Commit 75f18826 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

simulating/bug fixing

parent ae549ed4
......@@ -429,11 +429,20 @@
parameter SENS_CTRL_ARST = 2, // 3: 2
parameter SENS_CTRL_ARO = 4, // 5: 4
parameter SENS_CTRL_RST_MMCM = 6, // 7: 6
//`ifdef HISPI
parameter SENS_CTRL_IGNORE_EMBED =8, // 9: 8
parameter SENS_CTRL_EXT_CLK = 8, // 9: 8
parameter SENS_CTRL_LD_DLY = 10, // 10
//`ifdef HISPI
parameter SENS_CTRL_GP0= 12, // 13:12
parameter SENS_CTRL_GP1= 14, // 15:14
parameter SENS_CTRL_QUADRANTS = 12, // 17:12, enable - 20
parameter SENS_CTRL_QUADRANTS_EN = 20, // 17:12, enable - 20 (2 bits reserved)
parameter SENSIO_STATUS = 'h1,
parameter SENSIO_JTAG = 'h2,
// SENSIO_JTAG register bits
......@@ -442,7 +451,9 @@
parameter SENS_JTAG_TCK = 4,
parameter SENS_JTAG_TMS = 2,
parameter SENS_JTAG_TDI = 0,
//`ifndef HISPI
parameter SENSIO_WIDTH = 'h3, // 1.. 2^16, 0 - use HACT
parameter SENSIO_DELAYS = 'h4, // 'h4..'h7
// 4 of 8-bit delays per register
// sensor_i2c_io command/data write registers s (relative to SENSOR_GROUP_ADDR)
......@@ -466,10 +477,13 @@
parameter SENSI2C_SLEW = "SLOW",
//`ifndef HISPI
//sensor_fifo parameters
parameter SENSOR_DATA_WIDTH = 12,
parameter SENSOR_FIFO_2DEPTH = 4,
parameter SENSOR_FIFO_DELAY = 4'd5, // 7,
parameter SENSOR_FIFO_DELAY = 5, // 7,
// other parameters for histogram_saxi module
parameter HIST_SAXI_ADDR_MASK = 'h7f0,
parameter HIST_SAXI_MODE_WIDTH = 8,
......@@ -505,15 +519,30 @@
//`ifdef HISPI
parameter PXD_CLK_DIV = 10, // 220MHz -> 22MHz
parameter PXD_CLK_DIV_BITS = 4,
parameter SENS_PHASE_WIDTH= 8, // number of bits for te phase counter (depends on divisors)
parameter SENS_PCLK_PERIOD = 10.000, // input period in ns, 0..100.000 - MANDATORY, resolution down to 1 ps
// parameters for the sensor-synchronous clock PLL
`ifdef HISPI
parameter CLKIN_PERIOD_SENSOR = 3.000, // input period in ns, 0..100.000 - MANDATORY, resolution down to 1 ps
parameter CLKFBOUT_MULT_SENSOR = 3, // 330 MHz --> 990 MHz
parameter CLKFBOUT_PHASE_SENSOR = 0.000, // CLOCK FEEDBACK phase in degrees (3 significant digits, -360.000...+360.000)
parameter IPCLK_PHASE = 0.000,
parameter IPCLK2X_PHASE = 0.000,
parameter CLKIN_PERIOD_SENSOR = 10.000, // input period in ns, 0..100.000 - MANDATORY, resolution down to 1 ps
parameter CLKFBOUT_MULT_SENSOR = 8, // 100 MHz --> 800 MHz
parameter CLKFBOUT_PHASE_SENSOR = 0.000, // CLOCK FEEDBACK phase in degrees (3 significant digits, -360.000...+360.000)
parameter IPCLK_PHASE = 0.000,
parameter IPCLK2X_PHASE = 0.000,
// parameter BUF_IPCLK = "BUFMR", //G", // "BUFR", // BUFR fails for both clocks for sensors1 and 3
// parameter BUF_IPCLK2X = "BUFMR", //G", // "BUFR",
......@@ -536,6 +565,18 @@
parameter SENS_SS_MOD_PERIOD = 10000, // integer 4000-40000 - SS modulation period in ns
//`ifdef HISPI
parameter HISPI_MSB_FIRST = 0,
parameter HISPI_NUMLANES = 4,
parameter HISPI_DIFF_TERM = "TRUE",
parameter HISPI_DQS_BIAS = "TRUE",
parameter HISPI_IBUF_DELAY_VALUE = "0",
parameter HISPI_IBUF_LOW_PWR = "TRUE",
parameter CMPRS_NUM_AFI_CHN = 1, // 2, // 1 - multiplex all 4 compressors to a single AXI_HP, 2 - split between to AXI_HP
parameter CMPRS_GROUP_ADDR = 'h600, // total of 'h60
parameter CMPRS_BASE_INC = 'h10,
......@@ -38,6 +38,15 @@
// parameter SENSOR12BITS_NROWA = 1, // number of "blank rows" from last hact to end of vact
// parameter nAV = 24, //240; // clocks from ARO to VACT (actually from en_dclkd)
