Commit 460a550b authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

adding multiplexer for 4-channels of command sequencers

parent 18addecb
* Module: cmd_seq_mux
* Date:2015-06-29
* Author: andrey
* Description: Command multiplexer from 4 channels of frame-based command
* sequencers.
* Copyright (c) 2015 <set up in Preferences-Verilog/VHDL Editor-Templates> .
* cmd_seq_mux.v is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* cmd_seq_mux.v is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <> .
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module cmd_seq_mux#(
parameter AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS=14
input rst, // global system reset
input mclk, // global system clock
// Sensor channel 0
input [AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS-1:0] waddr0, // write address, valid with wr_en_out
input wr_en0, // write enable
input [31:0] wdata0, // write data, valid with waddr_out and wr_en_out
output ackn0, // command sequencer address/data accepted
// Sensor channel 1
input [AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS-1:0] waddr1, // write address, valid with wr_en_out
input wr_en1, // write enable
input [31:0] wdata1, // write data, valid with waddr_out and wr_en_out
output ackn1, // command sequencer address/data accepted
// Sensor channel 2
input [AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS-1:0] waddr2, // write address, valid with wr_en_out
input wr_en2, // write enable
input [31:0] wdata2, // write data, valid with waddr_out and wr_en_out
output ackn2, // command sequencer address/data accepted
// Sensor channel 3
input [AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS-1:0] waddr3, // write address, valid with wr_en_out
input wr_en3, // write enable
input [31:0] wdata3, // write data, valid with waddr_out and wr_en_out
output ackn3, // command sequencer address/data accepted
// mux output
output reg [AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS-1:0] waddr_out, // write address, valid with wr_en_out
output wr_en_out, // write enable
output reg [31:0] wdata_out, // write data, valid with waddr_out and wr_en_out
input ackn_out // command sequencer address/data accepted
wire [3:0] wr_en = {wr_en3 & ~ackn3, wr_en2 & ~ackn2, wr_en1 & ~ackn1, wr_en0 & ~ackn0};
wire [3:0] pri_one_rr[0:3]; // round robin priority
wire [3:0] pri_one;
reg [1:0] chn_r; // last served channel
wire rq_any;
wire [1:0] pri_enc_w;
reg full_r;
wire ackn_w; //pre-acknowledge of one of the channels
reg [3:0] ackn_r;
assign pri_one_rr[0]={wr_en[3] & ~(|wr_en[2:1]), wr_en[2] & ~wr_en[1], wr_en[1], wr_en[0] & ~(|wr_en[3:1])};
assign pri_one_rr[1]={wr_en[3] & ~ wr_en[2], wr_en[2], wr_en[1] & ~(|wr_en[3:2]) & wr_en[0], wr_en[0] & ~(|wr_en[3:2])};
assign pri_one_rr[2]={wr_en[3], wr_en[2]&~(|wr_en[1:0])&wr_en[3], wr_en[1] & ~ wr_en[3] & wr_en[0], wr_en[0] & ~ wr_en[3] };
assign pri_one_rr[3]={wr_en[3] & ~(|wr_en[2:0]), wr_en[2]&~(|wr_en[1:0]), wr_en[1] & wr_en[0], wr_en[0] };
assign pri_one = pri_one_rr[chn_r];
assign rq_any= |wr_en;
assign pri_enc_w ={pri_one[3] | pri_one[2],
pri_one[3] | pri_one[1]};
assign wr_en_out = full_r;
assign {ackn3, ackn2, ackn1, ackn0} = ackn_r;
assign ackn_w = rq_any && (!full_r || ackn_out);
always @(posedge rst or posedge mclk) begin
if (rst) full_r <= 0;
else if (rq_any) full_r <= 1;
else if (ackn_out) full_r <= 0;
if (rst) ackn_r <=0;
else ackn_r <= {4{ackn_w}} & { pri_enc_w[1] & pri_enc_w[0],
pri_enc_w[1] & ~pri_enc_w[0],
~pri_enc_w[1] & pri_enc_w[0],
~pri_enc_w[1] & ~pri_enc_w[0]};
always @(posedge mclk) begin
if (ackn_w) begin
chn_r <= pri_enc_w;
case (pri_enc_w)
waddr_out <= waddr0;
wdata_out <= wdata0;
waddr_out <= waddr1;
wdata_out <= wdata1;
waddr_out <= waddr2;
wdata_out <= wdata2;
