Commit 752e66c6 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

individual camsync timestamp control

parent aafb3b7a
......@@ -780,7 +780,8 @@
parameter CAMSYNC_EXTERNAL_BIT = 'h5, // enable writing ts_external (0 - local timestamp in the frame header)
parameter CAMSYNC_TRIGGERED_BIT = 'h7, // triggered mode ( 0- async)
parameter CAMSYNC_MASTER_BIT = 'ha, // select a 2-bit master channel (master delay may be used as a flash delay)
parameter CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT = 'hf, // per-channel enable timestamp generation
// parameter CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT = 'hf, // per-channel enable timestamp generation
parameter CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT = 'h12, // per-channel enable timestamp generation (4 bits themselves, then for enables for them)
parameter CAMSYNC_PRE_MAGIC = 6'b110100,
parameter CAMSYNC_POST_MAGIC = 6'b001101,
......@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ class X393Camsync(object):
if not master_chn is None:
data |= (4 | (master_chn & 3)) << (vrlg.CAMSYNC_MASTER_BIT - 2)
if not chn_en is None:
data |= (0x10 | (chn_en & 0xf)) << (vrlg.CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT - 4)
# data |= (0x10 | (chn_en & 0xf)) << (vrlg.CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT - 4)
data |= (0xf0 | (chn_en & 0xf)) << (vrlg.CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT - 7)
self.x393_axi_tasks.write_control_register(vrlg.CAMSYNC_ADDR + vrlg.CAMSYNC_MODE, data);
def set_camsync_inout(self,
......@@ -2388,8 +2388,8 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
dw.append(("trig_set", vrlg.CAMSYNC_TRIGGERED_BIT, 1, 0, "Set 'trig'"))
dw.append(("master_chn", vrlg.CAMSYNC_MASTER_BIT - 2, 2, 0, "master sensor channel (zero delay in internal trigger mode, delay used for flash output)"))
dw.append(("master_chn_set", vrlg.CAMSYNC_MASTER_BIT, 1, 0, "Set 'master_chn'"))
dw.append(("ts_chns", vrlg.CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT - 4, 4, 1, "Channels to generate timestmp messages (bit mask)"))
dw.append(("ts_chns_set", vrlg.CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT, 1, 0, "Set 'ts_chns'"))
dw.append(("ts_chns", vrlg.CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT - 7, 4, 1, "Channels to generate timestmp messages (bit mask)"))
dw.append(("ts_chns_set", vrlg.CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT - 3, 4, 0, "Sets for 'ts_chns' (each bit controls corresponding 'ts_chns' bit)"))
return dw
def _enc_cmdframeseq_mode(self):
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ module camsync393 #(
parameter CAMSYNC_EXTERNAL_BIT = 'h5, // enable writing ts_external (0 - local timestamp in the frame header)
parameter CAMSYNC_TRIGGERED_BIT = 'h7, // triggered mode ( 0- async)
parameter CAMSYNC_MASTER_BIT = 'ha, // select a 2-bit master channel (master delay may be used as a flash delay)
parameter CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT = 'hf, // per-channel enable timestamp generation
parameter CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT = 'h12, // per-channel enable timestamp generation (4 bits themselves, then for enables for them)
parameter CAMSYNC_PRE_MAGIC = 6'b110100,
parameter CAMSYNC_POST_MAGIC = 6'b001101
......@@ -75,13 +75,13 @@ module camsync393 #(
input mrst, // @ posedge mclk - sync reset
input [7:0] cmd_ad, // byte-serial command address/data (up to 6 bytes: AL-AH-D0-D1-D2-D3
input cmd_stb, // strobe (with first byte) for the command a/d
// 0 - mode: [0] - enable module, 0 reset
// [2:1] +4 - reset ts_snd_en, +6 - set ts_snd_en - enable sending timestamp over sync line
// [4:3] +0x10 - reset ts_external, +'hc - set ts_external:
// 0 - mode: [1:0] - 3 - enable module, 2 - reset 0,1 - NOP
// [3:2] +8 - reset ts_snd_en, +'hc - set ts_snd_en - enable sending timestamp over sync line
// [5:4] +0x20 - reset ts_external, +'h30 - set ts_external:
// 1 - use external timestamp, if available. 0 - always use local ts
// [6:5] +'h40 - reset triggered mode (free running sensor), +'h30 - set sensor triggered mode
// [9:7] +'h200 - set master channel (zero delay in internal trigger mode, delay used for flash output)
// [14:10] +'h4000 - set which channels to generate timestamp messages
// [10:8] +'h400 - set master channel (zero delay in internal trigger mode, delay used for flash output)
// [15:11] +'h8000 - set which channels to generate timestamp messages
// UPDATE now di-bit "01" means "keep" (00 - do not use, 01 - keep, 10 set active 0, 11 - set active 1)
// 1 - source of trigger (10 bit pairs, LSB - level to trigger, MSB - use this bit). All 0 - internal trigger
// in internal mode output has variable delay from the internal trigger (relative to sensor trigger)
......@@ -374,12 +374,18 @@ module camsync393 #(
always @(posedge mclk) begin
if (set_mode_reg_w) begin
if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_EN_BIT]) ts_snd_en <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_EN_BIT - 1];
if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_EN_BIT]) en <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_EN_BIT - 1];
if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_SNDEN_BIT]) ts_snd_en <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_SNDEN_BIT - 1];
if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_EXTERNAL_BIT]) ts_external <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_EXTERNAL_BIT - 1];
if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_TRIGGERED_BIT]) triggered_mode_r <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_TRIGGERED_BIT - 1];
if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_MASTER_BIT]) master_chn <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_MASTER_BIT - 1 -: 2];
if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT]) chn_en <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT - 1 -: 4];
// if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT]) chn_en <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT - 1 -: 4];
// Making separate enables for each channel, so channel software will not disturb other channels
if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT-3]) chn_en[0] <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT - 7];
if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT-2]) chn_en[1] <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT - 6];
if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT-1]) chn_en[2] <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT - 5];
if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT-0]) chn_en[3] <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT - 4];
if (mrst) input_use <= 0;
if (!en) begin
......@@ -4462,7 +4462,12 @@ task set_camsync_mode;
data [CAMSYNC_EXTERNAL_BIT -: 2] = en_ts_external;
data [CAMSYNC_TRIGGERED_BIT -: 2] = triggered_mode;
data [CAMSYNC_MASTER_BIT -: 3] = master_chn;
data [CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT -: 5] = chn_en;
// data [CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT -: 5] = chn_en;
// Apply chn_en[4] as 'set' to all 4 channles (was 4+1 set, now 4 +4 set)
data [CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT-3 -: 5] = chn_en;
data [CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT-2] = chn_en[4];
data [CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT-1] = chn_en[4];
data [CAMSYNC_CHN_EN_BIT-0] = chn_en[4];
write_contol_register(CAMSYNC_ADDR + CAMSYNC_MODE, data);
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