// parameter SENSOR12BITS_NBPF = 20, //16; // bpf length
`ifdef HISPI
parameter SENSOR12BITS_NGPL = 2, // bpf to hact
parameter SENSOR12BITS_NVLO = 1, // VACT=0 in video mode (clocks)
//parameter tMD = 14; //
//parameter tDDO = 10; // some confusion here - let's assume that it is from DCLK to Data out
parameter SENSOR12BITS_TMD = 1.2, //
parameter SENSOR12BITS_TDDO = 0.8, // some confusion here - let's assume that it is from DCLK to Data out
parameter SENSOR12BITS_TDDO1 = 1.6, //
parameter SENSOR12BITS_NGPL = 8, // bpf to hact
parameter SENSOR12BITS_NVLO = 1, // VACT=0 in video mode (clocks)
//parameter tMD = 14; //
......@@ -45,6 +54,7 @@
parameter SENSOR12BITS_TMD = 4, //
parameter SENSOR12BITS_TDDO = 2, // some confusion here - let's assume that it is from DCLK to Data out
parameter SENSOR12BITS_TDDO1 = 5, //
// parameter SENSOR12BITS_TRIGDLY = 8, // delay between trigger input and start of output (VACT) in lines
// parameter SENSOR12BITS_RAMP = 1, // 1 - ramp, 0 - random (now - sensor.dat)
// parameter SENSOR12BITS_NEW_BAYER = 0, // 0 - "old" tiles (16x16, 1 - new - (18x18)
......@@ -56,10 +56,11 @@ module sens_10398 #(
parameter real REFCLK_FREQUENCY = 200.0,
parameter SENS_PHASE_WIDTH= 8, // number of bits for te phase counter (depends on divisors)
parameter SENS_PCLK_PERIOD = 3.000, // input period in ns, 0..100.000 - MANDATORY, resolution down to 1 ps
// parameter SENS_PCLK_PERIOD = 3.000, // input period in ns, 0..100.000 - MANDATORY, resolution down to 1 ps
parameter CLKFBOUT_MULT_SENSOR = 4, // 220 MHz --> 880 MHz
parameter CLKIN_PERIOD_SENSOR = 3.000, // input period in ns, 0..100.000 - MANDATORY, resolution down to 1 ps
parameter CLKFBOUT_MULT_SENSOR = 3, // 330 MHz --> 990 MHz
parameter CLKFBOUT_PHASE_SENSOR = 0.000, // CLOCK FEEDBACK phase in degrees (3 significant digits, -360.000...+360.000)
parameter IPCLK_PHASE = 0.000,
parameter IPCLK2X_PHASE = 0.000,
......@@ -127,10 +128,11 @@ module sens_10398 #(
input sns_flash_tdo, // sns_dp[4] TDO (differs from 10353)
input sns_shutter_done,// sns_dn[4] DONE (differs from 10353)
// output
output [11:0] pxd,
output vact,
output hact
output hact,
output sof, // @pclk
output eof // @pclk
......@@ -145,18 +147,6 @@ module sens_10398 #(
reg set_status_r;
reg set_jtag_r;
// reg [LINE_WIDTH_BITS-1:0] line_width_m1; // regenerated HACT duration;
// reg [LINE_WIDTH_BITS-1:0] line_width_m1_ipclk; // regenerated HACT duration;
// reg line_width_internal; // use regenetrated ( 0 - use HACT as is)
// reg line_width_internal_ipclk;
// reg [LINE_WIDTH_BITS-1:0] hact_cntr;
// reg set_quad; // [1:0] - px, [3:2] - HACT, [5:4] - VACT,
// wire [2:0] set_pxd_delay;
// wire set_other_delay;
wire ps_rdy;
wire [7:0] ps_out;
wire locked_pxd_mmcm;
......@@ -167,17 +157,11 @@ module sens_10398 #(
reg iaro_soft = 0;
wire iaro;
reg iarst = 0;
reg imrst = 0;
reg imrst = 0; // active low
reg rst_mmcm=1; // rst and command - en/dis
// reg [SENS_CTRL_QUADRANTS_WIDTH-1:0] quadrants=0; //90-degree shifts for data {1:0], hact [3:2] and vact [5:4]
reg ld_idelay=0;
// reg sel_ext_clk=0; // select clock source from the sensor (0 - use internal clock - to sensor)
reg ignore_embed=0; // do not process sensor data marked as "embedded"
// wire [17:0] status;
wire [14:0] status;
wire cmd_we;
......@@ -195,30 +179,10 @@ module sens_10398 #(
reg xfpgatdi=0; // TDI to be sent to external FPGA