waddr_out <= waddr3;
wdata_out <= wdata3;
...@@ -158,10 +158,29 @@ module x393 #( ...@@ -158,10 +158,29 @@ module x393 #(
wire axird_dev_busy; wire axird_dev_busy;
//TODO: The following is the interface to the frame-based command sequencer (not yet implemnted) //TODO: The following is the interface to the frame-based command sequencer (not yet implemnted)
wire [AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS-1:0] cseq_waddr; /// S uppressThisWarning VEditor ****** command sequencer write address (output to command multiplexer) wire [AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS-1:0] cseq_waddr; // command sequencer write address (output to command multiplexer)
wire cseq_wr_en; /// S uppressThisWarning VEditor ****** command sequencer write enable (output to command multiplexer) - keep until cseq_ackn received wire cseq_wr_en; // command sequencer write enable (output to command multiplexer) - keep until cseq_ackn received
wire [31:0] cseq_wdata; /// S uppressThisWarning VEditor ****** command sequencer write data (output to command multiplexer) wire [31:0] cseq_wdata; // command sequencer write data (output to command multiplexer)
wire cseq_ackn; /// SuppressThisWarning VEditor ****** ackn to command sequencer, command sequencer should de-assert cseq_wr_en wire cseq_ackn; // ackn to command sequencer, command sequencer should de-assert cseq_wr_en
// per-sensor channel command sequencer signals
wire [AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS-1:0] cseq0_waddr; // command sequencer write address (output to command multiplexer)
wire cseq0_wr_en; // command sequencer write enable (output to command multiplexer) - keep until cseq_ackn received
wire [31:0] cseq0_wdata; // command sequencer write data (output to command multiplexer)
wire cseq0_ackn; /// SuppressThisWarning VEditor ****** ackn to command sequencer, command sequencer should de-assert cseq_wr_en
wire [AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS-1:0] cseq1_waddr; // command sequencer write address (output to command multiplexer)
wire cseq1_wr_en; // command sequencer write enable (output to command multiplexer) - keep until cseq_ackn received
wire [31:0] cseq1_wdata; // command sequencer write data (output to command multiplexer)
wire cseq1_ackn; /// SuppressThisWarning VEditor ****** ackn to command sequencer, command sequencer should de-assert cseq_wr_en
wire [AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS-1:0] cseq2_waddr; // command sequencer write address (output to command multiplexer)
wire cseq2_wr_en; // command sequencer write enable (output to command multiplexer) - keep until cseq_ackn received
wire [31:0] cseq2_wdata; // command sequencer write data (output to command multiplexer)
wire cseq2_ackn; /// SuppressThisWarning VEditor ****** ackn to command sequencer, command sequencer should de-assert cseq_wr_en
wire [AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS-1:0] cseq3_waddr; // command sequencer write address (output to command multiplexer)
wire cseq3_wr_en; // command sequencer write enable (output to command multiplexer) - keep until cseq_ackn received
wire [31:0] cseq3_wdata; // command sequencer write data (output to command multiplexer)
wire cseq3_ackn; /// SuppressThisWarning VEditor ****** ackn to command sequencer, command sequencer should de-assert cseq_wr_en
// parallel address/data - where higher bandwidth (single-cycle) is needed // parallel address/data - where higher bandwidth (single-cycle) is needed
wire [AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS-1:0] par_waddr; /// SuppressThisWarning VEditor ****** multiplexed address (full, parallel) to slave devices wire [AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS-1:0] par_waddr; /// SuppressThisWarning VEditor ****** multiplexed address (full, parallel) to slave devices
