Commit 46d38c5e authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov


parents bee8f297 90a93697
......@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ class X393SensCmprs(object):
def specify_phys_memory(self,
circbuf_chn_size= 0x1000000,
circbuf_chn_size= 0x4000000,
verbose = 1):
@param circbuf_chn_size - circular buffer size for each channel, in bytes
......@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ parameter NUM_INTERRUPTS = 9;
parameter TRIG_PERIOD = 6000 ;
`ifdef HISPI
parameter HBLANK= 92; // 72; // 62; // 52; // 90; // 12; /// 52; //*********************
parameter BLANK_ROWS_BEFORE= 3; // 9; // 3; //8; ///2+2 - a little faster than compressor
parameter BLANK_ROWS_AFTER= 1; //8;
parameter BLANK_ROWS_BEFORE= 9; /// 3; // 9; // 3; //8; ///2+2 - a little faster than compressor
parameter BLANK_ROWS_AFTER= 8; /// 1; //8;
// parameter HBLANK= 12; // 52; // 12; /// 52; //*********************
......@@ -1403,10 +1403,18 @@ assign #10 gpio_pins[9] = gpio_pins[8];
// protect from never end
initial begin
// after 1 frame compressed on all channels
`ifdef HISPI
// #30000;
// #200000;
// #250000;
// #285000;
// #160000;
// #175000;
// #60000;
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