reg [1:0] gp_r; // sensor GP0, GP1. For now just software control, later use for something else
// wire hact_ext; // received hact signal
// reg hact_ext_r; // received hact signal, delayed by 1 clock
// reg hact_r; // received or regenerated hact
// for debug/test alive
reg vact_r;
reg hact_r2;
wire vact_a_mclk;
wire hact_ext_a_mclk;
wire hact_a_mclk;
reg vact_alive;
reg hact_ext_alive;
reg hact_alive;
reg [STATUS_ALIVE_WIDTH-1:0] status_alive;
reg [ PXD_CLK_DIV_BITS-1:0] pxd_clk_cntr;
// parameter PXD_CLK_DIV = 10, // 220MHz -> 22MHz
// parameter PXD_CLK_DIV_BITS = 4,
reg [1:0] prst_with_sens_mrst = 2'h3; // prst extended to include sensor reset and rst_mmcm
wire async_prst_with_sens_mrst = ~imrst | rst_mmcm; // mclk domain
// assign set_pxd_delay = set_idelay[2:0];
// assign set_other_delay = set_idelay[3];
// assign status = {vact_alive, hact_ext_alive, hact_alive, locked_pxd_mmcm,
assign status = { locked_pxd_mmcm,
clkin_pxd_stopped_mmcm, clkfb_pxd_stopped_mmcm, xfpgadone,
ps_rdy, ps_out, xfpgatdo, senspgmin};
......@@ -273,15 +237,9 @@ module sens_10398 #(
if (mrst) rst_mmcm <= 0;
else if (set_ctrl_r && data_r[SENS_CTRL_RST_MMCM + 1]) rst_mmcm <= data_r[SENS_CTRL_RST_MMCM];
// if (mrst) sel_ext_clk <= 0;
// else if (set_ctrl_r && data_r[SENS_CTRL_EXT_CLK + 1]) sel_ext_clk <= data_r[SENS_CTRL_EXT_CLK];
if (mrst) ignore_embed <= 0;
else if (set_ctrl_r && data_r[SENS_CTRL_IGNORE_EMBED + 1]) ignore_embed <= data_r[SENS_CTRL_IGNORE_EMBED];
// if (mrst) quadrants <= 0;
// else if (set_ctrl_r && data_r[SENS_CTRL_QUADRANTS_EN]) quadrants <= data_r[SENS_CTRL_QUADRANTS +: SENS_CTRL_QUADRANTS_WIDTH];
if (mrst) ld_idelay <= 0;
else ld_idelay <= set_ctrl_r && data_r[SENS_CTRL_LD_DLY];
......@@ -291,27 +249,22 @@ module sens_10398 #(
if (mrst) gp_r[1] <= 0;
else if (set_ctrl_r && data_r[SENS_CTRL_GP1 + 1]) gp_r[1] <= data_r[SENS_CTRL_GP1];
// if (mrst) set_width_r <= 0;
// else set_width_r <= {set_width_r[0],cmd_we && (cmd_a== SENSIO_WIDTH)};
// if (mrst) line_width_m1 <= 0;
// else if (set_width_r[1]) line_width_m1 <= data_r[LINE_WIDTH_BITS-1:0] -1;
// if (mrst) line_width_internal <= 0;
// else if (set_width_r[1]) line_width_internal <= ~ (|data_r[LINE_WIDTH_BITS:0]); // line width is 0
// generate (slow) clock for the sensor - it will be multiplied by the sensor VCO
always @(posedge pclk) begin
if (prst || (pxd_clk_cntr[PXD_CLK_DIV_BITS-2:0] == 0)) pxd_clk_cntr[PXD_CLK_DIV_BITS-2:0] <= (PXD_CLK_DIV / 2);
else pxd_clk_cntr[PXD_CLK_DIV_BITS-2:0] <= pxd_clk_cntr[PXD_CLK_DIV_BITS-2:0] - 1;
// treat MSB separately to make 50% duty cycle
if (prst) pxd_clk_cntr[PXD_CLK_DIV_BITS-1] <= 0;
else if (pxd_clk_cntr[PXD_CLK_DIV_BITS-2:0] == 0) pxd_clk_cntr[PXD_CLK_DIV_BITS-1] <= ~pxd_clk_cntr[PXD_CLK_DIV_BITS-1];
// reg [ PXD_CLK_DIV_BITS-1:0] pxd_clk_cntr;
always @(posedge pclk or posedge async_prst_with_sens_mrst) begin
if (async_prst_with_sens_mrst) prst_with_sens_mrst <= 2'h3;
else if (prst) prst_with_sens_mrst <= 2'h3;
else prst_with_sens_mrst <= prst_with_sens_mrst >> 1;
cmd_deser #(
......@@ -353,8 +306,8 @@ module sens_10398 #(
......@@ -378,14 +331,15 @@ module sens_10398 #(
) sens_hispi12l4_i (
.pclk (pclk), // input
.prst (prst), // input
.prst (prst_with_sens_mrst[0]), //prst), // input
.sns_dp (sns_dp[3:0]), // input[3:0]
.sns_dn (sns_dn[3:0]), // input[3:0]
.sns_clkp (sns_clkp), // input
.sns_clkn (sns_clkn), // input
