@ -316,7 +339,7 @@ class X393SensCmprs(object):
chn = num_sensor,
run_mode = 3) # run repetitive mode
run_mode = 0) # 3) # run repetitive mode
if exit_step == 16: return False
#Set up delays separately, outside of this method
......@@ -521,7 +544,7 @@ class X393SensCmprs(object):
membridge_start = circbuf_end
membridge_end = mem_end
#TODO: calculate addersses/lengths
#TODO: calculate addresses/lengths
AFI mux is programmed in 32-byte chunks
......@@ -621,7 +644,7 @@ class X393SensCmprs(object):
window_height = window_height, # 1944
window_left = window_left, # 0
window_top = window_top, # 0? 1?
compressor_left_margin = compressor_left_margin, #0?`1?
# compressor_left_margin = compressor_left_margin, #0?`1?
last_buf_frame = last_buf_frame, # - just 2-frame buffer
colorsat_blue = colorsat_blue, # 0x90 fo 1x
colorsat_red = colorsat_red, # 0xb6 for x1
......@@ -762,20 +785,6 @@ class X393SensCmprs(object):
return result
def print_debug( self,
num32 = 32):
Read and print serial debug ring as a sequence of 32-bit numbers
@param num32 - number of 32-bit words to read
@return - list of the 32-bit words read
status = self.debug_read_ring(num32)
numPerLine = 8
for i,d in enumerate (status):
if ( i % numPerLine) == 0:
print ("\n%2x: "%(i), end="")
print("%s "%(hx(d,8)), end = "")
def setup_membridge_sensor(self,
write_mem = False,
......@@ -881,3 +890,215 @@ class X393SensCmprs(object):
print ("Use 'mem_dump 0x%x <length>' to view data"%(membridge_start))
print ("Use 'mem_save \"/usr/local/verilog/memdumpXX\" 0x%x 0x%x' to save data"%(membridge_start,(membridge_end - membridge_start)))
def print_debug( self,
first = None,
last = None,
num32 = 100):
Read and print serial debug ring as a sequence of 32-bit numbers
@parame first - index of the first 32-bit debug word to decode
also valid: "list" - print list of all fields,
"raw" - print 32-bit hex data only
@parame last - index of the last 32-bit debug word to decode
@param num32 - number of 32-bit words to read
@return - list of the 32-bit words read
debug_dict = {"x393": (("sensors393_i", "sensors393"),
("compressors393_i", "compressors393"),
("membridge_i", "membridge")),
"sensors393": (("sensor_channel0_i", "sensor_channel"),
("sensor_channel1_i", "sensor_channel"),
("sensor_channel2_i", "sensor_channel"),
("sensor_channel3_i", "sensor_channel"),
("histogram_saxi_i", "histogram_saxi")),
"sensor_channel":(("sens_histogram0_i", "sens_histogram"),
("sens_histogram1_i", "sens_histogram"),
("sens_histogram2_i", "sens_histogram"),
("sens_histogram3_i", "sens_histogram"),
("debug_line_cntr", 16),
("debug_lines", 16),
("hact_cntr", 16),
("hist_rq", 4),
("hist_gr", 4),
("hist_request", 1),
("hist_grant", 1),
(None, 6),
("gamma_pxd_out", 8),
("pxd", 12),
("pxd_to_fifo", 12),
("gamma_pxd_in", 16),
("lens_pxd_in", 16)),
"sens_histogram":(("hcntr", 16),
("width_m1", 16),
("debug_line_cntr", 16),
("debug_lines", 16)),
"histogram_saxi":(("pri_rq", 4),
("enc_rq", 3),
("start_w", 1), # 8
("pages_in_buf_wr", 3),
(None, 1),
("burst", 3 ),
(None, 1), # 16
("started", 1),
("busy_r", 1),
("busy_w", 1),
(None, 1),
("chn_grant", 4), # 24
("frame0", 4),
("hist_chn0", 2),
(None, 2), # 32
("saxi_awsize", 2),
("saxi_awburst", 2),
("saxi_awlen", 4), # 40