wire [31:0] par_data; /// SuppressThisWarning VEditor ****** multiplexed data (full, parallel) to slave devices wire [31:0] par_data; /// SuppressThisWarning VEditor ****** multiplexed data (full, parallel) to slave devices
...@@ -290,10 +309,21 @@ module x393 #( ...@@ -290,10 +309,21 @@ module x393 #(
// assign status_test01_start = status_other_start; // assign status_test01_start = status_other_start;
// missing command sequencer: // missing command sequencer:
assign cseq_waddr='bx; // command sequencer write address (output to command multiplexer) assign cseq0_waddr='bx; // command sequencer write address (output to command multiplexer)
assign cseq_wr_en= 0; // command sequencer write enable (output to command multiplexer) - keep until cseq_ackn received assign cseq0_wr_en= 0; // command sequencer write enable (output to command multiplexer) - keep until cseq_ackn received
assign cseq_wdata='bx; // command sequencer write data (output to command multiplexer) assign cseq0_wdata='bx; // command sequencer write data (output to command multiplexer)
assign cseq1_waddr='bx; // command sequencer write address (output to command multiplexer)
assign cseq1_wr_en= 0; // command sequencer write enable (output to command multiplexer) - keep until cseq_ackn received
assign cseq1_wdata='bx; // command sequencer write data (output to command multiplexer)
assign cseq2_waddr='bx; // command sequencer write address (output to command multiplexer)
assign cseq2_wr_en= 0; // command sequencer write enable (output to command multiplexer) - keep until cseq_ackn received
assign cseq2_wdata='bx; // command sequencer write data (output to command multiplexer)
assign cseq3_waddr='bx; // command sequencer write address (output to command multiplexer)
assign cseq3_wr_en= 0; // command sequencer write enable (output to command multiplexer) - keep until cseq_ackn received
assign cseq3_wdata='bx; // command sequencer write data (output to command multiplexer)
...@@ -427,7 +457,7 @@ BUFG bufg_axi_aclk_i (.O(axi_aclk),.I(fclk[0])); ...@@ -427,7 +457,7 @@ BUFG bufg_axi_aclk_i (.O(axi_aclk),.I(fclk[0]));
); );
// Interface to channels to read/write memory (including 4 page BRAM buffers) // Interface to channels to read/write memory (including 4 page BRAM buffers)
// TODO:increase depth, number of NUM_CYCLES - twice?
cmd_mux #( cmd_mux #(
...@@ -473,6 +503,34 @@ BUFG bufg_axi_aclk_i (.O(axi_aclk),.I(fclk[0])); ...@@ -473,6 +503,34 @@ BUFG bufg_axi_aclk_i (.O(axi_aclk),.I(fclk[0]));
.ad_stb (cmd_root_stb) // output .ad_stb (cmd_root_stb) // output
); );
cmd_seq_mux #(
) cmd_seq_mux_i (
.rst (axi_rst), // input
.mclk (mclk), // input
.waddr0 (cseq0_waddr), // input[13:0]
.wr_en0 (cseq0_wr_en), // input
.wdata0 (cseq0_wdata), // input[31:0]
.ackn0 (cseq0_ackn), // output
.waddr1 (cseq1_waddr), // input[13:0]
.wr_en1 (cseq1_wr_en), // input
.wdata1 (cseq1_wdata), // input[31:0]
.ackn1 (cseq1_ackn), // output
.waddr2 (cseq2_waddr), // input[13:0]
.wr_en2 (cseq2_wr_en), // input
.wdata2 (cseq2_wdata), // input[31:0]
.ackn2 (cseq2_ackn), // output
.waddr3 (cseq3_waddr), // input[13:0]
.wr_en3 (cseq3_wr_en), // input
.wdata3 (cseq3_wdata), // input[31:0]
.ackn3 (cseq3_ackn), // output
.waddr_out (cseq_waddr), // output[13:0] reg
.wr_en_out (cseq_wr_en), // output
.wdata_out (cseq_wdata), // output[31:0] reg
.ackn_out (cseq_ackn) // input
// Mirror control register data for readback (registers can be written both from the PS and from the command sequencer) // Mirror control register data for readback (registers can be written both from the PS and from the command sequencer)
cmd_readback #( cmd_readback #(
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