.pxd_out (pxd), // output[11:0] reg
.vact_out (vact), // output reg
.hact_out (hact), // output
.sof (sof), // output
.eof (eof), // output reg
.mclk (mclk), // input
.mrst (mrst), // input
.dly_data (data_r), // input[31:0]
......@@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ module sens_hispi12l4#(
parameter real REFCLK_FREQUENCY = 200.0,
parameter SENS_PHASE_WIDTH= 8, // number of bits for te phase counter (depends on divisors)
parameter SENS_PCLK_PERIOD = 3.000, // input period in ns, 0..100.000 - MANDATORY, resolution down to 1 ps
// parameter SENS_PCLK_PERIOD = 3.000, // input period in ns, 0..100.000 - MANDATORY, resolution down to 1 ps
parameter CLKFBOUT_MULT_SENSOR = 4, // 220 MHz --> 880 MHz
parameter CLKIN_PERIOD_SENSOR = 3.000, // input period in ns, 0..100.000 - MANDATORY, resolution down to 1 ps
parameter CLKFBOUT_MULT_SENSOR = 3, // 330 MHz --> 990 MHz
parameter CLKFBOUT_PHASE_SENSOR = 0.000, // CLOCK FEEDBACK phase in degrees (3 significant digits, -360.000...+360.000)
parameter IPCLK_PHASE = 0.000,
parameter IPCLK2X_PHASE = 0.000,
......@@ -51,19 +52,23 @@ module sens_hispi12l4#(
parameter HISPI_IBUF_DELAY_VALUE = "0",
parameter HISPI_IBUF_LOW_PWR = "TRUE",
parameter HISPI_KEEP_IRST = 5 // number of cycles to keep irst on after release of prst (small number - use 1 hot)
input pclk, // global clock input, pixel rate (220MHz for MT9F002)
input prst,
input prst, // reset @pclk (add sensor reset here)
// I/O pads
input [HISPI_NUMLANES-1:0] sns_dp,
input [HISPI_NUMLANES-1:0] sns_dn,
input sns_clkp,
input sns_clkn,
// output
output reg [11:0] pxd_out,
output reg vact_out,
// output reg [11:0] pxd_out,
output [11:0] pxd_out,
// output reg vact_out,
output hact_out,
output sof, // @pclk
output reg eof, // @pclk
// delay control inputs
input mclk,
......@@ -86,10 +91,15 @@ module sens_hispi12l4#(
wire ipclk; // re-generated half HiSPi clock (165 MHz)
wire ipclk2x;// re-generated HiSPi clock (330 MHz)
wire [HISPI_NUMLANES * 4-1:0] sns_d;
localparam WAIT_ALL_LANES = 4'h8; // number of output pixel cycles to wait after the earliest lane
localparam FIFO_DEPTH = 4;
reg [HISPI_KEEP_IRST-1:0] irst_r;
wire irst = irst_r[0];
sens_hispi_clock #(
......@@ -153,11 +163,6 @@ module sens_hispi12l4#(
.dout (sns_d) // output[15:0]
localparam WAIT_ALL_LANES = 8; // number of output pixel cycles to wait after the earliest lane
localparam FIFO_DEPTH = 4;
reg [2:0] irst_r;
wire irst = irst_r[2];
wire [HISPI_NUMLANES * 12-1:0] hispi_aligned;
......@@ -188,12 +193,29 @@ module sens_hispi12l4#(
wire hact_on;
wire hact_off;
reg ignore_embedded_ipclk;
reg [1:0] vact_pclk;
wire [11:0] pxd_out_pre = ({12 {fifo_re_r[0] & rd_run[0]}} & fifo_out[0 * 12 +:12]) |
({12 {fifo_re_r[1] & rd_run[1]}} & fifo_out[1 * 12 +:12]) |
({12 {fifo_re_r[2] & rd_run[2]}} & fifo_out[2 * 12 +:12]) |
({12 {fifo_re_r[3] & rd_run[3]}} & fifo_out[3 * 12 +:12]);
assign hact_out = hact_r;
assign sof = sof_pclk;
// async reset
always @ (posedge ipclk or posedge prst) begin
if (prst) irst_r <= {HISPI_KEEP_IRST{1'b1}}; // HISPI_KEEP_IRST-1
else irst_r <= irst_r >> 1;
always @(posedge ipclk) begin
irst_r <= {irst_r[1:0], prst};
// irst_r <= {irst_r[1:0], prst};
if (irst || (|hispi_eof[i])) vact_ipclk <= 0; // extend output if hact active
if (irst || (|hispi_eof)) vact_ipclk <= 0; // extend output if hact active
else if (|hispi_sof) vact_ipclk <= 1;
ignore_embedded_ipclk <= ignore_embedded;