("saxi_awprot", 3),
(None, 1),
("saxi_awcache", 4), # 48
("saxi_awid", 6),
("saxi_awlock", 2), # 56
("saxi_awvalid", 1),
("saxi_awready", 1),
(None, 6), # 64
("saxi_wid", 6),
("saxi_wvalid", 1),
("saxi_wready", 1), # 72
("saxi_wlast", 1),
(None, 3),
("page_rd", 2),
("page_wr", 2), # 80
("num_bursts_pending", 5),
(None, 3), # 88
("num_bursts_in_buf", 5),
(None, 3), # 96
("page_ra", 8), # 104
("extra_ra", 8), # 112
("page_wa", 8), # 120
("extra_wa", 8), # 128
("num_addr_saxi", 16), # 144
("num_addr_saxi", 16), # 160
"compressors393":(("jp_channel0_i", "jp_channel"),
("jp_channel1_i", "jp_channel"),
("jp_channel2_i", "jp_channel"),
("jp_channel3_i", "jp_channel"),
("cmprs_afi0_mux_i", "cmprs_afi_mux")),
"jp_channel": (("line_unfinished_src",16),
("frame_number_src", 16),
("frame_number_dst", 16),
("suspend", 1),
("sigle_frame_buf", 1),
("dbg_last_DCAC", 1),
("dbg_lastBlock_sent", 1),
("dbg_fifo_or_full", 1),
(None, 2),
("fifo_count", 8),
("reading_frame", 1),
("debug_frame_done", 1),
("etrax_dma", 4),
("stuffer_rdy", 1),
("dbg_flushing", 1),
("dbg_flush_hclk", 1),
("dbg_last_block", 1),
("dbg_test_lbw", 1),
("dbg_gotLastBlock", 1),
("color_last", 1),
# (None, 2),
("debug_fifo_in", 32),
("debug_fifo_out", 28),
("dbg_block_mem_ra", 3),
("dbg_comp_lastinmbo", 1),
("pages_requested", 16),
("pages_got", 16),
("pre_start_cntr", 16),
("pre_end_cntr", 16),
("page_requests", 16),
("pages_needed", 16),
("dbg_stb_cntr", 16),
("dbg_zds_cntr", 16),
("dbg_block_mem_wa", 3),
(None, 26)
"cmprs_afi_mux": (("fifo_count0", 8),
(None, 24),
("left_to_eof", 32)),
"membridge": (("afi_wcount", 8),
("afi_wacount", 6),
(None, 2),
("afi_rcount", 8),
("afi_racount", 3),
(None, 5))
def flatten_debug(inst,item):
if (isinstance(item,str)):
result = []
for node in mod_struct:
sub_inst = node[0]
if not ((inst is None) or (node[0] is None)):
sub_inst= inst+"."+node[0]
result += flatten_debug(sub_inst,node[1])
else: # value
result = [(inst, item)]
return result
flat = flatten_debug(None,"x393")
maximal_name_length = max([len(f[0]) for f in flat if f[0] is not None])
if first == "list":
for p in flat:
print (("%03x.%02x: %"+str(maximal_name_length)+"s")%(l // 32, l % 32, p[0]))
l += p[1]
print("total bits: ", l)
print("total words32: ", l / 32)
if (self.DRY_MODE):
status = [0xaaaaaaaa,0x55555555]*(num32 // 2)
if (num32 % 2) !=0:
status += [0xaaaaaaaa]
status = self.debug_read_ring(num32)
if first == "raw":
numPerLine = 8
for i,d in enumerate (status):
if ( i % numPerLine) == 0:
print ("\n%2x: "%(i), end="")
print("%s "%(hx(d,8)), end = "")
if not (first is None) and (last is None):
if first is None:
first = 0
if (last is None) or (last > (num32-1)):
last = (num32-1)
for i,d in enumerate (status):
if d == 0xffffffff:
if i <= last:
last = i - 1
# print("first = ",first)
# print ("last = ",last)
long_status = 0;
for i,s in enumerate(status):
long_status |= s << (32*i)
# print (long_status)
# print (hex(long_status))
for p in flat:
if ((l // 32) >= first) and ((l // 32) <= last) and (not p[0] is None):
d = (long_status >> l) & ((1 << p[1]) - 1)
print (("%03x.%02x: %"+str(maximal_name_length)+"s [%2d] = 0x%x (%d)")%(l // 32, l % 32, p[0],p[1],d,d))
l += p[1]
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