......@@ -212,25 +234,28 @@ module sens_hispi12l4#(
rd_line_r <= rd_line;
if (sol_pclk && !rd_line) good_lanes <= ~rd_run; // should be off before start
if (sol_pclk && !rd_line) good_lanes <= ~rd_run_d; // should be off before start
else if (sol_all_dly) good_lanes <= good_lanes & rd_run; // and now they should be on
fifo_re_r <= fifo_re & rd_run; // when data out is ready, mask if not running
// not using HISPI_NUMLANES here - fix? Will be 0 (not possible in hispi) when no data
pxd_out <= ({12 {fifo_re_r[0]}} & fifo_out[0 * 12 +:12]) |
({12 {fifo_re_r[1]}} & fifo_out[1 * 12 +:12]) |
({12 {fifo_re_r[2]}} & fifo_out[2 * 12 +:12]) |
({12 {fifo_re_r[3]}} & fifo_out[3 * 12 +:12]);
/* pxd_out <= ({12 {fifo_re_r[0] & rd_run[0]}} & fifo_out[0 * 12 +:12]) |
({12 {fifo_re_r[1] & rd_run[1]}} & fifo_out[1 * 12 +:12]) |
({12 {fifo_re_r[2] & rd_run[2]}} & fifo_out[2 * 12 +:12]) |
({12 {fifo_re_r[3] & rd_run[3]}} & fifo_out[3 * 12 +:12]); */
if (prst) fifo_re <= 0;
else if (sol_pclk || (rd_line && fifo_re[HISPI_NUMLANES - 1])) fifo_re <= 1;
else fifo_re <= fifo_re << 1;
if (prst || hact_off) hact_r <= 0;
// if (prst || (hact_off && (|(good_lanes & ~rd_run)))) hact_r <= 0;
if (prst || (hact_off && (!rd_line || (good_lanes[3] & ~rd_run[3])))) hact_r <= 0;
else if (hact_on) hact_r <= 1;
vact_out <= vact_pclk_strt [0] || hact_r;
vact_pclk <= {vact_pclk[0],vact_pclk_strt [0] || hact_r};
eof <= vact_pclk[1] && !vact_pclk[0];
// vact_out <= vact_pclk_strt [0] || hact_r;
dly_16 #(
......@@ -248,7 +273,10 @@ module sens_hispi12l4#(
) dly_16_hact_on_i (
.clk (pclk), // input
.rst (1'b0), // input
.dly (2), // input[3:0]
// .dly (4'h2), // input[3:0]
// .dly (4'h3), // input[3:0]
// .dly (4'h1), // input[3:0]
.dly (4'h2), // input[3:0]
.din (sol_pclk), // input[0:0]
.dout (hact_on) // output[0:0]
......@@ -258,11 +286,25 @@ module sens_hispi12l4#(
) dly_16_hact_off_i (
.clk (pclk), // input
.rst (1'b0), // input
.dly (2), // input[3:0]
// .dly (4'h2), // input[3:0]
// .dly (4'h0), // input[3:0]
// .dly (4'h1), // input[3:0]
.dly (4'h2), // input[3:0]
.din (fifo_re[HISPI_NUMLANES - 1]), // input[0:0]
.dout (hact_off) // output[0:0]
dly_16 #(
) dly_16_pxd_out_i (
.clk (pclk), // input
.rst (1'b0), // input
// .dly (4'h2), // input[3:0]
// .dly (4'h0), // input[3:0]
.dly (4'h1), // input[3:0]
.din (pxd_out_pre), // input[0:0]
.dout (pxd_out) // output[0:0]
genvar i;
......@@ -289,7 +331,7 @@ module sens_hispi12l4#(
.ipclk (ipclk), // input
.irst (irst), // input
.we (hispi_dv[i]), // input
.sol (hispi_sol[i] && (hispi_embed[i] || !ignore_embedded_ipclk)), // input
.sol (hispi_sol[i] && !(hispi_embed[i] && ignore_embedded_ipclk)), // input
.eol (hispi_eol[i]), // input
.din (hispi_aligned[12*i +: 12]), // input[11:0]
.pclk (pclk), // input
......@@ -23,10 +23,11 @@
module sens_hispi_clock#(
parameter SENS_PHASE_WIDTH= 8, // number of bits for te phase counter (depends on divisors)
parameter SENS_PCLK_PERIOD = 3.000, // input period in ns, 0..100.000 - MANDATORY, resolution down to 1 ps
// parameter SENS_PCLK_PERIOD = 3.000, // input period in ns, 0..100.000 - MANDATORY, resolution down to 1 ps
parameter CLKFBOUT_MULT_SENSOR = 4, // 220 MHz --> 880 MHz
parameter CLKIN_PERIOD_SENSOR = 3.000, // input period in ns, 0..100.000 - MANDATORY, resolution down to 1 ps
parameter CLKFBOUT_MULT_SENSOR = 3, // 330 MHz --> 990 MHz
parameter CLKFBOUT_PHASE_SENSOR = 0.000, // CLOCK FEEDBACK phase in degrees (3 significant digits, -360.000...+360.000)
parameter IPCLK_PHASE = 0.000,
parameter IPCLK2X_PHASE = 0.000,
......@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ module sens_hispi_clock#(
// received from the sensor (may need to reset MMCM after resetting sensor)
mmcm_phase_cntr #(
......@@ -101,8 +102,8 @@ module sens_hispi_clock#(
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ module sens_hispi_din #(
genvar i;
for (i=1; i < HISPI_NUMLANES; i=i+1) begin: din_block
for (i=0; i < HISPI_NUMLANES; i=i+1) begin: din_block
ibufds_ibufgds #(
......@@ -84,16 +84,17 @@ module sens_hispi_din #(
iserdes_mem #(
.MSB_FIRST (1) // MSB is received first
) iserdes_pxd_i (
.iclk(ipclk2x), // source-synchronous clock
.oclk(ipclk2x), // system clock, phase should allow iclk-to-oclk jitter with setup/hold margin
.oclk_div(ipclk), // oclk divided by 2, front aligned
.inv_clk_div(1'b0), // invert oclk_div (this clock is shared between iserdes and oserdes. Works only in MEMORY_DDR3 mode?
.rst(irst), // reset
.d_direct(1'b0), // direct input from IOB, normally not used, controlled by IOBDELAY parameter (set to "NONE")
.ddly(din_dly[i]), // serial input from idelay
.dout(dout[4*i +:4]), // parallel data out
.iclk (ipclk2x), // source-synchronous clock
.oclk (ipclk2x), // system clock, phase should allow iclk-to-oclk jitter with setup/hold margin
.oclk_div (ipclk), // oclk divided by 2, front aligned
.inv_clk_div (1'b0), // invert oclk_div (this clock is shared between iserdes and oserdes. Works only in MEMORY_DDR3 mode?
.rst (irst), // reset
.d_direct (1'b0), // direct input from IOB, normally not used, controlled by IOBDELAY parameter (set to "NONE")
.ddly (din_dly[i]), // serial input from idelay
.dout (dout[4*i +:4]), // parallel data out
.comb_out() // output
......@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ module sens_hispi_fifo#(
reg run_r;
assign run = run_r;
// TODO: generate early done by comparing ra with (wa-1) - separate counter
always @ (posedge ipclk) begin
if (irst ||sol) wa <= 0;
else if (we && line_run_ipclk) wa <= wa + 1;
if (we && line_run_ipclk) fifo_ram[wa] <= din;
if (we && line_run_ipclk) fifo_ram[wa[DATA_DEPTH-1:0]] <= din;
if (irst || eol) line_run_ipclk <= 0;
else if (sol) line_run_ipclk <= 1;
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ module sens_hispi_fifo#(
if (prst ||line_start_pclk) ra <= 0;
else if (re) ra <= ra + 1;
if (re) dout <= fifo_ram[ra];
if (re) dout <= fifo_ram[ra[DATA_DEPTH-1:0]];
......@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ module sens_hispi_lane#(
assign num_trail_1_w = (&din) ? 3'h4 : ((&din[2:0]) ? 3'h3 : ((&din[1:0]) ? 3'h2 :((&din[0]) ? 3'h1 : 3'h0)));
assign num_lead_1_w = (&din) ? 3'h4 : ((&din[3:1]) ? 3'h3 : ((&din[3:2]) ? 3'h2 :((&din[3]) ? 3'h1 : 3'h0)));
assign zero_after_ones_w = !((din[0] && !din[1]) || (din[1] && !din[2]) || (din[2] && !din[3]) || (d_r[3] && !din[0]));
// assign zero_after_ones_w = !((din[0] && !din[1]) || (din[1] && !din[2]) || (din[2] && !din[3]) || (d_r[3] && !din[0]));
assign zero_after_ones_w = !((din[0] && !din[1]) || (din[1] && !din[2]) || (din[2] && !din[3]) || (din[3] && !d_r[0]));
always @(posedge ipclk) begin
d_r <= din;
......@@ -100,7 +101,8 @@ module sens_hispi_lane#(
// Saturate number with 24 (5'h18), but only first transition from <24 to >=24 is used for sync
// detection.
if (irst || !num_running_ones[3]) num_running_zeros <= 0;
else if (!num_running_ones[2]) num_running_zeros <= {2'b0,num_trail_0_w};
// else if (!num_running_ones[2]) num_running_zeros <= {2'b0,num_trail_0_w};
else if (prev4ones) num_running_zeros <= {2'b0,num_trail_0_w};
else num_running_zeros <= (&num_running_zeros[4:3])? 5'h18 : num_running_zeros_w;
if (irst) got_sync <= 0;
......@@ -109,13 +111,16 @@ module sens_hispi_lane#(
// got_sync should also abort data run - delayed by 10 clocks
if (irst) shift_val <= 0;
else if (got_sync) shift_val <= num_first_zeros;
// else if (got_sync) shift_val <= num_first_zeros;
else if (got_sync_w) shift_val <= num_first_zeros;
case (shift_val)
2'h0: barrel <= din;
2'h1: barrel <= {d_r[2:0], din[3]};
// 2'h1: barrel <= {d_r[2:0], din[3]};
2'h1: barrel <= {d_r[0], din[3:1]};
2'h2: barrel <= {d_r[1:0], din[3:2]};
2'h3: barrel <= {d_r[0], din[3:1]};
// 2'h3: barrel <= {d_r[0], din[3:1]};
2'h3: barrel <= {d_r[2:0], din[3]};
if (irst) sync_decode <= 0;
......@@ -174,7 +179,7 @@ module sens_hispi_lane#(
) dly_16_dout_i (
.clk (ipclk), // input
.rst (1'b0), // input
.dly (8), // input[3:0]
.dly (4'h8), // input[3:0]
.din (HISPI_MSB_FIRST ? barrel :{barrel[0],barrel[1],barrel[2],barrel[3]}), // input[0:0]
.dout (dout_w) // output[0:0]
......@@ -183,7 +188,7 @@ module sens_hispi_lane#(
) dly_16_pre_start_line_i (
.clk (ipclk), // input
.rst (1'b0), // input
.dly (7), // input[3:0]
.dly (4'h7), // input[3:0]
.din (start_line), // input[0:0]
.dout (start_line_d) // output[0:0]
......@@ -59,9 +59,10 @@ module sens_parallel12 #(
parameter SENS_PHASE_WIDTH= 8, // number of bits for te phase counter (depends on divisors)
parameter SENS_PCLK_PERIOD = 10.000, // input period in ns, 0..100.000 - MANDATORY, resolution down to 1 ps
// parameter SENS_PCLK_PERIOD = 10.000, // input period in ns, 0..100.000 - MANDATORY, resolution down to 1 ps
parameter CLKIN_PERIOD_SENSOR = 10.000, // input period in ns, 0..100.000 - MANDATORY, resolution down to 1 ps
parameter CLKFBOUT_MULT_SENSOR = 8, // 100 MHz --> 800 MHz
parameter CLKFBOUT_PHASE_SENSOR = 0.000, // CLOCK FEEDBACK phase in degrees (3 significant digits, -360.000...+360.000)
parameter IPCLK_PHASE = 0.000,
......@@ -642,7 +643,7 @@ module sens_parallel12 #(
// received from the sensor (may need to reset MMCM after resetting sensor)
mmcm_phase_cntr #(
.CLKIN_PERIOD (CLKIN_PERIOD_SENSOR), // SENS_PCLK_PERIOD), assuming both sources have the same frequency!
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module par12_hispi_psp4l#(
parameter LANE0_DLY = 1.3,
parameter LANE1_DLY = 2.7,
parameter LANE2_DLY = 0.2,
parameter LANE3_DLY = 3.3,
parameter LANE3_DLY = 1.8,
parameter CLK_DLY = 2.3,
parameter EMBED_LINES = 2, // number of first lines containing embedded (non-image) data
parameter MSB_FIRST = 0,
......@@ -69,7 +69,9 @@ module par12_hispi_psp4l#(
vact_d <= vact;
hact_d <= hact;
pxd_d <= {pxd_d[35:0],pxd};
// pxd_d <= {pxd_d[35:0],pxd};
pxd_d <= {pxd, pxd_d[47:12]};
if (!vact) lane_pcntr <= 0;
else if (hact) lane_pcntr <= lane_pcntr + 1;
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module simul_clk_mult_div#(
sim_clk_div #(
) sim_clk_div_i (
.clk_in (clk_in), // input
.clk_in (clk_int), // input
.en (en), // input
.clk_out (clk_out) // output
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
// if HISPI is not defined, parallel sensor interface is used for all channels
// `define HISPI
`define HISPI
// `define DEBUG_RING 1
// Enviroment-dependent options
......@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
module iserdes_mem #
parameter IOBDELAY = "IFD" // "NONE", "IBUF", "IFD", "BOTH"
parameter IOBDELAY = "IFD", // "NONE", "IBUF", "IFD", "BOTH"
parameter MSB_FIRST = 0 // 0 - lowest bit is received first, 1 - highest is received first
) (
input iclk, // source-synchronous clock
input oclk, // system clock, phase should allow iclk-to-oclk jitter with setup/hold margin
......@@ -35,7 +36,8 @@ module iserdes_mem #
output [3:0] dout,
output comb_out // combinatorial output copies selected input to be used in the fabric
wire [3:0] dout_le;
assign dout = MSB_FIRST ? {dout_le[0], dout_le[1], dout_le[2], dout_le[3]} : dout_le;
`ifndef OPEN_SOURCE_ONLY // Not using simulator - instanciate actual ISERDESE2 (can not be simulated because of encrypted )
......@@ -60,10 +62,10 @@ module iserdes_mem #
.O (comb_out),
.Q1 (dout[3]),
.Q2 (dout[2]),
.Q3 (dout[1]),
.Q4 (dout[0]),
.Q1 (dout_le[3]),
.Q2 (dout_le[2]),
.Q3 (dout_le[1]),
.Q4 (dout_le[0]),
.Q5 (),
.Q6 (),
.Q7 (),
......@@ -111,10 +113,10 @@ module iserdes_mem #
.O (comb_out),
.Q1 (dout[3]),
.Q2 (dout[2]),
.Q3 (dout[1]),
.Q4 (dout[0]),
.Q1 (dout_le[3]),
.Q2 (dout_le[2]),
.Q3 (dout_le[1]),
.Q4 (dout_le[0]),
.Q5 (),
.Q6 (),
......@@ -1487,11 +1487,20 @@ assign axi_grst = axi_rst_pre;
`ifdef HISPI
`ifdef HISPI
......@@ -1499,7 +1508,9 @@ assign axi_grst = axi_rst_pre;
`ifndef HISPI
......@@ -1515,9 +1526,11 @@ assign axi_grst = axi_rst_pre;
`ifndef HISPI
......@@ -1538,9 +1551,15 @@ assign axi_grst = axi_rst_pre;
`ifdef HISPI
......@@ -1559,6 +1578,17 @@ assign axi_grst = axi_rst_pre;
`ifdef HISPI
......@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ parameter EXTERNAL_TIMESTAMP = 0; // 1 ; // embed local timestamp, 1 - emb
localparam HISPI_CLK_MULT = 10; // from pixel clock to serial output pixel rate TODO: Set real ones, adjsut sensor clock too
localparam HISPI_EMBED_LINES = 2; // first lines will be marked as "embedded" (non-image data)
localparam HISPI_MSB_FIRST = 2; // 0 - serialize LSB first, 1 - MSB first
// localparam HISPI_MSB_FIRST = 0; // 0 - serialize LSB first, 1 - MSB first
localparam HISPI_FIFO_LOGDEPTH = 12; // 49-bit wide FIFO address bits (>log (line_length + 2)
......@@ -2096,7 +2096,7 @@ simul_axi_hp_wr #(
.LANE0_DLY (1.3),
.LANE1_DLY (2.7),
.LANE2_DLY (0.2),
.LANE3_DLY (3.3),
.LANE3_DLY (1.8),
.CLK_DLY (2.3),
......@@ -2119,7 +2119,7 @@ simul_axi_hp_wr #(
.LANE0_DLY (1.3),
.LANE1_DLY (2.7),
.LANE2_DLY (0.2),
.LANE3_DLY (3.3),
.LANE3_DLY (1.8),
.CLK_DLY (2.3),
......@@ -2142,7 +2142,7 @@ simul_axi_hp_wr #(
.LANE0_DLY (1.3),
.LANE1_DLY (2.7),
.LANE2_DLY (0.2),
.LANE3_DLY (3.3),
.LANE3_DLY (1.8),
.CLK_DLY (2.3),
......@@ -2165,7 +2165,7 @@ simul_axi_hp_wr #(
.LANE0_DLY (1.3),
.LANE1_DLY (2.7),
.LANE2_DLY (0.2),
.LANE3_DLY (3.3),
.LANE3_DLY (1.8),
.CLK_DLY (2.3),
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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